I wasn’t sure if I wanted to broach this topic, because my thoughts are bound to rub more than a few of you the wrong way. After all, we are living in the year 2022 and stress has become a staple for most people who have blown out more than twelve candles.
This is a topic, however, I feel is worth addressing. We all agree that stress does not flatter us, nor is it something we should be particularly proud of. Stress is the result of outside forces building to a point where we slowly start losing control of our mental and bodily functions.
We are not born with stress, yet we manage to accept it as a daily element of adult existence. I have a problem with that. I think you choose to accept stress and you do so for reasons that make you feel better. Stress has become a badge of honor in America. People talk about it as if the more you have the higher your status in the community. Jobs, co-workers, customers, immediate family, political shenanigans, the weather, the Dow Jones index, and numerous other daily interruptions are easily blamed as the catalyst.
Let me make something clear. Stress is a killer, folks; not unlike cancer or drunk driving. You don’t brag about those two occurrences, yet you brag about your stress levels. Stop it. Stress is the result of losing control over the things you actually can control. Fretting over areas where you have no control is a sign of a lack of emotional intelligence.
The remedy then lies with you maintaining control… of your health, weight, attitude, job, life, family etc. Get control of your decisions again, and your stress will follow suit. (Easier said than done.)
There is one thing you can do immediately to minimize excessive stress. As simplistic as this may sound, I believe it will help put a bounce back in your step sooner rather than later. Stop pretending the world operates differently than it works. If you can manage this mindset and simply allow that which you can’t control to run its course, you will be much happier as your stress level plummets. We are all playing on an imperfect gameboard. Bad things happen to good people. The race does not always go to the strong and the fleet of foot. Sometimes, &*^& happens.
Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club, mike@mikemarchev.com.
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