ROAD TRIP! | Travel Research Online



As we roll into fall and the hectic back-to-school season settles, it’s the perfect opportunity to inject a bit of adventure into your clients’ lives with a surprise road trip. We all have some fascinating places within driving distance. Why not channel your inner travel mastermind and create a unique driving getaway that will leave your clients pleasantly stunned? Here are some thoughts.

A Surprise Road Trip

Imagine this: your clients are eager for a weekend escape but are open to surprises. They give you some broad preferences—maybe they love small towns, scenic drives, or historical landmarks—and you, as their travel agent, design a complete road trip itinerary that fits their interests. And the destination remains a mystery until the adventure begins. This approach adds an element of excitement and discovery that can make the trip even more memorable for your client.

Steps to Craft a Memorable Surprise Itinerary

  1. Gather the Clues: Start by having a conversation with your clients about their general preferences. What kind of activities do they enjoy? Are they into outdoor adventures, culinary experiences, or cultural explorations? What is their budget? How long do they want to be gone? This will help you zero in on potential destinations and activities.
  2. Design the Itinerary: With the clues in hand, choose a destination within a comfortable driving distance. Plan a route that includes a mix of scenic drives, interesting stops, and enjoyable activities. Create a flexible itinerary with a fantastic breakfast spot, engaging daytime activities, and a cool place for lunch. Don’t forget to add a few surprises—like a hidden gem of a café or a quirky roadside attraction.
  3. Craft the Surprise: Prepare a travel package with all the necessary details—maps, a packing list, and a brief overview of what to expect. Keep the details a mystery. You might give them a hint or two, but keep the actual details under wraps until the trip begins.
  4. The Big Reveal: Present the surprise to your clients in a fun and creative way. You could create a “mystery envelope” with clues or send them an email with hints about their upcoming adventure. Be sure to include all the essential information they’ll need for casting off on their trip!
  5. Encourage Flexibility: While it’s important to have a plan, remind your clients that part of the charm of a surprise road trip is spontaneity. Allow room for unexpected detours and discoveries. Sometimes, the best moments come from unplanned stops along the way.

Why This Works

A surprise road trip adds extra excitement and personalization to your client’s travel experience. It’s a fantastic way to showcase your expertise while giving them a unique adventure they might not have planned. But most. Importantly, it continues to build that relationship!

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