
United States of America

Overview of United States of America

The Star-Spangled Banner
Photo credit: Free Digital Photos
Billed as the 'land of opportunity', for more than 500 years, people have travelled to the United States of America seeking a better life. The territory was fought over by colonial powers for 300 hundred years, and finally won its independence from Britain in 1783.

Despite the near-annihilation of the Native American population, a bloody civil war, and centuries of ingrained racism (Native Americans were not granted citizenship until 1924 and racial segregation was the norm until as late as the 1950s), the American people have succeeded in forging one of the world's most democratic and tolerant nations. This has resulted in a fascinating melting-pot of cultures, and the undisputed military and economic heavyweight of the world.

A country of this size, with a history this colourful, truly does present endless opportunities for travellers heading stateside. World-famous attractions like the Statue of Liberty in New York City, Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, and the Grand Canyon in Arizona don't even begin to scratch the surface of what the US has to offer visitors.

Depending on where and when you travel, a holiday in the United States can offer sizzling desert mesas, labyrinthine cities, chilly snow-covered forests, tropical jungles, or rolling flower-covered prairies. With an area of roughly 3,794,083 square miles (9,826,630 square km), the US is the perfect place to take long road trips along the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Pacific Coast Highway, or Route 66, gaining a broader understanding of this vast nation along the way.

Whether you want to see the celebrity stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the majestic summit of Pike's Peak, or the world's largest ball of twine in Darwin, Minnesota, the United States has something for everyone.

map of United States of America

Key Facts

English is the most common language spoken but Spanish is often heard in the south-western states.

It is highly recommended that travellers' passports have at least six months' validity remaining after the intended date of departure from them travel destination. A visa is required for short visits unless travellers qualify for entry under the Visa Waiver Program.

The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) enables citizens of certain countries to travel to the US for a stay of up to 90 days without a visa. Visitors under the VWP need to register online three days before travel and have an Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA). This allows the US government to screen all visitors before travel. Visitors entering the country under the VWP must have a machine-readable passport (MRP) that has a barcode on the photo page. Travellers under the VWP must have passports that include biometrics if they wish to enter the country without a visa, which means that passports must contain unique personal data such as fingerprints or iris details. All passports must contain a digital photo image in order to travel visa-free. All visitors to the USA have a photograph and two fingerprints taken by an inkless scanner on arrival, including those travelling visa-free under the VWP.

As part of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI), all travellers travelling between the United States and Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, and the Caribbean region are required to present a passport or other valid travel document to enter or re-enter the United States. If departing from the USA, a valid passport is required by immigration authorities. Immigration officials often apply different rules to those stated by travel agents and official sources.


The official currency is the US Dollar (USD), which is divided into 100 cents. Only major banks exchange foreign currency. ATMs are widespread and credit cards are widely accepted. Banking hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm.

Electrical current is 120 volts, 60Hz. Plugs are mainly the type with two flat pins, though three-pin plugs (two flat parallel pins and a rounded pin) are also widely used. European appliances without dual-voltage capabilities will require an adapter.

Travel to United States of America


Sightseeing in the USA is a lifelong pursuit, due to the vast scale and variety of the attractions on offer. Indeed, the USA is far more than a single country: each state and region has its own character, geography and unique, world-class sights.

Three-quarters of all foreign tourists spend time in California, Florida and New York, while the country's five most visited cities by foreign tourists are in these three states. In between east coast California's beaches, movie glitz and sunny weather and west coast New York's urban thrills and iconic sights, the USA is a country of great diversity: the Creole culture of Louisiana, the wide-open plains of the great Midwest, epic skiing around the Rocky Mountains, the magnificence of the Grand Canyon, and astounding lights of nearby Las Vegas. Offshore Hawaii is a place of irresistible beauty too, and Alaska offers a unique wilderness to explore.

Given all there is to see and do, and the vast distances between them, visitors will need to plan their trip carefully and concentrate on a few areas. Winters (November to February) on the east coast get very cold with plenty of snow, while beaches can get uncomfortably hot over peak summer months of July and August. Travellers should also look out for big national events such as Spring Break (March), Fourth of July, and Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in November), when transport and accommodation get very busy.

Climate in United States of America

The United States of America covers a large region, stretching from east to west across nine time zones. Therefore, it is no surprise that the country has a varied climate, ranging from arctic regions to deserts. California, on the west coast of the US, has a pleasant, Mediterranean climate, and the Pacific Northwest Coast has more of a maritime climate, with cooler summers and mild winters, influenced by westerly winds. The central part of the US has extreme temperature variations and a continental climate, with cold winters and hot summers. The eastern central US tends to be more humid, while the western central US is semiarid. The east side of the country has a continental climate caused by air masses moving from west to east, with hot summers and a prevalence of tornadoes in the Mississippi River area. Florida has the warmest winters on the eastern seaboard. It is recommended that travellers research the climate in the specific state they wish to visit when choosing when to travel.

Health Notes when travelling to United States of America

There are no specific health risks associated with travel within the USA. Medical facilities are excellent, but expensive. Only emergencies are treated without prior payment and treatment can be refused without evidence of insurance or proof of funds. Good medical insurance is essential. Visitors must be fully vaccinated with the primary series of an accepted COVID-19 vaccine to travel to the United States by plane if they are non-U.S. citizens.

Safety Notes when travelling to United States of America

Travel within the United States is generally trouble-free, though travellers should be aware that the US shares with the rest of the world, an increased threat from terrorist incidents. Security has been heightened, particularly at airports. Restrictions on hand luggage apply and travellers are advised to check on the latest situation with airlines in advance. Travellers should also be alert to the dangers of car and street crime in cities and should use common sense and take basic precautions. Hurricanes are common between June and November, putting the southern USA, including the Gulf Coast and the eastern US at risk. There is a risk of wildfires in many dry areas in the US, particularly on the West Coast from March to November.

Customs in United States of America

Laws vary from state to state, including speed limit, fines and punishment. The age at which alcohol may be legally bought and consumed is 21 years.

Duty Free in United States of America

Travellers to the United States who are returning residents of the country do not have to pay duty on articles purchased abroad to the value of $800 provided their stay was longer than 48 hours and their duty-free allowance was not used in the 30-day period prior. For passengers arriving from Samoa, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands, a duty-free allowance of $1,600 is allowed. The following items are included in this: 50 cigarettes and 10 cigars and 150 millilitres (5 fl. oz.) of alcoholic beverages or 150 millilitres (5 fl. oz.) of perfume containing alcohol. Restrictions may apply to goods from Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Burma (Myanmar), Angola, Liberia and Sudan. It is prohibited to import Cuban cigars from any country.

Travellers to the United States who are non-residents do not have to pay duty on the following items: 50 cigars or 200 cigarettes and gifts to the value of $100 provided their stay in the USA is not less than 72 hours and that the allowance has not been used in the preceding six-month period.

Prohibited items for residents and non-residents include meat or meat products, poultry, narcotics, absinthe, plants, seeds, vegetables, fruits, soil, live insects and other living plants or animal pests. Fish is prohibited unless it carries disease-free certification. Wildlife and animals or their by-products carry restrictions. Dairy products and eggs from specified countries are not allowed. Firearms and ammunition are not allowed without the necessary license and permit.

Doing Business in United States of America

In such a large country, filled with so many diverse groups, business practices may differ according to each state, however rarely to any large degree. The East Coast is traditionally more formal than the West Coast, though in states such as California, dress code and conservative appearance are as common as they would be in New York. Punctuality is important throughout the country and it is considered rude to be late for a meeting. Gift-giving is uncommon as it may be construed as bribery. Appropriate titles (Mr, Mrs, Ms) are used upon introduction and until otherwise stated. Americans favour politeness and greetings of 'Hello' and 'How are you?' are often expressed with sincerity. Business hours may vary in each state, but an 8am start and 5pm finish Monday to Friday is the most common with an hour over lunch.

Status and age are not necessarily indicative of seniority, nor do they carry much weight in themselves. Those doing business in the States should be mindful of this fact; foreigners should never make assumptions about someone's position or rank. Best practice is to be respectful to all parties. That said, the US upholds a hierarchal business structure, in which 'the boss' is the ultimate decision-maker. Senior leaders have the power of the last word, and can go against the grain just as easily as they can follow popular opinion. Foreigners should concentrate on winning over this individual, even if the greater group seems unsupportive. Americans value a direct style of communication. In this fast-paced, consumer culture 'time is money', and small-talk is viewed as unnecessary and wasteful. It's best for foreigners to get to the point quickly, speak about issues in a frank and open manner, and to avoid taking offence if someone questions or challenges them outright.

Communication in United States of America

The international country dialling code for the United States is +1. Mobile networks cover most of the country, especially all urban areas, and WiFi is widely available.

Tipping in United States of America

A 15 percent tip is expected by taxi drivers, bartenders, hairdressers and waiters, but travellers shouldn't tip in fast-food or self-service restaurants. In expensive restaurants or for large parties, the tip should be 20 percent of the bill. It is normal to tip staff such as valets and porters in hotels; this is discretionary, although a minimum of $5 is expected. Most services are customarily tipped if the service is good.

Passport/Visa Note

It is highly recommended that travellers' passports have at least six months' validity remaining after the intended date of departure from them travel destination. A visa is required for short visits unless travellers qualify for entry under the Visa Waiver Program.

The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) enables citizens of certain countries to travel to the US for a stay of up to 90 days without a visa. Visitors under the VWP need to register online three days before travel and have an Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA). This allows the US government to screen all visitors before travel. Visitors entering the country under the VWP must have a machine-readable passport (MRP) that has a barcode on the photo page. Travellers under the VWP must have passports that include biometrics if they wish to enter the country without a visa, which means that passports must contain unique personal data such as fingerprints or iris details. All passports must contain a digital photo image in order to travel visa-free. All visitors to the USA have a photograph and two fingerprints taken by an inkless scanner on arrival, including those travelling visa-free under the VWP.

As part of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI), all travellers travelling between the United States and Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, and the Caribbean region are required to present a passport or other valid travel document to enter or re-enter the United States. If departing from the USA, a valid passport is required by immigration authorities. Immigration officials often apply different rules to those stated by travel agents and official sources.

Entry Requirements

Entry requirements for Americans:

US citizens require passports.

Entry requirements for Canadians:

The most important requirement on entering the U.S. is providing proof of Canadian citizenship. A valid Canadian passport is the best document to prove Canadian citizenship and the right to return to Canada. However, several other documents can serve, depending on the mode of transport. Generally, Canadian citizens do not require visitor, business, transit or other visas to enter the United States from Canada, though there are some exceptions.

Entry requirements for UK nationals:

UK nationals require a passport valid for duration of stay. Most passport holders can get an Electronic System for Travel Authorisation (ESTA) through the Visa Waiver Programme, which allows travel to the US for up to 90 days. The VWP includes tourism, certain types of business visit and transit to another country.

Entry requirements for Australians:

Passports must be valid for the period of intended stay. If visiting the US for fewer than 90 days, Australian nationals may be eligible to apply for an Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA), and enter under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP).

Entry requirements for Irish nationals:

Passports must be valid for duration of stay. Irish nationals can get an Electronic System for Travel Authorisation (ESTA) under the Visa Waiver Programme for entry into the United States.

Entry requirements for New Zealanders:

Passports must be valid for duration of stay. New Zealand nationals can get an Electronic System for Travel Authorisation (ESTA) under the Visa Waiver Programme for entry into the United States.

Entry requirements for South Africans:

South Africans must hold a passport valid for duration of stay. A visa is required.

Tourist Offices

United States Tourist Office: http://www.usatourist.com

United States of America Embassies

In Canada:

United States Embassy, Ottawa, Canada: +1 613 688 5335.

In the United Kingdom:

United States Embassy, London, United Kingdom: +44 20 7499 9000.

In Australia:

United States Embassy, Canberra, Australia: +61 2 6214 5600.

In Ireland:

United States Embassy, Dublin, Ireland: +353 1 668 8777.

In New Zealand:

United States Embassy, Wellington, New Zealand: +64 4 462 6000.

In South Africa:

United States Embassy, Pretoria, South Africa: +27 12 431 4000.

Foreign Embassies in United States of America

Canadian Embassy

Canadian Embassy, Washington DC: +1 202 682 1740.

British Embassy

British Embassy, Washington DC: +1 202 588 6500.

Australian Embassy

Australian Embassy, Washington DC: +1 202 797 3000.

Irish Embassy

Irish Embassy, Washington DC: +1 202 462 3939.

New Zealand Embassy

New Zealand Embassy, Washington DC: +1 202 328 4800.

South African Embassy

South African Embassy, Washington DC: +1 202 232 4400.

Travel Advisories

Health Information for Travelers to United States

Content source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Map - United States

CDC Travelers’ Health provides information and health recommendations for US residents traveling internationally. If you live outside the United States and plan to travel here, please check resources in your own country for travel health information.

There are no vaccination requirements for visitors to the United States. For information on US-based infectious disease outbreaks currently being reported by CDC, please see the CDC Current Outbreak List.

For general advice about your trip to the United States, see these additional resources:


Map Disclaimer - The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on maps do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement are generally marked.


The official currency is the US Dollar (USD), which is divided into 100 cents. Only major banks exchange foreign currency. ATMs are widespread and credit cards are widely accepted. Banking hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm.

Exchange rate for 1 USD - U.S. Dollar
0.00 BMD
Bermudan Dollar
0.93 EUR
0.80 GBP
U.K. Pound Sterling
152.99 JPY
Japanese Yen
1.37 CAD
Canadian Dollar
0.91 CHF
Swiss Franc
1.52 AUD
Australian Dollar
39.40 UAH
Ukrainian Hryvnia
443.91 KZT
Kazakhstani Tenge
93,075.00 LBP
Lebanese Pound
4.86 LYD
Libyan Dinar
6.86 BOB
Bolivian Boliviano
0.00 NPR
Nepalese Rupee
0.00 OMR
Omani Rial
0.00 QAR
Qatari Rial
1.35 SGD
Singapore Dollar
10.82 SEK
Swedish Krona
0.00 TTD
Trinidad Tobago Dollar
0.00 VEF
Venezuelan Bolivar
58.11 DOP
Dominican Peso
0.00 HRK
Croatian Kuna
16.95 MXN
Mexican Peso
610.53 XOF
West African CFA Franc
0.00 PGK
Papua New Guinean kina
0.00 BSD
Bahamian Dollar
0.00 FJD
Fiji Dollar
0.00 HNL
Honduran Lempira
133.87 DZD
Algerian Dinar
0.00 MMK
Myanma Kyat
0.00 BWP
Botswana Pula
3.72 PEN
Peruvian Nuevo Sol
938.44 CLP
Chilean Peso
386.84 AMD
Armenia Dram
23.29 CZK
Czech Koruna
17.63 MDL
Moldova Lei
139.89 ISK
Icelandic Krona
12,582.40 UZS
Uzbekistan Sum
3.72 ILS
Israeli New Sheqel
0.71 JOD
Jordanian Dinar
0.00 KWD
Kuwaiti Dinar
38.15 UYU
Uruguayan Peso
0.00 MUR
Mauritian Rupee
0.00 NIO
Nicaraguan Córdoba
10.88 NOK
Norwegian Krone
4.03 PLN
Polish Zloty
3.75 SAR
Saudi Riyal
0.00 LKR
Sri Lanka Rupee
36.79 THB
Thai Baht
3.66 AED
U.A.E Dirham
5.09 BRL
Brazilian Real
4.63 RON
Romanian New Leu
7.81 HKD
Hong Kong Dollar
610.53 XAF
Central African CFA Franc
25,405.70 VND
Vietnamese Dong
878.36 ARS
Argentine Peso
0.00 XCD
East Caribbean Dollar
0.00 GTQ
Guatemalan Quetzal
10.06 MAD
Moroccan Dirham
0.00 BHD
Bahrain Dinar
1.00 PAB
Panamanian Balboa
1.70 AZN
Azerbaijan Manat
3,920.00 COP
Colombian Peso
88.42 KGS
Kyrgyzstan Som
362.00 HUF
Hungarian Forint
10.89 TJS
Tajikistan Ruble
16,073.70 IDR
Indonesian Rupiah
47.95 EGP
Egyptian Pound
1,358.84 KRW
South Korean Won
7,456.52 PYG
Paraguayan Guaraní
4.74 MYR
Malaysian Ringgit
508.31 CRC
Costa Rican Colón
1.67 NZD
New Zealand Dollar
277.87 PKR
Pakistani Rupee
91.39 RUB
Russian Rouble
18.51 ZAR
South African Rand
3.13 TND
Tunisian Dinar
0.00 BBD
Barbadian Dollar
1.82 BGN
Bulgarian Lev
32.33 TRY
Turkish Lira
57.28 PHP
Philippine Peso
32.31 TWD
New Taiwan Dollar
1,164.84 NGN
Nigerian Naira
0.00 XPF
CFP Franc
0.00 GHS
Ghanaian Cedi
0.00 JMD
Jamaican Dollar
0.00 ANG
Neth. Antillean Guilder
0.00 BND
Brunei Dollar
108.90 RSD
Serbian Dinar
7.24 CNY
Chinese Yuan
6.94 DKK
Danish Krone
3.49 TMT
New Turkmenistan Manat
83.42 INR
Indian Rupee
Exchange Rate for
Euro to U.S. Dollar

1 EUR = 1.07 USD

Exchange Rate for
Canadian Dollar to U.S. Dollar

1 CAD = 0.73 USD

Exchange Rate for
U.K. Pound Sterling to U.S. Dollar

1 GBP = 1.26 USD

Exchange Rate for
Australian Dollar to U.S. Dollar

1 AUD = 0.66 USD

Exchange Rate for
New Zealand Dollar to U.S. Dollar

1 NZD = 0.60 USD

Exchange Rate for
South African Rand to U.S. Dollar

1 ZAR = 0.05 USD

Saginaw Airport (MBS)
MBS International Airport

Location: Saginaw The airport is situated in Freeland, Michigan, serving the nearby cities of Midland, Bay City and Saginaw.

map of Saginaw Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Taxis, shuttles and rental cars are available at the airport.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz and National.

Airport Taxis: Travellers can book taxis from Griffin Transit.

Facilities: Airport facilities include ATMs, baggage carts, cable television, infant-changing stations, lost-and-found facilities, a snack bar and newsstand, and vending machines.

Parking: Short-term parking is free for 15 minutes and $2 per half hour thereafter, up to a daily maximum of $12. Long-term parking costs $2 per hour, $8 per day.

Burlington International Airport (BTV)
Burlington International Airport

Location: Burlington The airport is located three miles (5km) east of Burlington.

map of Burlington International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 802 863 2874.

Getting to the city: The airport is connected to Burlington and neighbouring areas by the Chittenden County Transportation Authority's Circular Route 12. Greyhound offers bus services, while car rental and taxi services are also available.

Car rental: Major car hire agencies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Dollar, Enterprise, Budget, Hertz and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available from the airport. Meters start at $2.50, and charge $2.50 per mile. The minimum fare is $7.50, with an airport surcharge of $4 and an additional $1 levied per extra passenger. Uber and Lyft are available.

Facilities: The airport has a yoga studio, a rooftop garden, private rooms for nursing mothers, local food outlets, ATMs, information desks, an Airport history photo exhibit and children's activities. In addition to many relaxing areas, there is also an Observation Tower where travellers can sit back, relax and watch as planes take off against the beautiful backdrop.

Parking: A multi-level covered parking area offers long and short-term parking. Parking is charged at $1 for the first hour and $2 per hour for the next three hours. A daily rate of $12 is charged after four hours.

Kansas City International (MCI)
Kansas City International Airport

Location: Kansas City The airport is situated 21 miles (34km) northwest of Kansas City.

map of Kansas City International

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (816) 243 5237

Transfer between terminals: A free shuttle service is available. Red Buses run between Circle Parking Lots and the three terminals. Bus stops are located outside of each terminal by the signs marked 'Red Inter-Terminal Connection'. Buses arrive approximately every 15 minutes. 'Blue Buses' run between the Economy Parking Lots and the terminals. Bus stops are located on the curbs outside the terminals and are marked with overhead signs. Buses arrive approximately every 20 minutes. All buses are wheelchair-friendly.

Getting to the city: The Metro Bus provides daily transport to the city centre, and shuttle buses link the airport with several hotels in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Taxis and rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, ACE, Fox, Payless, and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxis can be organised from the courtesy telephones in the baggage reclaim areas. Passengers should be sure to give the dispatcher their exact location. Mobile app-based taxi services, such as Uber, are available.

Facilities: Facilities include ATMs, internet access, bars, restaurants, shops, and pet relief areas. Disabled facilities are good but disabled passengers are advised to contact their airline in advance.

Parking: Garage Parking costs $3 for each hour up to a daily maximum of $23. Circle Parking has the same hourly rate, but costs only $15.50 per day. Economy Parking costs $7.50 per day. Free shuttles connect the more distant lots to the terminals.

Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport (ECP)
Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport

Location: Panama City The airport is situated 23 miles (37km) northwest of Panama City, Florida.

map of Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from March to November)

Getting to the city: A variety of taxi and shuttle companies service the airport, and some hotels arrange airport transport for guests. Sunshine Shuttle and Limousine is the premium ground transport provider at the airport. Rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Hertz, National, Enterprise and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Numerous taxi companies and shuttles operate at the airport.

Facilities: Airport facilities include computer work stations, copy and fax services, mailing services, an ATM, a lost and found, a small selection of restaurants and gift shops, a service pet relief area, and the Military Welcome Center.

Parking: Short and long-term parking is available at the airport. The first 20 minutes are free and thereafter it costs about $3 per hour, up to a daily maximum of $11 in the short-term lot and $9 in the long-term lot.

International Falls Airport (INL)
Falls International Airport

Location: International Falls The airport is located three miles (5km) from International Falls, Minnesota.

map of International Falls Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: There is no public transport serving International Falls Airport. However, taxis and car hire are available.

Car rental: Rental cars are available from Avis and Ford.

Airport Taxis: City Cab taxis are available by advance booking.

Facilities: Services are limited, but tourist information and vending machines are available in the terminal.

Parking: International Falls Airport provides free short and long-term parking.

Phoenix Airport (PHX)
Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport

Location: Phoenix The airport is situated four miles (6km) southeast of Phoenix.

map of Phoenix Airport

Time: Local time is GMT -7.

Contacts: Tel: +1 602 273 3300.

Transfer between terminals: The two terminals (Terminals 3 and 4) are connected by a free inter-terminal train system, the PHX Sky Train.

Getting to the city: The PHX SkyTrain transports passengers between terminals, parking lots, and the 44th Street METRO Light Rail, from where it is possible to connect to the city centre, all free of charge. The Valley Metro system, consisting of the Metro Light Rail and a fleet of buses, charges a standard fare. Airport-to-door shuttle vans can also be arranged. Many hotels and resorts provide a free pick-up service for their guests; taxis and mobile app-based taxi services such as Uber are also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Fox, National, Hertz, Payless, and Thrifty, among others.

Airport Taxis: Metered taxis are available outside each terminal.

Facilities: Facilities include shops, restaurants, animal relief areas, ATMs, currency exchange facilities, free WiFi, mailboxes, a chapel, and ground transportation facilities. All terminals are fully wheelchair accessible.

Parking: Parking at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport offers a range of daily maximums depending upon the proximity of the car park to the terminals. Parking lots are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A free cell phone waiting lot is also provided.

Anchorage International (ANC)
Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport

Location: Anchorage The airport is situated about six miles (10km) south of Anchorage.

map of Anchorage International

Time: GMT -9 (GMT -8 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 907 266 2526

Transfer between terminals: There is a free airport shuttle bus between the South (Domestic) Terminal, the North (International) Terminal and the rental car lots.

Getting to the city: The People Mover bus service stops regularly at the airport, taking travellers to downtown Anchorage. It operates between roughly 6am and 11pm daily, at 30-minute intervals. Many hotels offer free airport pick-up services for their guests, and limousines and taxis are also available for hire. Ride-hailing services, such as Uber, are available.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Hertz, National and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available outside both terminals. The ride to downtown Anchorage takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

Facilities: Facilities include ATMs, currency exchange, restaurants, bars, shops, a massage centre, a barbershop, a nursery, mail drop points, a military lounge, a hotel reservations desk and tourist information. Disabled facilities are very good.

Parking: Short-term parking outside the North Terminal (international) is free for the first half hour, then $6 for two hours, and $10 for three hours up to $13 per day and $78 per week (10-day maximum). Short-term parking at the South Terminal (domestic) is slightly more expensive, charging $3 for the first hour, $6 for two hours, and $10 for three hours, up to $16 per day and $96 per week (30-day maximum). Long-term parking is near the South Terminal, costing $13 per day and $78 per week (90-day maximum). The Park, Ride and Fly Lot is the cheapest long-term option; located across from the DOTPF Central Regional Headquarters on International Airport Road, it charges $9 per day, $40 per week, and $100 per month (90-day maximum). The lot is serviced by a free shuttle to both terminals.

Ketchikan Airport (KTN)
Ketchikan International Airport

Location: Ketchikan The airport is situated three miles (5km) northwest of central Ketchikan.

map of Ketchikan Airport

Time: GMT -9 (GMT -8 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: An airport ferry regularly leaves the airport for Ketchikan between 6.15am and 9.30pm. Metered taxis and a public bus service are readily available from the mainland ferry and water taxi docks.

Car rental: Budget car rental is represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Water taxis are available from the airport and many hotels offer complimentary taxi or shuttle services for guests. Taxi cabs meet the airport ferry in Ketchikan.

Facilities: There is a lounge and snack bar in the terminal, as well as free WiFi, rental car desks, a gift shop and a lost and found service.

Parking: Parking is available.

Atlanta International Airport (ATL)
Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport

Location: Atlanta The airport is situated 10 miles (16km) south of downtown Atlanta.

map of Atlanta International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 404 209 1910 or 530 7300.

Transfer between terminals: The two terminals and six concourses are connected by an automated people mover that operates approximately every two minutes. A fifteen minute shuttle ride connects the International Terminal with the Domestic Terminal's ground transportation area.

Getting to the city: The airport is serviced by the trains and buses of the local Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA). Tickets to downtown Atlanta cost $2.50 and the journey takes around 20 minutes. Other options like taxis, shuttles and limousines are all available at the Ground Transportation Center, located near the baggage claim area of the arrival's lobby.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Avis, Alamo, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available at the Ground Transportation Center, located near the baggage claim area of the arrivals lobby. The fixed fare from the airport to downtown Atlanta is $30 and a $2-per-person fee applies for two or more passengers.

Facilities: The airport offers more than 250 concessions for services, food, beverages, and retail shopping. Additional services include currency exchange offices and ATMs, internet access, and meeting rooms. Other facilities include an interfaith chapel, smoking lounges, a post office, nursing stations, and concierge services.

Parking: The airport provides short- and long-term parking. Daily rates vary depending on their distance from the terminal; the hourly parking lots located in front of each terminal are the most convenient parking for picking up or dropping off. There are also daily lots adjacent to the airport's main terminal and economy lots nearby. The Park and Ride lots are the cheapest option and are connected by regular shuttle buses. Electrical vehicle charging stations are available at the airport.

John F Kennedy International Airport

Location: New York City The airport is located 15 miles (24km) southeast of central Manhattan.

map of JFK

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: (718) 244 4444

Transfer between terminals: Passengers can travel between JFK's six terminals for free on the AirTrain, with any travel beyond that incurring various costs.

Getting to the city: Ground Transportation Information is available in the baggage claim, arrival areas of all terminals, providing information on buses, shared-ride vans, and limousines. The AirTrain links the airport to the subway, train, and bus system, which go to the city centre. SuperShuttle Manhattan is a 24-hour, shared, door-to-door service to anywhere between Battery Park and 227th, including all hotels. The service also reaches the boroughs of Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Staten Island. Go Airlink is another rideshare service, providing shuttles that travel between the airport and the city. Similarly, NYC Airporter is an express bus service that transports passengers from JFK to stations such as Grand Central and Penn, and the Port Authority Bus Terminal.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at all terminals include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Hertz, Enterprise, and National. The AirTrain shuttles passengers between the terminals and the car rental offices.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available in front of all six terminals, with the general journey time to Manhattan being around 40 to 60 minutes long. Excluding tolls, the flat fee to Manhattan is around $52, while other approximate fairs include Brooklyn $59 to $64, Queens $28 to $33, Staten Island $67 to $79, and the Bronx $48 to $68. A journey to La Guardia Airport may cost $34 to $39, and Newark Airport $97 to $102, with a $17.50 surcharge. Tipping is customary for good service. Travellers should only use taxis from the taxi dispatch booth and refuse offers from others.

Facilities: All terminals have ATMs, bureaux de change, bars, restaurants, and a wide selection of shops. Travellers will be able to find most services in the terminals, including wifi, medical facilities, information counters, and shoe-shiners.

Parking: JFK has two types of parking. Long-term parking is four miles (6km) from the terminals and served by the free AirTrain. Passengers should allow 30 minutes to reach their terminal. The Central Terminal Area (CTA) parking is adjacent to the terminals and provides daily parking needs. Signs to the parking facilities are colour-coded to indicate their proximity to terminals. A cell phone lot waiting area is located near the airport's entrance for drivers to wait for disembarking passengers, reducing traffic congestion.

La Guardia Airport (LGA)
New York La Guardia Airport

Location: New York City The airport is located eight miles (13km) east of central Manhattan, in the borough of Queens.

map of La Guardia Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: (718) 533 3400

Transfer between terminals: There are two bus routes connecting the four La Guardia Terminals. The Route A Bus is a free service running every 15 minutes, stopping at all terminals in the central terminal area as well as the Marine Air Terminal. Travellers should expect 15 minutes travel time. The free Route B bus runs every 10 to 15 minutes between all four terminals, except the Marine Air Terminal, Delta Shuttle. The journey time is between 5 to 10 minutes.

Getting to the city: Ground Transportation Information is available in the baggage claim, arrival areas of all terminals. All service arrangements can be made at these counters. Public buses service the city and connect with the New York subway; the Q33 and Q47 service Manhattan and Queens. The New York Airport Service Express Bus leaves regularly for all areas in Manhattan. The SuperShuttle Manhattan is a 24-hour, shared door-to-door service that goes to all areas of the city.

Car rental: Car hire companies include Avis, Budget, Dollar, Hertz and National. The Arrivals level of each terminal has either car rental courtesy phones or counters. Free shuttles transport customers between the terminals and the car rental offices.

Airport Taxis: The Welcome Center Ground Transportation Counter is near the baggage claim area, offering information on authorised transportation services. There are taxis available outside each terminal.

Facilities: All terminals have ATMs and currency exchange can be found at the Central and US Airways Terminals, as well as a wide selection of bars, shops and restaurants, but the best choice is at the US Airways, Delta and Central Terminals. There are business facilities at Laptop Lane in the Central Terminal, including meeting rooms, dataports, internet access, fax, phones, printers, and photocopiers. Disabled facilities are good, but those with special needs should ideally contact their airline or travel agent in advance.

Parking: Short-term parking is available next to the terminals. Long-term parking is available in Lot 3, although there are limited spaces. Additional long-term car parking is located very close to the airport and can be accessed by following the 'P' to the airport exit. Express payment machines are located throughout the parking areas. Signs to the parking facilities in the terminal buildings are colour coded to indicate their proximity to the terminals. Free shuttle buses transport passengers to the terminal buildings.

Buffalo Niagara International Airport (BUF)
Buffalo Niagara International Airport

Location: The airport is located 11 miles (18km) from Buffalo.

map of Buffalo Niagara International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (716) 630 6000

Getting to the city: NFTA-Metro Bus and Rail provides public transport to and from the airport, and shuttles, taxis, and rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, and National are all represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: There are a number of taxi companies available at the airport or offering airport pick-ups.

Facilities: There are ATMs, a bureau de change, a barber, an electric-car charging service, an information desk, a shoe-shine service, and a pet-relief area. There are also various bars, shops and restaurants in the terminal. Disabled facilities are good; those with special needs should contact their airline or travel agent in advance.

Parking: The short-term parking lot is adjacent to the terminal building, and costs from $4 per hour with a daily maximum of $23. The long-term parking areas are connected to the terminal by a free shuttle bus service and charge $1 per hour up to 5 hours, with a daily limit of $12 or $10 depending on the parking lot.

Denver International Airport (DEN)
Denver International Airport

Location: Denver The airport is situated 26 miles (42km) east of Denver and is the gateway to the Rocky Mountains.

map of Denver International Airport

Time: GMT -7 (GMT -6 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 303 342 2000.

Transfer between terminals: The underground rail links the Jeppesen Terminal with concourses A, B, and C.

Getting to the city: The RTD bus services connect the airport to the city centre. Tickets cost $10.50 for a one day pass. The bus stop is located at the DEN Transit centre, which may be accessed from the south end of the Jeppeson Terminal. Limousines and taxis are also available for hire. Airport shuttles provide door-to-door services to central locations. Travellers may also obtain ground transportation information at the Ground Transportation Information Counter located on Level 5 of Jeppesen Terminal. Car rental companies are also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Hertz, National, and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available from Jeppesen Terminal Level 5, Island 1, outside doors 507 and 511 (east side), and 506 and 510 (west side). The rate to the city centre starts from $56. Taxi operators include Denver Yellow Cab and Trans Voyage Taxi.

Facilities: Foreign exchange bureaux and ATMs are available throughout the airport. Other facilities include bars, restaurants, duty-free shops, a post office, a massage centre, and tourist information. Travellers can enjoy one of the best collections of public art of any airport. Facilities for the disabled are fully functional, but those with special needs should contact their airline or travel agent in advance.

Parking: There is plenty of parking attached to the terminal. Fees start at $5 per hour for economy parking. Reduced rates are available in the off-site Pike Peak Lot, where the rates are $2 per hour and $8 per day. Shuttles run 24 hours a day, every 10 minutes. There is also parking next to the terminal for picking up and dropping off.

Miami International Airport (MIA)
Miami International Airport

Location: Miami The airport is located eight miles (13km) west of central Miami.

map of Miami International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from March to November).

Transfer between terminals: The three terminals are connected by walkways and trains.

Getting to the city: The airport is well connected to the Miami Intermodal Center (Central Station) by the free MIA Mover electric train. From here numerous services connect to greater Miami. These include the scheduled, local Metrobus; a mass-transit Metrorail system; a fixed rail system designated specifically for downtown Miami and Brickell; and the Tri Rail commuter train, reaching Broward and Palm Beach Counties.

Car rental: Car rental agents operate at the new Miami Intermodal Centre (Central Station), which is connected to the airport by the the free MIA Mover electric train. Companies represented include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, E-Z Rent A Car, Hertz, National, Payless, Royal, Sixt Rent A Car, and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxis and shuttles are available from the arrivals level, outside the baggage claim areas. There are wheelchair-accessible taxis and shuttles available upon request.

Facilities: There are numerous restaurants, bars, cafes and fast food chains available 24 hours. A multitude of shops, including duty-free, are available. The airport also has ATMs, bureaux de change, a chapel, an art gallery, spa services, a yoga room, and a rooftop swimming pool at the airport hotel. Facilities for the disabled are availible.

Parking: Miami International Airport's long-term parking facilities consist of two multi-level parking garages. Short-term parking is available in the same area, near the terminals. Garage parking rates are $6 for the first hour, and $17 for around three hours up to a full day. All vehicles parked in the garage are allowed to stay for a maximum of 60 days.

Palm Beach International Airport (PBI)
Palm Beach International Airport

Location: Fort Lauderdale The airport is located six miles (10km) west of Palm Beach.

map of Palm Beach International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 561 471 7420.

Getting to the city: There is a public bus service, Palm Tran, connecting to various points in the Palm Beach area, departing from Level 1. Shuttles are available to take passengers to West Palm Beach and connect with TriRail, which runs trains to Miami, and the Amtrak station. From there, passengers will find rail services to a number of US cities near and far. Taxis, door-to-door shuttles, and rental cars are available and many hotels provide transport for guests. A few mobile app based taxi services are available, although some are restricted from the airport.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, Thrifty and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxi companies are available and can be booked in advance. Ground transportation desks are located at each end of the terminal.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include bars, shops and restaurants, a spa, ATMs and currency exchange facilities. The Traveler's Service Center on the second floor offers meeting rooms and business facilities, including fax, internet and photocopying. Disabled facilities are good; those with special needs should contact their airline in advance.

Parking: Parking rates at the airport range from $7 a day in the Economy Lot, to $30 a day in the Premium Lot. Parking that is distant from the terminal is serviced by regular shuttle buses. Short-term parking has a maximum charge of $17 a day.

Orlando International Airport (MCO)
Orlando International Airport

Location: Orlando The airport is situated six miles (10km) southeast of Orlando.

map of Orlando International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 407 825 2001

Transfer between terminals: Terminals A and B are within the same builiding. The crossing between the terminals is on level 3.

Getting to the city: Public transport facilities are to be found on the Ground Transportation Concourse on Level 1 of Terminal 1. Lynx buses numbers 11, 42, 51, and 111 depart around every 30 minutes, between 5.30am and 10.30pm, for downtown Orlando, the trip taking about 40 minutes and costing $2. Many hotels provide free shuttles for guests. Taxis are available on Level 1 on both the A and B sides of the Main Terminal, and may carry up to nine passengers with metered rates. Cruise passengers may also check with their cruise line, as some offer direct transfers to the port.

Car rental: Numerous major car hire companies are represented at the airport, including Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar and National. The rental car companies are located on the A-Side and B-Side of the terminal on the Ground Transportation Level (Level 1).

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available on Level 1 on both the A and B sides of the Main Terminal, and may carry up to nine passengers with metered rates. On average a one-way trip will cost $14 to $18.

Facilities: Passenger services at the airport include ATMs, currency exchange, information centres, an interfaith chapel, and postal services. There are a wide variety of bars, restaurants, and shops, including duty free. The Kennedy Space Center, Disney, Universal Studios, and Sea World all have their own branded shops.The terminal top parking garage is one of the highest points in Orlando, providing a clear view of downtown Orlando and its nightly fireworks display. Facilities for the disabled are good; those with special needs should contact their airline in advance.

Parking: Orlando International Airport has a number of parking options ranging from the cost free North and South Cell Phone Lot used to pick-up, drop-off passengers, to the Terminal Top parking lot and the Parking Garage A and B which have rates of $2 for 40 minutes and $1 for each additional 20 minutes. The daily maximum is $17. The two economy lots, serviced by regular airport shuttles, cost just $10 per day.

Fort Lauderdale International Airport (FLL)
Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport

Location: Fort Lauderdale The airport is located 26 miles (42km) north of Miami and six miles (10km) from downtown Fort Lauderdale.

map of Fort Lauderdale International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 954 359 1200

Transfer between terminals: Free shuttles ferry passengers between the terminals from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., seven days a week. If changing terminals, travellers may have to go through security again.

Getting to the city: Shared shuttle vans with GO Airport Shuttle can be booked at the transportation desks located in each terminal. They offer a door-to-door service from the airport to most local destinations. Broward County Transit (BCT) bus services and TriRail feeder buses operate from bus stops outside the terminal buildings. The TriRail train service connects the airport with Miami-Dade County. Taxis are available outside each terminal. Many major rental car companies are located at the Rental Car Centre.

Car rental: Car rental companies, such as Avis, Budget, Dollar, National, and Hertz are located at the Rental Car Centre. Passengers arriving at Terminal 1 should follow the signs to the Concourse B Pedestrian Bridge. All other terminals have a shuttle bus service located on the baggage claim level that ferries passengers to the Rental Car Centre.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available from the lower level outside each terminal. Rate comparison charts are posted at the Transportation Booths located outside the baggage claim area of each terminal.

Facilities: There are ATMs, currency exchanges, shops, bars, and restaurants throughout the airport. Each terminal has a business centre, with fax and photocopy facilities available in the Terminal 2 business centre. Disabled facilities are good; those with special needs should contact their airline in advance. There are also pet relief areas and medical services.

Parking: There is ample short and long-term parking available adjacent to the terminal. Hourly parking is charged at $3 every hour up to $36 per day, and daily rates are similar with a daily limit of $15. The Palm and Hibiscus parking garages are also convenient and connected to all four terminals.

Bishop International Airport (FNT)
Bishop International Airport

Location: Flint The airport is situated about five miles (8km) from downtown Flint.

map of Bishop International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Taxis and rental cars are available.

Car rental: Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, National, Alamo, Dollar and Thrifty are represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: At least three taxi companies service the airport. Generally taxis can be found waiting outside the terminal, but they can be ordered by phone if necessary.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a business centre, an ATM, a bar and lounge, two restaurants, shoe-shine services, and a few shops.

Parking: Short-term parking costs $2 per half hour, up to a daily maximum of $15. Long-term parking costs $4 per hour, up to a daily maximum of $10. In the Economy Lots the daily rate is $8, and a free shuttle transports passengers to the terminal every five minutes.

Jacksonville International Airport (JAX)
Jacksonville International Airport

Location: Jacksonville The airport is situated 14 miles (23km) north of downtown Jacksonville.

map of Jacksonville International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 904 741 4902

Getting to the city: All ground transportation services, including rental car agencies, taxi, and limousine services, are located on the lower level of the terminal building, adjacent to baggage claim. Some hotels offer pick-up services, and shuttle companies offer a door-to-door service to nearby destinations. These services should be booked in advance, if possible.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented include Avis, Alamo, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Gator City Taxi is the official taxi company serving the airport. It is a good idea to book a taxi at the desk in the terminal and enquire about rates beforehand, as the drivers have been known to overcharge tourists.

Facilities: The airport has numerous ATMs, bars, cafes, restaurants and shops. There is a nursing room, a spa, an art gallery, a pet relief area, and a meditation room available at the airport. There are also fax and photocopy facilities available.

Parking: Parking in all lots is charged at $2 per 30 minutes. Daily rates start from $22 in the Hourly Lot, $18 in the Daily Lot, $11 in the Daily Surface Lot, and $6 in Economy Lots 1 and 2.

Tampa International Airport (TPA)
Tampa International Airport

Location: The airport is located nine miles (14km) west of downtown Tampa.

map of Tampa International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 904 741 4902

Getting to the city: Shared passenger van services as well as several city buses travel to Tampa and other destinations. The local HART bus stop is located at the Rental Car Center. Taxi services are available outside the Baggage Claim Level.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at the airport include Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, Alamo and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxis from Yellow Cab and United Cab are available curbside outside all the baggage claim areas. The minimum airport fee is $19 and the flat rate fee to downtown Tampa and the cruise terminal is $29.

Facilities: The airport has a bank, ATMs, currency exchange facilities, a shopping mall, and several restaurants, bars, and cafes. The Airport Marriott (located in the terminal) has its own business centre and conference rooms. Disabled facilities are good; those with special needs should advise their airline in advance.

Parking: Short-term parking at Tampa International is located above the terminal. The first 60 minutes is free. Then it costs $4 for up to 80 minutes and $2 per 20 minutes thereafter, with a daily maximum of $22. In the long-term lot the daily maximum is $18, and in the economy lot the daily maximum is $10. Walkways, a monorail, or free shuttles connect the parking lots to the terminal, depending on distance.

Southwest Florida International (RSW)
Southwest Florida International Airport

Location: Fort Myers The airport is located 17 miles (27km) southeast of Fort Myers.

map of Southwest Florida International

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 239 590 4800

Getting to the city: LeeTran provides public transportation between 7.25am and 9.25pm on weekdays, on an hourly basis to a transfer point located at Daniels Parkway and U.S. 41, where connections can be made to the remainder of the LeeTran routes. Many hotels in the area offer a shuttle bus service to and from the airport. Taxis and limousines are also available.

Car rental: Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National and Thrifty are all represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Taxis operate on a fixed fare system and can be ordered from the transportation booths located within the terminal building. Fares are calculated on a zone system and for a maximum of three passengers. A $10 surcharge is levied for each additional passenger.

Facilities: The airport has ATMs, a currency exchange office and several cafes, restaurants and bars. The business centre on Level 2 offers fax and photocopy facilities, laptop connections and internet access. Disabled facilities are good; those with special needs should contact their airline in advance.

Parking: Short-term parking is available directly in front of the terminal and costs $2 for the first 20 minutes (after the initial 20 minutes of free parking), $3 for the first hour and a daily rate of $18. Long-term parking is farther away and connected by a free shuttle service. Long-term parking costs $2 per hour and $11 per day.

Honolulu International Airport (HNL)
Daniel K. Inouye International Airport

Location: Honolulu The airport is located on Oahu Island about six miles (10km) west of downtown Honolulu and nine miles (15km) west of Waikiki Beach.

map of Honolulu International Airport

Time: Local time is GMT -10

Contacts: Airport information desk: +1 808 836 6413.

Transfer between terminals: The three terminals are connected by shuttle buses and outdoor walkways.

Getting to the city: There are several city bus services that follow different routes and schedules connecting to central Waikiki. Many hotels offer pick-up services and the The Roberts Hawaii Express Shuttle offers affordable, on-demand, island-wide transfer services from honolulu international airport.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at the airport include Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz and National. Some other car rental companies are located off-site and provide buses to ferry passengers to their offices; it's worth checking the rental companies' location before booking.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available; the ride to Waikiki takes around 20 minutes and has a metered fare of about $40 to 45. Fares may be slightly more if it's rush hour or peak travel time.

Facilities: The airport is well supplied with restaurants, bars and shops, including duty free. There are ATMs and bureaux de change throughout the airport terminals, a massage centre, a hairdresser and a nearby hotel, which offers shower facilities and rooms charged by the hour. The business centre in the main lobby offers fax, internet and photocopy services. Facilities for the disabled are good; those with special requirements should contact their airline in advance.

Parking: There is parking located near each terminal. The first half hour costs $1 and a full hour costs $3. The maximun daily charge is $18 per day. There is an economy lot, which charges $15 per day. Monthly parking is available for $300.

Salt Lake City International (SLC)
Salt Lake City International Airport

Location: Salt Lake City The airport is situated eight miles (13km) northwest of Salt Lake City.

map of Salt Lake City International

Time: GMT -7 (GMT -6 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 801 575 2400

Transfer between terminals: The terminals and concourses are connected by moving walkways.

Getting to the city: The TRAX Light Rail train stop is located at the south end of Terminal One, and bus stops are located on the curb outside the Welcome Center in the same area, as well as outside Terminal Two. A train departs for the city every 15 minutes on weekdays and every 20 minutes on weekends. Buses operate every day with a more limited weekend service. Taxis, hotel shuttles, rental cars, and limousines are also available.

Car rental: Car hire companies at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, Payless, and Thrifty, with some companies off-site connected via shuttle.

Airport Taxis: Taxi booths are located outside of Door 7 in Terminal One, and Door 11 in Terminal Two.

Facilities: There are currency exchange facilities and ATMs. Facilities for the disabled are excellent. Other facilities include restaurants and bars, shops (including duty-free), shoe shiners, bookstores, spas, courtesy hotel reservation telephones, and a tourist information desk.

Parking: Hourly and paily darking is provided in a lot within walking distance of the terminals, costing $5 per hour, up to a daily maximum of $35. Economy Parking is serviced by a free shuttle and costs $10 per day.

Las Vegas Airport (LAS)
Harry Reid International Airport

Location: McCarran airport is located five miles (8km) south of the Las Vegas Strip.

map of Las Vegas Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 702 261 5211.

Transfer between terminals: Terminals 1 and 3 are connected by free shuttle buses.

Getting to the city: There are regular buses going to and from the airport, downtown Las Vegas and The Strip, dropping off at most hotels; buses 108 and 109 connect to the Downtown Transportation Center and the South Strip Transfer Terminal. Shuttle services are available on the west side of the baggage claim area of Terminal 1, outside exits 7 to 13.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at the airport include Avis, Budget, Dollar, National, Enterprise, Advantage, Thrifty, Payless, Rent-a-Car, Alamo, and Hertz. Rental agencies provide free transportation between their parking lots and the terminal buildings.

Airport Taxis: There are taxis available outside Arrivals at Harry Reid International Airport, on the east side of baggage claim outside door exits 1 to 4. The meter starts at $2 when departing the airport.

Facilities: Harry Reid International Airport has a number of shops, bars and restaurants, and of course lots of slot machines. There are ATMs, a full-service bank, and currency exchange facilities in Arrivals and Departures. There is also a children's play area, shoe-shiners and information booths.

Parking: Short-term parking at Harry Reid International Airport starts at $2 per hour for the first three hours, then increases to $3 per hour up to a daily limit of $36. Long-term parking is $3 for the first hour and $1 per hour thereafter up to $16 per day. A free shuttle bus links the remote car park with the terminals.

Chicago O'Hare International (ORD)
O'Hare International Airport

Location: Chicago Chicago O'Hare is located 17 miles (27km) northwest of Chicago.

map of Chicago O'Hare International

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: (800) 832 6352

Transfer between terminals: A free automated rail system, the Airport Transit System connects all terminals.

Getting to the city: Blue Line trains run every few minutes between the airport and downtown Chicago 24 hours a day; the journey takes around 50 minutes. For safety reasons travellers are advised against using the Blue Line at night. Travellers can also use the Pace bus service to get to downtown Chicago. Taxi ranks are situated outside the arrivals hall in each of the airport terminals; the fare is around $40 for the 30 to 45 minute journey from the airport to downtown Chicago.

Car rental: Companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: There are plenty of metered taxis outside, and a taxi to the centre of Chicago takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes and costs about $40. But be prepared to pay twice as much during rush hour.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include restaurants, bars, shops, duty-free shopping, bureaux de change, a bank, and ATMs. The Hilton Health Club provides a health club, sauna, steam room, and massage. There is a medical centre, baby-change facilities, a play area, and a 24-hour interfaith chapel. There are also many airport art exhibits to view as well as the Urban Garen, the first aeroponic garden in the world.

Parking: Parking at Chicago O'Hare is divided into the main lots, international lots, economy lots, and valet lots, with an additional free Cell Phone Lot for pick-ups and drop-offs. Fees range from around $3 per hour at the main lots, or $6 for two hours at the international lot, to $17 per day in the economy lots. Valet parking is also available.

Los Angeles International (LAX)
Los Angeles International Airport

Location: Los Angeles The airport is situated 18 miles (29km) southwest of Los Angeles.

map of Los Angeles International

Time: GMT –8 (GMT -7 from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 310 646 5252.

Transfer between terminals: A free shuttle bus carries passengers between terminals.

Getting to the city: A free shuttle bus service runs to the Metro Rail Green Line Aviation Station from the lower level of each terminal. Another shuttle connects to the Bus Center, from where city buses serve the Los Angeles area. Prime Time Shuttle and Super Shuttle are both shared-ride van services; reservations are recommended. Some hotels also offer transport. Ride-hailing taxi services, like Uber, are also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Hertz and Thrifty. Vehicle rental sites are located off the airport property, but travellers can request a free shuttle pick-up to reach the rental car sites.

Airport Taxis: There are taxis available outside the lower level of the airport. Passengers receive a ticket stating the typical fare to major destinations. Airport authorized taxis display an official seal and passengers who use an unauthorized taxi service do so at their own risk. Ride-hailing taxi services, such as Uber, are also available.

Facilities: Passenger services at the airport include ATMs and currency exchange, a business centre, mobile charging stations, baggage storage, shops, restaurants and bars.

Parking: The airport offers short and long-term parking and its car parks are connected to the terminals by the LAX shuttle bus. There is also a Cell Phone Waiting Lot. Parking is charged at $5 for the first hour and $4 per half hour thereafter, up to $40 per day. The Economy Lot is $4 for the first hour and $4 per hour after that up to $12 per day.

San Francisco International (SFO)
San Francisco International Airport

Location: San Francisco The airport is situated 14 miles (23km) south of San Francisco.

map of San Francisco International

Time: GMT –8 (GMT –7 from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 800 435 9736

Transfer between terminals: The AirTrain light rail service operates on two lines: the Red Line connects all terminals, garages and the BART Station; and the Blue Line connects to the rental car centre. However, the AirTrain does not provide service to the airport's long-term parking lot.

Getting to the city: The Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Rapid Rail service connects the airport to the city centre, and provides a connection to the Caltrain commuter rail service at Milbrae Station, from where trains leave regularly to downtown San Francisco and San Jose. SamTrans Service, bus 292, leaves every 30 minutes for the city centre and suburbs. There are also shared vans, which provide a door-to-door service and are cheaper than taxis. Reservations are sometimes needed for service after 11pm. Ride-hailing services, like Uber, are also available.

Car rental: The AirTrain links the terminals to the rental car centre. Car rental companies include Alamo, Avis, Budget, National, Thrifty and Hertz.

Airport Taxis: Taxis cost from about $47 to $67 for a half hour ride to the city centre, although these rates are very dependent on traffic. Airport employees are available at the taxi pick up area, outside all terminals, to help passengers. Taxi drivers will expect a tip.

Facilities: There are banks, bureaux de change and ATMs available. Facilities for the disabled are very good. Other facilities include baggage storage, a medical clinic, bars and restaurants, duty-free, shops, childcare and baby changing facilities, mailboxes, WiFi, tourist information and hotel reservations. There is also a museum, library, art gallery and an aviation history museum within the terminal.

Parking: Rates for short-term parking start at $2 per 15 minutes and increase to $36 per 24 hours. Other daily rates available range from $36 per day in the international parking area to $18 per day in the long-term lot.

San Diego International Airport (SAN)
San Diego International Airport

Location: San Diego The airport is situated two miles (3km) northwest of San Diego.

map of San Diego International Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 619 400 2404.

Transfer between terminals: A free Airport Loop shuttle service operates between the terminals at frequent intervals.

Getting to the city: Amtrak and Coaster community train services connect San Diego International Airport to the city centre as well as neighbouring cities. City Bus Public transit number 992 leaves the airport for the city centre every 15 minutes on weekdays and every 30 minutes on weekends between 5am and 11.30pm, and regular fare costs $2.50, with concessions available. It goes directly to the airport, and also connects with train services. A host of shuttle and taxi companies are available for rides into downtown; shared shuttle vans offer door-to-door services and are usually a cheaper alternative to taxis.

Car rental: All car rental pick-ups and drop-offs take place at the Car Rental Center. There is a free shuttle that travels between the Car Rental Center and all of the terminals.

Airport Taxis: A variety of taxi companies service San Diego Airport, departing from the Transportation Plazas, which are indicated by signs in the airport.

Facilities: Lifts, bathrooms and telephones cater for the disabled. Currency exchange and ATMs are available. Other facilities include bars and restaurants, ATMs, shoeshine services, shops, several airport club rooms and lounges, spas, tourist information and bicycle lockers.

Parking: Parking rates begin at $2.50 for half an hour and climb to a daily rate of $32. Travellers can choose between different parking options; shuttles are available from all lots to the airport.

Kahului Airport (OGG)
Kahului Airport

Location: The airport is located three miles (5km) northeast of Kahului Town in Maui.

map of Kahului Airport

Time: Local time is GMT -10.

Contacts: Tel: +1 808 872 3830.

Getting to the city: Maui County operates a public transit system from the airport which operates daily. The Maui Bus stops at marked locations fronting the terminal; Route 40 (Upcountry Islander) operates every 90 minutes between 6am and 10.11pm, while Route 35 (Haiku Islander) operates every 90 minutes between 5.30am and 9.40pm.

Car rental: Car rental agencies include Thrifty, Avis, Hertz, National, Enterprise, Dollar, Budget and Alamo.

Airport Taxis: Airport taxis are located fronting the baggage claim area and are metered.

Facilities: Kahului Airport features shops, restaurants, customer service, an information desk and ATMs.

Parking: Parking lots are located near the terminal. Parking is free for the first 15 minutes, $1 for the first 30 minutes, $2 for the second 30 minutes and $2 per hour thereafter up to a daily maximum of $15.

Louisville International Airport (SDF)
Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport

Location: Louisville The airport is located six miles (10km) from central Louisville.

map of Louisville International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 502 368 6524

Getting to the city: TARC buses travel to Louisville city centre at regular intervals. Details on routes and schedules are available at the information desk. Many area hotels provide courtesy shuttles for guests.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Hertz, Enterprise, National and Thrifty. Car hire desks are in the baggage claim area.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available at the traffic island on the left of the taxi stand.

Facilities: There are a number of ATMs, shops, cafes and restaurants in the terminal. There is also a bank, bureau de change and shoeshine service. Disabled facilities are good; those with special needs are advised to inform their airline in advance.

Parking: Short-term parking is on Level 2 to 4 of the garage, and costs $2 for the first hour, and $2 for each hour thereafter up to a daily maximum of $13, and a weekly rate of $78. The surface lot has long-term parking, charged at $9 per day and $54 per week. The express shuttle lot offers long-term parking at $6 a day or $36 a week, and has a two-hour grace period with no charge.

New Orleans International (MSY)
Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport

Location: New Orleans The airport is situated 15 miles (24km) west of downtown New Orleans.

map of New Orleans International

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Information desk: (504) 303 7500

Getting to the city: The Jefferson Transit Authority (JET) and the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) provide bus service to Downtown New Orleans from the airport. Bus service is available from the outer curb outside Level 3 Ticket Lobby. The Airport Shuttle ticket booths are located in the baggage claim area on the lower level.

Car rental: Numerous car rental companies are represented at the airport, including Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, National, Dollar, Payless and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: There are taxis available on the lower level outside the baggage claim zone.

Facilities: Banks offer foreign money exchange, ATMs and a host of other banking and business services. Internet access is available, as well as duty-free shopping, gift shops, a post office, advance baggage check-in and a visitor information service. Facilities for the disabled are good. There are a number of restaurants in the terminal and concourses. Smoking is prohibited in the main terminal building; however, there are designated smoking locations on the upper and lower ramps outside the terminal.

Parking: Short-term parking at Louis Armstrong International Airport starts at $2 for the first hour and $2 for every half hour thereafter up to a daily limit of $22. Long-term parking charges are similar, but with a daily maximum of $20. The airport's remaining two lots charge $18 and $12 dollars for 24 hours respectively.

Baltimore-Washington Airport (BWI)
Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport

Location: Baltimore The airport is situated 10 miles (16km) south of Baltimore and 30 miles (48km) north of Washington.

map of Baltimore-Washington Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4, from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (410) 859 7111

Transfer between terminals: There are five concourses (A to E) within the large terminal building. All concourses are connected in the terminal by walkways, but time should be allowed in order to transfer from one concourse to another when catching a flight.

Getting to the city: The MARC train station services both central Baltimore and Washington, D.C., connected to the terminal via shuttle buses. A light rail service is also available to downtown Baltimore, Timonium, and Hunt Valley. The BWI Marshall Light Rail Station is located immediately outside the lower level of the terminal building, adjacent to Concourse E. The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) has a bus service to the Greenbelt Metro Station, which connects to metro stations throughout Washington, D.C., Virginia, Montgomery, and Prince Georges Counties. There are two WMATA Bus Stops. One is located on the lower level of the International Concourse and the other stop is located on the lower level of Concourse A/B.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Hertz, National, Alamo, Enterprise, Nextcar, Payless, and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: The taxi stand, BWI Airport Taxi, is located just outside of the baggage claim area of the lower level of the terminal. The journey to Baltimore takes approximately 20 to 25 minutes while the journey to Washington, D.C., will take around 45 minutes.

Facilities: There are restaurants, bars, shops, duty-free, and ATMs throughout the airport. Other facilities include currency exchange desks, postal services, a meditation room, and the historical Benson Hammond House. Facilities for the disabled are good.

Parking: Short and long-term parking is available at the airport. The Hourly Garage charges $4 per hour, with a daily maximum of $22. The Daily Garage charges $12 per day; the Express Parking area charges $10 per day; and the Long-Term Parking area charges $8 per day. The long-term lots are served by shuttles.

Peoria International Airport (PIA)
General Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport

Location: Peoria The airport is situated six miles (10km) west of the city of Peoria.

map of Peoria International Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Taxis, airport shuttles and rental cars are available at the airport. CityLink buses on Route 7 (the Garden Route) access Peoria International Airport between roughly 6.30am and 6pm on weekdays, and between 8.30am and 5pm on Saturdays. Late night access is offered via bus Route 13. Uber and other similar mobile app based taxi services are also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz and National.

Airport Taxis: Several taxi companies service the airport.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a restaurant, a bar, vending machines, children's play areas, a conference suite, an ATM, a lost and found, and a visitor information kiosk.

Parking: Parking is free at Peoria International Airport. Free airport shuttle buses transport passengers from the parking lot to the terminal if necessary.

Minneapolis-St Paul International (MSP)
Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport

Location: Minneapolis-St Paul The airport is situated 12 miles (19km) from Minneapolis and 8 miles (13km) from St Paul.

map of Minneapolis-St Paul International

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 612 726 5800.

Transfer between terminals: The airport's two terminals are linked by covered walkways, shuttles, and a free light rail.

Getting to the city: A Ground Transportation information booth provides passengers with information and directions. City buses leave from the Lindbergh Terminal to both Minneapolis and St Paul. A light rail operates between the airport, downtown Minneapolis and Mall of America. SuperShuttle provides a shared van door-to-door service to the local cities and towns. Taxis are also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz and National. Shuttle buses to the off-site rental companies are accessible from the Transit Center.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available at both terminals. The journey from the airport to Minneapolis is approximately 12 miles (19km), costing $39 to 49; and to St Paul is around 8 miles (13km), costing $31 to 38. To reach the taxi booth from the Lindbergh Terminal, passengers should cross through the Tram Level (Level T) toward the parking ramp and go up one level.

Facilities: North Star Crossing in the Lindbergh Terminal is a collection of numerous shops, restaurants, and food courts. Other facilities include ATMs and bureaux de change, duty-free, and a children's play area. Business centres situated throughout the airport offer internet, fax, and photocopying services. Wireless internet access is also provided. The nearby Hilton hotel offers its rooms and gym facilities at day rates. Disabled facilities are good. Those with special needs should contact their airline in advance.

Parking: Parking for the Humphrey Terminal is in the orange and purple ramps; Lindbergh Terminal parking is in the blue, green, red, and gold ramps. All parking is connected to the terminals via skyways. Short-term parking is $5 for the first hour and $3 per hour thereafter up to $26 per day. Value parking in the orange ramp is $19 per day, connected to the Humphrey Terminal by skyway and the Lindbergh Terminal by light rail.

Detroit Airport (DTW)
Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport

Location: Detroit The airport is located 20 miles (32km) southwest of downtown Detroit.

map of Detroit Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 734 147 7678.

Transfer between terminals: 'Terminal-to-Terminal' vans provide a free shuttle service between the two terminals.

Getting to the city: SMART public buses connect to central Detroit from the lower level near the Ground Transportation offices at the North Terminal. Taxis and sedan services are also available. There are car hire companies represented at the airport. It takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes to the city centre by car or taxi, and about 45 minutes by bus.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: MetroCars and MetroCabs are available from the airport, and should take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to the city centre.

Facilities: The main concentration of restaurants, bars, cafes, and fast food outlets are in the McNamara Terminal, although the other terminal also has bars and eateries. There are numerous shops located throughout the airport, including duty-free. ATMs, wireless internet and bureaux de change are available in both terminals. The on-site hotel offers conference and business facilities. Disabled facilities are good; those with special needs should inform their airline in advance.

Parking: There is plenty of parking at Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport, starting at $4 per half hour. Daily rates are available for $14 in the Green Lot, the cheapest long-term option. There is a free shuttle service from the parking lots to the terminal buildings.

Jackson International Airport (JAN)
Jackson–Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport

Location: Jackson Mississippi The airport is a 10-mile (16km) drive east of downtown Jackson.

map of Jackson International Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 601 939 5631.

Getting to the city: There is no reliable public transport to the city, though taxis and shuttle services are available, as are rental cars.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at the airport include Avis, Enterprise, Budget, Hertz, National, Alamo, Thrifty, Payless and Dollar. All car hire companies have desks on Terminal Level 1 across from baggage claim.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are undoubtedly the most convenient way to travel from the airport into downtown Jackson. Travellers should simply hail a taxi outside Arrivals; the meter should be turned on for the duration of the journey.

Facilities: The airport has ATMs, shops, cafes and restaurants. Disabled facilities are good; those with special requirements should inform their airline in advance. A Disabled Passenger Shuttle Service is available 24 hours a day to transport those with special needs around the airport.

Parking: Long and short-term parking is available. The parking garage charges $16 per day, while the surface lot is $14 per day. The long-term lot is only $10 per day, and is connected to the terminal via a complimentary shuttle.

Atlantic City International (ACY)
Atlantic City International Airport

Location: New Jersey Shore The airport is situated 13 miles (21km) from Atlantic City.

map of Atlantic City International

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: (609) 645 7895

Getting to the city: A regular Jitney Shuttle connects the airport to various Atlantic City destinations. Taxis are also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Avis, Budget, Enterprise, and Hertz, all located in the baggage claim area.

Airport Taxis:

Facilities: The airport has limited facilities. There is a few restaurants and bars. On the lower level, there is an ATM, as well as a gift shop, information desk, and WiFi on the second floor.

Parking: A multilevel parking garage and surface parking lot are located next to the terminal. Short-term parking is charged at $2 per hour and $20 per day. Garage parking is $13 per day and there is an economy lot at $10 per day, connected to the terminal by a free shuttle service.

Departure Tax: None.

Newark Liberty International (EWR)
Newark Liberty International Airport

Location: The airport is located two miles (3km) south of Newark, 15 miles (24km) southwest of New York.

map of Newark Liberty International

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: (973) 961 6000

Transfer between terminals: The AirTrain provides a free connection between the three terminals, which are also within easy walking distance.

Getting to the city: Newark Liberty International Airport offers travellers a wide range of ground transportation services. There are taxis, buses, shuttles, and limousines available in front of and beside all three terminals. Information counters, located on the lower baggage claim level of all three terminals, provide information and reservations for buses, shared-ride vans, and limousines. The AirTrain connects to NJ Transit or Amtrak trains, which service New Jersey and New York destinations. New Jersey Transit buses follow a number of routes to destinations in New Jersey and to Penn Station in Newark. Bus 107 provides a daily service to New York City. The Olympic Airport Shuttle leaves regularly for Ocean and Monmouth counties in New Jersey. SuperShuttle Manhattan is a shared minibus service, which goes to all areas of Manhattan, Queens, and Bronx, including hotels. The Newark Liberty Airport Express services New York City.

Car rental: There are several car companies at the airport, including Advantage, Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, FlightCar, Hertz, National, Payless, and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis:

Facilities: All terminals have ATMs and bureaux de change, a wide selection of bars, shops, and restaurants. Business facilities including fax, photocopying, and courier services. Disabled facilities are good and those with special needs should ideally contact their airline or travel agent in advance.

Parking: There is short-term parking next to the terminals. Daily parking is a few minutes away on the free AirTrain and economy parking is 20 minutes from the terminals via a free shuttle bus. There are also a number of privately operated parking lots located near the airport. Valet parking is also available. Signs to the parking facilities are colour-coded to indicate their proximity to the terminals. Short-term parking at Newark liberty International Airport starts at $4 per half hour and up to $39 per day. Long-term parking is $18 per day.

Departure Tax: None.

Boston Logan Airport (BOS)
Boston Logan International Airport

Location: Boston The airport is situated four miles (6km) northeast of Boston.

map of Boston Logan Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 800 235 6426.

Transfer between terminals: A free shuttle bus services the four terminals.

Getting to the city: The Massachusetts Bay Transport Authority provides regular bus services for free, on the Silver Line, and a faster subway connection, on the Blue Line, to and from the city centre, costing about $2.65. Massport's free water transportation bus connects from all airport terminals to the Logan dock where private water taxis and public commuter boats are available to multiple destinations in the Boston Harbour.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Avis, Budget, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available outside all terminals and a taxi from Logan International Airport to downtown Boston takes between 20 minutes and an hour, depending on traffic. Some companies offer shared vans that provide door-to-door services. Ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft both operate from the airport.

Facilities: There are ATMs and bureaux de change in all terminals. Other facilities include restaurants and bars, shops, duty-free shopping, children's entertainment, tourist information, and hotel reservations.

Parking: Parking at Boston Logan starts at $8 for an hour, $22 for two hours, and up to $44 per day. The three parking lots closer to the terminal are more expensive if travellers stay more than a couple of hours, and all lots are serviced by a free shuttle to the terminals.

Albuquerque International Sunport (ABQ)
Albuquerque International Sunport Airport

Location: Albuquerque Albuquerque International Sunport is located approximately four miles (6km) southeast of central Albuquerque.

map of Albuquerque International Sunport

Time: GMT -7 (GMT -6 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 505 244 7700

Getting to the city: Ground transportation from the airport and around Albuquerque and New Mexico is provided by numerous cab companies, door-to-door shuttles, buses, limousines, and hotel/motel courtesy vehicles. Bus Route 250 (weekdays only) and Bus Route 50 (weekdays and Saturdays) service the airport.

Car rental: Car rental agencies at the airport include Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz and Thrifty, among others. All are located at the Sunport's Car Rental Center, which is connected to the passenger terminal building by free shuttle buses.

Airport Taxis: Several taxi companies operate from the airport, including zTrip and ABQ Green Cab Company.

Facilities: There are a number of restaurants, bars, and shops available, as well as a tourist information desk. Business facilities are available in nearby hotels. There are smoking areas within the airport. ATMs are located throughout the terminal building in front of and beyond the security checkpoint. Disabled facilities are good.

Parking: Short-term parking at Albuquerque International Sunport is located near the terminal with prices ranging from $2 for 30 minutes up to $12 per day, while long-term parking is slightly farther away and tops out at $7 per day. There is a free cell phone waiting area for drivers picking up or dropping off passengers.

Cleveland Hopkins International (CLE)
Cleveland Hopkins International Airport

Location: Cleveland The airport is situated 13 miles (21km) southwest of Cleveland.

map of Cleveland Hopkins International

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (216) 265 6000

Getting to the city: Taxis, shuttles, and limos operate at the airport. The RTA provides a regular train service between the airport and downtown Cleveland via the Tower City Station. It departs every 15 minutes and takes less than 30 minutes. The train station is on the lower level of the main terminal, while hotel shuttles can be called from the hotel courtesy phones in the baggage claim area. Ride-hailing apps such as Uber and Lyft are also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Hertz, Dollar, Enterprise, Thrifty, and National. The consolidated car rental facility can be reached by a shuttle bus, which departs from the door across from baggage claim 7.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available outside the baggage claim level of the airport. Flat rates based on distance are charged.

Facilities: Facilities include ATMs and currency exchange, restaurants, bars, lounges, an interfaith centre, child facilities, mail services, shops, and tourist information.

Parking: Short and long-term parking is available.

John Glenn Columbus International (CMH)
John Glenn Columbus International Airport

Location: Columbus Ohio The airport is situated six miles (10km) northeast of Columbus.

map of John Glenn Columbus International

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (614) 239 4000

Getting to the city: The Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) buses run to destinations throughout the city. Express Route 52 connects the airport to Ohio State University, while the 92 Crosstown bus has service to the Easton Transit Centre. The AirConnect service provides a direct trasnfer between the airport and Downtown Columbus, costing $2.75 per ride. Tickets for this service can be purchased by credit or debit card at the bus stop near the taxi station.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, Thrifty, and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available for hire 24-hours a day in the ground transportation area of the terminal. Taxis are metered, and the average cost to downtown Columbus is between $23 and $28.

Facilities: The airport is easily accessible to disabled passengers. There is an excellent choice of restaurants and shops. Other facilities include ATMs, WiFi, charging stations, a meditation room, an airport information desk, and a lost and found service.

Parking: Short-term and long-term parking is available at John Glenn International Airport. Both cost $5 per hour while long-term parking could cost up to $20 per day.

Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International (CVG)
Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International Airport

Location: Cincinatti The airport is situated 13 miles (21km) south of downtown Cincinnati.

map of Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (859) 767 3151

Getting to the city: TANK public bus services are available between the airport and downtown Cincinnati and Covington, seven days a week. Executive Transportation offers a shuttle service that can take passengers directly to hotels and other locations in downtown Cincinnati and Covington for a fee.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Avis, Budget, Hertz, Alamo, Dollar, Enterprise, Payless, Thrifty, Zipcar, and National. Shuttles transport customers to the rental companies.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available from the curb outside the baggage claim area. An average fare to downtown Cincinnati is around $30 to 40.

Facilities: Airport facilities include ATMs, a bank and currency exchange facilities, restaurants, shops (including duty-free), lounges, smoking lounges, shoeshine service, information desks, and a chapel. The airport is easily accessible to disabled passengers.

Parking: There are numerous parking facilities at the airport, including the attached Terminal Garage ($10 per day), the ValuPark lot ($9 per day), which is connected to the terminal via shuttle, and the Curbside Valet parking option ($30 per day).

Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU)
Raleigh-Durham International Airport

Location: Raleigh The airport is situated 14 miles (23km) from Durham and 14 miles (23km) from Raleigh.

map of Raleigh-Durham International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (919) 840 2123

Transfer between terminals: Free buses run between the two terminals.

Getting to the city: The GoTriangle Route 100 bus provides a public bus service between the airport and its Regional Transit Center, where passengers can connect to bus routes throughout the region. This includes major areas such as Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary, and Research Triangle Park. The buses depart at least once an hour from outside both terminals. Other bus services include Amtrak and Greyhound.

Car rental: Car rental companies located at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Hertz, and National. A shuttle service runs every 15 minutes from outside the baggage claim area of both terminals to the car rental offices.

Airport Taxis: The official taxi company servicing Raleigh-Durham Airport is RDU Airport Taxis. Extra charges are added for excess baggage.

Facilities: Facilities include ATMs, a post box, restaurants, bars, shops, vending machines, a spa, shoeshine services, smoking areas, tourist information, and hotel reservations. Business centres in both terminals offer currency exchange and travel insurance. Facilities for the disabled are good.

Parking: There are a number of parking lots available. The Premier lot is $3 and hour, and up to $22 per day. The Economy Lots are also available for $1 an hour, or $7 per day, with a shuttle which connects the lots and the terminal building.

Charlotte Douglas International (CLT)
Charlotte Douglas International Airport

Location: Charlotte The airport is situated eight miles (13km) west of Charlotte, near the border between North and South Carolina.

map of Charlotte Douglas International

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (704) 359 4013

Getting to the city: The CATS airport bus ferries passengers to the city centre. Buses leave every 20 minutes during weekdays, and every 30 minutes at night and on weekends. Courtesy shuttles are available for many local hotels and motels. Taxis and rental cars are also available, as are ride-hailing apps like Lyft and Uber.

Car rental: Car rental companies include National, Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, and Hertz.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available from outside the terminal and cost approximately $25 to the city centre.

Facilities: Airport facilities are extensive and include ATMs, bureaux de change, restaurants, bars, shops, duty-free shopping, a post office, and a tourist information desk. Facilities for the disabled are good.

Parking: Daily, hourly, and long-term remote parking is available, while valet parking is also an option. Complimentary shuttle buses transport passengers between parking lots and the terminal building. Parking is free for the first 30 minutes in the hourly car park and costs $1 per half hour, up to a daily maximum of $20. Long-term parking costs $7 per day.

Philadelphia International Airport (PHL)
Philadelphia International Airport

Location: Philadelphia The airport is located eight miles (13km) from downtown Philadelphia.

map of Philadelphia International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (215) 937 6937

Transfer between terminals: Philadelphia International Airport consists of seven terminals (A East, A West, B, C, D, E, and F). Terminal F is the only building not directly connected to the others, but free shuttles connect it to Terminal A-East and Terminal C.

Getting to the city: SEPTA operates public transport, providing a high-speed rail service between the airport terminals and central Philadelphia, which is the fastest connection to the city centre. Trains depart every 30 minutes between 4.52am and 11.52pm every day, and the journey takes about 25 minutes. SEPTA Bus Routes 37, 108, and 115 also run to downtown Philadelphia. Taxis, shuttles, rental cars, and ride-hailing app services are also available.

Car rental: Car rental agencies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, and National. Information is available for each of the car rental agencies from Ground Transportation Information desks located in all baggage claim areas.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available, day and night. They are metered but charge a flat rate for transport to the city centre. Taxis are found on the Commercial Transportation Roadway in Zone 5.

Facilities: Airport facilities are comprehensive, with banks, ATMs, and currency exchange facilities. Travellers can also choose from the numerous restaurants, cafes, and fast food outlets available. The airport features art exhibitions and multiple shops, including duty-free.

Parking: Short-term parking at Philadelphia International Airport costs $4 for half an hour and $2 per 30 minutes thereafter, up to a daily maximum of $44. Long-term parking has similar rates, but the daily rate is just $24. The Economy Lot costs $11 per day and is connected to the terminal via a free shuttle service.

Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT)
Pittsburgh International Airport

Location: Pittsburgh The airport is located about 18 miles (29km) west of central Pittsburgh.

map of Pittsburgh International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: + 1 412 472 3525.

Transfer between terminals: The Landside and Airside terminals are linked by a moving walkway.

Getting to the city: Several taxi, shuttle bus and limousine companies service the airport, providing transport to the city and nearby centres. Uber and other similar mobile app based taxi services are also available. Public transportation is limited to the Port Authority Transit 28X Airport Flyer, which departs roughly every 30 minutes, connecting to downtown Pittsburgh.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Hertz, Enterprise, Avis, Budget, Dollar, National and Payless.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are readily available at the airport.

Facilities: There are a wide variety of shops, restaurants and bars in the two terminals. ATMs, currency exchange services, lounges and an information desk are also available. Disabled facilities are good.

Parking: Short-term parking is available just outside the terminal. It costs $2 for the first hour, and $4 per hour thereafter, up to $26 per day. Long-term parking at Pittsburgh International Airport costs $16 per day, and the extended-stay lots are just $8 per day.

Memphis International (MEM)
Memphis International Airport

Location: Memphis The airport is situated seven miles (11km) southeast from Memphis.

map of Memphis International

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 901 922 8000 or info@flymemphis.com

Transfer between terminals: The terminals are connected by walkways and are within easy walking distance of one another.

Getting to the city: Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) public buses leave regularly for the city centre from a bus station near Terminal C, and there are also services to many out-of-town destinations. Taxis are available outside the terminal buildings. Some hotels provide shuttle services and some shuttle companies serve the wider area. Car rental companies are represented at the airport. Uber and Lyf operate at the airport, pickup areas are located outside the terminals.

Car rental: Rental car agencies are located in the Ground Transportation Center, on the lower level of Terminal B. Car rental companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Hertz, National, Enterprise, and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available outside the Terminal B baggage claim area on the ground level between 6am and one hour after the last flight of the day. Approved taxi companies include Dynasty Transportation, Premier Transportation, SFAX, and True Concierge.

Facilities: There are numerous restaurants, bars and cafes and a variety of shops, including an Elvis gift shop, shoeshine services, book stores, and a meditation centre. 24-hour ATMs are located in ticketing levels of Terminal B. Disabled facilities at the airport are good; those with special needs should contact their airline in advance.

Parking: Parking at Memphis International Airport is free for the first 30 minutes. Short-term parking is $2 for the first hour, and $1 every 30 minutes thereafter up to $24 per day. Long-term parking has a similar pricing structure, with a $15 daily rate. Economy parking is $1 for the first 90 minutes, and $6 per day.

Nashville International Airport (BNA)
Nashville International Airport

Location: Nashville The airport is situated nine miles (14km) southeast of downtown Nashville.

map of Nashville International Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 615 275 1675.

Getting to the city: WeGo Public Transit has a bus service from the airport to the downtown transit station via Route 18; it operates roughly once an hour from around 5:30am to 11:50pm on weekdays, and from around 7am to 10:50pm on weekends and holidays.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at Nashville International Airport include Alamo, Enterprise, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Hertz, National, Payless, and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available from the airport, however it is advisable to book a taxi in advance. Taxi companies approved by the airport are American Music City Cab, Checker Cab, Magic Taxi, NashVegas Cab, Pink Cab, TN National Cab, Volunteer Cab, and Yellow Cab.

Facilities: There are extensive facilities at the airport including a bank, ATMs and postal services. There are numerous restaurants, from fast food outlets to fine dining eateries, as well as several shops. The airport also has art exhibitions and live music performances on the ticketing level, children's play areas, meditation rooms and a massage bar, where professional massage therapists offer seated chair massages. Smoking is permitted in designated lounges. A business centre offers fax, photocopy and internet services. There are good facilities for the disabled; those with special requirements should contact their airline in advance.

Parking: Short-term parking is free for the first 20 minutes, and $8 for an hour up and a daily rate of $26. Long-term Lot A is $8 per hour with a daily rate of $18, and Lot B charges $16 per day. The short-term lot is within walking distance of the terminal, while the other lots offer free shuttle services, beginning at 3.30am daily and ending 45 minutes after the last flight of the day.

Augusta Regional Airport (AGS)
Augusta Regional Airport at Bush Field

Location: Augusta The airport is situated seven miles (11km) south of Augusta.

map of Augusta Regional Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: There are hotel transfer shuttles willing to transfer to and from the airport, as well as taxi cabs available at the airport.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, and Payless.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available outside the arrivals hall of the airport. Taxi companies include American Taxicab of Augusta, Arrow Cab Co., Speedy Cab Transport, Super Cab, and Yellow Cab of Augusta.

Facilities: Facilities include an ATM, free WiFi, baggage carts, a lost and found zone, a restaurant, and a gift shop.

Parking: The airport has both short-term and long-term parking options, providing 30 minutes of free parking in both parking lots.

Richmond International Airport (RIC)
Richmond International Airport

Location: Richmond The airport is situated nine miles (14km) southeast of Richmond.

map of Richmond International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 804 226 3000

Getting to the city: The Greater Richmond Transit Company (GRTC) offers public buses to Richmond. Taxi, shuttle, and limousine services are also available outside the baggage reclaim area.

Car rental: Desks for rental car agencies are situated on the lower level of the terminal building. Represented are Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, National, Dollar, Thrifty, Payless, and Hertz.

Airport Taxis: Airport Taxi, Galaxy Cab Co. and Mimi Taxicab operate at the airport and taxis are available from the first flight departure to the last flight arrival every day. Taxis are found in the centre section of the lower level next to the North and South parking garages. Rates vary according to destination and taxi company.

Facilities: A bank located in the main lobby on the ground floor offers full service banking including foreign currency exchange. Airport facilities also include ATMs, several bars, cafes and restaurants, shops, WiFi, conference rooms, an inter-faith chapel and a Visitor's Information Center.

Parking: The hourly lot charges $2 per hour; the daily rate is $12. The economy lot is connected to the terminal via a free shuttle service and charges $7 per day.

Baltimore-Washington International (BWI)
Baltimore-Washington International Airport

Location: Washington DC The airport is situated 9 miles (14km) south of Baltimore and 32 miles (51km) north of Washington DC.

map of Baltimore-Washington International

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 410 859 7111

Getting to the city: The Amtrak train station has trains going to both central Baltimore and Washington DC; the BWI Marshall Station offers free and frequent shuttle services between the station and terminal, with a shuttle operating every 25 minutes. Both MARC and Amtrak run trains to Union Station in DC. A light rail service goes from the airport to Baltimore costing US$1.60. Taxis are available outside of baggage claims and cost about $25 to Baltimore and $63 to Washington DC. Public buses include Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Bus Service, which serves the greater Washington area. There are also various bus shuttle services to both cities, some dropping off at the central hotels. App-based ride services such as Uber and Lyft are available.

Car rental: A car rental facility is linked to the airport terminals by a free shuttle service, which leaves from the lower level terminal every ten minutes. Car rental companies include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, Next Car, Paylesss, and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available from the lower level of the main terminal. The only taxi service that is authorised by the airport is BWI Airport Taxi. Taxis charge upwards of $60 for the 30 to 60 minute drive into the city; credit cards are accepted.

Facilities: There are ATMs, bureaux de change and postal services throughout the terminal, as well as WiFi. Facilities for the disabled are good. Other facilities include restaurants, bars, shops, a duty-free, a business service centre and information help desk.

Parking: The Hourly Garage is in front of the terminal and costs $4 per hour and $22 per day. The daily garage is connected to the terminal by shuttle buses and costs $12 per day. Long-term parking costs $8 a day.

Departure Tax: None.

Dulles International (IAD)
Washington Dulles International Airport

Location: The airport is situated 26 miles (42km) west of Washington DC.

map of Dulles International

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 703 572 2700

Getting to the city: The Washington Fly Silver Line Express Bus provides a direct link to the airport, operating every 20 minutes to the Metro Silver Line station, with a fare of around $5. The coach service tickets can be bought at arrivals door 4 in the main terminal. A bus service is available at the station for transport to areas not serviced by Metrorail.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Advantage, Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are also available all day and night from the lower level of the main terminal. The only taxi service authorised to serve the airport is Washington Flyer. Taxis charge around $68 for the 30 to 60 minute drive into the city; you may pay by credit card. Ride-hailing apps are available.

Facilities: There are ATMs and foreign exchange services available. Other facilities include a multitude of restaurants, bars, shops and duty-free shopping, business services, tourist information, and hotel reservations.

Parking: Hourly parking at Washington Dulles International Airport is available in the parking garage adjacent to the terminal building and starts at $6 per hour, going up to $30 per day. Daily parking garages 1 and 2 are cheaper and are connected to the terminal by shuttle buses available at curb 2D and 2F.

Seattle-Tacoma Airport (SEA)
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport

Location: Seattle The airport is situated 12 miles (19km) south of Seattle and 15 miles (24km) north of Tacoma.

map of Seattle-Tacoma Airport

Time: GMT –8 (GMT –7 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 206 787 5388

Transfer between terminals: The terminals are connected by an underground people mover.

Getting to the city: The SeaTac/Airport Station provides passengers a direct connection between the airport and downtown Seattle. The station is on the fourth floor of the airport's main parking garage. Line Shuttle Express offer door-to-door shuttle services leaving regularly for the nearby towns and cities. Public King County Metro Transit buses run on schedule to destinations in and around Seattle. Sound Transit operates two express bus routes around the city.

Car rental: Alamo, Avis, Budget, Hertz and National have facilities at the airport.

Airport Taxis: To arrange for a taxi, use one of the curbside phones or visit one of the Information Booths.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport are extensive, including a variety of fast-food and full-service restaurants, several bars and retail outlets. The airport has ATMs and currency exchange desks, and also offers a pet relief area, a massage bar, shoe shine services, smoking areas and a baggage storage service.

Parking: Parking rates at Sea-Tac Airport range from $4 per hour to daily rates of $39. Long term rates of $32 per day or $149 per week are also available.

Dallas-Fort Worth International (DFW)
Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport

Location: The airport is situated 18 miles (29km) from downtown Dallas and 24 miles (39km) from Fort Worth.

map of Dallas-Fort Worth International

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 (972) 973 3112

Transfer between terminals: The Skylink airport train provides fast connections between the five terminals inside of security. The airport's Terminal Link van service may be used for passengers needing to transfer to another terminal after they have exited security.

Getting to the city: Charter buses, limousines, and Dallas Area Rapid Transit public buses are available at the airport; schedules and information are available from the Visitor Information Centres in the baggage claim areas. A free shuttle service links all the terminals to the CenterPort/DFW Trinity Railway Express Station about 20 minutes away, from where there are regular departures to Dallas Union Station and Fort Worth.

Car rental: Advantage, Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, E Z Rent, Hertz, National, Payless, Sixt, and Thrifty operate from the airport. A Rental Car shuttle bus ferries passengers to the Rental Car Centre.

Airport Taxis: Taxis into the city are available from the upper level of Terminals A, B, C and E, and on the lower level of Terminal D. An assistant is available to help passengers at the taxi stands from 8am till midnight, and phone calls can be made to request a taxi after hours.

Facilities: The airport is well supplied with ATMs and currency exchange and all terminals feature free wifi, shops, restaurants, business services and lounges.

Parking: Travellers should note that the airport's Remote and Express Parking fill early during the holidays. The airport encourages travellers to park at the Terminal Parking, which provides convenient, closed-in parking that is a short walk to the departure gate. Parking fees at Dallas Fort-Worth start at $3 for the first two hours and go up to $24 per day.

Austin-Bergstrom International (AUS)
Austin-Bergstrom International Airport

Location: Austin The airport is situated five miles (8km) from downtown Austin.

map of Austin-Bergstrom International

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 512 530 2242.

Transfer between terminals: Passengers will have to leave the Barbara Jordan Terminal and organise a taxi to the South Terminal or take a shuttle.

Getting to the city: The Capital Metro bus serves the airport every 30 minutes from the stop outside baggage claim. The trip takes 20 to 30 minutes to the city. Several hotels offer free shuttles, while taxis and car rentals are available too.

Car rental: Onsite rental companies include Avis, Budget, Hertz, Enterprise, Payless, Thrifty and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxi companies servicing Austin-Bergstrom airport include Yellow Cab, Austin Cab and Lone Star Cab. A trip from the airport to the CBD should take about 20 minutes. The minumum fare is $12.30 plus a $1 surcharge. Ride hailing services such as Uber and Lyft are also available.

Facilities: Postal services are available at the airport, and there are several ATMs in the terminal. Shops include newsagents and a gift shop, and there are numerous restaurants and bars to choose from. There is also artwork on display, and live music performances on selected dates. The Business and Technology Center in the east concourse offers foreign currency exchange, standard airline trip insurance, and internet access. There is also an on-site airport hotel.

Parking: The parking garages one and two, opposite the terminal, charge up to $25 per day. The Economy Lots charge $8 per day and are connected to the terminal by a free shuttle service.

George Bush Intercontinental (IAH)
George Bush Intercontinental Airport

Location: Houston The airport is situated 23 miles (37km) north of Houston.

map of George Bush Intercontinental

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 281 230 3100.

Transfer between terminals: The free Skyway, an above-ground automated people mover, links the terminals for passengers who are inside security. A free, below-ground Subway train provides inter-terminal transportation to those who are outside of security.

Getting to the city: Numerous shuttle services, including minibuses and limousines, are available from the airport to downtown Houston and a variety of other destinations, including the Gulf Coast resort city of Galveston. SuperShuttle shared-ride service picks up from any home or business. The Houston Metro offers public bus services from the south side of Terminal C, including an express airport bus. The fare is $1.25 per ride to downtown Houston. Courtesy vans are operated by various hotels and there are courtesy telephones in the baggage claim area.

Car rental: Car rental services are available at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Metered taxis are available outside each terminal. A $2.75 departure fee will be added to the meter, plus $1 should the journey be between 8pm and 6am.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include dozens of food and beverage establishments from formal dining to fast food. There are also many newsstands and speciality shops throughout the airport. There is an art gallery and live performances in the airport. Duty-free shops are available in the international terminal. ATMs and currency exchange are available throughout the airport. Disabled facilities are good.

Parking: Parking rates start at $5 per hour with a $24 daily maximum, and parking lots are located near all the terminals.

St Louis International (STL)
St Louis Lambert International Airport

Location: St Louis The airport is situated 14 miles (23km) northwest of St Louis.

map of St Louis International

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (314) 890 1333

Transfer between terminals: A free 24-hour shuttle service runs between the two terminals.

Getting to the city: The Metrolink light rail system departs from both terminals to the city centre several times a day. Shared van services provide transport to city centre hotels; bus services, and airport taxis are also available from both terminals.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Thrifty, Hertz, Enterprise, and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available outside Exit Door 14 of Terminal 1, and outside Exit Door 12 of Terminal 2. Ride-hailing apps Uber and Lyft are also in operation.

Facilities: Airport facilities include ATMs, currency exchange services, an interfaith chapel, restaurants, snack bars, shops, postal services, club lounges, and an information desk. Disabled facilities are good.

Parking: There is both short-term and long-term parking, with a myriad of locations and price differences. Parking can ranges from $5 to $23 and is cheaper farther away from the terminals. A free shuttle serves certain parking lots.

Providence Green Airport (PVD)
Theodore Francis Green Memorial State Airport

Location: The airport is located about nine miles (14km) from Providence.

map of Providence Green Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November)

Contacts: Tel: +1 401 691 2471

Getting to the city: Rhode Island Public Transit Route 8 connects the airport to downtown Providence, stopping at the InterLink facility on Jefferson Boulevard. Peter Pan Bus Lines provides service from the airport to central Providence, Foxboro, and Boston, with a bus stop located at the far end of the commercial roadway in front of the airport. On weekdays MBTA commuter rail service is available between Southern Rhode Island (Wickford Junction), Green Airport and downtown Providence. An airport shuttle is also available from T.F. Green Airport to various locations around the city.

Car rental: Most major car rental companies are represented at the airport, including Avis, Budget, Dollar, Hertz, Alamo, Thrifty, Payless, Enterprise and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available outside the airport and take travellers to downtown Providence, Martha's Vineyard, and other local destinations.

Facilities: Facilities include restaurants, snack bars, cafes, shops, money exchange, shoe shine, chair massages, a reflection room, a game room and conference facilities.

Parking: Long- and short-term parking is available. Rates start at about $3 for the first half hour, $6 for the first hour and $6 per hour thereafter. Daily rates range between $17 and $32.

Burbank Airport (BUR)
Hollywood Burbank Airport

Location: Burbank The airport is situated three miles (5km) from Burbank and 14 miles (23km) from Los Angeles.

map of Burbank Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 818 840 8840.

Transfer between terminals: The terminals are within walking distance of each other, in the same building.

Getting to the city: The Metrolink and the train station are linked to the main terminal by a free shuttle service. The airport is also on the Metro Bus and Burbank Bus routes, which go to Burbank as well as downtown Los Angeles and Hollywood. Taxis and shuttles are located on the ground transportation islands immediately in front of the airport terminal.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis available on the islands in front of the airport terminal include City Cab, United Taxi and Checker Cab.

Facilities: Facilities include ATMs, WiFi, a pet rest area, shops and an information desk. There is a restaurant and a variety of other food and beverage options, as well as a few retail shops.

Parking: There are several parking options available at the airport. The parking structures are well-marked and easy to locate. Short-term parking is $3 for 30 minutes, $5 for an hour, and $13 for two hours. Long-term parking in economy lots A, C and E is $3 for one hour and $5 for two hours; $10-$24 per day. Valet parking is available for $24 per day.

Oakland International Airport (OAK)
Oakland International Airport

Location: Oakland The airport is situated around 10 miles (16km) from Oakland.

map of Oakland International Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 510 563 3300.

Transfer between terminals: The terminals are within easy walking distance of each other.

Getting to the city: The Oakland Airport BART station is located across from Terminal 1 and a short walk from Terminal 2. A shuttle service links the airport to Coliseum Station in just 8 minutes, with fares depending on the final destination. AC Transit bus line 73 connects passengers to the Coliseum/Oakland Airport BART station every 15 minutes, while Line 805 connects the airport to Downtown Oakland every hour between 12.35am and 4.30am.

Car rental: The Rental Car Center is open 24 hours (operating on an 'on demand' basis in the later hours) and has all rental companies in one location, including Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Fox, Hertz, National and Thrifty. A rental car shuttle bus ferries passengers between the terminals and Rental Car Center every 10 minutes. Prior booking is recommended.

Airport Taxis: Taxis, limos and a shuttle service are available from outside the airport. Taxi services are provided by Friendly Cab and Veteran's Cab.

Facilities: ATMs, shops (including duty-free), restaurants and bars are available in both terminals. Passengers with disabilities are well catered for, but those requiring wheelchairs should contact their airline in advance.

Parking: There are four parking options at Oakland International: the premier, hourly, daily and economy lots. The premier lots are closest to the terminal and cost $4 for every half hour and $38 for 24 hours. The hourly lot is the next closest car park and is probably best for short-term or overnight parking. It costs $1 per 12 minutes, or $34 for 24 hours. The daily and economy lots are furthest from the terminal. Daily parking costs $5 per hour for the first two hours and $24 as a daily maximum, while the Economy Lot has a flat rate of $18. Shuttle services to the terminal from the further parking lots are in operation.

Cheyenne Aiport (CYS)
Cheyenne Regional Airport

Location: Cheyenne The airport is located two miles (3km) north of Cheyenne city centre.

map of Cheyenne Aiport

Time: GMT -7 (GMT -6 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 307 634 7071.

Getting to the city: Airport door-to-door shuttles are available from outside the terminal. Taxis are also available.

Car rental: Car rental facilities at the airport include Avis and Hertz.

Airport Taxis:

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include dining and shopping options.

Parking: Parking at the airport is free.

Departure Tax: None.

Billings Airport (BIL)
Billings Logan International Airport

Location: Billings The airport is two miles (3km) northwest of Billings.

map of Billings Airport

Time: GMT -7 (GMT -6 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 406 247 8609.

Getting to the city: Many hotels offer a shuttle sevice, and there is a taxi service available at the airport. A shuttle service also provides a service to and from the airport but should be pre-arranged. Ride-hailing services are also available.

Car rental: Enterprise, Thrifty, Dollar, Hertz, National, Alamo, Avis, and Budget have car rental facilities at the airport.

Airport Taxis: City Cab, MET Transit, Red Lodge Tour and Taxi, Magic City V.I.P. and Yellow Cab service the airport. However, it is a good idea to book airport taxis in advance. Ride-hailing services are also available.

Facilities: ATMs are situated in the main lobby. There is a fine dining restaurant, deli, gift shop, information booth, play areas for children, and the Peter Yegen Jr. Yellowstone County Museum opposite the terminal building.

Parking: Short-term parking is about $2 for the first 30 minutes, and $1.50 for each additional 30 minutes up to $15 for 24 hours. Long-term parking is about $2.50 for the first hour, and $1.50 for each additional 30 minutes, up to $9 per day.

Portland International Airport (PDX)
Portland International Airport

Location: Portland Oregon The airport is situated 13 miles (21km) from downtown Portland.

map of Portland International Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (503) 460 4234 or toll free (877) 739 4636

Getting to the city: Portland's MAX Light Rail system serves the airport, connecting to the heart of the city. There's a travel time of around 40 minutes and trains depart roughly every 15 minutes. Taxis, shuttles, buses, and rental cars are also available. All transportation pickups occur on the airport terminal's lower roadway which is on the baggage claim and departure level.

Car rental: The Car Rental Center on the first floor of the parking garage includes Avis, Dollar, Enterprise, National, and Hertz offices.

Airport Taxis: There are a few taxi companies which serve the airport. They may need to be ordered by telephone for late night arrivals. Reputable providers include Broadway Cab Company, Flat Cab and Radio Cab Company.

Facilities: The airport has several ATMs, a currency exchange bureau, and a shopping mall which includes restaurants, coffee bars, and pubs. There is also wifi, a postal service, an information desk, and a state-of-the-art conference centre.

Parking: Portland International offers ample parking options, including long-term and economy in close proximity to the terminal building. Valet parking costs about $10 per hour or $35 per day. Short-term parking starts at around $3 per hour and costs $27 per day. Long-term parking costs about $24 per day and economy parking is $12 per day.

Portland International Jetport (PWM)
Portland International Jetport

Location: Portland Portland International Jetport is located four miles (6km) from central Portland.

map of Portland International Jetport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (207) 774 7301

Getting to the city: The Greater Portland Transit District METRO provides bus service throughout the region. Route 5 connects the airport to downtown Portland, where transfers can be made to Amtrak, Greyhound, and other long-distance transport options. Taxis and ride-hailing apps are also available.

Car rental: Car rental firms at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available at the airport, with flat rates to most towns in the area. A surcharge is usually added to airport pick-ups.

Facilities: Facilities in the Jetport include a full-service restaurant, ATMs, a Starbucks, an electronics shop, a gift shop, and a visitor information desk. Disabled facilities are good. Several airport hotels are located near the airport.

Parking: Short-term parking is free for the first 30 minutes and $1 per half an hour after that. However, the cost quickly adds up with a $48 daily maximum. Medium to long-term parking is available for a daily rate of $14.

San Jose International Airport (SJC)
Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport

Location: San Jose The airport is located four miles (6km) northwest of San José.

map of San Jose International Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 (408) 392 3600.

Transfer between terminals: A courtesy shuttle connects Terminals A and B and the parkings lots, running every 7 to 10 minutes from 2.30am to 1am.

Getting to the city: The Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) operates a special Airport Flyer service that links the airport to the Metro Light Rail Station and the Santa Clara Caltrain Station. It runs every 15 to 30 minutes between 5am and 11.30pm. There are also limousines and taxis available, and several hotels offer door-to-door shuttles for their guests.

Car rental: Car rental companies can be found at the Rental Car Centre, which is serviced by a blue shuttle bus from Terminal A, and is within short walking distance from Terminal B. Companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, Fox, National, Payless, and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Both on-demand and pre-arranged taxi services are available from San Jose airport, from both terminals. Travellers should expect to pay a minimum fee of $15, which includes the first three miles (5km) and the airport surcharge of $1.50. Beyond that, the metered rate is $3 per mile.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include several restaurants and cafes, WiFi access, a gift shop, ATMs, bureaux de change, lounges, and massage chairs. Facilities for the disabled are good.

Parking: Short-term parking at San José International Airport starts at $2 per 20 minutes and goes up to $30 per day. Daily parking has a flat rate of $30 per 24 hours, and Economy Lot 1 has a flat daily rate of $18.

Bradley Airport (BDL)
Bradley International Airport

Location: Hartford The airport is located 15 miles (24km) north of Hartford.

map of Bradley Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 860 292 2000.

Getting to the city: The Bradley Flyer offers an hourly bus service to downtown Hartford, seven days a week. Rental cars and taxis are available. App-based taxi services, like Uber, are also available.

Car rental: Car hire services at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Hertz, Enterprise, Dollar, Thrifty and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available at the airport and the average taxi fare for the journey into Hartford is about $45.

Facilities: Facilities at Bradley International Airport include restaurants, bars, shops, free WiFi, ATMs, baby-care facilities, business lounges, and a shoe-shine service. An information booth is also located in the terminal.

Parking: There is short-term parking within easy walking distance of the terminal. Fees are $3.25 for half an hour, $5.50 for an hour, and $7.25 for up to 90 minutes. The long-term Economy Lot 4 is the cheapest option for a long stay, and is connected to the terminal by a free shuttle bus, with a daily maximum of $6 and a weekly maximum of $36.

Boise Airport (BOI)
Boise Airport

Location: Boise The airport is located four miles (6km) from downtown Boise.

map of Boise Airport

Time: GMT -7 (GMT -6 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 208 383 3110.

Getting to the city: Taxis, shuttles and ValleyRide buses into Boise are located at the lower level roadway outside baggage claim. The Sun Valley Express picks up passengers at the blue curb.

Car rental: Avis, Alamo, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, and Thrifty have counters in the rental car lobby on the first floor.

Airport Taxis: Metered taxis are located on the lower-level roadway outside the baggage claim. Taxis park near the black-coloured curb.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include food and beverage outlets, newsstands, gift shops, art exhibitions, ATMs, and conference facilities.

Parking: Four parking options are available: short-term parking, garage parking, long-term surface parking, and a remote lot with connecting shuttle service. Short-term parking is $2 per hour up to $23 per day. Long-term parking has a daily rate of $10 or $13 in the covered garage. The parking facilities accept cash, cheques, and all major credit cards.

Indianapolis Airport (IND)
Indianapolis International Airport

Location: Indianapolis The airport is located 15 miles (24km) from downtown Indianapolis.

map of Indianapolis Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 317 487 9594.

Getting to the city: The Ground Transportation Center, located on the lower level of the parking garage, offers connections to shuttles, hotel courtesy vehicles, limousines and the IndyGo bus service. The bus departs the airport to downtown Indianapolis, and single fares are $1.75. Many area hotels also offer free shuttle transfers.

Car rental: Rental car counters are located at the Ground Transportation Center on the first floor of the Terminal Garage. Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, and Thrifty offer services.

Airport Taxis: Taxi services are available at the curb on the lower level of the terminal just outside Baggage Claim. All taxis are metered, although there is a $15 minimum charge for all airport fares. Tipping is expected.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include a food court, concourse restaurants, shops and a guest services centre (offering a lost and found, visitor information and business services). There are also ATMs and currency exchange services, a games room, a barber shop, a spa, nursing rooms, shoe-shine services, a meditation room and a USO Lounge.

Parking: Parking is available in a multi-level garage, as well as additional long-term and economy lots connected to the terminal by a free shuttle service. Long-term parking rates at Indianapolis International Airport are $9 per day in the economy lot, and $14 per day in the Park & Walk lot, or $2 per half hour in the short-term parking garage.

Des Moines International Airport (DSM)
Des Moines International Airport

Location: Des Moines The airport is located five miles (8km) from downtown Des Moines.

map of Des Moines International Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 515 256 5050

Getting to the city: The Des Moines Area Transit Authority (DART) Route 8 offers service to and from the airport to downtown Des Moines. A one-way fare is $1.75. The Heart of Iowa Regional Transit Agency (HIRTA) provides door-to-door service to all counties within the Greater Des Moines Metro Area, while intercity connections can be made via the Greyhound, Jefferson, or Trailways bus lines. Car rental and taxi options are available.

Car rental: Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, and Thrifty counters are located in the baggage claim area.

Airport Taxis: Metered taxis are available from the airport. Officially recommended companies include Capito and Yellow Cab. Both Uber and Lyft operate at the airport.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include restaurants, a food court, shops, a meet and greet area, ATMs, and conference rooms. Disabled facilities are good.

Parking: Several parking garages are located adjacent to the terminal, with rates starting at $1 per 20 minutes and $15 per day in the long-term parking lot, and $1 per 20 minutes or $36 per day for short-term parking. A free shuttle service operates from the economy lots, which offer lower rates starting from $2 per hour up to $6 per day. Cash and major credit cards are accepted.

Omaha Airport (OMA)
Eppley Airfield Airport

Location: Omaha The airport is located four miles (6km) northeast of downtown Omaha.

map of Omaha Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 402 661 8017.

Transfer between terminals: The terminals are all connected.

Getting to the city: Taxis, shuttles, and rental cars are available at the airport. Bus route 16 (East Omaha/North 16th) services the airport on weekdays between about 6am and 6.25pm.

Car rental: Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, Payless, and Thrifty offer car rental services at the airport.

Airport Taxis: City Taxi and zTrip taxis are available from the airport.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include food courts and snack bars, lounges, retail outlets, ATMs, a bank, conference rooms, and a shoe shine service.

Parking: The covered parking facility has both quick-park and long-term spaces. Surface parking within walking distance of the terminal is available, as is long-term economy parking with shuttle service. Charges vary by lot, but most charge $1 per 15 minutes for the first hour, with daily rates from $7 in the North Long Term Economy parking to $26 in the Quick-Park Garage.

Oklahoma City Airport (OKC)
Will Rogers World Airport

Location: Oklahoma City The airport is located nine miles (14km) southwest of Oklahoma City.

map of Oklahoma City Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (405) 316 3200

Getting to the city: Oklahoma City's public bus system doesn't serve the airport but shuttle services are offered by several hotels and should be reserved in advance. Taxis, private van shuttles, and rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, Alamo, Advantage, and Thrifty offer onsite service.

Airport Taxis: Taxis queue at Transportation Plaza, accessible from the baggage claim area.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include retail shops, restaurants and bars, several ATMs, charging ports, a pet relief area, an information centre, meeting rooms, and shoeshine service. Business services including fax, photocopying, and a notary are available from the administrative office.

Parking: Parking options at Will Rogers World Airport is varied. Hourly parking is close to the terminal and the first 60 minutes of the first day is free. It costs $1 per hour thereafter up to a $24 daily limit. Long-term parking in the various long-term lots costs from $6 to $24 per day depending on distance from the terminal. Free shuttles service the more distant lots.

Grand Forks International Airport (GFK)
Grand Forks International Airport

Location: Grand Forks The airport is located eight miles (13km) northwest of Grand Forks.

map of Grand Forks International Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (701) 795 6981

Getting to the city: Taxi services are available 24 hours a day. Travellers can arrange beforehand to have a taxi waiting or can call from the terminal once they arrive. A few local hotels provide shuttle services for guests, but make reservations prior to arrival.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Avis, Enterprise, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: Metered taxis are available from a number of companies authorised to service the airport. However, it is advised to call ahead to have one waiting curbside. Most companies accept credit cards.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include a gift shop, a restaurant, pet relief area, WiFi, and business work areas.

Parking: There are both short and long-term parking lots within walking distance of the terminal. The first 30 minutes are free, and each subsequent half hour costs $1. Daily limits are $10 in Lot A, and $8 in Lots B and C. Weekly rates are also available. Cash and major credit cards are accepted.

Rapid City Regional Airport (RAP)
Rapid City Regional Airport

Location: Rapid City The airport is located 11 miles (18km) from Rapid City.

map of Rapid City Regional Airport

Time: GMT -7 (GMT -6 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (605) 393 9924

Getting to the city: There is a shuttle service to any location in the Rapid City and Black Hills region. The shuttle runs seven days a week but arrangements should be made prior to arrival.

Car rental: Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, and National operate at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Several taxi companies operate at Rapid City Airport.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include a gift shop and a restaurant.

Parking: Both short and long-term parking options are available. Short-term parking is free for the first 30 minutes, after which it's $1 for every additional 30 minutes. There is a daily maximum of $12. Long-term parking is $2 per hour, with a daily rate of $10 and a weekly rate of $60.

Sioux Falls Regional Airport (FSD)
Sioux Falls Regional Airport

Location: Sioux Falls The airport is located three miles (5km) northwest of Sioux Falls.

map of Sioux Falls Regional Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (605) 336 0762

Getting to the city: Several taxi, limo, and shuttle services are available, as well ride-hailing apps like Lyft.

Car rental: Avis, Enterprise, Hertz, and National operate at the airport.

Airport Taxis: A number of taxi companies offer service to and from the airport. Cabs are not guaranteed to be waiting curbside, however, so it is a good idea to book ahead. All cabs use a meter and tipping is expected. Ride-hailing apps like Lyft also operate at the airport.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include gift shops, a snack bar, a restaurant, and an information deski. Numerous works of art are placed throughout the airport.

Parking: The short-term lot charges $2 for the first hour, $2 for each additional hour, and up to $14 a day. The long-term lot charges $2 per hour, $2 for each additional hour, and up to a daily rate of $8. The Economy Lot charges $1 each hour with a daily maximum of $7 and a weekly rate of $35. Credit and debit cards are accepted.

Yeager Airport (CRW)
Yeager Airport

Location: Charleston West Virginia The airport is located four miles (6km) from downtown Charleston.

map of Yeager Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 304 344 8033

Getting to the city: There is no bus or train service to Yeager Airport. Many local hotels provide free shuttle services to and from the airport, and taxis and rental cars are available.

Car rental: Car rental companies at the airport include Avis, Enterprise, Hertz and Budget. Rental counters are located in the baggage claim area.

Airport Taxis: Taxis provides service to the airport, as well as ride-hailing apps such as Uber and Lyft.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include a gift shop, ATMs, restaurants, a bar, a cafe, lounge areas, charging stations at each gate, shoe-shine service and a games room.

Parking: Short-term parking is free for the first hour, and costs rise by about $1 every four hours up to a daily maximum of $10. The daily rate for long-term parking is $10 for as many days as needed. There is a free lot with a 20-minute time limit located across the street from the main terminal.

Wichita Airport (ICT)
Wichita Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport

Location: Wichita The airport is located seven miles (11km) west of downtown Wichita.

map of Wichita Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 316 946 4700

Getting to the city: Various taxi, shuttle, and rental car companies service the airport.

Car rental: Car rental information is located next to baggage claim. Services are offered at the airport by Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, Payless, and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxi stands and van shuttle services are located directly across the street from the main terminal. Free phone service is provided next to baggage claim in the car rental area to call taxi, shuttle, and off-site car rental companies. Uber and other similar ride-hailing services are available.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include restaurants, shops, an ATM, a games room, a business centre, conference rooms, massage chairs, and a shoe-shine service.

Parking: Short-term and long-term parking are available. The first 30 minutes are free in all parking lots, and the hourly parking rate is $3. Daily rates vary according to parking lot, ranging between $8 and $20.

Clinton National Airport (LIT)
Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport Little Rock

Location: Little Rock The airport is situated four miles (6km) from the city.

map of Clinton National Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 501 372 3439.

Getting to the city: Shuttle services are available near Exit D and taxis outside Exit H on the west side of the baggage claim area. Public transport is available through Rock Region Metro; the bus stop is adjacent to the shuttle pick-up area.

Car rental: Car rental service is offered by Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, National and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available at the airport. The taxi stand is located outside Exit H, on the west side of the baggage claim area.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include restaurants, a food court, gift shops, newsagents, a book shop, ATMs and a visitor information centre.

Parking: Short- and long-term parking is available.

Moline Airport (MLI)
Quad City International Airport

Location: Moline The airport is located three miles (5km) from downtown Moline.

map of Moline Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: The airport is accessible via the METRO bus, on Route 20 Blue. The METRO bus departs from the bus stop in front of the terminal twice an hour. Monday to Friday, operating hours are from 6.10am to 6.10pm; and on Saturdays from 8.40am to 6.10pm. There is no bus service on major holidays.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, and National. These companies are located in the public terminal inside Exits 6 and 7, on the east side of the terminal, near baggage claim.

Airport Taxis: The Metropolitan Airport Authority of Rock Island County (MAA) oversees the taxicab and shuttle services. Most of these services require a reservation, particularly at night. Taxis are available in designated parking stalls outside Exit 7, and can be called with the courtesy phone located at baggage claim.

Facilities: Airport facilities include ATMs, a business centre, work stations, a restaurant, and a gift shop.

Parking: There is a free drop-off and pick-up zone, as well as short and long-term parking lots. Short-term rates are $1 for the first hour, and $2 per hour thereafter up to $15 for 24 hours. Long-term parking is $1 per hour, with a daily rate of $7. Weekly rates range from $35 in the long-term lot to $75 in the short-term lot.

San Antonio International Airport (SAT)
San Antonio International Airport

Location: San Antonio The airport is located 10 miles (16km) from San Antonio city centre.

map of San Antonio International Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 210 207 3433

Transfer between terminals: A covered walkway connects the terminals.

Getting to the city: VIA Metropolitan Transit Bus 5 connects the airport to the city. Buses run frequently between about 5.30am and 9.30pm. The journey takes about half an hour by bus. Shuttles, taxis and rental cars are also available at the airport.

Car rental: Car rental companies at the airport include Advantage, Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available at the airport and usually don't need to be pre-booked.

Facilities: Airport facilities include ATMs, bars, restaurants, duty-free shopping and other shops, a shoeshine service, a lost and found, art exhibitions, a chapel, and emergency medical services.

Parking: Parking is available in the Green Lot and the Parking Garage at daily rates of $7 and $14 respectively. There is also a Cell Phone Lot for pick-ups and a Red Lot for overflow.

Myrtle Beach International Airport (MYR)
Myrtle Beach International Airport

Location: Grand Strand and Myrtle Beach The airport is situated three miles (5km) southwest of downtown Myrtle Beach.

map of Myrtle Beach International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 843 448 1589.

Getting to the city: Coast RTA provides public bus service to and from the airport every day. There are hotel shuttles that run to and from the airport, as well as taxis and rental cars.

Car rental: Car rental companies located at the airport include Avis, Alamo, Thrifty, Budget, Hertz, National, Thrifty, and Enterprise.

Airport Taxis: There are a number of taxi companies operating from outside the baggage claim section of the airport. Passengers are urged to take the first taxi waiting in line.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a variety of restaurants and snack bars, a newsagent, information booths, and ATMs.

Parking: Short-term parking is free for 15 minutes and $3 for the first 30 minutes, with each additional 15 minutes costing $1. There is a daily maximum of $21. Long-term parking is $12 per day. Credit card parking costs $10 a day.

Sacramento Airport (SMF)
Sacramento International Airport

Location: Sacramento Sacramento International Airport is located 11 miles (18km) northwest of downtown Sacramento.

map of Sacramento Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (916) 929 5411 Email: air-market@saccounty.net

Transfer between terminals: An interterminal shuttle is available for travel between terminals A and B. Walking time is 10 minutes and is recommended as the faster option.

Getting to the city: Affordable public transport to the Sacramento Airport goes by the name Yolobus. This service offers daily routes throughout the region, including downtown, Davis, Woodland and beyond. Services to downtown run from 5.30am, Monday to Friday, and from 8.20am on the weekends. Last buses depart from downtown and the airport shortly after 10pm. Regular fare is $2.25 for a single journey, with concessions available. Limousine and shared shuttle services are also available from the airport.

Car rental: A separate car rental terminal on airport grounds hosts all the rental agencies. A shuttle runs between the main terminal buildings and the car rental building around every 10 minutes. Available agencies include Advantage, Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis, serviced by the Sacramento Independent Taxi Owners Association (SITOA), can be located outside the baggage claim area. Rates start at $3, with an additional $2.50 per mile. A round trip to the airport from downtown will cost roughly $66.

Facilities: Facilities include a wide range of restaurants, bars, shops, a shoeshine, ATMs, a massage bar and free WiFi access in all public places. Disabled facilities are also available. Travellers requiring assistance should contact their airline prior to departure.

Parking: The parking at Terminal B comes at a rate of $2 per half-hour increment, with a daily maximum of $29, and is desgined for short stays. The covered garage parking for Terminal A and Terminal B charges $2 per half hour or $18 per day. For long-term parking, the best option is the Economy Lot at a daily rate of $10 or the Daily Lot at $12 per day. A shuttle from the airport is available to get to these lots. There is also a free waiting area/cell phone lot for picking up passengers. Cars here must remain attended at all times in the free waiting area.

Monroe Airport (MLU)
Monroe Regional Airport

Location: Monroe The airport is located three miles (6km) east of Monroe's central business district.

map of Monroe Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (318) 329 2460

Getting to the city: There is a bus service between the city and the airport, which runs every 45 minutes, Monday to Saturday. Buses operate between 6.20am and 6.40pm. Airport shuttles, taxis and rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Major car rental agencies are located on site at Monroe airport, including Avis, Budget, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: A variety of taxi companies service Monroe Airport, but it is generally a good idea to book a taxi ahead of time.

Facilities: There is a New Orleans-style sports bar located in the main terminal area and the Central Station serves breakfast and lunch daily. Monroe airport has a variety of facilities to accommodate special needs patrons.

Parking: Long and short-term parking, open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, is located directly opposite the terminal building. Short-term parking is free for the first hour, $3 for the second hour, and $1 to $2 per hour thereafter up to a daily maximum of $9. Long-term parking costs $2 for the first hour and an additional $1 per hour thereafter, up to a daily maximum of $7.

Tucson Airport (TUS)
Tucson International Airport

Location: Tucson The airport is situated nine miles (14km) south of downtown Tucson.

map of Tucson Airport

Time: GMT -7

Contacts: Tel: +1 520 573 8100

Getting to the city: The Sun Tran bus company operates service into Tucson from the airport on two routes. Airport shuttles, taxis, and rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Car rental agencies based at Tucson Airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Dollar, Hertz and National. Counters are located in the Rental Car Facility east of the Terminal.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are located on the commercial roadway in front of the baggage claim area. VIP Taxi and Yellow Cab are under contract with the airport to meet arriving flights.

Facilities: Various dining and shopping options are located within the terminal, as too are ATMs, mailboxes, smoking areas, a pet relief area, meeting rooms, massage chairs, a military lounge, shoeshine services, and a lost and found.

Parking: Parking is available in the Cell Phone Waiting Lot, the Garage and in the Economy Lot. Drivers can pay hourly or daily rates.

Chicago Midway Airport (MDW)
Chicago Midway International Airport

Location: Chicago The airport is located eight miles (13km) from downtown Chicago.

map of Chicago Midway Airport


Contacts: Tel: +1 (773) 838-0600. Email: aviation@flychicago.com

Getting to the city: Passengers transfering to Chicago can rent a car, or hire a limo or taxi. The Chicago Transit Authority's Orange Line runs from the airport to downtown Chicago. There are also bus services from the airport to throughout the city. The Continental Airport Express has door-to-door service on shuttles leaving every 15 minutes.

Car rental: There are several car rental agencies based at Chicago Midway.

Airport Taxis: There are taxis available from the airport lower level to downtown Chicago or any other destination.

Facilities: The airport offers restaurants, cafes, gift shops, a business centre, yoga room, ATMs and a chapel.

Parking: There is a six-level parking garage attached to the airport by a covered walkway. Complimentary shuttle buses to the terminals run every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day.

Tulsa Airport (TUL)
Tulsa International Airport

Location: Tulsa The airport is located nine miles (8km) from Tulsa.

map of Tulsa Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (918) 838 5000

Getting to the city: Tulsa Transit provides a bus service from the airport to downtown Tulsa. Taxis, shuttles, and rental cars are also available.

Car rental: There are several car hire companies with branches at Tulsa Airport, including Budget, Dollar, Hertz, Avis, National, Alamo, Enterprise, Payless, and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: There is a taxi rank outside the baggage claim area. Taxis have a minimum charge of $10, and there is an additional fee of $2 per extra passenger and per bag. The estimated fare for one person to downtown Tulsa is about $20. A passenger will pay about $16 to reach the University of Tulsa.

Facilities: Located in the passenger terminal of Tulsa Airport are several ATMs, restaurants, bars, shops, a chapel, a business centre and conference rooms, shoeshine and massage services, and a military lounge.

Parking: There are short-term and long-term parking facilities at Tulsa Airport. Hourly parking is available across from the baggage claim area. Charges are $1 for the first half hour and $2 per hour thereafter, and up to a maximum of $12 per day. Garage parking is also available at $12 per day. The economy parking lot provides free shuttles to the terminal and charges $8 per day.

Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA)
Ronald Reagan Washington Airport

Location: Washington DC Three miles (4.8 km) south of Washington DC.

map of Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from March to November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 (703) 417 8000

Transfer between terminals: A shuttle service is available throughout the airport to various terminals and parking. There are walkways between the terminals that allow passengers to walk between concourses without re-clearing security.

Getting to the city: The airport has a Metrorail station connected to the concourse level of Terminals B and C which offers connecting service to downtown Washington DC. Metrobus provides service to Washington DC on weekend mornings when the Metro isn't operating. There are several shuttle companies that offer door-to-door service within the city.

Car rental: There are several car hire companies with offices at Ronald Reagan Washington Airport, including Alamo, Avis, Budget, Hertz, Dollar, Thrifty, Payless, and Enterprise. Rental car counters are located on the first floor in the Terminal Garage A.

Airport Taxis: There are taxi stands located near the baggage claim exits of each terminal. The taxis are metred and charge additional fees per person and bag.

Facilities: The airport has ATMs, charging stations for computers and cell phones, foreign exchange offices, a chapel, post office, a spa, and a number of shops and restaurants within the terminal. There is also a USO Lounge available for American military personnel. There is complimentary wireless internet access throughout the airport.

Parking: Parking at DCA costs $6 per hour in the terminal parking lots and $25 per day. The Economy parking has no hourly rate, but cost $17 per day. Shuttles are available to transport passengers from the parking lots to the terminals.

Orlando Sanford Airport (SFB)
Orlando Sanford International Airport

Location: Orlando The airport is located 22 miles (about 35km) northeast of Orlando.

map of Orlando Sanford Airport

Time: Local time is GMT -5 (GMT -4 between March and November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 407 585 4000

Transfer between terminals: A shuttle bus service connects terminals A and B.

Getting to the city: Lynx bus serves the airport, stopping right outside the terminal buildings.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Alamo, Avis, Budget and Hertz.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available outside the arrivals area.

Facilities: Facilities include ATMs, bureaux de change, restaurants and cafes, WiFi, and the Royal Palm Lounge.

Parking: Hourly and long-term parking are available.

Departure Tax: None.

Blue Grass Airport (LEX)
Lexington Blue Grass Airport

Location: Lexington The airport is located six miles (10km) outside Lexington, Kentucky.

map of Blue Grass Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: 859 425 3100

Getting to the city: There is an express bus service into downtown Lexington, offered by LexTran. The bus operates Monday through Friday from 6am to 6pm from the curb side pick-up area.

Car rental: The rental car offices are located in the baggage claim area on the first level of the terminal building. Rental companies include Alamo, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National and Avis.

Airport Taxis: There are taxis available outside the terminal building, by the exit of the baggage claim area.

Facilities: Airport facilities include ATMs, an information centre, shops and restaurants.

Parking: Parking is available in short-term and long-term lots.

Colorado Springs Airport (COS)
Colorado Springs Municipal Airport

Location: Colorado Springs The airport is located nine miles (16km) southeast of Colorado Springs.

map of Colorado Springs Airport

Time: GMT -7 (GMT -6 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: There are buses to Colorado Springs and the surrounding region from the airport. Taxis, limousines, rental cars, and airport shuttles are all available at the airport, and some hotels in Colorado Springs offer pick-up services for their guests.

Car rental: Car hire companies at the airport include Avis, Budget, Hertz, Alamo/National, and Enterprise.

Airport Taxis: Springs Cab, Pikes Peak Cab, Rocky Mountain Taxi, and Yellow Cab offer taxis from Colorado Springs Airport. Taxis are metered.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include ATMs, a visitor information centre, and multiple restaurants and shops.

Parking: Short-term parking costs $1 per 30 minutes up to $9 per day, and long-term parking costs $1 per hour up to $7 per day. There is a free, 24/7 shuttle service to the terminal.

Columbia Metropolitan Airport (CAE)
Columbia Metropolitan Airport

Location: Columbia The airport is situated eight miles (13km) southwest of Columbia.

map of Columbia Metropolitan Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Taxis and rental cars are available and many hotels provide airport shuttles. Limousines can also be arranged.

Car rental: Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, and Thrifty are represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: A large number of taxi companies service the airport and a taxi can usually be found without pre-booking. Taxis can be found just outside the terminal.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a business centre, eateries, gift shops, a bookstore, and ATMs.

Parking: Covered parking in the multi-level garage is free for 20 minutes, $3 for up to 40 minutes, then $1 for each subsequent 20 minutes up to a daily maximum of $12. Surface parking is $1 per 20 minutes up to a maximum of $8 per day. Valet parking is available for $14 per day.

Akron-Canton Airport (CAK)
Akron-Canton Airport

Location: Akron The airport is located between Akron and Canton, about 15 miles (24km) southeast of Akron.

map of Akron-Canton Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: The Akron Metro bus service is available from the airport to the city centre and to a number of other nearby towns and cities. Taxi services and rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Avis, Alamo, Budget, Hertz, Enterprise, and National.

Airport Taxis: A number of taxi companies operate from the airport, with most accepting both cash and major credit cards. Taxis are metered.

Facilities: Airport facilities include restaurants, fast food outlets, free WiFi, shops, a business centre, massage chairs, and a children's play area.

Parking: Short-term parking at Akron-Canton Airport costs roughly $2 per hour, up to $16 per day, while weekly rates are available in the long-term ($66 per week) and economy ($54 per week) parking lots. There is a free waiting area for drivers picking up or dropping off passengers.

Wausau Airport (CWA)
Central Wisconsin Airport

Location: Wausau The airport is located two miles (3km) southeast of the central business district of Mosinee.

map of Wausau Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: There is no public transportation to the airport. Many local hotels offer free shuttle transfers, while taxis and rental cars are available.

Car rental: Car rental companies at the airport include Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxi companies operating from the airport include Courtesy Cabs and All American Taxi. It is recommended to book a taxi in advance.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a cafe, a gift shop, a first-aid station, an art gallery, information points, a post office drop box, and conference rooms.

Parking: Parking is free for the first three hours and then charged at $1 per hour, up to a daily rate of $7. Cash and credit card payments are accepted.

Dane County Airport (MSN)
Dane County Regional Airport

Location: Madison The airport is located five miles (8km) northeast of Madison.

map of Dane County Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (608) 246 3380

Getting to the city: The Madison Metro Transit System Route 20 bus runs to the airport every 30 minutes on weekdays, and every 60 minutes in the evenings and on weekends and holidays. Travellers going to downtown Madison should take the westbound bus marked 'Route 20, North Transfer Point', while those heading east can take the bus marked 'Route 20, East Towne Mall'. Many hotels in Madison offer complimentary shuttle transfers from the airport.

Car rental: Car hire companies operating from the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, and National. Car rental desks are located in the baggage claim area.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are located at Door 7, at the north end of the baggage claim area. Taxi companies operating in the area include Green Cab, Badger Cab, Union Cab, and Madison Taxi. Ride-hailing apps such as Lyft also operate out of Dane County Airport.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a business centre and conference rooms, massage services, a first aid station, information desks, pet relief areas, baby-changing and breast-feeding facilities, a family lounge, newsstands, souvenir shops, restaurants and bars, and public phones. Disabled services are available.

Parking: Short and long-term parking is located directly across from the terminal, while the economy lot is roughly a ten-minute walk away. The first 15 minutes are free in the Hourly (Ramp) Lot, then $1 for 15 to 30 minutes, $2 for 30 to 60 minutes, $3 for 60 to 90 minutes and $4 for90 minutes to two hours. Thereafter, parking is $2 per hour with a $16 daily limit. Daily rates are $10 in the Long Term (Ramp) Lot, $8 per day in the Surface Lot, and $6 per day in the Economy Lot.

Daytona Beach International Airport (DAB)
Daytona Beach International Airport

Location: Daytona Beach The airport is located four miles (6km) southwest of Daytona Beach.

map of Daytona Beach International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: The Votran municipal bus service stops at the airport regularly on weekdays and Saturdays, with a more limited service on Sundays. An adult bus fare is about $1.75.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, and Thrifty. Car hire desks are located inside the terminal, opposite the baggage claim area.

Airport Taxis: There are taxis from multiple companies available at the east end of the terminal, located just outside the baggage claim area.

Facilities: Airport facilities include shops, restaurants, a meeting room, ATMs, postal services, and a lost and found.

Parking: Short-term parking facilities, located adjacent to the main terminal, offer 15 minutes free parking and thereafter charge $1 every 30 minutes, up to a daily maximum of $15. Long-term parking costs $12 per day. Weekly parking is available for $65. There are free shuttles operating to the terminal.

Duluth International Airport (DLH)
Duluth International Airport

Location: Duluth The airport is located seven miles (11km) northwest of Duluth.

map of Duluth International Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: The Duluth Transit Authority operates bus services (Route 8) throughout the week and weekend (Route 5). Limited service is available on public holidays and Sundays. Single fares are $0.75 off-peak, or $1.50 during peak travel times. Exact change is required.

Car rental: Car rental companies at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: Several taxi companies operate from the airport, including Airport & Duluth Taxi and Yellow Door Taxi. It is best to book ahead via phone.

Facilities: Airport services include a restaurant, coffee shop, vending machines, and conference rooms.

Parking: Parking is charged at $3 for the first hour, $5 for two hours, $9 for six hours and $13 per day. Weekly rates are $78.

Westchester County Airport (HPN)
Westchester County Airport

Location: White Plains The airport is eight miles (13km) from White Plains in New York State.

map of Westchester County Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT - 4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (914) 995 4860

Getting to the city: Bee-Line Bus 12 runs from the airport to White Plains and the local train station, from which passengers can catch the MTA Metro-North Railroad. Bus fare is $2.75 and the buses stop on the central traffic island just outside the terminal building. The other options for getting into White Plains are catching a taxi, using an app based taxi service like Uber or renting a car, though some hotels may offer airport transfers for guests.

Car rental: Rental car companies including Avis, Alamo, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz and National are all available at Westchester County Airport. The rental desks are located in the arrivals hall.

Airport Taxis: All taxi companies operating in the area are permitted to service the airport, but taxi pickup has to be arranged in advance. For those who have not pre-arranged taxi pick up, there is a desk in the arrivals hall that will arrange transport with one of the airport's licensed vendors.

Facilities: Facilities at Westchester include ATMs, business workstations, baby-changing facilities as well as a number of shops and restaurants.

Parking: The garage is next to the terminal, providing short-term and long-term parking.

El Paso International Airport (ELP)
El Paso International Airport

Location: El Paso The airport is located seven miles (11km) from downtown El Paso.

map of El Paso International Airport

Time: GMT -7 (GMT -6 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: (915) 212 0330

Getting to the city: Sun Metro has a scheduled route to the airport seven days a week, with slightly shorter service times on Saturday and Sunday. Regular fares are $1.50. Commercial shuttles are available by advance booking. Many local hotels offer free transfers.

Car rental: Car rental companies at the airport include Advantage, Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, Payless, and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are located directly outside the baggage claim area and are available 24 hours a day. Companies authorised to work from the airport include Border Cabs, Sun City Cabs, and United Independent Cabs.

Facilities: Terminal services include restaurants and coffee shops, a business centre, a shopping centre, several giftshops, shoeshine and newsagents.

Parking: Short-term parking is charged at $1 per hour up to $15 per day. Long-term parking is $7 per day. The first 10 minutes is free in all lots.

Hobby Airport (HOU)
William P. Hobby Airport

Location: Houston The airport is seven miles (11km) from downtown Houston.

map of Hobby Airport

Time: GMT - 6

Contacts: Tel: +1 (713) 640 3000.

Getting to the city: The Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority operates bus services between downtown Houston and William P. Hobby Airport. Route 88 serves the airport, buses leave from zone 13 outside the baggage claims area. Buses operate every 30-40 minutes between around 5am and 12.30am during the week and around 6am and 1am on Saturdays. Fares start at $1.25.

Car rental: Car rental companies including Thrifty, Alamo, Dollar, National, Hertz, Enterprise, Budget and Avis all operate at Hobby Airport. Rental booths are in the baggage claim area on the lower level of the terminal.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available on curbside zone 3 outside the arrivals part of the terminal. Cabs operate on a flat rate based on various zones within Houston. Fares range from $26.50 for downtown Houston in Zone 2 to $72.30 for a taxi to Bush Intercontinental Airport in Zone 8.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include ATMs, currency exchange facilities, public call boxes, mailboxes, luggage carts, phone charging facilities as well as shops and restaurants.

Parking: The parking garage is connected to the terminal and costs $6 for up to two hours and $10 for up to five hours, or $22 per day. Another option is the Ecopark lots, which cost roughly $12 or less per day.

Milwaukee Airport (MKE)
General Mitchell International Airport

Location: Milwaukee The airport is located five miles (8km) south of Milwaukee.

map of Milwaukee Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: The Milwaukee Country Transit System operates several lines to the airport: Route 80 connects to downtown Milwaukee from around 5am and after midnight, while the GreenLine runs to Bayshore Town Center between around 4am and 2am.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Metered taxi service is available from the taxi pick-up station located outside of Baggage Claim 3.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a lost and found, various dining and shopping options, conference and banquet rooms, UPS mail drops, ATMs, public phones, a children's play area, and an aviation history museum.

Parking: All parking lots cost $2 per hour. However, daily rates vary from $24 in the hourly lot to $8 in the SuperSaver lot. All parking is within walking distance of the terminal, with the exception of the SuperSaver lot, which is served by a free shuttle. Passengers arriving via Amtrak can park in a special lot for $8 per day.

Bangor International Airport (BGR)
Bangor International Airport

Location: Bangor The airport is located three miles (5km) from Bangor city centre.

map of Bangor International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4, from the first Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November).

Transfer between terminals: The international terminal and the domestic terminal are within walking distance of each other.

Getting to the city: Bangor International Airport is connected to the city by the Community Connector bus service. A single fare costs around $1.50 but most destinations around Bangor will require at least one transfer. Buses stop at the airport about every 40 minutes. Alternatively, some hotels may provide a shuttle service from the airport.

Car rental: Car rental companies are available on the first floor of the domestic terminal and include Avis, Budget, Hertz, and Alamo/National.

Airport Taxis: A wide variety of reliable taxis and limos serve Bangor International Airport and the Bangor area, including Uber and Lyft.

Facilities: Airport facilities include lockers, shopping, restaurants, a kids' zone, ATMs, and emergency services. The airport has assistance available for disabled passengers.

Parking: The airport offers 15 minutes free parking. Hourly parking is available at $1 for each half hour and a daily rate of $17. Daily parking (long-term) is available for $1 for the first half hour and $1 for each additional hour thereafter up to $11 per day.

Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO)
Reno-Tahoe International Airport

Location: Reno The airport is just five miles (8km) south of downtown Reno.

map of Reno-Tahoe International Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 (775) 328 6400

Getting to the city: The RTC Ride runs between the airport and downtown Reno. The pick-up zone is at the north end near the baggage claim area. Route 19 operates to and from the airport on weekdays. Taxis are also available from the same area and the ride into town takes just ten minutes.

Car rental: On-site car rental operators include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, Payless and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Airport taxis can be found just outside the baggage claim area. The trip into town takes 10 minutes.

Facilities: Facilities at Reno-Tahoe International Airport include ATMs, mail-drop boxes, luggage trolleys, gaming machines, a pet relief area, souvenir shops, newsstands, as well as a range of restaurants and snack bars.

Parking: Short-term parking is charged at $1 for the first 30 minutes, $2 for the first hour and $1 per hour thereafter, up to $24 per day. Long-term rates are similar, but the daily rate is $14. Parking is located opposite the terminal.

Rochester International Airport (RST)
Rochester International Airport

Location: Rochester The airport is nine miles (14km) southwest of Rochester.

map of Rochester International Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 (507) 282 2328.

Getting to the city: There are no public buses or trains from Rochester International Airport, but there is a shuttle service that runs from the airport to downtown. To book the shuttle, ask the Ground Transport Desk in the terminal to assist. Taxis and rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Rental operators at the airport include Hertz, Budget, Avis, National, and Enterprise.

Airport Taxis: There are a few taxi companies which service the airport. To book a taxi, locate the Ground Transportation Service Desk for assistance.

Facilities: An ATM, foreign exchange, a free mini-library, charging stations, vending machines, baby-changing stations, restaurants, bars, and retail outlets are all available.

Parking: Parking is free for the first 30 minutes. Each additional half an hour costs $1, up to a daily limit of $9. Weekly rates are set at $54.

Ontario International Airport (ONT)
Ontario International Airport

Location: Ontario The airport is just over three miles (5km) from downtown Ontario, and 39 miles (63km) east of downtown Los Angeles, in California.

map of Ontario International Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: +1 (909) 544 5300.

Transfer between terminals: The terminals are located adjacent to one other. A free shuttle runs between the terminals at regular intervals of around five to 20 minutes depending upon time of day.

Getting to the city: The best way to get into town from Ontario Airport is to take Omnitrans bus No. 61. It runs at 15-minute intervals.

Car rental: A free shuttle transports passengers to the Rental Car Center from which most major rental companies operate, including Alamo, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Travellers can find metered taxis on the curb outside baggage claim in both Terminals 2 and 4.

Facilities: ATMs, baggage cart rental, pet relief areas, WiFi, retail outlets, duty-free shopping and restaurants are all available at Ontario International Airport.

Parking: Short-term parking is best at daily Lots 2 and 4, which are close to the terminals. Rates start at $6 for the first hour and $2 per hour thereafter, up to a daily rate of $21. Long-term parking is available in Lot 5 and costs $13 per day. It is connected to the terminal via a free shuttle service.

Palm Springs International Airport (PSP)
Palm Springs International Airport

Location: Palm Springs The airport is three miles (5km) from downtown Palm Springs.

map of Palm Springs International Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from mid-March to first Sunday in November)

Contacts: Tel: +1 (760) 318 3800.

Getting to the city: The Amtrak bus is located at the north end of the terminal, and the Morongo Basin Transit Authority (MBTA) provides a bus service to Palm Springs. Taxis and rental cars are available. Some mobile app based taxi services are also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies offering services at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz and National.

Airport Taxis: A number of taxi companies operate at Palm Springs International Airport.

Facilities: Palm Springs International Airport passenger facilities include a range of restaurants, a selection of shops, a USO Service Club, a kid's play area, ATMs, currency exchange services and free WiFi.

Parking: Parking rates at Palm Springs International Airport start at $2 per 20 minutes and go up to $20 per day. Cell phone waiting lots are also available.

Piedmont Triad International Airport (GSO)
Piedmont Triad International Airport

Location: Greensboro The airport is 11 miles (18km) west of Greensboro.

map of Piedmont Triad International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November)

Contacts: Tel: (336) 665 5666

Getting to the city: Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation (PART) offers a shuttle between the airport and several destinations nearby. Taxis and rental cars are also available, as are ride-hailing apps like Uber and Lyft.

Car rental: Rental desks are in the baggage claims area. Car rental companies represented at the airport include Avis, Alamo, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, National, and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: A Triad Transportation desk is located on the lower level of the terminal, where taxis can be ordered.

Facilities: ATMs, a post office, conference facilities, a chapel, information desks, airline lounges, vending machines, and a games room are all available at Piedmont Triad Airport. There are also a number of shops, restaurants, and snack bars.

Parking: Parking garage rates are $10 per day, while long-term lot rates are $8 per day. A free shuttle runs between the long-term lots and the terminal. Short-term metered parking bays are available in front of the terminal for two hours or less of parking. There is also an overflow lot that costs just $5 per day.

Fargo Airport (FAR)
Hector International Airport

Location: Fargo The airport is five miles (8km) northwest of Fargo.

map of Fargo Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: There is no public transport from the airport into Fargo. However, many local hotels will arrange transfers by advance request. Jefferson Bus Lines and Amtrak provide intercity bus services from downtown Fargo.

Car rental: Car rental companies at Hector Airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, National, and Payless.

Airport Taxis: Approved taxi companies operating from the airport include Doyle's Yellow Checker Cab, Fargo Metro Taxi, FM Taxi, GoCab, and Lucky 7. It is advisable to call ahead in order to have a taxi waiting by the curb.

Facilities: Terminal facilities are basic, but include a gift shop, a snack bar and cafe, a game room, and business centres with free WiFi.

Parking: Short-term parking is charged at $1 for 30 minutes, up to $18 per day. Long-term rates are similar with a daily limit of $8 and a weekly rate of $48.

Dayton Airport (DAY)
Dayton International Airport

Location: The airport is located 12 miles (19km) north of central Dayton.

map of Dayton Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Ride-hailing apps such as Uber and Lyft are available, as too are courtesy shuttles. The bus service RTA Route 43 connects the airport to downtown Dayton.

Car rental: Car rental desks are located in the baggage claim area, and include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available between 7am and midnight, and can be booked via the Taxi Starter booth directly in front of the terminal.

Facilities: Terminal facilities include an information centre, lost and found, business centre, post office, shoeshine service, massage chairs, charging stations, ATMs, vending machines, postal and FedEx shipping services, several restaurants and bars, a book store and newsagent, as well as a number of other shops.

Parking: The garage costs $3 per half hour while it has a daily maximum $20. The short-term lot is free for the first 30 minutes, then charges at $3 per half hour, with a $18 daily limit. The long-term lot is $2 per hour up to $14 per day. Connected to the terminal via shuttle, the economy lot has a $4.95 flat rate and a weekly rate of $34.65.

John Wayne Airport (SNA)
John Wayne Airport

Location: Orange County The airport is located in Orange County, California, just 14 miles (23km) from the Disneyland Resort.

map of John Wayne Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Transfer between terminals: It is possible to walk between the terminals through connecting walkways.

Getting to the city: Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) buses, and the iShuttle service John Wayne Airport. Additionally, an express bus runs to the Disneyland Resort on a set schedule. Taxis and rental cars are available. Uber and other similar mobile app based taxi services are also available. Most ground transportation services pick up travellers in the Ground Transportation Center (GTC).

Car rental: On-site rental car companies include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available from the Ground Transportation Centre at John Wayne Airport. Metered service is available but it is also possible to negotiate a flat rate for certain destinations. There is no charge for additional passengers. Uber and other similar mobile app based taxi services are also available.

Facilities: John Wayne Airport is well equipped with airline club lounges, a wide variety of restaurants from fast food outlets to sit-down dining and pubs, a broad selection of shops for basic necessities and gifts, ATMs, currency exchange, power outlets, lockers, pet facilities and art exhibits.

Parking: Parking fees at John Wayne Airport start at $2 per hour and peak at $20 per day. The four parking lots are located directly opposite the main terminal building.

Lansing Airport (LAN)
Capital Region International Airport

Location: The airport is located three miles (5km) northwest of downtown Lansing.

map of Lansing Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: (517) 321-6121

Getting to the city: Capital Area Transit Authority (CATA) provides a fixed route bus service to Capital Region International Airport seven days a week along Route 14.

Car rental: Car rental companies at the airport include Avis, Budget, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are located across from the main entrance. Courtesy phones for booking taxis are located in the baggage claim area.

Facilities: Airport facilities include an information centre, an ATM, a cafe and pub for refreshments, a private lounge for frequent flyers, meeting rooms, and a lost and found.

Parking: Parking is free for the first 15 minutes in both parking lots. Short-term parking costs $2 for the first hour, and $3 for each additional hour, up to a daily maximum of $14. Long-term parking costs $2 per hour, $10 per day, and $50 per week.

Mobile Airport (MOB)
Mobile Regional Airport

Location: Mobile Mobile Regional Airport is located about 13 miles (21km) west of central Mobile.

map of Mobile Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: The Airport Boulevard connects the airport to the city of Mobile, taxis and rental cars are readily available. Several door-to-door shuttle services are also available and these can be pre-booked. Some hotels offer airport pick-ups. Uber, and other app-based taxi services, are also available.

Car rental: Car hire companies include Alamo, Avis, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National and Thrifty. Budget has an office just across the road, connected to the airport by a shuttle.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available. App-based taxi services, such as Uber, are also available.

Facilities: Airport facilities include ATMs, as well as conference and business facilities. There are several restaurants and bars but shopping options are limited.

Parking: Short-term parking at Mobile Regional Airport costs $1 per hour up to $10 per day, and long-term parking has similar charges with a $8 daily rate. 15 minutes free parking is available in all lots.

Baton Rouge Airport (BTR)
Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport

Location: Baton Rouge The airport is located eight miles (13km) outside of Baton Rouge's central business district.

map of Baton Rouge Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (225) 355 0333

Getting to the city: Shuttle services are available and the Capital Area Transit System (CATS) provides an express airport service to downtown. The bus leaves hourly.

Car rental: Cars from major car rental companies including Hertz, Avis, National, Enterprise, and Budget are available at the airport.

Airport Taxis: A great number of taxi companies service Baton Rouge Airport in addition to Uber and Lyft ride-hailing services.

Facilities: Baton Rouge Airport offers a number of amenities, including a children's play room, a reading room, restrooms, a smoking lounge, a business centre, a food court, gift shops, ATMs, courtesy phones, a nursing room, a non-denominational chapel, shoe shine services, vending machines, and a conference room.

Parking: Two three-storey parking garages are located directly opposite Baton Rouge Airport terminal. For standard parking it costs $1 per half hour or portion thereof, or $2 per hour for economy parking. For a full 24 hours it's $12 in the standard lot, or $9 in the economy lot. Payment is at check out while exiting the lot and most major credit cards are accepted.

Montgomery Airport (MGM)
Montgomery Regional Airport

Location: Montgomery Montgomery Airport is located seven miles (11km) southwest of Montgomery.

map of Montgomery Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: The cheapest mode of transport from the airport into the city is the Montgomery Area Transit bus. The station is right outside the terminal and services run hourly during the week between 5.55am and 7.55pm, and roughly every 1 hour and 40 minutes on Saturdays between 7.55am and 5.55pm. Many hotels offer airport shuttles and shuttle bus services and taxis are also available at the airport. Uber, and other app-based taxi services, are also available.

Car rental: Car hire companies with desks in the terminal include Avis, Budget, Hertz, Thrifty, National and Alamo.

Airport Taxis: Taxis can be found just outside of the baggage claim area.

Facilities: Facilities in the airport include ATMs, restaurants, a gift shop, a lounge and business centre, and very good facilities for those with disabilities.

Parking: The airport offers short and long-term parking close to the terminal. Short-term parking lots charge $1 per half hour up to six hours, and $12 daily; and long-term parking lots charge $1 per hour, and $10 daily.

Lewiston Airport (LWS)
Lewiston-Nez Perce County Airport

Location: Lewiston Lewiston-Nez Perce County Airport is located two miles (3km) south of downtown Lewiston.

map of Lewiston Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Ride the Valley has an hourly service from the airport between 6.20am and around 7pm. Taxis are available to town. Some resorts and hotels also offer transfer services.

Car rental: Car hire companies at the airport include Aivs, Budget, and Hertz.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available from the airport, however it is a good idea to book ahead as they may not be waiting.

Facilities: Airport facilities are limited, but include a cafe, hair salon, FedEx, and a lost and found.

Parking: Parking is available in clearly marked short and long-term sections, and is free of charge.

Shreveport Airport (SHV)
Shreveport Regional Airport

Location: Shreveport Shreveport Airport is located eight miles (13km) out of the centre of the city.

map of Shreveport Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (318) 673 5370

Getting to the city: The local SporTran bus system has routes from the airport to the city centre. A variety of private shuttle companies are available at the airport, as are taxis.

Car rental: On-site rental car companies operate at Shreveport Regional Airport, including Avis, Budget, Hertz, National, Thrifty, and Enterprise. The companies' rental counters are located on the lower level of the terminal building.

Airport Taxis: Taxis and limousines are available outside the airport.

Facilities: Refreshments are available and there are also a couple of newsstands. An ATM can be found near the baggage claim area. Facilities for disabled passengers are available.

Parking: Parking is availble at the airport.

Albany Airport (ABY)
Southwest Georgia Regional Airport

Location: Albany The airport is located three miles (5km) west of Albany.

map of Albany Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Rental cars and taxis are available at the airport.

Car rental: Avis, Budget, Hertz, and Enterprise operate car rental facilities at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Taxis and limousines are available to downtown Albany; however, they are not always waiting at the airport so it is best to book one ahead of time.

Facilities: Airport facilities include shops and vending machines, emergency medical services, laptop stations, and disabled assistance.

Parking: Parking is available outside the terminal.

Dothan Airport (DHN)
Dothan Regional Airport

Location: Dothan Dothan Airport is situated nine miles (14km) northwest of Dothan.

map of Dothan Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: There is no public transport to the airport. However, taxis operate within airport hours and there are rental cars available.

Car rental: Car rental companies in Dothan Airport include Avis, Hertz and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available from the airport, but may need to be booked by phone.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a restaurant, shoeshine services, business centre, conference room, and a gift shop.

Parking: There is a parking lot located close to the terminal.

Huntsville Airport (HSV)
Huntsville International Airport

Location: Huntsville Huntsville Airport is located 14 miles (23km) southwest of downtown Huntsville.

map of Huntsville Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Taxis and airport shuttle buses are parked outside the baggage claim area. Many hotels in Huntsville offer airport shuttle services for their guests. Capital Motor Lines and Spirit Coach provide bus services.

Car rental: Avis, Budget, Dollar/Thrifty, Enterprise, Hertz and National/Alamo are represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: A number of taxi companies service the airport within operating hours, and are available outside of baggage claim. All taxis are metered, and reservations are not required. Uber, and other app-based taxi services, are also available.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include an ATM, restaurants and coffee shops, a smoking lounge, gift shops, a travel agency and a lost and found.

Parking: Parking is available at the airport.

Juneau Airport (JNU)
Juneau International Airport

Location: Juneau The airport is situated eight miles (13km) northwest of central Juneau.

map of Juneau Airport

Time: GMT -9 (GMT -8 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Juneau's public transit system, Capital Transit, provides bus and shuttle services to and from the airport. A number of hotels also offer shuttle services for guests. Rental cars and taxis are available at the airport.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at the airport include Alamo/National, Avis, Budget and Hertz.

Airport Taxis: A number of taxi companies service the airport.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include a visitor information desk, baggage storage, a lost and found service, smoking rooms, disabled facilities, free wifi, a computer lounge, a gift shop and restaurants.

Parking: Short and long-term parking is available directly in front of the terminal building. In short-term parking the first 15 minutes are free, the first hour costs $3, and each hour thereafter costs $2. In long-term parking the first two hours cost $5 and each extra hour costs $1, up to a daily rate of $14, and a weekly rate of $75.

Fayetteville Airport (XNA)
Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport

Location: Fayetteville The airport is located 23 miles (37km) northwest of Fayetteville.

map of Fayetteville Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: There is no public transport from Fayetteville Airport; however, there are several shuttle services available by advance booking. Some hotels offer complimentary transfers for guests.

Car rental: Car hire companies at the airport include Avis, Budget, Hertz, Enterprise, National, Dollar and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxi companies servicing the airport include Ambassador Transportation Services and Jim's Express Shuttle and Taxi.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include visitor information, a lost and found, conference rooms and business centres, medical emergency facilities, ATMs, a pet relief area, a yoga room, play centres, an arcade, a hair salon, FedEx and Mail Drop, a police department, and a selection of restaurants and shops.

Parking: Short- and long-term parking is available.

Savannah Airport (SAV)
Savannah-Hilton Head International Airport

Location: The airport is located 11 miles (18km) northwest of the central business district of Savannah.

map of Savannah Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Both Chatham Area Transit and Coastal Regional Coaches operate daily from the airport to many locations in the Savannah area. Taxis are available, as well as Uber and Lyft.

Car rental: Car rental companies operating from the airport include Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available from the airport. Meter rates are regulated and charged at $2.50 for the first sixth of a mile (1.6km), and $2.28 per mile thereafter. A surcharge of $1 to $2 may be levied on airport fares, and there may be extra fees for additional passengers. An approximate fare to the Savannah Historic District is $28.

Facilities: Airport facilities include an information centre, USO facility and military reception centre, ATMs, luggage carts, gift shops, and restaurants.

Parking: Hourly and Long-term parking is located in the garage opposite the terminal, and an economy lot is located further from the terminal.

Valdosta Regional Airport (VLD)
Valdosta Regional Airport

Location: The airport is located nearly four miles (6km) south of Valdosta.

map of Valdosta Regional Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: There is no public transport to Valdosta Airport, but shuttle and taxi services are available with advance bookings. Mobile app based taxi services, like Uber and Lyft, are also available.

Car rental: Car hire companies located at the airport include Avis and Hertz.

Airport Taxis: While there is no official airport taxi company, taxis can be booked via phone from a number of different companies. There are usually taxis waiting outside the airport when flights arrive, but it is advised to book in advance.

Facilities: Airport facilities are limited, but there is a small shop in which to buy sandwiches in the terminal, and a vending machine.

Parking: Parking at Valdosta Airport is free; however, travellers planning to leave their cars for more than five days must fill out an online form, available on the airport's website.

Columbus Airport (CSG)
Columbus Airport

Location: The airport is located six miles (10km) northeast of the central business district of Columbus.

map of Columbus Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: The Metra city bus has service to the airport. The stop is located across from the northwest corner of the airport on Airport Thruway, at Wal-Mart. Taxis and limousines are also available.

Car rental: Car hire companies operating from the airport include Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: There is a taxi rank at the east end of the terminal past baggage claim. Fares are charged at $2 for the first mile (1.2km) and $1.80 per mile thereafter. An average fare to Fort Benning costs between $17 and $20.

Facilities: Airport facilities are limited, but include ATMs, vending machines, a news stand and gift shop, a restaurant, and a Pet Pavilion.

Parking: Parking lots are open from 4.30am to 11.30pm, and cash or credit cards are accepted. The airport provides short- and long-term parking.

Evansville Airport (EVV)
Evansville Regional Airport

Location: Evansville The airport is located nine miles (14km) north of Evansville.

map of Evansville Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: (812) 421 4401

Getting to the city: There is no public transportation to Evansville Airport, however shuttle services are provided to many nearby hotels, and taxis are available.

Car rental: Car rental companies operating from the airport include Alamo, Avis, Enterprise, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: There are several taxi companies operating from the airport. Pick-up fees start from $3, and metered rates are around $2 per mile (1.2km). There is also a fixed rate service to anywhere in Evansville for around $25 with the company Feller Limousine and Sedan.

Facilities: Airport facilities include an airport lounge, restaurant, cocktail lounge, travel agents, conference facilities, lockers, a gift shop, and information desk.

Parking: Short-term parking is free for the first hour, and $2 for each additional hour up to a maximum daily rate of $16. Long-term parking is free for the first hour, then $0.50 for each additional hour up to a maximum daily rate of $7, and a weekly rate of $35.

Fort Wayne Airport (FWA)
Fort Wayne International Airport

Location: Fort Wayne The airport is located nine miles (14km) southwest of Fort Wayne.

map of Fort Wayne Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (260) 747 4146

Getting to the city: There is no public transport available. However there are hotel shuttles, rental cars, taxis and limousines are all available at the airport.

Car rental: Car rental companies operating from the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, Dollar and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxi companies including A-1 Deluxe, American Taxi, and Royal Taxi operate at the airport.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a restaurant and coffee shop, a business centre, children's play areas, art exhibits, and an ATM. Incoming passengers are also given a freshly baked cookie at the Welcome Center, which has an information desk and charging stations.

Parking: The short and long-term parking lots are free for the first 30 minutes. The short-term lot charges $2 for the first half hour, and $2 for each additional hour or fraction thereof. The long-term lot charges the same per hour or fraction thereof. Short-term parking is located opposite the terminal and has a daily maximum of $14. Long-term parking has a daily maximum of $9, while the economy lot, located farthest from the terminal, has a daily rate of $8 and a weekly rate of $44. Note that the economy lot does not accept cash payments and is credit card only.

South Bend Airport (SBN)
South Bend International Airport

Location: South Bend The airport is located four miles (6km) northwest of South Bend.

map of South Bend Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: (574) 282 4590

Getting to the city: The South Shore rail line connects the airport with cities throughout north-western Indiana. Bus companies include Interurban Trolley and Transpo, which offer services to Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, and Toledo. Uber and Lyft are available.

Car rental: Car hire companies operating from the airport have desks in the baggage claim area. These include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available on the main drive outside of the terminal's front entrance. The companies that have been authorised to operate include Modern Cab and United Cab.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a restaurant and bar, a snack shop, an information centre, newsstands, ATMs, a business centre, and a mother's nursing room.

Parking: Short-term parking is located opposite the terminal. The first 30 minutes are free, then parking is charged at $2 per hour up to a daily maximum of $14. Long-term parking is $1 per hour up to a daily maximum of $9. Economy, which is located farthest from the terminal, is $1 per hour up to a daily rate of $9 and a weekly rate of $45.

Eastern Iowa Airport (CID)
Eastern Iowa Airport

Location: Cedar Rapids The airport is about eight miles (13km) from Cedar Rapids.

map of Eastern Iowa Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: (319) 362 8336 or email info@flyCID.com

Getting to the city: Cedar Rapids Transit Route 11 provides service to the airport roughly every half hour between around 5.40am and 6.40pm on weekdays, and once per hour between around 8.40am and 4.40pm on Saturdays, depending on demand. One way fares are $1.50 and correct change is required.

Car rental: Car rental companies at the airport include Avis, Budget, Hertz, Alamo, National, and Enterprise.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available at the airport. Officially recommended companies include American Class, Yellow Cab and Master Cab.

Facilities: Airport facilities include an ATM, a business centre, charging stations, a gift shop, restaurants and bars, an information centre, a lost and found, a mothers' room, and public phones.

Parking: Short and long-term parking is located adjacent to the terminal building; the first 20 minutes are free. Short-term rates are $2 for 30 minutes, $3 for the first hour and $1 for each subsequent 30 minutes up to a daily rate of $14. Long-term parking has a daily rate of $8.

Fresno Airport (FAT)
Fresno Yosemite International Airport

Location: Fresno Fresno Airport is located more than 65 miles (105km) south of Yosemite National Park, on California State Route 41 in eastern Fresno.

map of Fresno Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from the mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Tour buses, shared shuttles, taxis and buses that connect to Yosemite and downtown Fresno are all available in front of the terminal building.

Car rental: Car rental services are available from the airport, from companies including Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz and Alamo. Pre-booking is always recommended.

Airport Taxis: Taxi cabs operate from the curb in front of the terminal building.

Facilities: Amenities in Fresno airport include a tourism and information centre, a newsagents, a sports bar, fast-food outlets, and a pub.

Parking: Fresno Airport has three parking options for visitors: a free 'pick up' area, where patrons are required to remain with their car at all times while waiting for their guests to arrive; a short-term lot, charging $1 for up to 20 minutes of parking, $2 for 40 minutes of parking, $3 for an hour, and so on up to a daily maximum of $12; and a long-term lot with a flat rate of $8 per day. The lots are located to the east of the airport terminal.

Key West International Airport (EYW)
Key West International Airport

Location: Key West The airport is situated two miles (3km) east of Key West.

map of Key West International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Transfer between terminals: Key West International is a small airport and no transport is necessary between the two terminals.

Getting to the city: Shuttles and taxis can be found at the airport.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at the airport include Avis, Budget, Dollar and Hertz.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are the most popular form of airport transport and there are usually a number of cabs lined up outside the arrivals area waiting for passengers. Fares vary according to destination.

Facilities: The airport has limited services, but a snack counter, a bar and some small shops are provided and there is a lost and found service.

Parking: Free parking is available for one hour in the short term parking lot. Thereafter, parking rates are $3 for each additional hour, up to a daily maximum of $15 and a weekly maximum of $84.

Pensacola International Airport (PNS)
Pensacola International Airport

Location: Pensacola The airport is situated five miles (8km) from central Pensacola.

map of Pensacola International Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November)

Getting to the city: Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT) buses service the airport. Shared shuttles, taxis and limousines can also be hired at the airport and cars can be rented. Uber and other similar mobile app based taxi services are also available.

Car rental: Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Payless, Enterprise, Hertz, National and Thrifty are all represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available at the airport.

Facilities: Pensacola International Airport is a small, simple facility, but does provide an ATM, a lost and found, postal services, free WiFi, a gift shop and a restaurant for passengers.

Parking: In the Surface Parking Lot rates are $2 per hour, up to $9 per day; in the Garage Parking Lot rates are $11 per day; and in the Economy Parking Lot rates are $2 per hour, up to $8 per day. The Cell-phone lot is free for the first hour, thereafter it costs $2 per hour.

Minot Airport (MOT)
Minot International Airport

Location: Minot The airport is located two miles (3km) north of Minot.

map of Minot Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Taxis provide transportation while several hotels offer free shuttle transfers.

Car rental: Car rental companies at the airport include Enterprise, Avis, National, and Hertz.

Airport Taxis: Taxi companies authorised to operate from the airport include Central Cab and Taxi 9000.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a restaurant, free WiFi, and a snack bar.

Parking: Short-term parking is free for the first 30 minutes and $2 per hour, up to a maximum of $14 per day. Long-term parking costs $72 per week or $12 a day.

Central Illinois Regional Airport (BMI)
Central Illinois Regional Airport Bloomington-Normal

Location: Bloomington The airport is situated five miles (8km) east of Bloomington.

map of Central Illinois Regional Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: The Tan line of the Connect-Transit bus service provides transport to the airport via the 'CIRA Terminal' stop. Taxis and rental cars are also available at the airport.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at the airport include Avis, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are usually available at the airport, but for peak hours, or late at night, it is best to book a taxi in advance. Uber is also an option.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include a conference centre, shops, a restaurant, and a coffee shop.

Parking: All parking is free at the airport and there is a free airport shuttle available to transport passengers between the parking lots and the terminal. Short-term parking is available for up to two hours, but there is no time limit for the long-term lot.

Malcolm McKinnon Airport (SSI)
McKinnon St. Simons Island Airport

Location: The airport is located on St Simons island, six miles (10km) east of Brunswick.

map of Malcolm McKinnon Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: The best way to connect to the city is via car. Car hire options are available at the airport.

Car rental: Avis and Hertz offer car rental services at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available but may need to be called to the airport by phone.

Facilities: The airport is mainly used for general aviation. Airport facilities include a quiet room, conference facilities, showers, a kitchen, internet and a concierge service.

Parking: Parking is available directly outside the terminal.

Range Regional Airport (HIB)
Range Regional Airport

Location: Hibbing The airport is located seven miles (11km) southeast of Hibbing, Minnesota.

map of Range Regional Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: There is no public transport serving the airport. Car hire and taxis are the best method of getting to Chisholm or Hibbing.

Car rental: ACAR Auto Rental and Enterprise have car hire facilities at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Hibbing Taxi provides services at the airport.

Facilities: Airport facilities are limited.

Parking: The airport provides parking free of charge.

Kalamazoo International Airport (AZO)
Kalamazoo Battle Creek International Airport

Location: Kalamazoo The airport is situated three miles (5km) southeast of Kalamazoo.

map of Kalamazoo International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Kalamazoo Metro Transit buses service the airport, departing every hour between 7am and 10pm Monday through Saturday. Taxis and rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies at the airport include Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz and National.

Airport Taxis: A ground transportation counter is situated in the baggage claim area of the terminal, providing information on taxi companies and fares. Taxis are available at the airport and usually do not have to be ordered in advance.

Facilities: Airport facilities include free wifi, a restaurant, a gift shop, an information centre and a lost and found.

Parking: Short-term parking costs $2 each half hour up to a daily maximum of $15. Long-term parking costs $4 per hour up to a daily maximum of $9 and a weekly maximum of $63.

Marquette Airport (MQT)
Sawyer International Airport

Location: Marquette The airport is situated 19 miles (31km) south of Marquette.

map of Marquette Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: A Marq-Tran bus shuttle services the airport roughly every hour, operating from around 6am to 7pm on weekdays, and between 7.30am and 5.30pm on Saturdays. The buses travel to downtown Marquette and Gwinn. Taxis and rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, National and Thrifty.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available at the airport.

Facilities: Facilities are limited at this small airport, but an ATM, postal services, vending machines, a snack bar and a lost and found are provided.

Parking: Parking is provided right outside of the terminal building. The first two hours of parking are free and every additional two hours cost $1 to $2, up to a daily maximum of $5. Weekly parking costs $35.

Pellston Regional Airport (PLN)
Pellston Regional Airport

Location: Pellston The airport is situated two miles (3km) northwest of downtown Pellston.

map of Pellston Regional Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Taxis, shuttles and rental cars are available at the airport.

Car rental: Car hire companies at the airport include Avis, Budget and Hertz.

Airport Taxis: Taxi, limousine and shuttle companies operating at the airport include Mackinaw Shuttle, Straits Taxi Service and Up North Rides.

Facilities: Pellston Regional Airport is small but very attractive, with rustic charm and pleasant waiting areas. There is a restaurant, an observation deck, and conference facilities at the airport.

Parking: Free parking is provided at the airport.

Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport (GPT)
Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport

Location: Gulfport Gulfport–Biloxi International Airport is located nearly six miles (10km) northeast of Gulfport.

map of Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Taxis and hired cars are available at the airport. Some local hotels offer shuttle services for guests.

Car rental: Car rental companies operating from the airport include Avis, Budget, Hertz, National and Dollar.

Airport Taxis: Many taxi companies service the airport; taxis can generally be found waiting outside the terminal, but pick-up can be arranged in advance by phone.

Facilities: Airport facilities include ATMs, a smoking lounge, meeting rooms, baggage carts, computer work stations, USO services, several fast-food outlets and a gift shop.

Parking: Parking is free for the first 30 minutes, then charged at $2 for an hour, and $2 for every addtional hour. Garage parking is $13 per day; the surface lot charges $10 per day, and $60 per week.

Columbus Airport (UBS)
Columbus-Lowndes County Airport

Location: Columbus The airport is located five miles (8km) southeast of Columbus.

map of Columbus Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Public transport does not service the airport, but taxis are available.

Car rental: There are no car rental companies located at the airport, but several companies are located nearby and will arrange for pick-up at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Several taxi companies service the airport, however it is a good idea to book a cab in advance as they are usually not available outside the terminal.

Facilities: Airport facilities are limited.

Parking: Parking is available near the terminal building.

Traverse City Airport (TVC)
Cherry Capital Airport

Location: Traverse City The airport is situated five miles (8km) southeast of downtown Traverse City.

map of Traverse City Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Bay Area Transportation Authority (BATA) provides an airport bus service, with single fares costing $1.50. Rental cars and taxis are also available.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at the airport include Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxi companies servicing the airport include Up North Taxi and Odawa Country Taxi Cab.

Facilities: The airport is small, but facilities do include gift shops, as well as food and beverage vendors.

Parking: Short-term parking costs $2 each half hour, up to a daily maximum of $12. Long-term parking costs $2 each hour, up to a daily maximum of $8. There is a cell phone lot for pick-ups.

Helena Regional Airport (HLN)
Helena Regional Airport

Location: Helena The airport is located four miles (6km) northeast of Helena.

map of Helena Regional Airport

Time: GMT -7 (GMT -6 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: +404 442 2821

Getting to the city: There is no public transport servicing Helena Airport but Helena Towncar, a luxury shuttle service, is available for pick-up and drop-off. A number of area hotels provide free shuttle service to and from the airport, and can be called through the courtesy phone board located in the baggage claim area near the east entrance of the terminal.

Car rental: Car rental companies operating from the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: Capitol Taxi and other taxi companies can be called directly from the courtesy phone located in the terminal baggage claim area.

Facilities: Airport facilities include an ATM, an information centre, a restaurant and a gift shop, a business centre, and televisions.

Parking: Short-term parking is located directly east of the terminal; the first hour is free. Long-term parking is $4 per day.

Kalispell Airport (FCA)
Glacier Park International Airport

Location: Kalispell The airport is located six miles (10km) northeast of Kalispell.

map of Kalispell Airport

Time: GMT -7 (GMT -6 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: +406 257 5994

Getting to the city: Car rentals and taxis are available but there is no public transport servicing the airport.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at the airport include Avis, Budget, Dollar, Hertz, Thrifty, and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available from the airport, but they should be booked by phone.

Facilities: Terminal facilities include an ATM, vending machines, a visitors information centre, a conference room and a bistro.

Parking: Parking is free for the first 5 mintes and then charges $1 for every 20 minutes, up to a daily maximum of $9, and a weekly rate of $54.

Missoula Airport (MSO)
Missoula Montana Airport

Location: The airport is located five miles (8km) northwest of downtown Missoula.

map of Missoula Airport

Time: GMT -7 (GMT -6 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: +406 728 4381

Getting to the city: Mountain Line operates public buses to the airport 11 times every weekday. Information is available from their kiosk in the baggage claim area.

Car rental: Car rental counters are located in the main passenger terminal, directly across from baggage claim. Companies include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis and shuttles are available from the airport. Information is available from the courtesy board in the baggage claim area.

Facilities: Terminal facilities include an information centre, ATMs, a business centre, restaurants and shops.

Parking: Short-term parking is adjacent to the terminal; parking is charged at $3 for the first hour and $2 per half hour thereafter up to a daily maximum of $15. Long-term parking is $3 for the first hour and $1 per hour thereafter up to $9 per day and $54 per week. The first 60 minutes is free in all lots.

Great Falls International Airport (GTF)
Great Falls International Airport

Location: Great Falls The airport is located five miles (8km) southwest of Great Falls.

map of Great Falls International Airport

Time: GMT -7 (GMT -6, from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Taxis, hotel shuttles and rental cars are available. Public buses stop nearby but don't service the airport directly.

Car rental: Car hire agencies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Enterprise, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: Diamond Cabs service the airport, and can be booked by phone.

Facilities: The airport is small, though comfortable, and facilities are basic. Terminal facilities include a gift shop, a bar and a restaurant.

Parking: The first 15 minutes in the Hourly and Daily lots are free. Parking in the Hourly Lot is charged at $1 for each 30 minutes up to $12 per day. Parking in the Daily Lot costs a daily rate of $7 and a weekly rate of $35.

Springfield National Airport (SGF)
Springfield-Branson National Airport

Location: Springfield The airport is situated seven miles (11km) northwest of Springfield.

map of Springfield National Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Some hotels in Branson and Springfield offer airport shuttles for their guests. The airport is served by several shuttles, rental cars, and taxi companies.

Car rental: Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Dollar, Hertz, National, Payless, and Thrifty operate at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Taxi companies which serve the airport include Yellow Cab, Springfield Orange Taxi & Car Service, and Green Shuttle Taxi Service, as well as Fisk Limousines.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a restaurant, a coffee shop, a gift shop, an information kiosk, ATMs, medical services, a pet-relief area, a travel agency, and a lost and found.

Parking: The cell phone lot is free and found in front of the terminal for those picking up passengers. Short-term parking is $2 per half-hour, up to a daily maximum of $16. Long-term parking costs $1 per hour, up to a daily maximum of $11, and a weekly maximum of $66.

Elmira Corning Regional Airport (ELM)
Elmira Corning Regional Airport

Location: Elmira The airport is situated seven miles (11km) northwest of Elmira.

map of Elmira Corning Regional Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (607) 739 5621

Getting to the city: C-Tran bus route 20 connects the airport to Elmira between roughly 8am and 6pm on weekdays, and between 10am and 5pm on Saturdays. Adult bus fare is about $2.25. A number of hotels offer airport shuttles for their guests and taxis and rental cars are also available. Ride-hailing apps such as Lyft are also available to passengers at the airport.

Car rental: Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz and National are represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Bill's Transportation and Terps Enterprises service the airport, but it is recommended that taxis be booked in advance to ensure availability.

Facilities: Airport facilities include an ATM, restaurant, conference rooms, family restrooms, and wifi.

Parking: All airport parking is free for the first 15 minutes. Short-term parking costs $1 for the first hour and $1 for each additional 30 minutes, up to a daily maximum of $10. Long-term parking costs $1 for 30 minutes, $1 for every additional hour, and a daily maximum of $9. The more distant economy parking is slightly cheaper with a daily max of $7.50.

Lafayette Regional Airport (LFT)
Lafayette Regional Airport

Location: Lafayette The airport is located two miles (4km) southeast of Lafayette.

map of Lafayette Regional Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (337) 266 4400

Getting to the city: A number of taxi and shuttle services operate from the airport.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Hertz, National and Enterprise.

Airport Taxis: Dixie Cab and Courtesy Taxi Transportation provide metered taxi service from the airport. It is a good idea to book a taxi in advance.

Facilities: Terminal facilities include an ATM, porters, wheel chair service, duty-free shopping, a cafe and bar, a business centre and travel agencies.

Parking: The first 30 minutes are free in all parking lots. The short-term lot charges $1 per 30 minutes, after the initial free period, for the first three and a half hours, $11 for up to four hours, and $12 per day. The long-term lot charges $2 per hour up to $9 per day. The economy lot charges a daily rate of $6. The parking lots are connected to the terminal by covered walkways.

Greater Binghamton Airport (BGM)
Greater Binghamton Airport

Location: Binghamton The airport is situated 11 miles (18km) north of Binghamton.

map of Greater Binghamton Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (607) 763 4471

Getting to the city: Taxis, airport shuttles, and rental cars are available to get into town.

Car rental: Avis, Hertz, and Budget are represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Numerous taxi companies service the airport, but it is best to book ahead to avoid a wait.

Facilities: The airport is small but comfortable. Facilities include vending machines, a restaurant, free wifi, and a conference centre complete with audio-visual equipment.

Parking: Short-term and long-term parking is provided at the airport. In short-term parking, the first 15 minutes are free, and the hourly rate is $1 for the first hour, $2.25 for the next hours, and a daily rate of $11. Long-term parking is $1 per hour for the first hour, $2 per hour thereafter, and a maximum of $8 a day.

Syracuse Airport (SYR)
Syracuse Hancock International Airport

Location: Syracuse The airport is situated nine miles (14km) northeast of downtown Syracuse.

map of Syracuse Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (315) 454 4330

Getting to the city: Taxis to and from the William F. Walsh Regional Transportation Center will link travellers to Syracuse through Centro's bus network.

Car rental: Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, and Thrifty are represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Syracuse Regional Airport Taxi provides exclusive service to the airport. Dispatch desks for taxi services are located near each baggage claim area, and are staffed between 5am and 2am. Ride-hailing apps that operate at the airport include Lyft and Uber.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a barber shop, ATMs, public telephones, a variety of shops and restaurants, a pub, free wifi, and the interesting Discover the Airport Exhibit, which allows passengers to interact with planes and learn about how the airport works.

Parking: Parking rates in the airport garage are $3 for the first hour, $4 for 90 minutes, $5 for two hours, and $1 per hour thereafter up to a daily maximum of $12. Parking is slightly cheaper in the open lots, with the first hour costing $2 and a daily maximum of $10.

Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport (ITH)
Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport

Location: Ithaca The airport is situated five miles (8km) northeast of downtown Ithaca.

map of Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: TCAT bus route 32 services the airport between 7.50am and 9.30pm on weekdays, and bus route 72 services the airport between 8.45am and 11pm on Saturdays, and between 7.45am and 4.45pm on Sundays. Taxis and rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Avis, Budget, and Hertz are represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available at the airport, but it is best to order them in advance to avoid waiting. A taxi to downtown Ithaca costs roughly $16 to $18. Ride-hailing apps are also avaialble at Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport, including companies like Lyft and Red Route.

Facilities: This is a small airport and facilities are limited, but there is a conference room, a cafeteria, and free wifi. There are some vending machines for snacks.

Parking: All parking is free for the first 30 minutes. Parking costs $2 for the first hour, and about $1 per hour thereafter, up to a daily maximum of $9 in the short-term lot, and $7 in the long-term lot.

Stewart International Airport (SWF)
Stewart International Airport

Location: Newburgh The airport is situated six miles (10km) west of Newburgh.

map of Stewart International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (845) 838 8200

Getting to the city: Coach USA's Stewart Airport Express provides a fast and convenient bus service between the airport and New York City. Those wanting to take the Metro-North Train to New York City can catch the Leprechaun Bus, which transports passengers to the Beacon Station. Taxis and rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, and National are represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Visconti Ground Transport, which has desks in the terminal, offers taxi service 24 hours a day, but it is recommended that passengers reserve taxis in advance.

Facilities: Facilities include wifi, an ATM, a restaurant, a cafe, and a newsagent.

Parking: Short-term parking at the airport costs $3 per hour, up to a daily maximum of $30. Long-term parking costs $10 for the first 24 hours and $60 per week.

Greater Rochester International Airport (ROC)
Frederick Douglass Greater Rochester International Airport

Location: The airport is situated five miles (8km) southwest of downtown Rochester.

map of Greater Rochester International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Rochester Transit Service buses service the airport every day of the week, with an adult bus fare of $1. A number of hotels in the area offer airport shuttles for their guests, while taxis and rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, National, and Alamo are all represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available at the airport, and a ride from the airport costs a minimum of $10, with $3 charged per mile and a $2.50 levy per additional passenger.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include ATMs, a food court, various shops, bars, a business centre, an information centre, an interfaith chapel, conference rooms, a lost and found, a pet-relief area, and shoeshine services.

Parking: A cell phone lot allows passenger pickups, free of charge. Parking in the short-term lot costs $2 for the first hour, up to a daily maximum of $24. Long-term parking costs $4 for the first two hours, and $2 per each additional hour. The daily maximum is $12. The economy parking lot is connected to the terminal by shuttles and costs only $1 per hour and has a daily maximum of $7.

Walla Walla Regional Airport (ALW)
Walla Walla Regional Airport

Location: Walla Walla The airport is located five miles (8km) northeast of the central business district of Walla Walla.

map of Walla Walla Regional Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: +1 509 522 5211

Getting to the city: Valley Transit Route 1 has service to Walla Walla Community College, located very near the airport. While the normal service does not run to the airport, it will stop there on request. Buses run approximately every 30 minutes between 6.15am and 5.50pm, Monday to Friday. Taxis, Mobile app based taxi services, shuttles, and rental cars can also be arranged.

Car rental: Car rental companies are available at the airport and include Budget, Enterprise, and Hertz.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available from the airport but should be booked in advance.

Facilities: Terminal facilities are basic, but include a restaurant and vending machines.

Parking: Free long-term parking is available for a maximum of two weeks.

Albany International Airport (ALB)
Albany International Airport

Location: Albany The airport is located about six miles (10km) from the city centre.

map of Albany International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Regional and long-distance local bus, taxi, limousine, and car rental services are available at the airport to transport passengers to the city centre.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, and National/Alamo. The rental car reservation counters are located in the baggage claim area of the terminal. The rental car fleet is located inside the airport parking garage.

Airport Taxis: The taxi stand is located just outside the baggage claim area. Capitaland Taxi is authorised to pick up passengers from the airport, but passengers may call any cab company for transportation to and from the airport. Capitaland Taxi vehicles are equipped with meters and credit card machines. Ride-sharing apps are also available at the airport, with Lyft being the primary service. Uber drivers aren't permitted to service passengers.

Facilities: Airport facilities include currency exchange, ATMs, and a business centre, including internet access, photocopying, computers, printers, and workstations. There's also an interfaith prayer room, a mail centre, free WiFi, restaurants, fast food outlets, and various shops.

Parking: The airport offers a wide variety of convenient and economical parking options. A multi-storey parking garage provides covered long and short-term parking and a heated pedestrian bridge takes travellers directly to the security checkpoint in the terminal. The short-term lot is free for the first half hour. Short-term parking costs $2 for the second half an hour of parking and an additional $1 for every half hour thereafter. Long-term parking costs $2 for the first hour of parking and $1 for every hour after that, up to a maximum daily rate of $10.

Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE)
Lehigh Valley International Airport

Location: Allentown The airport is located six miles (10km) from Allentown city centre.

map of Lehigh Valley International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4, from mid-March to the first Sunday in November)

Getting to the city: Taxis, public buses and shuttles are available at the airport to transport passengers to the city centre and car rental is also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented the airport include Avis, Alamo, Budget, Enterprise, and Hertz, among others.

Airport Taxis: Several taxi companies service the airport.

Facilities: Facilities are quite limited at this airport, but travellers will find ATMs, facilities for the disabled, public telephones, luggage carts, and a conference room, as well as coffee shops, a pub, and a gift shop.

Parking: The airport offers both long-term and short-term parking options with 10 minutes free parking. Located adjacent to the terminal, short-term parking is convenient and costs $2 per hour. Long-term parking is located next to the terminal and costs $14 per day.

Appleton Airport (ATW)
Appleton International Airport

Location: Appleton The airport is located six miles (10km) from downtown Appleton.

map of Appleton Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Although no public transport services Appleton Airport, taxis and rental cars are available. Ride-hailing apps such as Lyft and Uber operate at the airport. Some local hotels provide free shuttle service for guests with advance bookings.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Hertz, National, and Enterprise, located at their registration counters inside the terminal.

Airport Taxis: Taxi companies available at the airport includ Apple Valley Taxi and Fox Valley Cab.

Facilities: Airport facilities include gift shops, restaurants, a dog day-care facility, ATMs, and vending machines.

Parking: Short and long-term parking bays are right in front of the terminal.

Jacksonville Airport (OAJ)
Albert J. Ellis Airport

Location: Jacksonville The airport is situated 11 miles (19km) northwest of Jacksonville.

map of Jacksonville Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: There is no public transport servicing the airport, but taxis, rental cars, and airport shuttles are available.

Car rental: Avis, Budget, National, Hertz, and Enterprise are represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are generally available outside the terminal, but to be safe they can be booked in advance.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include a cafe, a restaurant, a gift shop, an ATM, and a lost and found.

Parking: The first 15 minutes of airport parking is free. Thereafter, it costs $2 each hour and up to a daily maximum of $9.

Asheville Regional Airport (AVL)
Asheville Regional Airport

Location: Asheville The airport is located 15 miles (24km) south of Asheville.

map of Asheville Regional Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Bus services are available to downtown Asheville. Many local hotels offer free shuttle transfers to guests.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, Alamo/National, and Thrifty/Dollar.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available to and from the airport.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a business centre, phone charging stations, ATMs, vending machines, a guest service centre (faxing, scanning, printing, and postage available), post boxes, a restaurant, and an art gallery.

Parking: Short-term parking costs $1 for the first 30 minutes, $1 for every additional 30 minutes after that, and a daily rate of $25. Long-term parking costs up to $2 for an hour, $2 for every additional hour, a daily rate of $9, and $54 for a week.

Brunswick Airport (BQK)
Brunswick Golden Isles Airport

Location: The airport is located 5.6 miles (9km) north of central Brunswick.

map of Brunswick Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4, from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Island Transport Service and the FLETC Shuttle Service provide shuttle services from the airport to the city. There is no public bus or train to the airport.

Car rental: Avis, Budget, and Hertz offer car rentals at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available; it is advisable to book one in advance.

Facilities: Terminal facilities include a cafe, ATM, conference facilities, and free baggage trolleys.

Parking: Parking is available outside the airport.

Wilmington International Airport (ILM)
Wilmington International Airport

Location: Wilmington The airport is situated seven miles (11km) north of Wilmington.

map of Wilmington International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: WAVE Transit's bus route #207 runs to and from the airport, Monday to Friday, on an hour frequency from 6am to 9pm. The route does not run on the weekend. Rental cars and taxis are available at the airport while app based taxi services like Uber are also in operation.

Car rental: Avis, Alamo, Dollar, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, National, and Thrifty are among the car rental companies represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Numerous taxi companies service the airport and are usually available, but advance booking is recommended for peace of mind. Ride-hailing apps like Uber are also present.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a pet relief area, ATMs, a restaurant and lounge, gift shops, an art gallery, a putting green, baby-changing facilities, the Greater Wilmington Sports Hall of Fame, and a lost and found.

Parking: Parking is within walking distance of the terminal and the first 30 minutes are free in all parking lots. Short-term parking costs $1 for the second half hour and $1 for each additional hour, up to a daily maximum of $24. Long-term parking also costs $1 for the second half hour, and $1 for each additional hour, up to a daily maximum of $10.

Eugene Airport (EUG)
Eugene Airport

Location: Eugene The airport is situated 10 miles (16km) northwest of Eugene.

map of Eugene Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Taxis and a door-to-door shared shuttle service called OmniShuttle service the airport. Rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Alamo, Avis, Budget, Hertz, Enterprise, and National are represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: There are a number of taxi companies registered to operate at the airport, including Cascade Cab Company, Go Taxi and Eugene Elite Taxi.

Facilities: Eugene Airport is small and facilities are limited. An ATM, two small eateries, a gift shop, an information booth, and an art gallery can be found in the terminal.

Parking: Short-term parking costs $2 per half hour, up to a daily maximum of $27. Long-term parking costs $2 per hour, up to a daily maximum of $16.

Bismarck Airport (BIS)
Bismarck Municipal Airport

Location: Bismarck The airport is located three miles (5km) southeast of Bismarck.

map of Bismarck Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: There is no public transport to downtown Bismarck from the airport. Some local hotels provide free shuttle services to guests.

Car rental: Rental cars are available at the airport from Avis, Hertz, and Enterprise.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available outside the terminal, although it is recommended to book one in advance.

Facilities: Airport facilities include ATMs, business kiosks, cafes and vending machines, WiFi, a nursing station, and the North Dakota Aviation Hall of Fame.

Parking: Short-term parking is free for the first 20 minutes, $1.50 per half hour thereafter, and up to $10 per day. Long-term parking is $1 per hour up to a daily rate of $8 and a weekly rate of $40. The economy lot is $1 per hour and goes up to a daily rate of $7, with a weekly rate of $35.

University Park Airport (SCE)
University Park Airport

Location: State College The airport is situated around seven miles (11km) from downtown State College.

map of University Park Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (814) 865 4042

Getting to the city: There is no public transport to the airport, but taxis, shuttles, and rental cars are available.

Car rental: Alamo, National, Avis, Enterprise, Budget, Payless, and Hertz are represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: A number of taxi companies service the airport and can be called from a phone near the baggage claim area.

Facilities: State College Airport is small, but there is free WiFi, a cafe, an ATM, and good disabled facilities.

Parking: The first 30 minutes of parking are free at the airport, thereafter it costs $1 per hour and up to a daily maximum of $12.

Erie International Airport (ERI)
Erie International Airport Tom Ridge Field

Location: Erie The airport is situated six miles (10km) southwest of Erie.

map of Erie International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (814) 833 4258

Getting to the city: The Erie Metropolitan Transit Authority provides regular transport to the Greater Erie region.

Car rental: Alamo, Avis, Hertz, National, Enterprise, and Budget are represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: There are a couple of taxi companies, shuttle services, and limousine agencies at the airport. There are also ride-hailing apps such as Uber and Lyft operating.

Facilities: Airport facilities include an ATM, an information desk, a lost and found, art exhibitions, a cafe, a gift shop, and vending machines.

Parking: The first 20 minutes of parking are free at the airport. In the short-term lot, parking costs $3 for the first hour and $2 for each additional hour, up to a daily maximum of $15. In the long-term lot the hourly rates are the same, but the daily maximum is $12.

Scranton International Airport (AVP)
Wilkes-Barre Scranton International Airport

Location: The airport is situated eight miles (13km) from downtown Scranton.

map of Scranton International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (570) 602 2000

Getting to the city: Taxis, buses, and rental cars are available at the airport and a number of hotels offer shuttles for their guests.

Car rental: Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, and National are represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Taxi companies service the airport as well as ride-hailing apps such as Uber and Lyft.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a meditation room, an information centre, restaurants, a gift shop, massage chairs, an ATM, a conference room, and vending machines.

Parking: The first 15 minutes are free in all airport parking areas. Lots charge $3 for the first two hours or less and $2 for each additional half an hour. The daily maximums are $14 in the parking garage and $10 for the surface lot, with weekly maximums being $84 and $60 respectively.

Charleston International Airport (CHS)
Charleston International Airport

Location: Charleston The airport is situated 12 miles (20km) northwest of downtown Charleston.

map of Charleston International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: CARTA offers services to and from the airport on the NASH Express between about 8am and 9pm on weekdays and Saturdays, and 12pm and 6pm on Sundays. Bus tickets cost $3.50 per person per trip. Once in town, passengers can access the free DASH shuttle service that travels to numerous destinations. There is a shuttle bus that makes multiple stops and is shared among multiple passengers. Adult shuttle fare to downtown Charleston is $15, departing every 15 minutes. Taxis and rental cars are also available. There are also ride-hailing apps available such as Uber.

Car rental: Avis, Alamo, Budget, Hertz, National, and Enterprise are represented at the airport. Dollar and Thrifty sites are located off the premises.

Airport Taxis: Taxis operate at the airport. The taxi fare to downtown Charleston is roughly $30.

Facilities: Airport facilities include pay phones, ATMs, bookstores, restaurants, and shops.

Parking: In the surface lot, parking costs $1 per 20 minutes and up to a daily maximum of $10. On the parking deck, hourly rates are the same but the daily maximum is $15. Valet parking is $21.

Capital City Airport (HAR)
Capital City Airport

Location: Harrisburg The airport is situated three miles (5km) southeast of Harrisburg

map of Capital City Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (717) 525 9999

Getting to the city:

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Avis, Budget, Hertz, and Alamo, among others.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are generally available; they wait for passengers outside the airport, and can be organised in advance.

Facilities: Facilities are limited at this airport, but all basic passenger needs should be met.


Greenville–Spartanburg International Airport (GSP)
Greenville–Spartanburg International Airport

Location: Greenville The airport is situated about 13 miles (21km) from Greenville.

map of Greenville–Spartanburg International Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: Tel: (864) 877 7426

Getting to the city: There are various shuttles and transportation companies servicing the area, with Eastside Transportation being the official shuttle service. As well as limousines and rental cars, there are also ride-hailing apps such as Uber.

Car rental: Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Thrifty, and Hertz are represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Eastside Transportation is the authorised airport taxi service. Uber also services the airport.

Facilities: Airport facilities include an ATM, conference rooms, business workstations, a restaurant, snack bars, and a gift shop.

Parking: All airport parking costs $1 for every 30 minutes. A full day costs $15 in the garages, $9 in the daily lots, $9 in the Sky Lots, and $7 in the Economy Lot.

Norfolk Airport (ORF)
Norfolk International Airport

Location: Norfolk The airport is located less than 10 miles (16km) northeast of central Norfolk.

map of Norfolk Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: +1 757 857 3351

Getting to the city: There is no public transport offered to Norfolk Airport; however, taxis, shuttles, and rental cars are available and some local hotels offer free shuttle service to guests.

Car rental: Rental cars are available from Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz and National. The rental car offices are located in the Arrivals Terminal.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available. The companies include Andy's Cab Co., Black and White, City Wide Cabs, Coastal Ride, Duke Cab Co. East Side Cabs, Eden Cab Co., Norfolk Checker, Oceanside Executive, Southside Cab Co., Waterside Taxi Company Inc., and Yellow Cab of Norfolk.

Facilities: Airport services include ATMs, a bank, currency exchange, mail drops, conference facilities, a lost and found, USO services, mother's rooms, and a variety of retail shops and dining options.

Parking: Short-term parking is charged at $1 every 30 minutes, with a maximum of $24 per day. Long-term parking is $1 per 30 minutes up to $10 per day.

Roanoke Airport (ROA)
Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport

Location: Roanoke The airport is located five miles (8km) northwest of Roanoke.

map of Roanoke Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: +1 540 362 1999

Getting to the city: The Smart Way Bus stops at Roanoke Airport every one to two hours between 6.35am and 8.35pm Monday to Saturday, making a number of stops between Roanoke and Blacksburg. Some local hotels offer free shuttle transfers for guests.

Car rental: Rental cars are available from Avis, Budget, Hertz, Enterprise, and Alamo. Offices are located on the first floor, near baggage claim.

Airport Taxis: City Cab offers a taxi service from the airport; it is advisable to call to book in advance.

Facilities: Airport facilities include ATMs, workspaces, mail drops, a pet relief area, a news and gift shop, vending machines, and various shopping and dining options. Disabled facilities are good.

Parking: Parking at Roanoke Airport is free for the first 15 minutes. Short-term parking is an extra $1 per half hour, up to $16 per day. Long-term parking is $1 per half hour, up to $9 per day.

Charlottesville Airport (CHO)
Charlottesville–Albemarle Airport

Location: Charlottesville The airport is located ten miles (16km) north of Charlottesville.

map of Charlottesville Airport

Time: GMT -5 (GMT -4 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: +1 434 973 8342

Getting to the city: There is no public transport to Charlottesville Airport. However, a dozen local hotels offer free shuttle transfers for guests, and taxis and rental cars are available. A parking shuttle operates in the parking lots day and night.

Car rental: Rental cars are available from Avis, Hertz, National, and Budget.

Airport Taxis: Yellow Cab provides metered taxi service from the airport, but flat rates are charged to a number of destinations; the fare to downtown Charlottesville is about $25.

Facilities: Terminal facilities include ATMs, conference facilities, and a number of shopping and dining options.

Parking: The first 30 minutes in the short-term lot are free. After that the rates are $2 for the first hour and $1 per 30 minutes thereafter, up to a daily maximum of $13. The long-term lot charges $13 per day, while the economy lot charges $9 per day. There is a parking shuttle for transport to the terminal from outlying parking lots.

Pasco Airport (PSC)
Tri-Cities Airport

Location: Pasco The airport is located three miles (5km) northwest of Pasco.

map of Pasco Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: +1 509 547 6352

Getting to the city: The Grape Line Shuttle offers three trips daily between Pasco and Walla Walla, including stops at the airport and bus stations. Some local hotels offer transfers to guests with advance bookings. Taxis and rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Rental cars are available from Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxi service is available from the airport. Ideally, taxis should be booked in advance. Taxi companies include On Time Taxi, Rad Cab, Taxi 1, and Tri-City Cab LLC.

Facilities: Airport facilities include a restaurant, a play area, and a gift shop.

Parking: The airport offers short and long-term parking.

Wenatchee Airport (EAT)
Pangborn Memorial Airport

Location: Wenatchee The airport is located six miles (7km) east of Wenatchee.

map of Wenatchee Airport

Time: GMT -8 (GMT -7 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: +1 509 884 2494

Getting to the city: There is no public transport servicing the airport, though taxis and rental cars are available and some local hotels offer shuttle transfers to guests with advance bookings. Uber, and other mobile app based taxi services are available.

Car rental: Rental cars are available at the airport from Avis, Budget, Hertz, and Enterprise.

Airport Taxis: Taxis, limos and shuttles are available from the airport. It is advisable to book a taxi ahead of time.

Facilities: This is a very small airport, but terminal services do include a cafe, vending machines, ATMs, charging stations, a small library, and good disabled facilities.

Parking: Short-term parking is free for the first four hours, then charged at a daily rate of $13. Long-term parking is $10 per day. Payment is made at self-service kiosks that accept cash and credit cards.

La Crosse Airport (LSE)
La Crosse Regional Airport

Location: La Crosse The airport is located five miles (8km) northwest of La Crosse.

map of La Crosse Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: La Crosse Municipal Transit provides transport to the La Crosse area. Local shuttle companies offer door-to-door service.

Car rental: Rental cars are available from Hertz, Avis, National, and Enterprise.

Airport Taxis: Taxi companies servicing the airport include CTS Taxi and Bee Cab Inc. They can be contacted via the courtesy phone next to the baggage claim area. Ride-hailing apps such as Uber and Lyft are also available.

Facilities: Terminal facilities include a lost and found, a conference room, a pet relief area, a children's room, and a gift shop. The newly refurbished airport restaurant offers food and a bar, serving locally brewed products.

Parking: There is a 20-minute grace period in all lots. The short-term lot charges $2 for the first hour and $1 per half hour thereafter, up to a maximum of $11 per day. Long-term parking is free for the first 20 minutes, $2 for the first hour, or portion thereof, and $1 per hour thereafter up to $8 per day.

Green Bay Airport (GRB)
Green Bay Austin Straubel International Airport

Location: The airport is located nine miles (14km) southwest of Green Bay.

map of Green Bay Airport

Time: GMT -6 (GMT -5 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: There is no public transport directly serving the airport. However, a number of shuttle companies offer door-to-door service, while ride-hailing apps, taxis, and rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Rental cars are available from Avis, Enterprise, Hertz, and Alamo.

Airport Taxis: Numerous taxi companies service Green Bay Airport, including Ace Cab, Astro Taxi, Elite Shuttle, Yellow Cab, It's Your Taxi & Shuttle, and 1 Awesome Cab. Ride-hailing apps such as Uber and Lyft are also available. It is advisable to book a taxi ahead of time to ensure prompt service.

Facilities: Airport facilities include vending machines, family areas, business centres, VIP lounges, and ATMs.

Parking: Parking in the short-term lot is $1 per half hour up to $16 per day. The long-term lot charges $1 per hour, up to $8 per day, and $40 per week. There is a cell phone lot for pick-ups and drop-offs.

Jackson Hole Airport (JAC)
Jackson Hole Airport

Location: Jackson Wyoming The airport is located nine miles (14km) north of Jackson.

map of Jackson Hole Airport

Time: GMT -7 (GMT -6 from mid-March to the first Sunday in November).

Contacts: +1 307 733 5454

Getting to the city: Shuttles offer service from the airport, charging $20 per person to Jackson and $30 per person to Teton Village. Some hotels also offer a pick-up service, but this must be arranged prior to arrival. Taxis and car hire are also available at the airport.

Car rental: Rental cars are available from Hertz, Alamo, Enterprise and National.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available at the airport; an average fare for one or two people to Jackson is $40.

Facilities: Airport facilities include vending machines, gift shops, a restaurant, ATMs, a library, and a lost and found.

Parking: Short-term parking is free in rows one and two of the lot, while overnight parking costs $15. Parking permits can be obtained online.

Long Beach Airport (LGB)
Long Beach Airport

Location: Los Angeles The airport is situated three miles (4.8km) northeast of Long Beach City, in Los Angeles County.

map of Long Beach Airport

Time: GMT –8 (GMT –7 from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November).

Getting to the city: Long Beach Transit bus routes 102, 104 and 111 service the airport. Regular bus fare is $1.25. Taxis, shuttles and rental cars are also available at the airport.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget and Enterprise.

Airport Taxis: Long Beach Yellow Cab taxis are available at the taxi stand outside the terminal. A taxi to downtown Los Angeles costs roughly $72 and a taxi to Disneyland costs about $66.

Facilities: The terminal has recently been renovated at Long Beach Airport and passengers should be able to find everything they need. Airport facilities include ATMs, gift shops, cafes, fast food outlets and a restaurant.

Parking: An hour of free parking is allowed in the Cell Phone Waiting Lot. The hourly rate in all other parking lots is $2, with the first 15 minutes free, but daily rates do vary slightly, with Parking Lot B slightly cheaper than Parking Lot A. Valet parking is available.

Overview of the Attractions in United States of America

Sightseeing in the USA is a lifelong pursuit, due to the vast scale and variety of the attractions on offer. Indeed, the USA is far more than a single country: each state and region has its own character, geography and unique, world-class sights.

Three-quarters of all foreign tourists spend time in California, Florida and New York, while the country's five most visited cities by foreign tourists are in these three states. In between east coast California's beaches, movie glitz and sunny weather and west coast New York's urban thrills and iconic sights, the USA is a country of great diversity: the Creole culture of Louisiana, the wide-open plains of the great Midwest, epic skiing around the Rocky Mountains, the magnificence of the Grand Canyon, and astounding lights of nearby Las Vegas. Offshore Hawaii is a place of irresistible beauty too, and Alaska offers a unique wilderness to explore.

Given all there is to see and do, and the vast distances between them, visitors will need to plan their trip carefully and concentrate on a few areas. Winters (November to February) on the east coast get very cold with plenty of snow, while beaches can get uncomfortably hot over peak summer months of July and August. Travellers should also look out for big national events such as Spring Break (March), Fourth of July, and Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in November), when transport and accommodation get very busy.

Public Holidays in United States of America

  2023 2024
New Year's Day Mon. January 1 Mon. January 1
Martin Luther King Day Tue. January 16 Mon. January 15
President's Day Tue. February 20 Mon. February 19
Memorial Day Wed. May 29 Mon. May 27
Independence Day Thu. July 4 Thu. July 4
Labour Day Wed. September 4 Mon. September 2
Columbus Day Wed. October 9 Mon. October 14
Veterans Day Mon. November 11 Mon. November 11
Thanksgiving Day Sat. November 23 Thu. November 28
Christmas Day Wed. December 25 Wed. December 25

Port of Call - Baltimore

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Historically a working-class port city, Baltimore has been transformed over the past 20 years into one of America's most attractive and interesting destinations with plenty of interest for cruise passengers. Baltimore is renowned for its charming and distinct neighbourhoods, and epic draw-cards like Fort Worth and Oriole Park. Baltimore's port was founded in 1706, preceding the founding of the actual city. The port is the furthest inland US port, and cruise ships take around 12 hours to reach the Atlantic along the picturesque channel of Chesapeake Bay. Cruise ships dock at newly built South Locust Point cruise terminal, close to the heart of the city. Although conveniently located it currently has very few amenities.

map of Baltimore

Shopping in Baltimore

Head to Harborplace, within Inner Harbor, for more shops than your credit card can ever handle. The funky Hampden district has a great range of interesting stores does Charles Street in Mount Vernon. Visit Faidley's for the best crab cakes in the land - they will ship frozen to your home.

Dining in Baltimore

Woodberry Kitchen - bustling open-plan restaurant serving local cuisine

Charleston - southern cuisine in the city's most highly rated eatery

Mama's on the Half Shell - incredibly local seafood and a fun atmosphere

Things to do in Baltimore

Catch the Baltimore Water Taxi around the city's waterways

Visit former US-capital city Annapolis, 45-minutes away

Catch the train to Washington D.C.

Head to the great outdoors of Western Maryland

Browse the Baltimore Museum of Art

Maryland Port Administration 401 East Pratt Street Tel: +1 (800) 638-7519 mpa.maryland.gov

Port of Call - Cape Canaveral

This small beach community, on the north point of Florida's coast, is a lively aerospace industry hub, a tourist-oriented town, and home to miles of protected marine sanctuary.

The Cape is synonymous with Kennedy Space Center, where NASA's space flights depart. It's also a popular beach to watch sea turtles lay their eggs and witness the hatchilings. Millions of passengers a year flow through the six cruise terminals at one of the busiest ports in the world. Most cruise vessels will berth at either terminals 2, 3, or 4 which have been specifically built to accommodate cruise ships. Others sometimes dock at terminals 8, 9, and 10. All terminals are near to one another and provide all conceivable amenities for dining, shopping, entertainment, and further transportation.

map of Cape Canaveral

Shopping in Cape Canaveral

Surfers and the curious can visit the famous Ron Jon Surf Shop for a huge selection of beach products. There are a few shopping facilities at the port and many more at Merritt Square Mall. The space centre also has a great gift shop.

Dining in Cape Canaveral

Kelsey's Pizza - Pizzas and Italian dishes in an unpretentious setting

Rusty's Seafood and Oyster Bar - Casual seafood joint in Cocoa.

Grills - Lively seaside location with music and grilled food.

Things to do in Cape Canaveral

Experience the magic of Disney World

Shoot guns at the American Police Hall of Fame and Museum

Visit the historic Cocoa Village

Go surfing on the northern coast

Go Beach bumming in Sebastion Inlet State Park


Port of Call - Catalina Island

Catalina is 22 miles (33km) off the coast of LA but with its peace and seclusion, it feels a million miles away from big city life. Bicycles and golf carts outnumber the few cars, and the pace of life is addictively relaxing. The undersea ledge immediately offshore is home to abundant sea life, easily experienced by snorkelling or glass-bottom boat tour. The only settlements are at Avalon - a magical, eccentric town where buffaloes stroll the airport runway - and the smaller settlement of Two Harbors, precipitously located at the tip of the island. Cruise ships anchor in Avalon bay as there is no deepwater port. Passengers are tendered into town via smaller boats arriving at Green Pleasure Pier where there is a visitor's bureau and water-sports rental companies.

map of Catalina Island

Shopping in Catalina Island

Shops and boutiques are concentrated along Crescent Avenue. This is not a big retail environment but you can find interesting collectables and antiques, and eclectic clothing outlets.

Dining in Catalina Island

Catalina Country Club - patio dining in style with live jazz

Ristorante Villa Portofino - great Italian food

Steve's Steakhouse - excellent steaks and seafood with great harbour views

Things to do in Catalina Island

Hike to the clifftop above Two Harbours for great views

Take a snorkel tour of Lover's Cove

See Garibaldi fish and Leopard Shark during a glass-bottomed boat trip

Tour the town and see the grave of Wrigley Jr, chewing gum magnate

Visitors Bureau:

+1 310 510 1520


Port of Call - Fort Lauderdale

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Port Everglades is one of the busiest cruise ports in the world, often the start and end of cruises to the Caribbean. Located just next to the picturesque resort area of Fort Lauderdale, the port makes a great beach destination on its own.

The most popular, and best, activity in Fort Lauderdale for idle time before or after a cruise is spending all day hopping on and off the water taxis that navigate the elaborate canals of the city.

Port Everglades has amenities to handle more than three million passengers a year. Port Everglades is located conveniently close to the airport, giving extra time for a detour in downtown Fort Lauderdale. The cruise terminals have every conceivable amenity for embarking and disembarking passengers, including transportation between the city and airport.

map of Fort Lauderdale

Shopping in Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale is packed with shops and even offers shopping tours. Las Olas Boulevard and Riverfront are perfect for high end boutique window shopping. For everything under the sun, the Sawgrass Mills claims to be the largest discount and entertainment mall. Fun and unique bargains can be found in the south's largest flea market, the Swap Shop.

Dining in Fort Lauderdale

Gilbert's 17th Street Grill - casual family restaurant with excellent burgers

Truluck's Restaurant - upscale seafood and steak restaurant

101 Ocean - classy but casual dining in the heart of city

Things to do in Fort Lauderdale

Ride the rail to Miami

Waste a day in Delray Beach

Ride a swamp boat in the wetlands

Gamble at Gulfstream Park Racing & Casino

Tour the Florida Keys


Port of Call - Frederick Sound

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Frederick Sound is one of the busiest ports of call along the Inside Passage. Of all the cruise ports in Alaska, it has a well-earned reputation for being the best place to see humpback whales. Roughly 500 of the graceful creatures pass through Frederick Sound each year, using the area as a feeding ground and giving visitors an opportunity for a once-in-a-lifetime encounter.

Cruise ships dock in the town of Petersburg. While the shallow waters can't accommodate large cruise ships, Frederick Sound is popular with smaller ships and buzzes with activity all summer long.

map of Frederick Sound

Shopping in Frederick Sound

Shopping opportunities in Frederick Sound are not abundant, however there are some small bookshops and art galleries in town where you can find handmade items as well as tacky tourist memorabilia.

Dining in Frederick Sound

Coastal Cold Storage - takeaway restaurant with good fried fish and chips and breakfast sandwiches

Tina's Kitchen - salmon and halibut burgers in a casual environment

Papa Bear's Pizza - friendly restaurant serving pizza, chicken wings, and burgers

Things to do in Frederick Sound

Explore the LeConte Glacier and spot humpback whales on a sea kayak tour

Go bird-watching in the Blind Slough or at Eagle Roost Park

Enjoy the panoramic views from the Petersburg High School boardwalk

Soak up some local history at the Clausen Memorial Museum

Have a picnic and explore the tide pools on Sandy Beach

Petersburg Chamber of Commerce +1 (907) 772-4636 http://www.petersburg.org visitorinfo@petersburg.org

Port of Call - Haines

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Haines connects the Inside Passage to the Alcan Highway, making it a popular stop on both land and sea holidays in Alaska. The scenic location Haines is situated in is known as the Valley of Eagles for its abundant Bald Eagle population. A unique phenomenon in North America, the small population of around 2,000 people is dwarfed each winter by the arrival of more than 3,500 of the majestic birds.

The town of Haines was originally occupied by the Tlingit people, and while it was caught up in the Klondike Gold Rush in the late 1800s it was only after World War II that Haines truly became connected to the outside world. Now most of the region flocks there each July for the Southeast Alaskan State Fair.

A fairly new port of call on cruise itineraries, one of the best aspects of a stop in Haines is the lack of crowds; fewer than 20 ships dock here each year so the town retains an undiscovered air that seasoned cruise passengers will find refreshing. Cruise ships dock at the Port Chilkoot Wharf, at the foot of Portage Street below Fort Seward.

map of Haines

Shopping in Haines

There are a few souvenir shops in town for cruise passengers, selling everything from postcards and t-shirts to beautifully-made local art. The Sea Wolf Art Studio is the best place to go for native Tlingit art, including totem poles, masks, woodcarvings and jewellery. You can also pick up fresh smoked salmon and halibut at Dejon Delights.

Dining in Haines

The Bamboo Room & Pioneer Bar - casual diner with excellent fish and chips

Mountain Market & Spirits - good vegetarian and healthy foods in a relaxed environment

Fireweed Restaurant - simple and tasty salads, pizzas and pastas made from scratch

Things to do in Haines

Visit the Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve

See the Takshanuk Mountain Trail by 4x4

Hike Battery Point Trail along the beach to Mt Riley

Charter a flight to a glacier with Mountain Flying Service

Go rafting on the Chilkat River

Haines Convention and Visitors Bureau +1 (907) 766-2234 http://www.haines.ak.us

Port of Call - Hawaii (Hilo)

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The second largest city in the whole of Hawaii, Hilo is a major port of call for many cruise ships. The lush and diverse landscape enchants visitors and the warm and welcoming locals will charm their way into your hearts. One cannot visit Hawaii without spending some time on its pearly white beaches and enjoying the sun and surf. Head to the Richardson Ocean Park to check out the black sand beach. Other key attractions include the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Queen Liliuokalani Gardens, a 30-acre (12 hectare) Japanese garden, or the Pacific Tsunami Museum. Cruise ships dock at Hilo port, which is located just a few minutes from town. Cruise passengers are often greeted by a show put on especially for their arrival where traditional Hawaiian music and dancing can be enjoyed as well as the sale of souvenirs.

map of Hawaii (Hilo)

Shopping in Hawaii (Hilo)

Most shopping in Hilo can be done in and around Kamehameha or Keawe Avenues and passengers who are in town on Wednesdays and Saturdays should be sure to check out the Hilo Farmers Market. There are great shopping opportunities in this town and the scenic bayfront is also a great place to pick up some bargains from storefronts dating back to the early 1900s. Orchids and coffee are favourite buys, but are not always realistic souvenirs for cruise passengers to take back home.

Dining in Hawaii (Hilo)

Cafe Pesto - great cosy Italian restaurant with hearty pastas

Ocean Sushi Deli - Trendy eatery serving quality sushi

Hilo Bay Cafe - unassuming cafe serving Hawaiian-influenced American fare

Things to do in Hawaii (Hilo)

Visit the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Go snorkelling at Leleiwi Beach Park

Visit the Akaka Falls

Walk in the Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden in Onomea Bay

Walk along Banyan Tree Drive

Big Island Visitors Bureau Tel: +1 800 648 2441


Port of Call - Honolulu

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Honolulu is both the capital and largest city of Hawaii, famed for Waikiki beach, gorgeous scenery and world-class attractions such as Pearl Harbour. Beyond the modern comforts of Honolulu, the island of Oahu is quiet and strikingly beautiful. There are 23 national parks to explore and countless beaches to laze on. Cruise passengers arrive at Oahu Dock, part of the Honolulu Cruise Terminal. The terminal complex is centred round Aloha Tower allowing passengers to step right into the heart of the city.

map of Honolulu

Shopping in Honolulu

Aloha Tower is both a key landmark and top shopping centre for visitors. Other options include Ward Warehouse and the Ala Moana mega-mall containing a huge range of international shops. Waikiki's International Market Place is great for souvenirs with over a 100 unique shops. The Farmer's Market on Saturday's is great for delicious local produce.

Dining in Honolulu

Michele's at the Colony Surf Hotel - romantic restaurant overlooking Waikiki Beach

Chai's Island Bistro - sensational seafood right outside the Terminal

Sushi Sasabune - innovative and upscale sushi restaurant with knowledgable chefs

Things to do in Honolulu

Go whale-watching over December to May

See the Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbour

Marvel at Shangri La, Doris Duke's incredible Islamic themed estate

Visit Kaena state park

Take a surf lesson - after all this is where the sport was invented

Port of Honolulu Tel: + 1 (808) 587 2076 Aloha Tower Marketplace

Port of Call - Icy Strait

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One of Alaska's newest cruise ports, Icy Strait is an attractive mix of scenic natural beauty and small-town charm. Conveniently located near Hoonah, a large Tlingit Indian settlement, and Glacier Bay National Park, the port strikes a balance between providing memorable experiences for visitors and preserving the local lifestyle and ecosystem.

Icy Strait has many miles of untouched wilderness to enjoy, and the local wildlife includes grizzly bears, humpback whales, seals, sea otters, bald eagles, and more. Organised excursions are available to many scenic points of interest.

Cruise ships dock just off Icy Strait Point in Port Frederick Bay, centrally-located for good restaurants and shopping.

map of Icy Strait

Shopping in Icy Strait

Icy Strait's dedication to keeping things local means visitors can stock up on unique berry jams and confectionaries you won't find anywhere else. The Icy Strait Point shopping centre has a variety of choices, including food, artisan crafts like blankets and wooden carvings, and jewellery. Cruise passengers should keep in mind that there are no banks or ATMs in Icy Strait, and draw cash on the ship before disembarking, however many shops accept credit cards.

Dining in Icy Strait

The Crab Station - fresh Dungeness Crab in a casual outdoor dockside setting

The Landing Zone Bar & Grill - hot food with great views of Port Frederick and the zipline

The Cookhouse Restaurant - halibut fish and chips with waterfront views

Things to do in Icy Strait

Try your hand a saltwater salmon fishing

Take a zip-line tour 1,300 feet (396m) above sea level

Learn to make smoked salmon dip in an Alaskan cooking class

Watch traditional Tlingit dances at the Native Heritage Center Theater

Take a wine-tasting and whale-watching cruise to Point Adolphus

Icy Strait Point Tourism +1 (907) 945-3141 http://www.icystraitpoint.com info@IcyStraitPoint.com

Port of Call - Juneau

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Juneau, Alaska's capitol city stretching along a narrow strip between mountains and the Gastineau Channel, is an unexpectedly cosmopolitan port stop on Inside Passage cruises. Mountains and stretches of wilderness cut off any land access to Juneau making it very reliant on its cruise industry. Juneau's best attractions lie in the scenery surrounding it; some of the best are longer excursions, but quick popular trips include riding Mount Roberts Tramway for an eagle's eye view of the city, or visiting nearby Mendenhall Glacier. Several ships can dock at the terminal located just next to downtown. When the docks are full, which is often in peak season, ships anchor in the harbour and tender passengers in. The town can get incredibly crowded on days in the peak cruise season.

map of Juneau

Shopping in Juneau

There are many small souvenir shops near the cruise terminal. Downtown Franklin Street and Mendenhall Valley both are popular shopping districts both with tourist merchandise and boutique shops. Many art galleries are spread around town including great examples of Native American arts and crafts.

Dining in Juneau

Red Dog Saloon - Iconic restaurant and bar popular with cruisers

Tracy's King Crab Shack - best seafood in Juneau

Silverbow - The state's oldest bakery

Things to do in Juneau

River raft on any class of rapids

Trek the glaciers

Whale Watch up close on a rented boat

Zip through the rainforest in a canopy tour

Helicopter over the glaciers

Tourist Kiosk

101 Egan Dr or at Davis Log Cabin Visitor Information Center on 134 Third Street

Tel: +1 (907) 586 2201 http://www.traveljuneau.com

Port of Call - Kailua Kona

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Kailua Kona, on Hawaii's Big Island, is a popular year-round cruise destination offering extraordinary weather (12 different climates on the island!) and stunning landscapes. Cruise ships dock off shore and passengers are ferried on tender boats from the ship and disembark at the Kailua Pier. The pier is in the centre of Kailua town, which has good restaurants and shops. Within easy reach of Kailua, cruise passengers can explore Big Island's tropical rain forests, the frozen tundra of Mauna Kea, and the arid Ka'u desert. An array of activities, from snorkelling to snowboarding, are also available for visitors on the island; there are water sports operators at the Kailua Pier. Tourist information is available from a booth at the pier, and there is also transport and tours available for cruise passengers. The pier is within easy walking distance of the town.

map of Kailua Kona

Shopping in Kailua Kona

Ali'i Drive is the main shopping destination in Kailua, with a variety of shops selling everything from T-shirts, sunglasses and jewellery to local souvenirs or arts and crafts. The Coconut Grove Marketplace and the Ali'i Gardens Marketplace are also worth browsing, featuring extraordinary finds such as traditional weapons or local coffees and nuts. Wal-Mart and K-Mart are also located nearby.

Dining in Kailua Kona

Rapanui Island Café - trendy bistro known for its fresh and tasty Indonesian food

Island Lava Java - great for breakfast and coffee, and their pizza is also fantastic

Da Poke Shack - a tiny eatery, perfect for enjoying Hawaiian seafood on a budget

Things to do in Kailua Kona

Visit Kilauea Caldera, the longest continuously erupting volcano in the world

Meet the paniolos(cowboys) at Parker Ranch

Relax on the black sand beach of Punaluu

Visit the Kona coffee farms and sample their famous brews

Take a fishing charter to catch the sought-after blue marlin

Big Island Visitors Bureau 65-1158 Mamalahoa Hwy Suite 27B Kamuela +1 808 885 1655 http://www.bigisland.org

Port of Call - Ketchikan

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Known as the 'Salmon Capital of the World' and the rainiest town in southeast Alaska, the port of Ketchikan is named after the Ketchikan Creek, which flows through the town. The town boasts the world's largest collection of standing totem poles, which can be viewed at the Saxman Village, Totem Bight and the Totem Heritage Center. Other attractions include The Southeast Alaska Discovery Center, Eagle Spirit Gallery, Scanlon Gallery, the Misty Fjords and the WestCoast Cape Fox Lodge where visitors can enjoy spectacular views over the city. Cruise ships dock in the centre of town but when the port is crowded, ships may be required to anchor in the bay and tender passengers into Ketchikan.

map of Ketchikan

Shopping in Ketchikan

Those with a penchant for shopping should look no further than Creek Street where all the best boutiques and specialist stores can be found. The galleries along Stedman Street, such as Blue Heron, also provide some wonderful shopping opportunities.

Dining in Ketchikan

Annabelle's Keg and Chowder House - stylish eatery or gastropub for diners to choose from

Pioneer Cafe - classic American diner food

Bar Harbor Restaurant - great seafood eatery

Things to do in Ketchikan

Visit Neets Bay in Tongass National Forest and watch the Black bears

Go hiking in Deer Mountain

Go sea-kayaking

Go deep sea fish

Admire the Misty Fjords by air

Ketchikan Visitors Bureau Tel: +1 800 770 3300 http://www.visitketchikan.com info@visit-ketchikan.com

Port of Call - Key West

Key West is an island; part of Key West City, at the very tip of the Florida Keys. This historic vacation destination seamlessly mixes old Victorian houses and placid blue waters into a funky modern tourism hub.

Famous sights in Key West include historic residences such as Ernest Hemingway's and Harry Truman's homes, best seen aboard the Conch Tour Train. For a rare view of the flat island, the Lighthouse Museum is a popular lookout.

Most cruise ships dock at a pier alongside Mallory Square, directly in Old Town. Although cruise passengers are encouraged to spend time in Key West, cruise ships must depart from the pier before sunset and return after dark so as not to impair sunset views. Westin Pier, also called Pier B, is within walking distance, while The Navy Mole, shared with the US Navy, requires a short trolley (tram) ride.

map of Key West

Shopping in Key West

The Old Town offers attractive shops, especially at the Harbor Walk and Duval, offering an assortment of artisan crafts, paintings and clothes aligned for casual window shopping. Boutique shops ares also found along the Sunset Waterfront.

Dining in Key West

The Flaming Buoy Filet Company - fun eatery serving excellent lobster macaroni cheese

New York Pasta Garden - great Italian food in a pretty outdoor setting

Garbo's Grill - cheap and cheerful Carribean-style fast food

Things to do in Key West

Explore in a glass-bottomed catamaran.

Fly in an airplane tour.

Visit Civil War Fort Jefferson.

Enjoy one of the city ghost tours.


Port of Call - Kodiak

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Known as Alaska's Emerald Isle, Kodiak rewards visitors to its port with a strikingly beautiful vista of verdant wilderness, craggy peaks and plunging fjords. Inhabited by Alutiiq natives for over 7,000 years, Kodiak is a small but vibrant port town on Kodiak Island. The inhabitants of Kodiak are passionate about the outdoors, with hunting and sport fishing being two of the most popular activities. Authorities are careful to regulate these industries however, to protect local wildlife like elk, Sitka Deer, mountain goats, puffins and the famous Kodiak Bear, as well as fish including Alaskan salmon and halibut.

A busy commercial port town, Kodiak welcomes the tourist industry but doesn't pander to it. There are no tourist buses, backpacker hostels or airport shuttles, but the opportunity to experience life in the Alaskan Archipelago is a fascinating one for visitors from all walks of life.

Cruise ships dock at Kodiak's City Dock II, located about 1.5 miles (2km) south of the downtown area.

map of Kodiak

Shopping in Kodiak

For a small town, Kodiak has a large number of gift shops and galleries tucked around corners. Tourist shops in Mill Bay Road have t-shirts and hats emblazoned with the town's name, while the downtown mall is ground zero for local art, Russian crafts, and other locally-made Kodiak souvenirs. Look for the 'Made in Alaska' emblem to ensure you're supporting the local community.

Dining in Kodiak

Old Powerhouse - Japanese restaurant with harbour views and good sushi

Henry's Great Alaskan - Friendly sports bar serving burgers and deep-fried seafood

Mill Bay Coffees and Pastries - Excellent seafood, sandwiches and pastries made by a French chef

Things to do in Kodiak

Hike the quick 1.2 mile (2km) loop at North End Park

Hire a mountain bike to explore Fort Abercrombie State Historical Park

Go salmon fishing in Kodiak's lakes and rivers

Play a round at the Bear Valley Golf Course

Spot whales on guided kayak tours

Kodiak Island Convention & Visitors Bureau Tel: +1 (907) 486 4782 kodiak.org visit@kodiak.org

Port of Call - Maui (Kahului)

Maui Port
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The largest community on the Hawaiian island Maui, Kahului is an commercial centre perfect to springboard into the lush scenery, volcanic peaks and paradisical beaches of the rustic and pristine landscape. The best activities on the island are experiencing its dramatic landscapes outside of the port city. The best among these is Haleakala National Park and its enormous volcanic crater or the road to Hana, a spectacular and dramatic scenic drive. Ships berth at the Kahului's dock, a near walk into town, although nothing of particular interest is close to the port. Most passengers wisely take organised shore excursions or waiting taxis to more interesting destinations around Maui. The beginning of the Hana Highway is next to the dock. Some ships anchor off the coast of Lahaina and tender passengers to its downtown, a short drive from Kahului.

map of Maui (Kahului)

Shopping in Maui (Kahului)

There is a standard mall in Kahului although better souvenirs and boutique shopping is found in Lahaina. There are more small shops in Whaler's Village on Kaanapali Beach.

Dining in Maui (Kahului)

Da Kitchen Kahului - enormous portions of Hawaiian grilled food

Bistro Manila - friendly restaurant serving excellent filipino food

Makena Grill - Small fish taco stand is the best on the island

Things to do in Maui (Kahului)

Visit nearby Wailuku

Deep-Sea fishing out in the horizon

Windsurf on Hookipa Beach, the world's best windsurf spot

Take a helicopter tour of the island

Sail a catamaran out to Molokini and whale watch on the way

Tel: +1 (808) 874-4919 http://www.mauinfo.com rwmaui@gmail.com

Port of Call - Miami

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With one foot already in the Caribbean, Miami is one giant playground of a disembarking port city, complete with stretches of white sand beach only outshined but the coils of hot pink neon lights, making it the crowned 'cruise capital of the world'.

Most associated with Miami is South Beach, both the long stretch of sand and the Art Deco neighbourhood alongside famous for nightlife, restaurants and shopping.

With over four million passengers a year, the Port of Miami is the home of about 24 different cruise ships and ten cruise lines departing to all over the world, particularly the Caribbean. The port is located on Dodge Island and connects to the city centre via a short bridge. New cruise passenger terminal buildings D and E and four older terminals have every conceivable passenger amenity.

map of Miami

Shopping in Miami

The best shopping is done in several open air malls, the famous Lincoln Road Mall and The Falls. Upscale shops are best found in both Miracle Mile and Bal Harbour. Near to the Port of Miami, Bayside Marketplace is a fun place to peruse souvenirs.

Dining in Miami

Azul - One of the city's best, serving Mediterranean and Asian cuisine downtown

Joe's Stone Crab - Simple and famous casual seafood dining and great crab

News Cafe - Beach side quick and delicious breakfast and lunch café

Things to do in Miami

Explore Everglades National Park

Get awestruck over Coral Castle

Visit Fort Lauderdale

Swim with dolphins in Key Largo

Sail into the sunset over the Keys


Port of Call - Mobile

Located in the Gulf of Mexico at the junction of the Mobile River and Mobile Bay, the port of Mobile in Alabama is bears a striking resemblance to New Orleans. Complete with French Quarter, its very own Mardi Gras, southern charm and Creole culture, this bustling and diverse city falls in the top 15 largest ports in the United States.

Key sights include Ft. Conde Museum, the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park, Bellingrath Gardens and Museum Home and the Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center, and IMAX theatre.

Cruise ships dock at the Mobile Alabama Cruise Terminal on the banks of the Mobile River. Once development is complete, the cruise terminal promises to offer plenty in the lines of shopping and entertainment.

map of Mobile

Shopping in Mobile

There is not much shopping at the cruise terminal but Lower Dauphin Street in the Historic District is a great place for art and antique shopping.

Dining in Mobile

Wintzells - Great local Cajun cuisine

Kitchen on George - Seasonal, locally sourced cuisine featuring fresh seafood

NoJa - an eclectic menu offering Asian, Mediterranean and Gulf Coast cuisines

Things to do in Mobile


Eco-tours down the river and through the swamps for bird and alligator watching

Party it up at Mardi Gras

Wildlife spotting at the Bellingrath Gardens and Museum Home

Horseback riding trails at the Grand Hotel Marriott Resort, Golf Club & Spa

Mobile Bay Convention & Visitors Bureau

Tel: +1 251 208 2000


Port of Call - New Orleans

A cruise involving the port of New Orleans is a must for lovers of all things mysterious, eclectic and colourful. This bustling city is famous not only for its French Quarter and Mardi Gras, but also for being a wonderfully exciting city to explore on foot with plenty of hidden treasure tucked away in nooks and crannies. Known for its exotic cuisine - which can be sampled in one of the city's many eateries - the port of New Orleans also boasts a fascinating WWII Museum, the Aquarium of the Americas, Mardis Gras World and the New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum. Cruise ships dock at the Erato Street terminal, which has a pedestrian bridge that connects passengers to the Riverwalk shopping and dining complex ensuring cruise visitors have a memorable experience in New Orleans.

map of New Orleans

Shopping in New Orleans

This pedestrian-friendly city has plenty of boutiques and specialty shops along its bustling streets, and the three-level Riverwalk Marketplace features a variety of tourist shops and food court eateries. The antique shops and art galleries of Royal Street are a treasure hunt of unique collectables. The famous French Market is open every day and the many stalls tout hot sauces and Cajun spices, and passengers who walk a little further will find a flea market selling inexpensive souvenirs and trinkets.

Dining in New Orleans

Mulate - Affordable eatery specialising in Cajun fare

Parkway Bakery and Tavern - grab an authentic local po'boy sandwhich at this affordable eatery.

Commander's Palace - refined Creole fare and notable for an elegant jazz brunch

Things to do in New Orleans

Visit the French Quarter.

Spot alligators while canoeing down the Bayou River.

Walking/bird watching in the Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge.

Enjoy live jazz on Bourbon Street

Explore the Garden District

New Orleans Visitors' Bureau 2020 Saint Charles Avenue Tel: +1 800 672 6124 Web: http://www.neworleanscvb.com Email: internet@neworleanscvb.com

Port of Call - Portland

A cruise around the North Atlantic isn't complete without stopping in the New England port of Portland, Maine. Tucked away on a stretch of picture-perfect coastline, Portland was called a 'Jewel by the Sea' by famous local poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Over 50,000 cruise passengers visit this port annually.

Key attractions include the Wadsworth-Longfellow House, which was built in 1785, as well as the Portland Observatory, where views of Portland and Casco Bay can be enjoyed. There are also countless lighthouses to view, the most notable being the Portland Head Light.

Cruise ships dock at the Portland Ocean Terminal, which is adjacent to Commercial Street, which runs along the length of the waterfront and features restaurants, shops and fishing boats.

map of Portland

Shopping in Portland

Nearby Freeport is a great place to do a spot of shopping, but cruise passengers will find that there are many shops within walking distance of the cruise terminal. Many major chain stores can be found here as well as a lot of of antique and specialist shops. The Arts District is a great place to spend a day shopping. Enjoy the cobblestone streets of the Old Port shopping district on Portland's waterfront, where many bargains can be found.

Dining in Portland

Gilbert's Chowder House - fresh local lobster and clam chowder

Standard Baking Company - coffee and fresh baked goods like molasses cookies and sticky buns

555 - upscale restaurant famous for its lobster macaroni cheese

Things to do in Portland

Visit the lighthouses of Maine

Explore the seaside town of Kennebunkport

See the Portland Head Light

Shop in nearby Freeport

Take a trip to Peaks Island

Portland Convention & Visitors' Bureau Tel: +1 207 772 5800


A visitor information booth is located outside the cruise terminal.

Port of Call - San Diego

Southern California's beach city and cruise gateway to Mexico, San Diego is a sunny multicultural community with all the trappings of a first-rate international city while still retaining the small town feel of its many neighbourhoods. The best attractions in San Diego and cultural heart of the city are its crowded and fun beaches. Sea World is also an excellent San Diego landmark and tourist destination. Cruise ships berth at San Diego's port at B Street Pier, located at the end of Ash Street and Broadway directly in downtown San Diego. There are three cruise berths at the port. A large cruise passenger terminal is nearby with many dining, shopping and transportation options as well as customer service representatives for assistance.

map of San Diego

Shopping in San Diego

There are many small shops along San Diego's waterfront near the cruise terminal. Downtown and Gaslamp Quarter both offer major shopping centres and fashion retailers such as Westfield Horton Plaza and Seaport Village. Small antique shops also line the waterfront area.

Dining in San Diego

Fish Market - Fresh Seafood in downtown, above a fish market.

Fred's Mexican Cafe - Gaslamp District's Mexican done well with great Margaritas.

Boat House - Seafront location for quiet elegant fine dining.

Things to do in San Diego

Live it up on exclusive La Jolla beach.

Take a ferry to Coronado Island.

Play golf at some of the country's best courses.

Party in Tijuana, Mexico.

Enjoy the sunset on a harbour boat trip.

Tel: +1 619 236 1212 Website: http://www.sandiegocruiseport.com customerservicecenter@portofsandiego.org The visitor information centre is on Harbor Drive across from the Cruise Terminal.

Port of Call - San Francisco

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San Francisco is many people's favourite American city. It is both beautiful and compact, enjoying perennial spring weather and a refreshing cosmopolitan atmosphere. Cruise ships entering and departing San Francisco pass under the Golden Gate Bridge as passengers take in the unfolding views of this most scenic of West Coast cities. Cruise ships dock at the San Francisco Cruise Terminal which is located at Pier 35 on the Embarcadero waterfront. The terminal is right alongside Fisherman's Wharf, and within walking distance of many downtown attractions. San Francisco Cruise Terminal hosts 200,000 passengers annually, most on round-trip cruises to Alaska or Mexico.

map of San Francisco

Shopping in San Francisco

Embarcadero Centre is close to the port and offers a great selection of stores. Union Square has probably the city's best range of shops, while Haight and Chinatown have some unique and interesting outlets. Hayes Valley is home to the best galleries and boutiques.

Dining in San Francisco

Tadich Grill - this California Street eatery has been operating for 150 years

Restaurant Gary Danko - fine dining in a relaxed environment

The Slanted Door - close to the Embarcadero the city's best Vietnamese cuisine

Things to do in San Francisco

Go wine tasting in the Napa Valley

Go see the Giant Redwoods at Muir Woods

Take a spectacular drive along Highway 1

Don't miss a half-day tour to Alcatraz

Watch the Oakland As play baseball

Metro Cruise Services Tel: +1 (415) 765 5300



Port of Call - Seattle

Tucked away in the Puget Sound, the water-surrounded hills of Seattle have vibrant districts blending rugged Pacific Northwest wilderness with a modern cosmopolitan city. The most popular attractions in Seattle are its defining skyline building, the Space Needle, and the famous seaside market, Pike Place Market, which is home to 'thrown fish'.

Two downtown cruise terminals, Bell Street Pier number 66 and the Smith Cove Terminal on pier 91, welcome over 800,000 passengers a year on more than 200 ships, mostly starting on their voyage to Alaska. Pier 91 is north of the city centre near Magnolia Bridge and Pier 66 is directly downtown.

map of Seattle

Shopping in Seattle

The best tourist shopping in Seattle happens in the many eclectic shops in Pike Place Market and the surrounding neighbourhood. Downtown Seattle has upscale shopping centres and a series of boutique stores. The Seattle areas of Freemont, University District and Capitol Hill all have many unique stores.

Dining in Seattle

2120 - contemporary menu and a broad selection of wines

Pike Place Chowder - authentic and award-winning chowder

Chandler's Crabhouse - upscale, with many different varieties of crab.

Things to do in Seattle

Ride the ferry to the Puget Sound Islands

Hike or bike Mt. Rainier

Go whale watching in the Islands

Tour the Boeing Factory

Go skiing in Snoqualmie

Tel: +1 206 461 5840 http://www.portseattle.org/seaport/cruise visinfo@visitseattle.org The tourist information centre is east of Pike's Place Market on Pike St.

Port of Call - Seward

Seward Harbour
Photo credit: Dan Hershman
The tiny town of Seward, located 126 miles (200km) south of Anchorage, isn't much to shout about in terms of architecture or nightlife; Seward's main attractions are the glaciers that surround it, home to spectacular vistas and abundant wildlife that includes whales, sea lions, otters, puffins, eagles, bears and more.

The town itself is a charming and photogenic slice of old Alaska, and is best experienced with a slow stroll past the bustling harbour through the historic downtown with its interesting little shops and art galleries.

Seward is a popular stop on Alaskan cruises, and sees more than 100,000 visitors brought in on cruise ships each year. Many cruises start or end here, as the town is in close proximity to major highways, train stations, and airports. Cruise ships dock at the Dale R. Lindsey Alaska Railroad Seward Intermodal Terminal, about a mile (2km) from downtown Seward.

map of Seward

Shopping in Seward

Seward isn't exactly a shopper's paradise, but you'll find some small gift shops and art galleries downtown. Not surprisingly, many shops stock cold-weather gear: something to be grateful for if you didn't pack warm enough!

Dining in Seward

Exit Glacier Salmon Bake - casual restaurant near the highway with great seafood

Smoke Shack - humble-looking restaurant with good ribs and pulled pork

Thorn's Showcase Lounge - great halibut fish and chips in a retro setting

Things to do in Seward

Take a hike on Exit Glacier or the Soldier Icefield

Spot seabirds and otters from a kayak in Kenai Fjords National Park

Go dog-sledding on Godwin Glacier

Try your luck fishing for salmon and halibut in Resurrection Bay

See porpoises, sea lions and other undersea creatures at the Alaska SeaLife Center

Seward Chamber of Commerce Conference & Visitors Bureau (907) 224-8051 seward.com visitseward@seward.net

Port of Call - Sitka

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The small town of Sitka on Baranof Island has a rich and colourful history. Originally occupied by the Tlingit Indians, the town was also an important Russian outpost before Alaska was sold to the US in 1867 (a transfer that took place in Sitka).

Despite its size of only 9,000 people, Sitka is a bustling town that attracts more than a quarter of a million visitors each year. With both cultural and natural attractions as well as a variety of good restaurants and lively pubs, Sitka has something to offer everyone.

Cruise ships dock offshore from Sitka, and smaller boats are used to ferry passengers ashore to the O'Connell Bridge Lightering Facility at the foot of Castle Hill or the Crescent Harbor Lightering Facility near the Centennial Hall.

map of Sitka

Shopping in Sitka

There are plenty of shops in Sitka, stocking everything from tacky t-shirts to delicious smoked salmon. Furs are a popular souvenir from Sitka, as well as Russian and Tlingit art and crafts. On busy cruise ship days, head over to the Baranof Arts & Crafts Association, which has a great selection of items made by local artists.

Dining in Sitka

The Larkspur Cafe - lively cafe with evening entertainment

Ludwig's Bistro - upmarket Mediterranean cuisine in a cosy atmosphere

Dock Shack - cheap and cheerful seafood at the waterfront

Things to do in Sitka

Watch traditional Russian dances performed by the New Archangel Dancers

See brown bear cubs at the Fortress of the Bear educational and viewing centre

Experience Tlingit culture and history on a Sitka Tribal Tour

Go birdwatching at the Saint Lazaria National Wildlife Refuge

Explore islands and kelp forests on a kayak tour

Sitka Convention and Visitors Bureau Tel: +1 (907) 747-5940 http://www.sitka.org scvb@sitka.org

Port of Call - Skagway

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Situated in a narrow glaciated valley at the head of Alaska's Taiya inlet, the small town of Skagway first earned its place on the map in 1897 when prospectors from all over the world arrived by steamship in search of gold in the Dawson Gold Fields, turning it into a bustling port town with saloons, hotels and railways. Skagway is today one of Alaska's most popular ports and cruise passengers arriving here will still feel the same gold rush atmosphere of the town as period buildings and wooden sidewalks are restored to their former glory reinforcing the distinctive charm of this port. Visitors will love the authenticity of the town and exploring the attractions such as the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Visitor Center or even trying their hand at a gold panning at Liarsville Gold Rush Trail Camp. Cruise ships dock at one of three deep-water docks which are all just a short walk from town. Smaller ships may dock at the Ferry Dock, which is also just a short walk from the heart of the town.

map of Skagway

Shopping in Skagway

Most shops are located on Broadway Street, but this small town does boast a few shopping opportunities, with everything from the regular touristy shops selling mass produced trinkets and junk to dinky independent clothing stores. For great crafts, prints, needlework and jewellery, visit Skagway Artworks or Changing Tides while Fairway Market is the place is a good place to pick up some fresh fruit snacks, film, health and beauty aids and sundries. Klothes Rush Gifts is the perfect place to pick up Alaska souvenirs while Miss Kitty's Buttonhole on French Alley sellsfunky hats, canes and 1898-style clothing.

Dining in Skagway

Stowaway Cafe - casual eatery serving comforting homemade fare

Lemon Rose Bakery - sandwiches and great cinnamon rolls

Skagway Brewing Company - microbrewery with American pub food

Things to do in Skagway

Play golf at 60 degrees North Latitude

Experience real Alaskan dog-sledding

Go whale watching on the ferry to Haines

Ride a bike along the White Pass Klondike gold route

Take a helicopter tour of the glaciers

Skagway Convention & Visitors Bureau Tel: 888 762 1898 or 907 983 2854 http://www.skagway.com skagwayinfo@gmail.com

Port of Call - Tampa Bay

Located just an hour away from one of the entertainment capitals of the world, Tampa Bay boasts sandy, white, palm-fringed beaches and a multitude of water activities such as fishing, parasailing, and jet skiing.

Key sights include Busch Gardens and Pier 60 Park for family outings, while the Florida Aquarium is a must for marine animal lovers. The Tampa Museum of Art exhibits some impressive Greek and Roman classical artefacts as well as some more contemporary art. The Moccasin Lake Nature Park provides some breathtaking walks and scenery for nature lovers.

Ships dock at the Port of Tampa Cruise Terminal located in the Channel District, from where several Carnival, Royal Caribbean and Holland America ships regularly depart.

map of Tampa Bay

Shopping in Tampa Bay

There is plenty of shopping around the cruise terminals in Tampa Bay. Just across the street from some of the cruise terminals is the Channelside Bay Plaza and downtown, the Hyde Park Village shopping area is great for bargain hunting.

Dining in Tampa Bay

Bern's Steak House - popular restaurant with delicious cuisine

Seasons 52 Fresh Grill - an ever-changing menu of fresh and healthy food

Roy's Restaurant - upscale restaurant with Hawaiian-inspired cuisine

Things to do in Tampa Bay

Go on the Captain Memo Pirate Cruise

Enjoy deep-sea fishing

Canoe down the Hillsborough River

Visit St Petersburg


Port of Call - Whittier

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A tiny town even in the busy summer cruise season, Whittier itself isn't much of an attraction with just more than 200 permanent residents. The town is a great base for exploring the pristine Alaskan wilderness however, and the region is filled with wildlife like bison, elk, moose, caribou, musk ox, bears, black-tailed deer, great horned owls and bald eagles.

Located just 34 miles (55km) from Anchorage, the town is a popular end point for Alaskan cruises as an alternative to the slightly larger Seward port. Cruise ships in Whittier dock at the Whittier cruise ship dock at the southern end of the town.

map of Whittier

Shopping in Whittier

There is very little shopping in Whittier, however cruise passengers will find several gift shops with a mixture of cheap souvenirs and handmade items.

Dining in Whittier

Swiftwater Seafood Cafe - homey restaurant serving good halibut fish and chips

The Anchor Inn - serves hearty meals with big-screen sports playing

Lazy Otter Cafe - chili and chowder in a cosy cafe

Things to do in Whittier

Try your luck at salmon fishing on a charter boat

Spot whales and otters from a hired kayak

Go dog sledding on a glacier

Get a bird's-eye view of Whittier on a helicopter tour

See moose, caribou and musk ox at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center

Whittier Visitor Information Center +1 (907) 472-2379 http://www.whittieralaska.com

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Friday May 26, 2023
Indian Removal Act
The Twenty-First Congress of the United States of America passed the Indian Removal Act of 1830 on May 26, 1830. Under the terms of the Removal Act, the lands of the Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Chicasaw, and Seminole tribes were ceded to the southern states
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Tuesday September 21, 2021
Indian Removal Act
The Twenty-First Congress of the United States of America passed the Indian Removal Act of 1830 on May 26, 1830. Under the terms of the Removal Act, the lands of the Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Chicasaw, and Seminole tribes were ceded to the southern states in return for promises of autonomy, land, and financial
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Wednesday May 26, 2021
Indian Removal Act
The Twenty-First Congress of the United States of America passed the Indian Removal Act of 1830 on May 26, 1830. Under the terms of the Removal Act, the lands of the Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Chicasaw, and
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Indian Removal Act
The Twenty-First Congress of the United States of America on May 26, 1830 passed the Indian Removal Act of 1830
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