

Overview of Switzerland

Swiss Alps
Photo credit: Artur Staszewski
With snow-capped Alps, forested hills, fairytale castles, Renaissance cathedrals, shimmering lakes, stylish spas and luxury ski resorts, it's easy to see why Switzerland has been one of the world's top tourist destinations for the past two centuries.

It is the country that fashioned tourism, so it's no surprise that Switzerland caters to visitors all year round. In spring and summer it offers lakeside chalets, mountain trails and spa resorts. In the sunny southern region of Ticino, near the Italian border, visitors will find palm-fringed Riviera-style resorts offering a variety of water sports. Those keen on hiking and mountaineering will find over 31,000 miles (50,000km) of mountain and forest trails throughout the country.

In November the country's ski resorts begin opening, and visitors pour in throughout the Christmas season and the crowds do not abate until the snow begins to melt with the onset of spring. With the highest pistes in Europe, Switzerland's ski runs offer reliable snow and breathtaking views. Most resorts also have plenty to do for those not so keen on skiing, making Switzerland the perfect destination for a winter fantasy of log fires, fondues and glistening snow.

map of Switzerland

Key Facts

The four official languages are Swiss German, French, Italian and Romansch. Most people know at least three languages, including English.

The borderless region known as the Schengen area includes the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and as of December 2008, Switzerland. All these countries issue a standard Schengen visa that has a multiple entry option that allows the holder to travel freely within the borders of all. It is highly recommended that travellers' passports have at least six months' validity remaining after the intended date of departure from their travel destination. Immigration officials often apply different rules to those stated by travel agents and official sources.


The official currency is the Swiss franc (CHF), which is divided into 100 rappen (German) or centimes (French). Although not part of the EU, many prices are indicated in euros and some merchants may accept euros. Credit cards are widely accepted and ATMs are widespread; many are equipped with the Cirrus or Maestro system. Banks offer the best exchange rates, but it is also possible to exchange money at major hotels, main train stations and airports. Banks are open Monday to Friday.

Electrical current in Switzerland is 230 volts, 50Hz. Plugs are of the linear, rounded three-pin type, but rounded two-pin plugs will fit the outlet.

Travel to Switzerland


Home to soul-stirring natural settings, wealthy cities and charming villages, Switzerland is rightly famous for being one of the first global tourist destinations. Foreign visitors will discover a country that is extremely well prepared for them, as getting to the many attractions is effortless, if rather expensive. Public transport options include buses, taxis and a clean and efficient rail network, and renting a car is an attractive option, thanks to the impeccably maintained and signposted roads.

This is truly a year-round destination, as its cold winters are perfect for skiing and mountain viewing, and its glorious summers are ideal for exploring the major cities and delightful Alpine villages. An obligatory stop on any grand tour of the continent, Switzerland is a sure bet for travellers looking to experience the best of what Europe has to offer.

Climate in Switzerland

The temperature is moderate with no extremes of hot and cold, so Switzerland can be visited at any time of year. Summer is warm to hot and lasts from about June to September and, although good for outdoor activities, it is also the most crowded time for a holiday. Ski resorts open in late November and remain so until the snow begins to melt in April.

Health Notes when travelling to Switzerland

Swiss medical facilities and health care are among the best in the world, but are very expensive, meaning health insurance is recommended. As of January 2021, most people cannot use a UK-issued European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or a Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) to get medical treatment in Switzerland. Everyone 16 years of age and older should get fully vaccinated for COVID-19 before travel.

Safety Notes when travelling to Switzerland

Switzerland has a low crime rate compared to other European countries and is generally a safe country to travel in. However, there has been a recent increase in petty theft and visitors should be alert to pickpockets and thieves, particularly in the city centres and on public transport. Travellers should be aware of robberies on overnight trains.

Customs in Switzerland

Privacy and discretion are highly valued in Swiss culture, and strangers generally do not speak to each other. The Swiss are naturally reserved and conservative, and prefer structured rules to govern their daily lives. Littering is a serious social crime in Switzerland, and visitors should also make an effort to throw their recyclables in the proper receptacle. French and German-speaking Switzerland have different customs in some areas. When being introduced to someone, German-speaking Swiss will shake hands, while French-speaking locals may kiss on the cheek three times (generally left, right, left). Though many Swiss speak English, it is considered polite to inquire before attempting conversation.

Duty Free in Switzerland

Travellers to Switzerland over 17 years do not have to pay duty on 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250g tobacco; 2 litres alcohol up to 15 percent and 1 litre alcohol over 15 percent. The maximum allowance of wine is 20 litres, but duty will be payable on this quantity. VAT is liable if the total value of all goods exceeds CHF 300. Restricted items include meat and meat products from selected countries. Prohibited items are absinth and anaesthetics.

Doing Business in Switzerland

The Swiss business world reflects the local mastery at building well-oiled machines. Efficiency and organisation are prioritised, and the business culture is based predominantly on merit. The country's formal, no-nonsense approach to business offers little room for humour or lack of preparation in meetings and, though the Swiss are slightly less pedantic than their German or French counterparts, they attach great value to appearance and punctuality.

Dress codes for business people in Switzerland are quite formal and conservative, particularly in the banking sector, where dark suits are the norm. Business and pleasure are entirely separate in the Swiss work environment. In keeping work and personal compartmentalised, Swiss businesspeople even shy away from calling their colleagues by first names, which reinforces formality and boundaries between work and play. When invited to a Swiss business associate's home, a small gift such as flowers or a box of chocolates is appropriate.

In Swiss business culture those in senior positions garner a great deal of respect, but decision-making processes are often quite democratic. Switzerland is home to over 1000 multinationals and has become something of a melting pot of business customs, regional influences and etiquette. English is the corporate language, particularly for multinationals. However, regional languages, such as French, German and Italian, are sometimes preferred in their respective areas. Swiss-German business meetings are rarely over food and are often as brief as possible, with little small talk. By contrast, Swiss-French and Swiss-Italians often meet over lunches and talk is not restricted to business. Handshakes are common for addressing both men and women. Business hours are from 8am to 5pm on weekdays with a lunch break from 12pm to 2pm.

Communication in Switzerland

The international country dialling code for Switzerland is +41. Travellers can purchase local prepaid SIM cards for unlocked phones, and WiFi is widespread.

Tipping in Switzerland

A 15 percent service charge is normally included in all hotel, taxi, bar and restaurant bills, and further tipping is not necessary.

Passport/Visa Note

The borderless region known as the Schengen area includes the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and as of December 2008, Switzerland. All these countries issue a standard Schengen visa that has a multiple entry option that allows the holder to travel freely within the borders of all. It is highly recommended that travellers' passports have at least six months' validity remaining after the intended date of departure from their travel destination. Immigration officials often apply different rules to those stated by travel agents and official sources.

Entry Requirements

Entry requirements for Americans:

US passport holders require a passport valid for three months beyond period of intended stay. A visa is not necessary for stays of up to 90 days within a 180 day period.

Entry requirements for Canadians:

Canadian passport holders require a passport valid for three months beyond period of intended stay. A visa is not necessary for stays of up to 90 days within a 180 day period.

Entry requirements for UK nationals:

United Kingdom citizens require a passport valid for at least three months beyond period of intended stay, with the exception of passports marked 'British Citizen', 'British Subject' (containing a Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode issued by the United Kingdom), and 'British Overseas Territories Citizen' issued by Gibraltar, which will be accepted if valid on arrival.

No visa is required for passports endorsed 'British Citizen', 'British Overseas Territories Citizen' issued by Gibraltar, Identity Cards issued by Gibraltar, and 'British Subject' (containing a Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode issued by the United Kingdom). All other British nationals are entitled to a maximum stay of 90 days without a visa, within a 180 day period.

Entry requirements for Australians:

Australian passport holders require a passport valid for three months beyond period of intended stay. A visa is not necessary for stays of up to 90 days within a 180 day period.

Entry requirements for Irish nationals:

Irish nationals require a valid passport, valid for the period of the intended stay, but no visa is necessary.

Entry requirements for New Zealanders:

New Zealand nationals require a passport valid for three months beyond period of intended stay. No visa is necessary for a stay of up to 90 days within a 180 day period.

Entry requirements for South Africans:

South African passport holders require a passport valid for three months beyond period of intended stay, and a Schengen visa.

Tourist Offices

Swiss Tourist Office, Zurich: +41 44 215 4000 or http://www.myswitzerland.com

Switzerland Embassies

In the United States:

Swiss Embassy, Washington DC, United States: +1 202 745 7900.

In Canada:

Swiss Embassy, Ottawa, Canada: +1 613 235 1837.

In the United Kingdom:

Swiss Embassy, London, United Kingdom: +44 20 7616 6000.

In Australia:

Swiss Embassy, Canberra, Australia: +61 2 6162 8400.

In Ireland:

Swiss Embassy, Dublin, Ireland: +353 1 218 6382.

In New Zealand:

Swiss Embassy, Wellington, New Zealand: +64 4 472 1593.

In South Africa:

Swiss Embassy, Pretoria, South Africa: +27 12 452 0660.

Foreign Embassies in Switzerland

American Embassy

United States Embassy, Bern: +4131 357 7011.

Canadian Embassy

Canadian Embassy, Bern: +41 31 357 3200.

British Embassy

British Embassy, Bern: +41 31 359 7700.

Australian Embassy

Australian Consulate-General, Geneva: +41 22 799 9100.

Irish Embassy

Irish Embassy, Bern: +41 31 352 1442.

New Zealand Embassy

New Zealand Consulate-General, Geneva: +41 22 929 0350.

South African Embassy

South African Embassy, Bern: +41 31 350 1313.

Travel Advisories

Health Information for Travelers to Switzerland

Content source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Vaccines and Medicines

Check the vaccines and medicines list and visit your doctor (ideally, 4-6 weeks) before your trip to get vaccines or medicines you may need.


  Find Out Why Protect Yourself

All travelers

You should be up to date on routine vaccinations while traveling to any destination. Some vaccines may also be required for travel.

Routine vaccines

Make sure you are up-to-date on routine vaccines before every trip. These vaccines include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine, varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, polio vaccine, and your yearly flu shot.

get_vaccinated hygiene

Some travelers

Ask your doctor what vaccines and medicines you need based on where you are going, how long you are staying, what you will be doing, and if you are traveling from a country other than the US.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A outbreaks occur throughout the world and sometimes in countries with a low risk for hepatitis A (including the US). You can get hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in Switzerland, so talk to your doctor to see if the hepatitis A vaccine is right for you.

get_vaccinated eat_drink
Hepatitis B

You can get hepatitis B through sexual contact, contaminated needles, and blood products, so CDC recommends this vaccine if you might have sex with a new partner, get a tattoo or piercing, or have any medical procedures.

get_vaccinated avoid_body_fluids avoid-non-sterile-equipment

Rabies is present in bats in Switzerland. However, it is not a major risk to most travelers. CDC recommends rabies vaccine for only these groups:

  • Travelers involved in outdoor and other activities in remote areas that put them at risk for bat bites (such as adventure travel and caving).
  • People who will be working with or around bats (such as wildlife professionals and researchers).
get_vaccinated animals

All travelers

You should be up to date on routine vaccinations while traveling to any destination. Some vaccines may also be required for travel.

get_vaccinated hygiene
Routine vaccines

Make sure you are up-to-date on routine vaccines before every trip. These vaccines include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine, varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, polio vaccine, and your yearly flu shot.

Some travelers

Ask your doctor what vaccines and medicines you need based on where you are going, how long you are staying, what you will be doing, and if you are traveling from a country other than the US.

get_vaccinated eat_drink
Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A outbreaks occur throughout the world and sometimes in countries with a low risk for hepatitis A (including the US). You can get hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in Switzerland, so talk to your doctor to see if the hepatitis A vaccine is right for you.

get_vaccinated avoid_body_fluids avoid-non-sterile-equipment
Hepatitis B

You can get hepatitis B through sexual contact, contaminated needles, and blood products, so CDC recommends this vaccine if you might have sex with a new partner, get a tattoo or piercing, or have any medical procedures.

get_vaccinated animals

Rabies is present in bats in Switzerland. However, it is not a major risk to most travelers. CDC recommends rabies vaccine for only these groups:

  • Travelers involved in outdoor and other activities in remote areas that put them at risk for bat bites (such as adventure travel and caving).
  • People who will be working with or around bats (such as wildlife professionals and researchers).
  • Get vaccinated
  • Eat and drink safely
  • Keep away from animals
  • Reduce your exposure to germs
  • Avoid sharing body fluids
  • Avoid non-sterile medical or cosmetic equipment



Stay Healthy and Safe

Learn actions you can take to stay healthy and safe on your trip. Vaccines cannot protect you from many diseases in Switzerland, so your behaviors are important.


Eat and drink safely

Food and water standards in Switzerland are similar to those in the United States. Most travelers do not need to take special food or water precautions beyond what they normally do at home.


Prevent bug bites

Although Switzerland is an industrialized country, bug bites here can still spread diseases. Just as you would in the United States, try to avoid bug bites while spending time outside or in wooded areas.

What can I do to prevent bug bites?
  • Cover exposed skin by wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and hats.
  • Use an appropriate insect repellent (see below).
  • Consider using permethrin-treated clothing and gear if spending a lot of time outside. Do not use permethrin directly on skin.
What type of insect repellent should I use?
  • FOR PROTECTION AGAINST TICKS AND MOSQUITOES: Use a repellent that contains 20% or more DEET for protection that lasts up to several hours.
  • FOR PROTECTION AGAINST MOSQUITOES ONLY: Products with one of the following active ingredients can also help prevent mosquito bites. Higher percentages of active ingredient provide longer protection.
    • DEET
    • Picaridin (also known as KBR 3023, Bayrepel, and icaridin)
    • Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) or PMD
    • IR3535
  • Always use insect repellent as directed.
What should I do if I am bitten by bugs?
  • Avoid scratching bug bites, and apply hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion to reduce the itching.
  • Check your entire body for ticks after outdoor activity. Be sure to remove ticks properly.
What can I do to avoid bed bugs?

Although bed bugs do not carry disease, they are an annoyance. See our information page about avoiding bug bites for some easy tips to avoid them. For more information on bed bugs, see Bed Bugs.

For more detailed information on avoiding bug bites, see Avoid Bug Bites.


Stay safe outdoors

If your travel plans in Switzerland include outdoor activities, take these steps to stay safe and healthy during your trip:

  • Stay alert to changing weather conditions and adjust your plans if conditions become unsafe.
  • Prepare for activities by wearing the right clothes and packing protective items, such as bug spray, sunscreen, and a basic first aid kit.
  • Consider learning basic first aid and CPR before travel. Bring a travel health kit with items appropriate for your activities.
  • Heat-related illness, such as heat stroke, can be deadly. Eat and drink regularly, wear loose and lightweight clothing, and limit physical activity in the heat of the day.
    • If you are outside for many hours in the heat, eat salty snacks and drink water to stay hydrated and replace salt lost through sweating.
  • Protect yourself from UV radiation: use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15, wear protective clothing, and seek shade during the hottest time of day (10 a.m.–4 p.m.).
  • Be especially careful during summer months and at high elevation. Because sunlight reflects off snow, sand, and water, sun exposure may be increased during activities like skiing, swimming, and sailing.
  • Very cold temperatures can be dangerous. Dress in layers and cover heads, hands, and feet properly if you are visiting a cold location.
Stay safe around water
  • Swim only in designated swimming areas. Obey lifeguards and warning flags on beaches.
  • Do not dive into shallow water.
  • Avoid swallowing water when swimming. Untreated water can carry germs that make you sick.
  • Practice safe boating—follow all boating safety laws, do not drink alcohol if you are driving a boat, and always wear a life jacket.

Keep away from animals

Most animals avoid people, but they may attack if they feel threatened, are protecting their young or territory, or if they are injured or ill. Animal bites and scratches can lead to serious diseases such as rabies.

Follow these tips to protect yourself:

  • Do not touch or feed any animals you do not know.
  • Do not allow animals to lick open wounds, and do not get animal saliva in your eyes or mouth.
  • Avoid rodents and their urine and feces.
  • Traveling pets should be supervised closely and not allowed to come in contact with local animals.
  • If you wake in a room with a bat, seek medical care immediately.  Bat bites may be hard to see.

All animals can pose a threat, but be extra careful around dogs, bats, monkeys, sea animals such as jellyfish, and snakes. If you are bitten or scratched by an animal, immediately:

  • Wash the wound with soap and clean water.
  • Go to a doctor right away.
  • Tell your doctor about your injury when you get back to the United States.

Reduce your exposure to germs

Follow these tips to avoid getting sick or spreading illness to others while traveling:

  • Wash your hands often, especially before eating.
  • If soap and water aren’t available, clean hands with hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol).
  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. If you need to touch your face, make sure your hands are clean.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
  • Try to avoid contact with people who are sick.
  • If you are sick, stay home or in your hotel room, unless you need medical care.

Avoid sharing body fluids

Diseases can be spread through body fluids, such as saliva, blood, vomit, and semen.

Protect yourself:

  • Use latex condoms correctly.
  • Do not inject drugs.
  • Limit alcohol consumption. People take more risks when intoxicated.
  • Do not share needles or any devices that can break the skin. That includes needles for tattoos, piercings, and acupuncture.
  • If you receive medical or dental care, make sure the equipment is disinfected or sanitized.

Know how to get medical care while traveling

Plan for how you will get health care during your trip, should the need arise:

  • Carry a list of local doctors and hospitals at your destination.
  • Review your health insurance plan to determine what medical services it would cover during your trip. Consider purchasing travel health and medical evacuation insurance for things your regular insurance will not cover.
  • Carry a card that identifies, in the local language, your blood type, chronic conditions or serious allergies, and the generic names of any medicines you take.
  • Bring copies of your prescriptions for medicine and for eye glasses and contact lenses.
  • Some prescription drugs may be illegal in other countries. Call Switzerland’s embassy to verify that all of your prescription(s) are legal to bring with you.
  • Bring all the medicines (including over-the-counter medicines) you think you might need during your trip, including extra in case of travel delays. Ask your doctor to help you get prescriptions filled early if you need to.

Many foreign hospitals and clinics are accredited by the Joint Commission International. A list of accredited facilities is available at their website (www.jointcommissioninternational.org).


Select safe transportation

Motor vehicle crashes are the #1 killer of healthy US citizens in foreign countries.


Be smart when you are traveling on foot.

  • Use sidewalks and marked crosswalks.
  • Pay attention to the traffic around you, especially in crowded areas.
  • Remember, people on foot do not always have the right of way in other countries.

Choose a safe vehicle.

  • Choose official taxis or public transportation, such as trains and buses.
  • Make sure there are seatbelts.
  • Avoid overcrowded, overloaded, top-heavy buses and minivans.
  • Avoid riding on motorcycles or motorbikes, especially motorbike taxis. (Many crashes are caused by inexperienced motorbike drivers.)
  • Choose newer vehicles—they may have more safety features, such as airbags, and be more reliable.
  • Choose larger vehicles, which may provide more protection in crashes.

Think about the driver.

  • Do not drive after drinking alcohol or ride with someone who has been drinking.
  • Consider hiring a licensed, trained driver familiar with the area.
  • Arrange payment before departing.

Follow basic safety tips.

  • Wear a seatbelt at all times.
  • Sit in the back seat of cars and taxis.
  • When on motorbikes or bicycles, always wear a helmet. (Bring a helmet from home, if needed.)
  • Do not use a cell phone or text while driving (illegal in many countries).
  • Travel during daylight hours only, especially in rural areas.
  • If you choose to drive a vehicle in Switzerland, learn the local traffic laws and have the proper paperwork.
  • Get any driving permits and insurance you may need. Get an International Driving Permit (IDP). Carry the IDP and a US-issued driver's license at all times.
  • Check with your auto insurance policy's international coverage, and get more coverage if needed. Make sure you have liability insurance.
  • Avoid using local, unscheduled aircraft.
  • If possible, fly on larger planes (more than 30 seats); larger airplanes are more likely to have regular safety inspections.
  • Try to schedule flights during daylight hours and in good weather.
Helpful Resources

Road Safety Overseas (Information from the US Department of State): Includes tips on driving in other countries, International Driving Permits, auto insurance, and other resources.

The Association for International Road Travel has country-specific Road Travel Reports available for most countries for a minimal fee.


Maintain personal security

Use the same common sense traveling overseas that you would at home, and always stay alert and aware of your surroundings.

Before you leave
  • Research your destination(s), including local laws, customs, and culture.
  • Monitor travel warnings and alerts and read travel tips from the US Department of State.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).
  • Leave a copy of your itinerary, contact information, credit cards, and passport with someone at home.
  • Pack as light as possible, and leave at home any item you could not replace.
While at your destination(s)
  • Carry contact information for the nearest US embassy or consulate.
  • Carry a photocopy of your passport and entry stamp; leave the actual passport securely in your hotel.
  • Follow all local laws and social customs.
  • Do not wear expensive clothing or jewelry.
  • Always keep hotel doors locked, and store valuables in secure areas.
  • If possible, choose hotel rooms between the 2nd and 6th floors.



Healthy Travel Packing List

Use the Healthy Travel Packing List for Switzerland for a list of health-related items to consider packing for your trip. Talk to your doctor about which items are most important for you.

Why does CDC recommend packing these health-related items?

It’s best to be prepared to prevent and treat common illnesses and injuries. Some supplies and medicines may be difficult to find at your destination, may have different names, or may have different ingredients than what you normally use.



Travel Health Notices

Be aware of current health issues in Switzerland. Learn how to protect yourself.


Watch Level 1, Practice Usual Precautions



After Your Trip

If you are not feeling well after your trip, you may need to see a doctor. If you need help finding a travel medicine specialist, see Find a Clinic. Be sure to tell your doctor about your travel, including where you went and what you did on your trip. Also tell your doctor if you were bitten or scratched by an animal while traveling.

For more information on what to do if you are sick after your trip, see Getting Sick after Travel.


Map Disclaimer - The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on maps do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement are generally marked.


The official currency is the Swiss franc (CHF), which is divided into 100 rappen (German) or centimes (French). Although not part of the EU, many prices are indicated in euros and some merchants may accept euros. Credit cards are widely accepted and ATMs are widespread; many are equipped with the Cirrus or Maestro system. Banks offer the best exchange rates, but it is also possible to exchange money at major hotels, main train stations and airports. Banks are open Monday to Friday.

Exchange rate for 1 CHF - Swiss Franc
0.00 BMD
Bermudan Dollar
1.03 EUR
1.10 USD
U.S. Dollar
0.88 GBP
U.K. Pound Sterling
168.69 JPY
Japanese Yen
1.51 CAD
Canadian Dollar
1.67 AUD
Australian Dollar
43.44 UAH
Ukrainian Hryvnia
489.45 KZT
Kazakhstani Tenge
102,624.29 LBP
Lebanese Pound
5.36 LYD
Libyan Dinar
7.56 BOB
Bolivian Boliviano
0.00 NPR
Nepalese Rupee
0.00 OMR
Omani Rial
0.00 QAR
Qatari Rial
1.49 SGD
Singapore Dollar
11.93 SEK
Swedish Krona
0.00 TTD
Trinidad Tobago Dollar
0.00 VEF
Venezuelan Bolivar
64.07 DOP
Dominican Peso
0.00 HRK
Croatian Kuna
18.69 MXN
Mexican Peso
673.17 XOF
West African CFA Franc
0.00 PGK
Papua New Guinean kina
0.00 BSD
Bahamian Dollar
0.00 FJD
Fiji Dollar
0.00 HNL
Honduran Lempira
147.60 DZD
Algerian Dinar
0.00 MMK
Myanma Kyat
0.00 BWP
Botswana Pula
4.10 PEN
Peruvian Nuevo Sol
1,034.72 CLP
Chilean Peso
426.53 AMD
Armenia Dram
25.68 CZK
Czech Koruna
19.43 MDL
Moldova Lei
154.24 ISK
Icelandic Krona
13,873.33 UZS
Uzbekistan Sum
4.10 ILS
Israeli New Sheqel
0.78 JOD
Jordanian Dinar
0.00 KWD
Kuwaiti Dinar
42.07 UYU
Uruguayan Peso
0.00 MUR
Mauritian Rupee
0.00 NIO
Nicaraguan Córdoba
12.00 NOK
Norwegian Krone
4.44 PLN
Polish Zloty
4.14 SAR
Saudi Riyal
0.00 LKR
Sri Lanka Rupee
40.56 THB
Thai Baht
4.04 AED
U.A.E Dirham
5.61 BRL
Brazilian Real
5.11 RON
Romanian New Leu
8.62 HKD
Hong Kong Dollar
673.17 XAF
Central African CFA Franc
28,012.27 VND
Vietnamese Dong
968.48 ARS
Argentine Peso
0.00 XCD
East Caribbean Dollar
0.00 GTQ
Guatemalan Quetzal
11.09 MAD
Moroccan Dirham
0.00 BHD
Bahrain Dinar
1.10 PAB
Panamanian Balboa
1.87 AZN
Azerbaijan Manat
4,322.18 COP
Colombian Peso
97.49 KGS
Kyrgyzstan Som
399.14 HUF
Hungarian Forint
12.01 TJS
Tajikistan Ruble
17,722.83 IDR
Indonesian Rupiah
52.87 EGP
Egyptian Pound
1,498.25 KRW
South Korean Won
8,221.54 PYG
Paraguayan Guaraní
5.23 MYR
Malaysian Ringgit
560.47 CRC
Costa Rican Colón
1.84 NZD
New Zealand Dollar
306.38 PKR
Pakistani Rupee
100.77 RUB
Russian Rouble
20.41 ZAR
South African Rand
3.46 TND
Tunisian Dinar
0.00 BBD
Barbadian Dollar
2.01 BGN
Bulgarian Lev
35.65 TRY
Turkish Lira
63.16 PHP
Philippine Peso
35.63 TWD
New Taiwan Dollar
1,284.35 NGN
Nigerian Naira
0.00 XPF
CFP Franc
0.00 GHS
Ghanaian Cedi
0.00 JMD
Jamaican Dollar
0.00 ANG
Neth. Antillean Guilder
0.00 BND
Brunei Dollar
120.08 RSD
Serbian Dinar
7.98 CNY
Chinese Yuan
7.65 DKK
Danish Krone
3.85 TMT
New Turkmenistan Manat
91.98 INR
Indian Rupee
Exchange Rate for
U.S. Dollar to Swiss Franc

1 USD = 0.91 CHF

Exchange Rate for
Euro to Swiss Franc

1 EUR = 0.97 CHF

Exchange Rate for
Canadian Dollar to Swiss Franc

1 CAD = 0.66 CHF

Exchange Rate for
U.K. Pound Sterling to Swiss Franc

1 GBP = 1.14 CHF

Exchange Rate for
Australian Dollar to Swiss Franc

1 AUD = 0.60 CHF

Exchange Rate for
New Zealand Dollar to Swiss Franc

1 NZD = 0.54 CHF

Exchange Rate for
South African Rand to Swiss Franc

1 ZAR = 0.05 CHF

Geneva Airport (GVA)
Geneva Airport

Location: Geneva The airport is situated three miles (5km) north of Geneva.

map of Geneva Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 between the last Sunday in March and the last Sunday in October).

Contacts: +41 848 19 2020

Transfer between terminals: Terminal 2 is only used for charter flights in the winter months and is usually closed.

Getting to the city: Public buses leave for the city centre every few minutes from the departures and arrivals levels. Passengers can pick up tickets for public transport from the machines in the baggage collection area on the arrivals level; information is available at the Unireso information counter in the arrivals hall. A free hotel shuttle transports passengers to major hotels. A Unireso train leaves for Cornavin RR Station in the city centre roughly every 10 minutes, from where connections can be made to destinations throughout Europe.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Europcar and Hertz. Travellers should ensure they hire their car on the French side of the border if they are going to France, and vice-versa. It is only about three miles (5km) into town.

Airport Taxis: Taxis can be found outside of the arrival terminal. The trip is three miles (5km) and commute times vary according to traffic. Taxis are metered and there are around 60 registered taxi ranks in Geneva.

Facilities: Luggage lockers can be found in the Train Station Mall and on the arrivals level. The Business Corner offers a range of business facilities; other amenities include banks, bureaux de change, ATMs, bars and restaurants, tourist information, a hotel reservation desk, post office and shops, including duty-free. Facilities for disabled passengers are good; those with special needs should contact their airline in advance.

Parking: Parking at Geneva Airport ranges upwards from about CHF 5 an hour for short-term parking, to CHF 55 daily and CHF 205 weekly in long-term parking. Note that tariffs vary dramatically depending on the parking lot. P51 is the cheapest long-term option. Eurocard, American Express or Visa cards can be used to pay for parking in parking lots.

Zurich Airport (ZRH)
Zurich Airport

Location: Zurich The airport is situated eight miles (12km) north of Zurich.

map of Zurich Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 between the last Sunday in March and the last Sunday in October).

Contacts: +41 43 816 2211

Transfer between terminals: The three terminals are connected.

Getting to the city: Swiss Rail (SBB) provides fast and efficient transport to the city centre. The station is located below the Airport Center in the Check-in 3 area and trains leave roughly every 10 minutes for Zurich and other destinations; travel time is ten minutes and fares are determined on the type of pass and the number of city zones crossed. The Glattalbahn tram line services other nearby cities and the outskirts of Zurich. Hotel shuttle buses and a variety of public bus services extend across various routes. The airport is very well serviced by public transport.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Avis, Budget, Europcar, Sixt and Hertz.

Airport Taxis: Metered taxis are available outside Arrivals 1 and 2. The 15-minute taxi journey to Zurich costs around CHF 50.

Facilities: Facilities include banks, bureaux de change, bars and restaurants, postal services, shops including duty-free, business facilities and a creche. Facilities for disabled passengers are excellent.

Parking: There are extensive parking facilities at Zurich International Airport, with more distant parking lots (which tend to be cheaper) connected to the terminal building by free shuttles. Prices range depending on the parking lot. Pick-up and drop-off zones are situated along the access road in front of the arrivals and departures sections, but there is a small charge for using even these areas. Parking can be reserved in advance online.

Bern Airport (BRN)
Bern Airport

Location: Bernese Oberland The airport is situated six miles (9km) southeast of Berne.

map of Bern Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 between March and October).

Contacts: +41 31 960 2111

Getting to the city: Trains travel regularly between the city and the airport, and the bus (route number 160) runs every 15 minutes (5.48am to 10.48pm) between Belp station and Bern Airport, with direct connection to the S-Bahn. Passengers can purchase tickets at any ticket vending machine at the bus stations, the travel center BLS of Belp station, Libero ticket counters, via OV Plus app, as well as at ticket vending machines available on the bus. Taxis are also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies have desks at the airport.

Airport Taxis:

Facilities: Facilities include banks, bureaux de change, bars and restaurants, tourist information and hotel reservations, duty-free shopping and business facilities. Facilities for disabled passengers are excellent; those with special needs should contact their airline in advance.

Parking: Short and long term parking options are available.

Departure Tax: None.

Basel Airport (BSL)
EuroAirport Basel–Mulhouse–Freiburg

Location: Basel The airport is located nearly four miles (6km) northwest of Basel, Switzerland.

map of Basel Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 from the last Sunday in March until the last Sunday in October).

Getting to the city: There is regular bus service from the airport to a number of local towns, including Basel, Strasbourg, Saint Louis, Mulhouse and Freiburg. There is no direct rail service to the airport, but there are train stations in Basel.

Car rental: Avis, Europcar and Sixt are among the car rental companies operating at Basel Airport.

Airport Taxis: There are taxis available on both the Swiss and French sides of the airport. The average fares to nearby towns are as follows: Mulhouse €50, Freiburg €125, and Basel CHF 50. Fares will be higher at night.

Facilities: The terminal contains an information desk, restaurants and cafes, duty-free shopping, currency exchange facilities, a comprehensive business centre and ATMs.

Parking: There is plenty of short and long-term parking available, but prices vary between the French and Swiss sides.

Bernese Oberland

Photo credit:
Known for its high society, luxury hotels, fine dining and expensive boutiques, Gstaad is the Bernese Oberland's most glamorous ski resort and the place for glittering socialites to be seen. The town has been the favoured holiday destination of the rich and famous for years, entertaining the likes of Roger Moore, Paris Hilton, Elle Macpherson and Tina Turner, among others. The picturesque village is traditional in style, with delightful alpine chalets, a pedestrian-only centre and spectacular scenery, and lies at the centre of the Gstaad Super Ski Region: one of the largest ski areas in Europe. With lush mountain scenery, miles of hiking trails, beautiful weather and good-quality hotels, Gstaad is also a great place to spend a few days in summer.

Nightlife in Gstaad

After skiing many people gravitate to one of the bars at Dorfstrasse for a beer or cocktail. The GreenGo bar and nightclub at the Palace Hotel is the place to be seen and is the centre of Gstaad's nightlife. Richi's Pub is a popular meeting spot for locals, and is a favourite among sports fans for watching sporting events. The more elegant Rialto bar also hosts live music in winter.

Shopping in Gstaad

Gstaad's main shopping street is Hauptstrasse, which has a large selection of stores and boutiques that offer wares from the latest fashions and exclusive sporting goods to jewellery and pastry shops. Stores cater mainly for the wealthy.

Things to do in Gstaad

Besides skiing and snowboarding while on holiday, Gstaad offers ice-skating, tobogganing, ice-climbing and curling in winter, as well as a wide range of summer activities. In summer, hiking is popular, as are mountain biking, climbing, tennis, golf, horse riding and even beach volleyball. There are lots of excursions in the surrounding area, and a variety of top events throughout the year, including the Swiss Open Tennis Tournament, classic music festivals and international hot-air ballooning.

Things to be aware of in Gstaad

Gstaad has a reputation for being an exclusive ski destination and is expensive even by Swiss standards. The skiing might be a disappointment for expert skiers, and snow coverage is unreliable due to the relatively low altitude.

Dining in Gstaad

Visitors to Gstaad are spoiled for choice when it comes to restaurants. A large number of establishments have been awarded with Gault Milau points for outstanding cuisine, such as Restaurant Le Grill at the Palace, while about 70 others offer everything from traditional specialities to Asian, Italian, fish and grills.

Swiss Alps

Photo credit: Leo-setä
Verbier is a picturesque Swiss ski resort nestled on a vast plateau almost 5,000 ft (1,524m) above the valley floor and surrounded by majestic snow-covered mountains. Verbier lies at the heart of Les Quatres Vallees (Four Valleys) and is the holiday hub of this extensive ski area.

A sophisticated network of cable cars and gondolas connect all the holiday resorts in the region and provide access to 102 miles (164km) of marked pistes. Verbier is the primary ski resort of French-speaking Switzerland, attracting advanced skiers and snowboarders to its demanding slopes and unlimited off-piste opportunities.

Although quaint in appearance, a holiday at the Verbier resort offers all the modern comforts and facilities of a major resort, with some of the finest cuisine in the region and a raucous nightlife that combines English-style pubs and French cafes. Much of Verbier closes down over the summer but, despite this, it can also be a great summer destination of magnificent scenery, good weather and wonderful walks; during this time it is popular with paragliders and mountain bikers.

Nightlife in Verbier

Verbier has one of the wilder and more exciting nightlife scenes among the European winter ski resorts. The road running from the main ski lift to the town centre is the heart of the apres ski action and there are plenty of bars and cafes around the town square. The Pub Mont-Fort is a popular apres-ski spot with the English holiday crowd, as is Big Ben Pub. The Offshore Cafe is a trendy spot for cocktails before dinner, while Bar'Jo and King's Bar are also quite popular. A variety of nightclubs stay open and busy until 4am. The Farm Club is perhaps the most famous nightspot in Verbier; it remains popular with Verbier old-timers and is the choice for many celebrities. Regular guests keep their own bottle behind the bar and are waved past the long queue. Coco Club is one of the most popular venues in Verbier; The New Club and Ice-Box Club are also trendy party places.

Shopping in Verbier

The shopping while on holiday in Verbier is excellent, although expensive. Visitors will find a range of boutiques and clothing stores, as well as ski wear and equipment.

Things to do in Verbier

Besides skiing and snowboarding, a Verbier holiday also offers heliskiing, a six-mile (10km) toboggan run, ice-skating and cross-country skiing. As a top Alpine sports centre, Verbier also offers a sports and fitness centre, indoor swimming pools, curling, a climbing wall and paragliding. It is one of the best sites for hang gliding and parascending. Summer activities also include walking trails and superb mountain biking. The ski resort has good facilities for children of all ages.

Things to be aware of in Verbier

Verbier's holiday accommodation, restaurants and ski passes are expensive and queues for the lifts can be long during the holidays. The snow reliability is fairly good in Verbier and it's usually possible to ski down to the village, but as with all European ski resorts, weather conditions are unpredictable and it can be cloudy.

Dining in Verbier

A wide choice of restaurants caters to the international crowd on a Verbier holiday, with over 60 superb restaurants offering anything from traditional cuisine to Japanese and American fare. The Al Capone, Le Grenier and La Marmotte restaurants are well known for their good quality food, beautiful views and friendly staff. Local specialities such as fondues, raclette and rosti are served in traditional establishments such as La Channe Valaisanne, Vieux Valais and Le Carrefour. Vegetarians are well catered for as well. Fer a Cheval is a great pizza restaurant that is popular with regulars and is within walking distance from the main ski lifts. The main square is surrounded by cafes, patisseries and coffee shops.

Swiss Alps

Photo credit: Robert J Heath
Davos was one of the first ski resorts to be created and is the largest in Switzerland. An alpine city with major thoroughfares and hotel blocks lining the streets, Davos is a premier European holiday resort, offering not only accommodation with a reputation for excellence, but also an endless array of winter and summer recreational activities, crisp mountain air and health spas. The five separate ski areas ensure a superb variety of skiing and snowboarding for all abilities. Nearby is the little sister resort of Klosters, a small traditional village with a quiet and unobtrusive atmosphere that shares the large Parsenn ski area. Davos is a two-hour transfer from Zurich.

Nightlife in Davos

Davos offers evening entertainment to suit most tastes. Popular apres ski bars can be found at the foot of the Jakobshorn and Parsenn ski lifts and, after dark, there is a wide selection of bars and clubs in the town centre, centred around Davos Platz. Many clubs stay open until the early hours, including the Ex-Bar and Bolgenschanze in the centre of the Platz, and the Postli Club at the Morosani Posthotel. Davos also has a casino and cinema.

Shopping in Davos

Davos is a huge resort in comparison to the usual village-centred ski destinations in the Alps, and offers unrivalled shopping opportunities, with more than 100 shops, art galleries and boutiques ready and waiting to swipe eager visitors' credit cards in exchange for a plethora of goods, from tinkling cow bells to designer clothing. It takes hours to explore all the shops clustered mainly along the two main streets around the Davos Platz.

Things to do in Davos

Davos is famous for skiing but also offers tobogganing, sledding, sleigh rides and skating. Ice-climbing, hang-gliding and paragliding are also options, and there are miles of stunning winter hiking routes as well. Indoor family activities include bowling and swimming. Some worthwhile excursions include a trip through the high Alps to the famous spa of Scuol, or a visit to St Moritz (90 minutes away). Summer activities include cycling, golf, sailing, hiking and climbing.

Things to be aware of in Davos

Davos and Klosters are not suited for those on a budget.

Dining in Davos

There are scores of restaurants in the greater Davos-Klosters area, offering a vast selection to suit every taste and pocket. When it comes to haute cuisine the best are located in the major hotels, and 24 of the finest hotels offer a 'dine around', where guests on half board can sample menus in other hotel restaurants. Around the Davos Platz there is an international selection of restaurants that ranges from simple cafes to gourmet restaurants offering everything from French and Italian menus, to Indian, Chinese and Thai. For cosy apres ski evenings and spectacular views, travellers should use the funiculars and cableways to head up to a mountain restaurant and sample homegrown local delights. The more upmarket restaurants require advance booking, and many Davos establishments close their kitchens early, around 10pm.

Swiss Alps

Photo credit: Heribert Pohl > 3 million
Situated about six miles (10km) from the busy Swiss ski resort of Davos, in the heart of the Graubunden region south-east of Zurich, the small, traditional and quiet village of Klosters shares the expansive Parsenn ski area with the larger resort, but offers a more exclusive and romantic holiday setting.

Klosters, its two pretty neighbourhoods filled with picturesque chalets, also has its own ski area, the Madrisa, ensuring the resort offers skiing for all abilities in a discreetly charming Alpine setting, away from the madding crowd of the tourist mass market. Exclusivity is expensive, however, and Klosters has become known as the holiday haunt of the rich and famous, and is particularly favoured by the British Royal family as a winter sports getaway with first-class off-piste skiing.

Nightlife in Klosters

Apres-ski on a Klosters holiday is merry but low-key. As the skiers and snowboarders come down from the slopes they gather at the Schwendis (mountain chalet bars) or a few favourite spots such as Gaudi's for a warming glass of beer or schnapps. Cocktails and before-dinner drinks are sipped in hotel bars. The Piano Bar at Chesa Grischuna is the most stylish. The late-night club in Klosters is the Casa Antica, with a disco on the ground floor, and classy cocktail bars on the two upper floors.

Shopping in Klosters

Klosters is permeated with small speciality stores, with sports outlets predominating, though there are also some boutiques and art galleries. Those who want to become really involved in a shopping expedition prefer to take the short trip to neighbouring Davos, which has more than 100 stores, art galleries and boutiques selling all manner of goods from souvenir cow bells to designer clothing. The shops in Davos are centred along the two main streets around the Davos Platz.

Things to do in Klosters

Apart from skiing and snowboarding, and their attendant activities such as cross-country events and night trails, a winter holiday in Klosters is full of fun activities for all ages. There are dozens of miles of winter hiking trails, seven toboggan runs, ice hockey and figure skating lessons, organised snow-shoe treks, curling rinks and horse-drawn sleigh rides through snowy landscapes. Most of the larger hotels in the area offer indoor swimming pools and spa treatments. In nearby Davos, reached by bus or train in a few minutes, there is indoor golf, tennis and squash, and a large casino.

Things to be aware of in Klosters

Klosters' attraction to many is also a drawback to some, who consider it to be too swanky and rather expensive. The nightlife is also relatively limited, as many guests entertain in their chalets. The ski area itself, while wide and varied, is spread out over a number of separate areas.

Dining in Klosters

For its size the little village of Klosters has an abundance of restaurants, both on and off the slopes. The atmospheric Chesa Grischuna has been an institution in the town since 1938, its history as enthralling as the quality of its cuisine. Another dining treat is the Walserhof Hotel's Michelin-starred restaurant, where famed Swiss chef Beat Bolliger conjures up imaginative delights using mainly local produce. Other excellent hotel restaurants open to non-residents in Klosters are The Alpina and Alte Post. Booking is essential at most restaurants, and vistors should expect to pay a high price at the best places. For delicious pizzas, travellers should try Al Berto. Klosters is also famed for its wonderful mountain restaurants, known as Schwendis, which are rustic timber Alpine huts, most with terraces to take advantage of sunny days.

St Moritz
Swiss Alps

St Moritz
Photo credit: trombone65
St Moritz is the original Swiss winter holiday resort, an extravagantly fashionable mountain resort world-famous for its skiing, fantastic scenery, the curative waters of its Health Spa and the social life. Although not the classic image of a Swiss mountain resort, the setting and spectacular scenery more than makes up for St Moritz' lack of charm.

Consisting of two villages, St Moritz-Bad on the lake and St Moritz-Dorf on the hillside above, its romantic setting in the wildly beautiful corner of the southeastern Swiss Alps is a combination of forests, mountain and lake that has twice hosted the Winter Olympics. A St Moritz holiday guarantees some of the most reliable and abundant winter snowfall in the country, and the miles of downhill runs offer some of the finest intermediate skiing anywhere.

The St Moritz area also encompasses a network of cross-country ski trails, legendary toboggan and bobsled courses, and an Olympic ski-jump. The spa section of this exclusive and exciting town, St Moritz-Bad, offers the long-time tradition of mineral baths, mud baths and spa therapies for a relaxing spa holiday. The nightlife on a St Moritz holiday is renowned as the most energetic and expensive of all the alpine ski resorts.

Nightlife in St Moritz

A refined new casino is the latest addition to St Moritz' renowned nightlife and entertainment scene, which encompasses close on 30 other nightspots ranging from hot nightclubs to cosy hotel bars, and discos to demure cigar bars. Bobby's Pub is a popular English-style bar, and the posh Badrutt's Palace Hotel offers a disco for those bent on dancing.

Shopping in St Moritz

With its reputation for style and elegance, St Moritz inevitably draws the elite of the world to its winter sports season and caters for them in its shops as well. Hundreds of designer boutiques are crammed into the resort leaving shoppers on a St Moritz holiday overwhelmed by the number of choices representing international brands and trends. Even the less well-heeled can indulge in pleasure simply by window-shopping.

Things to do in St Moritz

Anything imaginable that can be done on or in snow and ice is available on a St Moritz holiday, whether it be the legendary Cresta Run, bob-sledding, ice-skating, curling or kite-surfing. Of course the main holiday attractions are skiing and snowboarding, with more than 217 miles (350km) of snow-covered runs. All ski slopes are serviced with restaurants, ski huts and snow bars ensuring that apres-ski is just as much fun as the physical thrills.

Things to be aware of in St Moritz

St Moritz contains some hideous block buildings and lacks the classic Swiss 'chocolate box' charm, especially during the summer. There are no proper beginner slopes at resort level and there are very few blue (easy) runs in the area. Spread over several unlinked mountains, the ski terrain is vast and transport is needed between most areas. The holiday resort is exclusive and very pricey.

Dining in St Moritz

In line with its promotional tag as being 'on top of the world', St Moritz does not lack for gourmet fare. A variety of delicious international cuisine is on offer in elegant formal restaurants, romantic rustic rendezvous, chic cafes and snow bars. Even the several pizzerias here are elegant, wood-panelled edifices with upholstered chairs, where the traditional base and toppings become a work of gastronomic art. Elegant fare can be had at popular eateries such as Talvo and White Marmite.

Swiss Alps

Photo credit: Kosala Bandara
Nestled on a high plateau, the charming town of Zermatt sits at the foot of the highest and most photographed peak in Switzerland, the Matterhorn (14,692ft or 4,478m). The resort is a picturesque, if rather sprawling, old mountain village of Swiss-style chalets.

The village of Zermatt can only be reached via a spectacular cog railway from the valley below. Its network of super-efficient cable cars, gondolas and cog railways is one of the best in the country, and it connects to three separate ski areas and to altitudes of over 12,000ft (3,600m). Twenty-one of the 36 lifts also operate during the summer to cater for the busy hiking and climbing season.

There are also plenty of non-skiing holiday activities in Zermatt, which include superb views, some of the best mountain restaurants worldwide, and a raucous nightlife to keep everyone entertained. The Matterhorn Museum commemorates the tragic first ascent of the Matterhorn in 1865 and the many lives claimed by 'the killer mountain', as well as telling the story of Zermatt.

Nightlife in Zermatt

The evening fun begins when skiers are wending their way down the slopes heading home, stopping off to warm up with schnapps or a mug of hot spiced wine in one of the cosy mountain stubli. In Zermatt itself, restaurants tend not to open too early, so before dinner drinks are called for at one of the multitude of bars hidden away in the village alleys, or the firelit pubs in the hotels. To dance off the effects of dinner later there are discos aplenty. The hottest spot in town is the Post Hotel, which has a disco and a jazz bar.

Shopping in Zermatt

Switzerland is renowned for high-quality products, and most of them are on offer in the dozens of classy shops that line the main street of Zermatt. Options include fine Swiss watches, classic Swiss army knives, and T-Shirts bearing an image of the mighty Matterhorn; cuckoo clocks and fluffy toy animals abound, as well, and there is enough jewellery to stock a treasury. Being a ski and climbing resort, Zermatt also boasts several stores offering the latest in equipment and outfits, and there are also numerous designer clothing boutiques.

Things to do in Zermatt

Although Zermatt is a holiday resort dedicated to skiing, there are plenty of other winter sports and indoor pursuits to keep everyone busy. Hiking paths can be tackled even in winter, or those who can't balance on skis can hire a sled from their hotel and toboggan down the trails. A great way to get some exercise and explore the area is to take one of the walking tours arranged by the local tourist office. Sleigh rides and dog sledding are also popular diversions. Indoors there are seven swimming pools and 17 saunas distributed through the various hotels, and indoor sports such as tennis, squash and even golf can be enjoyed. The village also sports two ice rinks and a fascinating museum devoted to mountaineering.

Dining in Zermatt

The holiday hub of Zermatt excels particularly in the area of fine dining, but those who prefer something a little more basic can also find McDonalds in the Main Street. The most charming dining experiences are offered at the mountain restaurants in little villages (such as Sunnegga, Rothorn and Findeln) surrounding the town, where quaint chalets have been turned into gourmet kingdoms, and view sites topped with terraces offer hearty snacks and warming drinks. The mountain restaurants specialise in luncheons, and reservations are advisable.

In Zermatt itself there are plenty of restaurants throughout the town. Regarded as one of the best is the Rotisserie La Broche in the Zermatterhof, and its prices match its elegant and flawless reputation. Part of the Zermatt experience is to enjoy a traditional Swiss fondue (either meat or cheese). The Stockhorn Grill Room is highly recommended for fondue, as is the Cafe Du Pont set at the south end of the main street. Homegrown lamb is another local speciality, prepared in a variety of delicious ways.

Overview of the Attractions in Switzerland

Home to soul-stirring natural settings, wealthy cities and charming villages, Switzerland is rightly famous for being one of the first global tourist destinations. Foreign visitors will discover a country that is extremely well prepared for them, as getting to the many attractions is effortless, if rather expensive. Public transport options include buses, taxis and a clean and efficient rail network, and renting a car is an attractive option, thanks to the impeccably maintained and signposted roads.

This is truly a year-round destination, as its cold winters are perfect for skiing and mountain viewing, and its glorious summers are ideal for exploring the major cities and delightful Alpine villages. An obligatory stop on any grand tour of the continent, Switzerland is a sure bet for travellers looking to experience the best of what Europe has to offer.

Fraumunster Church

Of the church spires that characterise Zurich's skyline, the thin blue spire of Fraumunster is the most graceful. Overlooking the historic old square of Munsterhof, the former pig market, the church was founded in 853 and its convent inhabited by German noblewomen until the 13th century. Important architectural features include the Romanesque choir and the enormous elaborate organ, but its chief attractions are the five beautiful stained-glass windows designed by Marc Chagall in 1970.

map of Fraumunster Church

Website: http://www.fraumuenster.ch

Swiss National Museum

A fascinating exploration of Swiss national history, the Swiss National Museum has an impressive and varied collection of ancient artefacts, providing visitors with a richer understanding of Swiss life and consciousness through the centuries. Housed in an exquisite castle-like building, with a distinctive tower, the permanent collection contains a comprehensive anthology of artefacts from the Stone Age to modern times. First stop is the archaeology exhibit where tools and articles dating back to before 800BC are on display. Highlights at the museum include the Celestial globe of Jost Bürg (1594), a groundbreaking symbol of European thought, religious reliquaries from the 13th to 16th centuries and ancient wheels, considered to be among the earliest ever found. Another major drawcard is the Armoury, where historic Swiss weaponry used in combat between 800 and 1800BC can be found. Visitors can expect to see crossbows, swords and suits of armour.

map of Swiss National Museum

Website: http://www.nationalmuseum.ch

Bernese Oberland

Interlaken, meaning 'between the lakes', is the tourist capital of the Bernese Oberland. As a popular holiday spot it is superbly situated between the lakes of Thun and Brienz, offering a variety of water-based activities during summer, and access to an endless amount of winter sports in the surrounding mountains of the Bernese Alps and its valleys. Linked to numerous holiday resorts and villages by a series of mountain railways and cablecars, Interlaken has myriad slopes and trails in many different areas offering skiing, snowboarding and hiking, and it connects to the famous cog railway leading to the plateau of the Jungfrau Mountain. During winter, skiers can take advantage of the town's low prices, avoiding the in-season costs of higher altitude ski resorts. With its many fine hotels, nightlife and dining opportunities, numerous excursion possibilities and first-class transport connections, Interlaken is an ideal all-round holiday destination for both winter and summer, for skiers and non-skiers alike.

map of Interlaken

Rhine Falls

The Rhine Falls (Rheinfall) are the largest of Europe's waterfalls, and are impressive for the volume of water thundering over their broad breadth rather than for their height of 75ft (23m). They are especially remarkable during spring, when the snowmelt adds to the volume of water. On the hill above the falls is a medieval castle, Schloss Laufen, which houses a restaurant, shops and a hostel. Rainbow-coloured mists rising from the forest and encircling the castle create an enchanting atmosphere and, in summer, one of the highlights of a visit to the falls is a boat trip across the white-water of the cataracts to the Centre Rock, where a short climb up some stairs leads to the top for an exhilarating view of the rushing water. Breathtaking views can also be enjoyed from three different lookout platforms along a path leading from the castle. The Kanzeli Lookout, with its protruding platform at the base of the falls, is the most spectacular.

map of Rhine Falls

Website: http://www.rheinfall.ch/

Swiss Alps

Claiming to occupy the sunniest plateau in the Swiss Alps, the twin villages of Crans and Montana are perched 4920 feet (1,500m) above the Rhone Valley. Crans-Montana provides the best of both a mountain village and modern Swiss ski resort, offering an Alpine shopping paradise, and easy access to nearby attractions such as the museums of Sierre, the underground lake near St-Leonard, and the glacier at Plaine Morte. The resort has a glitzy reputation and enjoys a fashionable nightlife. Crans-Montana offers many summer activities, including water skiing, swimming, mountain climbing, hiking, and a championship golf course.

Lake Geneva (Lac Leman)

One of the largest lakes in central Europe and shared by both Switzerland and France, Lake Geneva (Lac Leman to its French-speaking inhabitants) has for decades drawn visitors to its shores. Attracted by the alpine panorama, quaint wooden chalet villages, vineyard-covered slopes and sailboats skimming across the blue waters, many famous writers, musical composers, actors and poets came to settle and the area has become something of an inspiration to the arts. Situated in the westernmost district of Vaud, the region contains a diversity of attractions and activities, from wine-growing villages and mountain ski resorts, picturesque castles, and magnificent cathedrals, to low-key lakeside resorts, boat cruises, and cosy fireside pots of fondue. Sophisticated shopping and cultural life can be found in the cities of Geneva and Lausanne, where there are sweeping views across the sparkling lake to the Alps and the distinctive pinnacle of Mont Blanc. Among the vineyards and affluent villas clinging to the slopes lie the lakeside towns of Vevey and Montreux, the pearls of the Swiss Riviera.

map of Lake Geneva (Lac Leman)


Located on the shores of Lake Geneva, the energetic city of Lausanne is built above the lake on a sequence of tiers connected by a small metro. The upper or Old Town contains the grand Gothic cathedral, Notre-Dame; its turreted towers a well-known symbol of the city. The lower town on the lakeshore was once the small fishing village of Ouchy and is now the prime waterfront area with outdoor dining and cafes, promenades and sporting activities. The gardens around the Quay d'Ouchy are home to the city's foremost attraction, the Olympic Museum, which contains a wealth of sporting memories and a collection of unique objects pertaining to the Olympic Games from its beginning until the present. Lausanne relishes its importance as the Olympic World Capital and headquarters of the International Olympic Committee.

map of Lausanne

Website: http://www.lausanne-tourisme.ch

Chateau de Chillon

One of the best-maintained medieval castles in Europe, the 13th-century Chateau de Chillon is the most visited historical building in Switzerland. With its stunning lakeside location near the chic town of Montreux, jutting out into the water and framed by mountains, it is one of the most photographed castles in Europe. An important fortress in the Middle Ages, it was positioned to control the narrow passage between mountains and lake, protecting the major north-south route. It was also the favourite summer residence of the Counts of Savoy; while later, it served as a state prison. Visitors can tour the dungeons where the castle's most famous prisoner was chained for four years, the priest Francois Bonivard: a supporter of the Reformation. The fortress became famous when Lord Byron wrote about Bonivard's fate in an inspired poem entitled Prisoner of Chillon. Besides the dungeons, visitors can wander round the towers and courtyards, discover narrow secret passages, and see the grand knight's halls, frescoed chapel, luxurious bedchambers and rooms containing medieval weapons, furniture and paintings.

map of Chateau de Chillon

Website: http://www.chillon.ch

Bernese Oberland

According to legend, Bern was named when its founder, Berchtold Duke of Zahringen, was advised to go on a hunt and to name the town after the first beast that he caught. The bear has remained the symbol of the capital city ever since. One of the most charming cities in Europe, its Old Town centre was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site for the preservation of its cobbled medieval street plan, and its many fountains, towers and its massive astronomical clock. With its relaxed atmosphere, farmers' markets and friendly people, it is easy to forget that this is the Swiss capital, an important city of politicians and international meetings. And with its interesting museums, theatres, long-standing monuments and landmarks, Bern is a popular base from which to explore the mountains and lakes of the nearby Bernese Oberland.

map of Bern

Kunsthaus Zurich (Fine Arts Museum)

Devoted for the most part to 19th and 20th century artwork, the Kunsthaus Zurich (Zurich Fine Arts Museum) is a cultural drawcard for any art lover. Holding one of the largest collections of works by Edvard Munch outside Norway, as well as works by renowned modern artists such as Chagall, Picasso, Monet, Rothko and the Expressionists, Kokoschka, Beckmann and Corinth to name a few, there is a whole host of quality artwork at which the visitor can marvel. Visitors can also view the creative talents of cutting edge Swiss artists such as the sculptor and painter Alberto Giacometti, and well-known Swiss duo Fischli and Weiss. Situated in a sophisticated building with contemporary exhibitions, a trip to the Kunsthaus Zurich makes for a very rewarding cultural day out.

map of Kunsthaus Zurich (Fine Arts Museum)

Website: http://www.kunsthaus.ch

Polybahn and Rigiblick Funiculars

Trains, buses, trams and bikes are common ways of getting around Zurich. To get above the bustling streets and cobbled walkways, travellers should hop onto either the Polybahn or Rigiblick Funicular for panoramic views of the city and Lake Zurich. The traditional Polybahn was first opened in 1889 to solve the transport problem of students travelling from central Zurich to the University of Technology, which is situated on the towering Zürichberg hill. The Polybahn has maintained its classic Swiss appearance and continues to haul students and tourists to the Polyterasse viewpoint. Serving an attractive neighbourhood north of Zurich, the Rigiblick Funicular rewards travellers with a sweeping panoramic view of the city and the unmistakable Mount Rigi (1797m).

map of Polybahn and Rigiblick Funiculars

Museum of Design Zurich

Known for sophisticated designs such as the internationally recognised symbol of the Red Cross, it is no wonder that Switzerland has a museum dedicated solely to design. With four separate collections, visitors can indulge in the designs of the Poster Collection, Design Collection, Graphic Collection and Decorative Arts Collection, spanning the past century or visit one of the temporary exhibits where works of acclaimed industrial designers, photographers, graphic artists and architects are regularly shown. Designed by the progressive Swiss architects Adolf Steger and Karl Egender as a Functionalist manifesto, the Museum of Design Zurich is a great example of modern architecture in Switzerland and is a gallery not to be missed.

map of Museum of Design Zurich

Website: http://www.museum-gestaltung.ch


Situated in the old town across from central station, the narrow lanes of Niederdorf wind through towering 14th century buildings revealing small plazas where restaurants spill onto cobbled streets and buskers entertain diners and passers-by with miscellaneous music. This charming district has an interesting array of fashion stores, bookshops and antique dealers, as well as superb independent cheese, wine and pastry shops. In the evening the area transforms into one of Zurich's buzzing nightlife venues, and there are a wide selection of bars, restaurants and clubs to be explored.

map of Niederdorf

Zurich Zoo

Unlike the dubious reputation of zoos worldwide, the Zurich Zoo is refreshingly dedicated to nature conservation, maintaining ecosystems and protecting animal species, and runs many projects aimed at reintroducing animals into the wild. Offering guided tours and in depth information tools, the Zurich Zoo does its best to educate the public. With over 340 different species and 4000 animals, visitors will get the unique chance to view endangered animal species such as snow leopards and red pandas. Recreating ecosystems from exotic Madagascar to the rugged Ethiopian Highlands and housing the various animals in spacious enclosures, a visit to the diverse Zurich Zoo is a pleasurable and invigorating excursion. Travellers should visit the website to see feeding times and to discover whether new pups have been born.

map of Zurich Zoo

Website: http://www.zoo.ch

Pavillon Le Corbusier

The final work of the renowned Swiss architect who pioneered modernism and laid the foundation for Bauhaus, the Pavillon Le Corbusier in Zurichhorn Park is the epitome of modern design. A conglomeration of his life's work, the former Centre Le Corbusier and Heidi Weber Museum unify Le Corbusier's architecture, paintings, furniture, sculpture and writings, all in one space. Created in the 1960s, the contemporary building has strong references to Mondrian and is a jumble of cubic structures made of coloured panels, glass and steel, protected by a detached angular roof. Initially designed as a private house, the many spaces of the Centre Le Corbusier have fared well as an exhibition and learning centre. While travelling to this illuminating masterpiece, tourists can take a stroll alongside the Limmat River in picturesque Zurichhorn Park and should look out for the sculptures of Jean Tinguely and Henry Moore.

map of Pavillon Le Corbusier

Jet d'Eau

One of the tallest fountains in the world, the Jet d'Eau is a Geneva attraction that cannot be missed. Projecting 460 feet (140m) into the air at a speed of 124 miles per hour (200km/h) and pumping 132 gallons (500 litres) of water per second, the fountain was initially established to release pressure for hydropower generation on the Rhone River, but was so loved by the populace that in 1891 the city created a permanent fountain. As Paris has the Eiffel Tower and New York has the Empire State Building, Geneva has the Jet d'Eau. For a breathtaking and romantic sight, tourists should visit at night, when the fountain is lit up.

map of Jet d'Eau

International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum

One of the most creative and thought-provoking museums in Europe, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum brings together sculpture, installation, photography and film to highlight the importance of human rights, the history of conflict in the 20th century and the humanitarian work the Red Cross has done in providing aid to combatants and civilians caught up in both war and natural disasters. Funded entirely by outside donors, the museum is appropriately situated on the hillside opposite the United Nations, within the headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross. A significant stopover on a visit to Geneva, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum provides insight into the gross implications of war and the tragedy that surrounds, as well as the committed work of the volunteers and Red Cross representatives alike. All the exhibits have an English language option.

map of International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum

Website: http://www.redcrossmuseum.ch/en/

Swiss Alps

Leysin has a reputation as one of the most family-friendly ski resorts in Switzerland, offering children's activities year-round at more affordable rates than its fashionable neighbours in the Rhone Valley. There are a number of off-piste diversions, including excursions to Lake Geneva, the museums and castles in Aigle, and the igloos in Teepee Village. The mountain provides a spectacular setting for hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding and rock climbing in summer. There are a number of good restaurants, including the glass revolving Le Kuklos, which has a panoramic view of the region, and a few bars in town. While the village is removed from the larger skiing areas, skiing in Leysin's 37 miles (60km) of pistes provides challenges ranging from nursery areas to two black runs for experts, and 24 miles (39km) of cross country trails. There is a ski school that arranges heli-skiing trips, and the glacier at Les Diablerets is included in the ski pass. Leysin is a major snowboarding destination, with a snowboard park and half pipe that have hosted many professional competitions.

map of Leysin

St Peter's Cathedral

With initial construction commencing in 1160 and lasting nearly a century, St Peter's Cathedral has over the years become a hotchpotch of Romanesque, Gothic and Neoclassical architectural styles. A former Catholic cathedral, St Peter's became a Protestant church in 1536 at the advent of the Reformation and was cleared of its ornate fittings such as altars, statues, paintings and furniture, though the stained-glass windows remained. Prominent theologian John Calvin preached at St Peter's Church between 1536 and his death in 1564, and the church soon became the centre of Protestantism. Recently, the remains of a fourth-century church were discovered under the existing building, providing an insightful look into early Christianity. Some of it is open to the public and can be viewed through the small museum on the site. For a breathtaking panoramic view of Geneva and Lac Leman, visitors can climb the 157 steps that lead to the summit of the cathedral's north tower.

map of St Peter's Cathedral

Website: http://www.saintpierre-geneve.ch

Public Parks

Public parks cover over one quarter of Geneva and provide a quiet haven of rolling lawns and tree-lined walkways. Dotted with many curious sculptures and attractions, they are certainly worth visiting. Bastion Park stands out, as it houses the 328-foot (100m) Reformation Wall, a monument commemorating the major figures and events of the Protestant Reformation, as well as life size-chess boards at the north end of the park. To view the famous flower clock, a symbol of the Swiss watch industry, visitors should head to the English Garden close to the water fountain and, for outstanding views of Mont Blanc and the lake, Park Moynier is a firm favourite. Park Moynier is also noted for being home to the History of Science Museum. Batie Woods is situated on the outskirts of the city and has twenty hectares of woodland and hiking trails.

Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art

Opened in 1994, the cutting edge Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art refuses to conform and, as former museum director Christian Bernard says, the museum 'is not here to present the acceptable face of contemporary art'. With modern works dating from the 1960s to the present day, exhibited in a turn of the century factory, visitors to MAMCO will spend hours marvelling at the range of contemporary art that covers three floors. The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art constantly reinvents itself, changing its exhibits and interior construction three times a year. The works of famous Dadaist Marcel Duchamp are on display all year round.

Website: http://www.mamco.ch

Palais des Nations (United Nations)

Built between 1929 and 1937 to host the League of Nations, the Palais des Nations now houses the United Nations Office at Geneva, which was inaugurated in 1966 after the dissolution of the League of Nations. The biggest United Nations station outside of the headquarters in New York, the office at Geneva provides critical support to the organization. Situated in 45-hectare Ariana Park, the extensive Palais des Nations is bordered by century old trees, and it is not uncommon to see peacocks darting around; the result of a request by the former owner of the land who bequeathed it to the City of Geneva on condition that peacocks may run freely on its grounds. Tours include the council room with frescoes by Jose Maria Sert and the Assembly Hall. Identity documents are required.

map of Palais des Nations (United Nations)

Website: http://www.unog.ch

Barbier-Mueller Museum

Featuring a comprehensive collection of 7,000 artworks and artefacts from civilisations around the world, the Barbier-Mueller Museum in Geneva is the outcome of the tireless accumulations of Josef Mueller, whose collection began in 1907 and is continued to this day by his heirs. Founded in 1977, the museum wanted to preserve and study the sculptures, fabrics and ornaments brought from civilisations that were once isolated communities. Visitors should look out for the megalithic monuments from Indonesia, the statues and items of worship from Oceania, pre-Columbian art from the Americas and ancient masks and shields from Africa.

map of Barbier-Mueller Museum

Website: http://www.barbier-mueller.ch

Place Neuve

The cultural hub of Geneva, Place Neuve sits just outside the former ramparts and is a great access point for the Old Town, which lies on the other side of the high retaining walls. Home to three of Geneva's regal performance and exhibition halls, the Grand Theatre (opera house), Conservatory of Music and Rath Museum, the Place Neuve is worth visiting to witness the architectural aesthetic of these buildings. In the centre of the square is the emblematic statue of Swiss general Henri Dufour, who was the first person to establish a map of Switzerland and also presided over the First Geneva Convention. The highest mountain in Switzerland, Dufourspitze, is named after him.

map of Place Neuve

Museum of Art and History

Comprising three sections, the captivating Museum of Art and History explores the passage of western culture and international civilisations through over 7,000 pieces that cover archaeology (Roman, Greek, Egyptian and Etruscan), fine arts (paintings from the Renaissance to modern times) and applied arts (found objects from the Middle Ages to the 20th century). One of Geneva's largest museums, the colossal Museum of Art and History was built at the beginning of the 20th century, between 1903 and 1910. When visiting, travellers should look out for paintings by legendary artists Van Gogh and Renoir.

map of Museum of Art and History

Website: institutions.ville-geneve.ch/fr/mah/

Patek Philippe Museum

The museum offers a fascinating presentation of Genevese, Swiss and European watches and enamels dating from the 16th to the early 19th century, including a great number of masterpieces that have left their mark on the history of horology. Audiovisual multilingual presentations of selected masterpieces animate the exhibit. Visitors can explore the roots of time-measurement through a visual timeline, which details the key events in watchmaking's evolution from the Antique creations of the 1500s, through to the founding of Patek Philippe in 1839, and up to the present day. The intricate details and designs, moving parts and beautiful colours of the collection will provide hours of fascination.

Website: http://www.patekmuseum.com

Swiss Alps

The holiday destination of Grindelwald is a picturesque, traditional mountain settlement at the foot of the Eiger Mountain, surrounded by spectacular alpine landscapes. Popular as both a summer and winter holiday spot, it offers miles of slopes and hiking trails across the Alps, and for non-skiers there are a huge variety of winter activities, from tobogganing to groomed winter hiking tracks. For skiers there are three distinct areas to choose from, with slopes for beginners, intermediates and the challenges of the Eiger glacier for the experienced. There are also lift links to Wengen and Murren, making this one of the best holiday resorts from which to explore the Jungfrau region. Skiing in Grindelwald is best suited to intermediates, and there are plenty of long, gentle runs to keep them busy. There are plenty of options for true beginners as well at the Bodmi Nursery slopes. While advanced skiers won't find much, Grindelwald boasts the famous Lauberhorn World Cup downhill run, as well as the near-vertical Kanonenrohr. The resort is part of the Jungfrau region, and shares mountain space with Wengen. There are roughly 12 miles (20km) of cross-country tracks.

map of Grindelwald

Swiss Alps

The tradition of skiing goes back two centuries in Switzerland and, today, with more than 1,700 mountain railways and ski lifts, renowned ski schools and instructors, the best ski equipment in the world, and outstanding slopes and facilities catering for all levels of ability, it deserves to be called 'Europe's winter playground'. The ideal resort for beginners or families is Grindelwald in the Jungfrau region, while intermediates and snowboarders should head for the twin resorts of Davos and Klosters, where there are miles of excellent ski terrain. Expert skiers can enjoy the challenge of 7,200 ft (2,700m) vertical drops on the Klein Matterhorn at Zermatt, and the ski valley of Verbier is ideal for shoulder-season skiing, as its location provides early snow that lingers late into the spring. Grindelwald has long been the capital of summer hiking in the Bernese Alps, and has a network of groomed trails for winter hikers.

Musee d'Historie Naturelle

This museum presents an educational look at the world of nature, with special emphasis on the ecological history of Switzerland. Included is a life-size model menagerie of bears, foxes, alligators, aardvarks and other animals from around the globe, as well as a complete collection of every mineral and plant indigenous to Switzerland. There is also a special children's area. A great place to bring the kids, the Musee d'Historie Naturelle contains numerous historical collections left to the museum by world-renowned scientists, such as Lunel, Saussure and Fatio. Children will be amazed by displays of animals and specimens, including a leatherback turtle, giant spider crabs, tiger sharks and even a coelacanth.

Website: institutions.ville-geneve.ch/fr/mhn/


A visit to Aquaparc is a must for families on holiday in Geneva, especially with children. This water park caters to children of all ages and features indoor and outdoor swimming and water adventure rides and slides in a tropical theme. Children will love rides such as the Devil's Fall and Morgan's Thrill, while parents can indulge in a massage with thousands of bubbles in the hot tubs. The water and the air are heated to 28C and some attractions are open all year round. Regardless of the weather (if it's raining, if it's windy or if it's snowing), Aquaparc is open.

map of Aquaparc

Website: http://www.aquaparc.ch

Glacier Express
Bernese Oberland

Advertised as the 'slowest express train in the world', the Glacier Express is also the most panoramic, and is a breathtaking way to experience the magnificence of the Swiss Alps. The seven and a half hour journey begins daily from Zermatt. The red mountain train crosses more than 291 bridges, winds its way through 91 tunnels and seven valleys and over the 6,670ft (2,033m) Oberalp Pass to the resort of St Moritz, in a spectacular feat of mountain engineering. The train is equipped with large windows for clear viewing and the scenery, including mountain panoramas, quaint villages and wooden chalets, forests and alpine pastures, is stunning. A dining car provides lunch and the mini-bar contains tilted wine glasses to counter the lean of the carriages along the steep mountainous route. The train can be taken in either direction, and if time is short it is possible to travel along a short section of the route, but either way it is advisable to make advance bookings as the train is very popular. There are several departures a day during summer and one a day in winter.

Website: http://www.glacierexpress.ch

Swiss Alps

With panoramic views of the Rhone Valley, Veysonnaz forms a part of the Four Valleys ski area together with Nendaz, Verbier, Thyon and La Tzoumaz. A more affordable alternative to fashionable resorts such as Verbier, the pretty town of Veysonnaz has managed to retain its Alpine charm with traditional architecture and events such as the June Cow Processions. There are a range of activities for non-skiers in both summer and winter, including attractions such as the pyramids of Euseigne and the Grande Dixence dam. The town itself has a number of restaurants and bars, as well as a few shops and a recreation centre. The Four Valleys ski area has over 250 miles (400km) of runs, which provide ample off piste opportunities for experts, including the Tortin snow bowl. There are also runs for intermediates and beginners, and the runs in general range from 1,640 feet (500m) to 9,842 feet (3,000m) in elevation, though heli-skiing is available to the Pigne d'Arolla at 12,467 feet (3,800m). The 1936 Neypark at La Choux is a haven for snowboarding in Veysonnaz, featuring a skate-style pyramid and a good selection of rails.

map of Veysonnaz

Public Holidays in Switzerland

  2023 2024
New Year's Day Mon. January 1 Mon. January 1
Saint Berchtold Day Tue. January 2 Tue. January 2
Good Friday Sun. April 7 Fri. March 29
Easter Monday Wed. April 10 Mon. April 1
May Day Wed. May 1 Wed. May 1
Ascension Day Sat. May 18 Thu. May 9
Whit Monday Wed. May 29 Mon. May 20
Swiss National Day Thu. August 1 Thu. August 1
Assumption of Mary Thu. August 15 Thu. August 15
All Saints' Day Fri. November 1 Fri. November 1
Immaculate Conception Sun. December 8 Sun. December 8
Christmas Day Wed. December 25 Wed. December 25
St Stephen's Day Thu. December 26 Thu. December 26

News about Switzerland

Lausanne, Where the Olympics Never End
Every year is an Olympics year in Lausanne, Switzerland, a city of stone buildings, tile roofs and historic church squares perched on a hillside overlooking Lake Geneva. As home to the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Museum, the city is involved year-round in
New York Times
Monday July 08, 2024
14 Things to Know Before Going to Switzerland
Little did I know when I moved to Switzerland a decade ago that I’d still be here now. But with its supermodel looks, fine weather, easy-peasy public transport, multilingual mindset and penchant for cheese and wine, this is a country where it’s easy to get comfortable – even
Lonely Planet
Monday May 06, 2024
I Spent 72 Hours Partying at a Luxury Music Festival in Switzerland
It’s a balmy summer Saturday in Switzerland, and the crowd is nursing lukewarm Aperol spritzes on the poop deck of Lake Geneva’s oldest sailboat. Although high heels are strictly forbidden to avoid destroying the centuries-old wood floorboards of the Neptune
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8 Gorgeous Places To Visit In Ticino, Switzerland’s Enchanting Mediterranean Region
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Travel Awaits
Wednesday November 22, 2023
This European Country Offers Free Transport If You Stay In A Hotel
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Ski Switzerland Like a Pro: Your Insider's Guide to 6 Iconic Resort Towns
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European luxury ski hotels and chalets for winter 2023-2024
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The Week
Thursday November 02, 2023
Mary Shelley
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, née Godwin, was born on this day in 1797. Her mother died 11 days after her birth, and she was subsequently raised by her father who provided her a somewhat eccentric, but rich, education. She married the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley and traveled extensively through Europe. In 1816, the couple spent the summer near Geneva, Switzerland with Lord Byron, where she conceived the idea for her novel Frankenstein.
Travel Research Online
Wednesday August 30, 2023
Explora Journeys Partners With EHL Hospitality Business School
Explora Journeys announces the brand’s partnership with EHL Hospitality Business School, a hospitality management school that has campuses in Switzerland and Singapore. Both brands are excited to bring a Guest Experience Foundations training program for all Explora
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5 of Switzerland’s Most Stylish Boutique Hotels
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Tauck Adds Six New River Cruise Itineraries for 2024
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Travel Research Online
Wednesday April 19, 2023
How Alberghi Diffusi Turn Villages Into Hotels
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Smithsonian Magazine
Wednesday April 12, 2023
Establishment of the World Health Organization
The World Health Organization (WHO) was established by the United Nations to act as an international coordinating authority on April 7, 1948. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, WHO succeeded the role of
Travel Research Online
Friday April 07, 2023
Don't Break The Bank: Book These 10 Most Affordable Hotels In Switzerland
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Monday February 06, 2023
Switzerland Just Launched A Gorgeous New Scenic Train
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Travel Off Path
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MSC Seascape To Feature First Timevallée Boutique At Sea
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Porthole Cruise and Travel News
Tuesday November 29, 2022
William Tell
According to legend, on this day in 1307, William Tell was arrested by Hermann Gessler, a local magistrate in Switzerland seeking to enforce Hapsburg rule in the region. Tell had refused to bow to a symbol of
Travel Research Online
Friday November 18, 2022
You Can Now Stay in the Penthouse of this Iconic St. Moritz Palace
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Conde Nast Traveler
Friday November 18, 2022
Stadels: The age-old barns that fed the Alps
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4 Charming Small Towns in Switzerland Every Traveler Should Visit
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Seriously Low Water Levels Are Disrupting European River Cruises
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Tuesday August 16, 2022
Zermatt, Switzerland’s Ultimate Summer (And Winter) Vacation Destination
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If an adrenaline rush is something you crave, the mountains of Switzerland are waiting for you
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Friday June 24, 2022
This is Switzerland's "little Italy"
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Friday June 03, 2022
Establishment of the World Health Organization
The World Health Organization (WHO) was established by the United Nations to act as an international coordinating authority on April 7, 1948. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, WHO succeeded the role of the Health Organization, its predecessor under the League of Nations
Travel Research Online
Thursday April 07, 2022
Must-Know Tips For Visiting Switzerland For The First Time
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Monday January 24, 2022
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Friday December 17, 2021
Switzerland ditches some travel restrictions to save its ski season
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Friday December 10, 2021
Switzerland is dropping travel restrictions while everyone else freaks out
Switzerland is relying on PCR tests, masking, and covid certificates to keep omicron in check
Tuesday December 07, 2021
William Tell
According to legend, on this day in 1307, William Tell was arrested by Hermann Gessler, a local magistrate in Switzerland seeking to enforce Hapsburg rule in the region. Tell had refused to bow to a symbol of Hapsburg rule in the town square of Burglen. As punishment, Gessler forced Tell, a famed bowman, to shoot an apple
Travel Research Online
Thursday November 18, 2021
Ruby Group Opens First Hotel in Switzerland
Located on Beatenplatz in the heart of Zurich, where one of the city's first cinemas was located, Ruby Mimi is reviving the old days of early silent film history. The hotel's 208 rooms, 24/7 bar and private cinema exude glitz, glamour and lean luxury
Hospitality Net
Tuesday November 02, 2021
Bordeaux, the Swiss Alps, Florence, Rome and more: Hyatt continues its expansion in Europe
Hyatt's expanding in Europe with hotels in Spain, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland across brands like The Unbound Collection by Hyatt, JdV by Hyatt, Hyatt Centric and Hyatt Regency
The Points Guy
Wednesday September 08, 2021
Switzerland's New All-suite Hotel Has Michelin-starred Restaurants, Luxury Spa Treatments, and Stunning Lake and Mountain Views
The Woodward is Geneva's first all-suite hotel, and it sits on Lake Geneva with stunning vistas of Mont Blanc
Wednesday September 01, 2021
CDC adds Puerto Rico, Switzerland, others to 'very high' COVID-19 travel risk list
The CDC said Puerto Rico, Guam, St. Lucia and Switzerland are among the places travelers should avoid visiting due to rising COVID-19 cases
FOX 35
Wednesday September 01, 2021
CDC adds 7 destinations to ‘very high’ Covid-19 travel risk list, including Puerto Rico and Switzerland
Switzerland and Puerto Rico are now among the highest-risk destinations for travelers, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s regularly updated travel advisories list
The Mercury News
Tuesday August 31, 2021
Mary Shelley
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, née Godwin, was born on this day in 1797. Her mother died 11 days after her birth, and she was subsequently raised by her father who provided her a somewhat eccentric, but rich, education. She married the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley and traveled extensively through Europe. In 1816, the couple spent the summer near Geneva, Switzerland with Lord Byron, where she conceived the
Travel Research Online
Monday August 30, 2021
Switzerland could begin welcoming vaccinated visitors on June 28
While it may be too late for some travelers to visit this summer, the country could be a great option for winter travel
The Points Guy
Monday June 14, 2021
The Most Luxurious Hotels and Resorts That Have Opened Since COVID
Eight gorgeous and unique accommodations ranging from Switzerland to the Maldives to Florida to consider for your upcoming trips. The post The Most Luxurious Hotels and Resorts That Have Opened Since COVID appeared first on Worth
Yahoo! Finance
Wednesday June 09, 2021
Establishment of the World Health Organization
The World Health Organization (WHO) was established by the United Nations to act as an international coordinating authority on April 7, 1948. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, WHO succeeded the role of the Health Organization, its predecessor under the League of Nations. One of the original institutions founded by
Travel Research Online
Wednesday April 07, 2021
This country has just been named the happiest in the world
Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland, and the Netherlands are all in the top five happiest countries according to data compiled by Gallup World Poll. Find out which Nordic country came out on top
Friday March 19, 2021
Europe Is Getting Several New Sleeper Trains That Will Link 13 Popular Destinations
There’s nothing quite like riding a train across Europe, falling asleep in one country only to wake up in another. It’s an experience that’s gotten harder to find over the years as discount airlines have risen in popularity, but things are about to change. National rail operators in Germany, Austria, France, and Switzerland are joining forces to launch several new overnight train routes
Friday December 11, 2020
5 Reasons Why Switzerland Is The Perfect Family Destination
Home to mountains, lakes, plains and valleys, Switzerland is the ultimate combination of modern cities and towns and gorgeous countryside, allowing you to enjoy the best of both worlds. While children are usually bursting with energy, planning activities that allow you to have fun and relax is just as important. If you’re looking for ways to make the most of your getaway to Switzerland, here’s a handy guide to help you out!
Tuesday September 29, 2020
#staycation - Why Hotels Are Still Opening Even With Travel Restrictions In Place
Somewhere high up in the mountainous regions of Switzerland, a general manager walks up to the second floor of his luxury 5-star hotel and smiles down at the influx of guests.
Tuesday August 18, 2020
Sleep Under The Stars With Switzerland’s Stellar New Hotel Concept
In an effort to draw visitors to less-known regions throughout the summer, Switzerland Tourism has launched the brand new accommodation concept, Million Stars Hotel. Consisting of around 50 hotel ‘rooms’ dotted throughout the country, this accommodation offering enables you to sleep under the starry sky in locations showing Switzerland’s true diversity.
Tuesday July 07, 2020
Switzerland Implements New Cleaning Standards Ahead of June 15 Border Opening
Switzerland has implemented new cleanliness and safety precautions ahead of reopening its borders to European tourists next week. The Swiss Tourism Council launched its new “Clean & Safe” campaign, which offers travelers peace of mind about cleanliness standards at hotels, restaurants, and businesses around the country.
Friday June 12, 2020
Switzerland safest country in the world on COVID-19 safety assessment, says study
As per a new report, Switzerland is the safest country in the world when it comes to COVID-19. Based on 130 parameters, Switzerland topped the list with a cumulative score of 752. More on Times Travel.
Tuesday June 09, 2020
Outdoor Swiss hotel ‘rooms’ give new meaning to light and airy
WALENSTADT, Switzerland – Two Swiss conceptual artists are offering seven open air “hotel rooms” this summer across a “performance space” encompassing eastern Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
New York Post
Thursday June 04, 2020
Instead of traveling to Europe, visit these 7 destinations in the US — Napa Valley over Italy, Vail in place of Switzerland, and more
Most summers see a surge in cross-continental travel as Americans flock to European cities like Paris, Venice, and London. Last year, 6.7 million Americans traveled to Europe during the months of June, July, and August, according to US Commerce Department data.
Business Insider
Tuesday June 02, 2020
I was trapped naked on a German fire escape
It's 10 years ago. I'm on a road trip to Germany with my then boyfriend. I'm pretty useless as a travel companion as I can't drive and I can't speak German, so my boyfriend is doing both. We cross from the border from Switzerland then stop at a small town near Stuttgart. Our first
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Establishment of the World Health Organization
The World Health Organization (WHO) was established by the United Nations to act as an international coordinating authority on April 7, 1948. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, WHO succeeded the role of the Health Organization, its predecessor under the League of Nations. One of the original institutions
Travel Research Online
Tuesday April 07, 2020
Swiss hotel providing coronavirus tests for $500 as part of quarantine package
Hotels are starting to advertise quarantine packages to guests as the coronavirus pandemic spreads around the world. One such hotel is even providing coronavirus testing — though you'll have to pay extra for it. Le Bijou Hotel & Resort in Switzerland, made up of repurposed luxury apartments, advertises them as "quarantine apartments" on its COVID-19 service page. A 14-day stay in one of these apartments
USA Today
Wednesday March 25, 2020
Japan warns against travel to US
Japan is warning its citizens against non-essential travel to the U.S. amid the worldwide coronavirus outbreak. Japan’s foreign ministry also issued similar warnings for most European countries as well as South Korea, Iceland, San Marino and some regions of Italy, Switzerland and Spain, The Associated Press reported. The decision comes after the State Department raised travel warnings for Japan and four other
The Hill
Monday March 23, 2020
10 of Europe’s best rural train journeys
This cross-border line linking Switzerland’s Valais region with Haute-Savoie in France is a tiddler among international rail routes and has never been used by grand expresses (even though it’s called the Mont-Blanc Express). The metre-gauge local railway from Martigny to Chamonix skirts the north side of the Mont Blanc massif and so connects standard-gauge lines on either side of the border. Climbing up
The Guardian
Wednesday January 29, 2020
William Tell
According to legend, on this day in 1307, William Tell was arrested by Hermann Gessler, a local magistrate in Switzerland seeking to enforce Hapsburg rule in the region. Tell had refused to bow to a symbol of Hapsburg rule in the town square of Burglen. As punishment, Gessler forced Tell, a
Travel Research Online
Monday November 18, 2019
World’s Best Hotels: Classic Lakefront Luxury In Switzerland
Geneva is a charming city, excessively lakefront, with a new town, an old town, and a suddenly hip Bohemian town. It is home to unique attractions like the signature Jet d’Eau fountain, Patek Phillippe Museum and CERN, the large hadron collider that is to physics what the Eiffel Tower is to towers, offering excellent and wildly popular tours (online registration routinely sells out in seconds, if not minutes). But Geneva
Friday September 27, 2019
Germany's tiny geographic oddity
On 1 August, Switzerland’s National Day, summer holidaymakers are out in force. Flotillas of rafts and canoes bob along the Rhine River, sunbathers lay out on the grassy shore, and on the largely empty streets an occasional public bus rumbles by, decorated for the festivities with Switzerland’s familiar red flag with a white cross. It’s a perfect holiday scene, except
Monday September 23, 2019
Alex, Thalwil, Zurich, Switzerland
With its lakeside location, this Campbell Gray hotel – the first in mainland Europe - is all about bringing the outside in: sleek and airy design, low-key luxury furnishings, top-quality natural materials and a relaxed vibe. And it’s aimed as much at leisure as business travellers. The hotel is five miles from Zurich, just outside Thalwil, on the western shore of Lake Zurich. The stylish way to arrive is the 20-minute ride across the
Telegraph (London)
Thursday September 19, 2019
The last of Transylvania's Saxons
On a scorching summer day in the Transylvanian village of Țapu (Abtsdorf an der Kokel in German), Doris-Evelyn Zakel is busy collecting pears from an old tree in the courtyard of her great aunt’s traditional Saxon home. The old wicker basket is almost full, but it is one of many tasks required by Zakel, who lives in Switzerland but visits regularly, as she goes about maintaining and restoring this old farmhouse
Tuesday September 10, 2019
New life for Switzerland’s hippy valley
The yellow postal bus lurches up the narrow, dead-end road that winds through Valle Onsernone, blasting its horn in warning as it rounds one cliff-hugging hairpin turn after another. Just a flimsy-looking guardrail separates us from the yawning ravine below. Heart somewhere in my throat, I wonder how many previous buses have tumbled over it into the churning Isorno River. For the record, the
The Guardian
Monday August 26, 2019
The Best Train Rides Through the Swiss Alps
Conjure a mental image of Switzerland, and what do you see? Snowy peaks with skiiers shushing ever downwards, for sure, and sweet little villages laid like blankets among them, plus bubbling fondue pots and piles of fine chocolate bars — and perhaps a girl with braids guiding a goat to a beautiful green mountain vista. Look again and
Town & Country
Monday July 22, 2019
10 of the best things to do in Vevey, Switzerland
On 18 July, the peaceful town of Vevey, on the shores of Lake Geneva near Montreux, transforms into party central as it hosts one of the world’s biggest (and rarest) wine festivals. The Fête des Vignerons – which was granted Unesco intangible cultural heritage status in 2016 – was founded in 1797 to honour the wine-makers of the Lavaux wine region, one of Switzerland’s premier wine appellations
The Guardian
Thursday July 18, 2019
High and healthy: an eco-minded break in Italy’s South Tirol
Of all the things I’ve ever wanted to do in life, being naked and trapped inside a haystack has never been one of them. But four hours into my stay in Italy, that’s exactly where I find myself. I’m in South Tirol – a place renowned for its affinity with nature. Bordering Austria and Switzerland, it is a gorgeous sliver of rocky landscape, peppered with lagoons
The Guardian
Wednesday June 26, 2019
The Location of the 2026 Winter Olympics Has Been Announced
The 2026 Olympics will be held in Milan. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) voted in Switzerland on Monday to bring the winter games back to Milan. Italy last hosted the Winter Games in Torino in 2006, and the games have not been held in the capital region since 1956. The competition will be held between Milan, the alpine town of Cortina
Tuesday June 25, 2019
Five great Interrail itineraries across Europe
Interrailing is an easy way to see the continent. We plot itineraries that cover the Med, the Alps and an affordable version of the Orient Express. The sight of a gleaming railway snaking over an Alpine pass or hugging a lake has long inspired travellers, and both are well served by rail routes. This itinerary weaves from France through Switzerland to Austria, with
The Guardian
Monday June 24, 2019
Eurostar ends deal allowing passengers to travel from London to Germany
At a time when more European travellers than ever appear to be keen to travel by rail rather than air, Eurostar is choosing to make life more difficult for passengers hoping to travel by train from the UK to Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The cross-Channel train operator is ending its agreement with Deutsche Bahn that allows the German rail operator to sell a wide
The Independent
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Viking Sun last cruise of the season
The cruise season has drawn to a close. The last cruise to dock in both the Eastern and Western Capes was the state-of-the-art Viking Sun, calling at the ports of East London, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. This was the vessel’s maiden voyage to the country and also the very first time her Switzerland-based owner Viking Ocean Cruises had ever included
Independent Online
Wednesday April 24, 2019
Ten beautiful views of Switzerland in spring
Cherry blossoms, blue skies and flowers everywhere: here are some of best pictures of the recent glorious weather in Switzerland.
The Local
Thursday April 04, 2019
Europe's hot new food destination
Zurich, Switzerland, is known more for finances than food. That's changing as Switzerland's biggest city emerges as one of Europe's hottest food destinations. Find out the best places to eat.
Tuesday March 26, 2019
The Preliminary Cybersecurity Guide To International Travel
Taking a break from writing about Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), I thought now would be a good time to write about a topic relevant to me right now. I have been accepted to speak at Insomni'hack in Geneva, Switzerland in March and Hack in Paris in June. While I have been outside the United States, I have only flown to Canada.
Tuesday January 08, 2019
Fast-Growing MSC Cruises Reveals Plans for a New 'Ultra-Luxury' Division
The battle for well-heeled cruisers is about to heat up. Fast-growing MSC Cruises on Thursday revealed plans to add a new "ultra-luxury" division that will compete in the space currently dominated by such lines as Silversea Cruises, Seabourn Cruise Line and Regent Seven Seas Cruises. The Switzerland-based cruise operator said it had signed a
USA Today
Thursday October 18, 2018
The Best European Museum Exhibits This Fall
After the summer crowds and heat are gone, autumn is a pleasant time make a trip to Europe and a great time to see special museum exhibits. This year marks a few important anniversaries, including 100 years since the death of Switzerland’s Ferdinand Hodler, 500 years since Tintoretto’s birth, and 250 years since the founding of London’s Royal Academy of Arts
USA Today
Wednesday October 03, 2018
Entire Swiss Village to Become a Hotel
The tiny mountain village of Corippo, arranged higgledy-piggledy on the green slopes of southern Switzerland's Verzasca valley, looks like something out of a fairytale. But here, in what is Switzerland's smallest municipality, the citizens are facing a harsh reality. What was once a thriving farming community of around 300 people has dwindled
Wednesday September 26, 2018
The 52 Places Traveler: In Lucerne, Kindness Trumps the (Stunning) Views
Lucerne, Switzerland, is best known - rightly so - for its mountains, lake and views. What sticks with me most, though, is the pervasive sense of hospitality and human kindness I found there...
New York Times
Wednesday September 19, 2018
36 Hours in Lugano
Lugano, in Ticino, Switzerland’s Italian-speaking canton, has its own distinctive culinary, wine and cultural scene, not to mention casinos and serene views across an alpine lake.
New York Times
Thursday September 13, 2018
Mary Shelley
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin was born on this day in 1797. Her mother died 11 days after her birth, and she was raised by her father who provided her a somewhat eccentric, but rich, education. She married the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley and traveled extensively through Europe. In 1816, the couple spent the summer near Geneva, Switzerland with Lord Byron, where she conceived the idea for her novel Frankenstein.
Travel Research Online
Thursday August 30, 2018
Switzerland Ranks As the Hottest Honeymoon Destination for 2018
Switzerland, the nation of stunning landscapes, arts, the Alps and, of course, chocolates has made its way to the highest rank. Yes, the country has topped the chart as per a study by Pinterest to emerge as the hottest honeymoon destination for the year. While India has been in irrevocable love with the land, the results have made its worldwide charm quite evident.
India Times
Tuesday August 28, 2018
20 Cruises to the World's Most Beautiful Gardens
My mother blew her Second World War widow’s payment on a holiday to Interlaken, in Switzerland, so she could get away from bomb-blasted London to see gentians, edelweiss and alpine meadows. At the age of 24 she had lost the love of her life and from that day on she found solace in the great outdoors. She taught me to
Telegraph (London)
Friday June 29, 2018
The Best Way to Tour the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland Is by Boat
That said, where Crystal really stands out from the competition is on the ship. After a long day in port, the first thing that greets you on the third deck of the Bach is a charming café offering French-press coffee and shaken Zotter hot chocolate—not to mention apple strudels and sandwiches.
Friday May 18, 2018
13 Out of 14 Humans Live in the Same Hemisphere
The human population of earth, of course, is not distributed evenly over its surface. The "Valeriepieris Circle" is perhaps the most shocking implication of this fact: more than half the people on earth live within a 2,000-mile radius of the town of Mong Khet in northeast Burma. But there's another way to visualize the way humanity clusters, and for this one, we have to travel from Burma to Switzerland. Let's call it the Rankin Hemisphere.
Conde Nast Traveler
Tuesday April 24, 2018
These Are the Best Alpine Resorts for Late-Season Skiing
After several disappointing ski seasons, 2018 was the year the snow finally returned to the Alps. All across France, Austria, Switzerland and Italy, holidaymakers were greeted by tantalising white pistes from January onwards, with some of the best conditions of the last five years.
The Independent
Friday April 20, 2018
World's Best Destination for Train Lovers? Switzerland
If you want trains specifically designed for sightseeing — that offer longer routes rather than brief excursions — head for Switzerland. Although many ordinary Swiss trains travel through some of the world’s most scenic areas, the Swiss operate four routes that not only run through top scenic areas but also feature panoramic cars specifically designed for maximum visibility.
USA Today
Thursday April 12, 2018
The World's Most Unique Places to Eat Chocolate
While Switzerland may be renowned as the global frontrunner in quality produce, the world is awash with excellent and often unusual factories, producers and shops.
The Independent
Tuesday March 27, 2018
Switzerland's Invisible Linguistic Borders
Multilingualism is to Switzerland what politeness is to the British or style to the Italians: a deep source of national pride.
Monday March 26, 2018
Ryanair Takes on Austria, Teaming Up With Niki Lauda
Ryanair has made a landgrab for flights from Austria, Germany and Switzerland to the Mediterranean. Europe’s biggest budget airline aims to spend €50m (£44m) buying 75 per cent of LaudaMotion, the latest aviation venture of Niki Lauda.
The Independent
Tuesday March 20, 2018
Why Colorado Is The Ideal Destination Anytime Of The Year
Colorado is like Switzerland but with cowboys. With its soaring elevations and egg crate of mountains at every vantage, the state became an obvious must-do for skiers and après-skiers. And then summer caught on
Wednesday January 17, 2018
Luxurious Igloo Hotels Where You'll Want to Chill This Winter
Igloo hotels are a must visit for winter travelers everywhere. From Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort to Whitepod in Switzerland, here are the best, iciest accommodations
Thursday December 28, 2017
8 Cozy Ski Hotels in the Alps
while the U.S. and Canada have their fair share of divine ski-centric properties, there’s something magical about a snowy adventure in the Alps. From France to Italy to Switzerland, take a look at these eight ultra-cozy ski hotels
USA Today
Thursday November 30, 2017
Why Switzerland Should Be Your Next Wine Destination
As a destination, Switzerland is often overshadowed by its neighbors. It’s surprising when you consider its French- and Italian-inflected food, the natural beauty of its lakes and mountains, the friendly people, and the enviable quality of life
Monday November 27, 2017
Basel: 10 Things to Do in Switzerland's City of Art
Tucked up in the corner of Switzerland against the borders of France and Germany, the vibrant city of Basel offers the perfect escape for art fans, families and history-lovers. Ready for a weekend there? Here's what to do
The Independent
Thursday November 02, 2017
Top Spots to Stay in Switzerland: Three Stunning Alpine Huts
In a country as geographically blessed and diverse as Switzerland, a stay in an Alpine hut provides the perfect antidote to highly strung urban lifestyles. But while the Swiss Alps have long attracted snow lovers, now hiking, cycling and cheese are high on the agenda as summer has its time to shine
Tuesday October 03, 2017
The Town That Sold Mountains To The World
St Moritz, the showiest of Switzerland’s Alpine resorts, is no ordinary ski town – it’s responsible for winter tourism as we know it today
BBC Travel
Monday September 25, 2017
Matlock Illuminations: Take a Trip to the 'Seaside' in the Middle of the Derbyshire Dales
It may be nearly 100 feet above sea level, but with roughly one fish and chip shop per 100 residents, there’s something distinctively seasidey about Matlock Bath. An old spa town in a valley of lush woodland, it’s been referred to as Little Switzerland, as well as cropping up in “best places to retire” type lists
The Independent
Monday September 11, 2017
6 Reasons to Put Zambia on Your Next African Itinerary
Zambia is home to Victoria Falls, but it's so much more than that. It's a vast country, as large as France, Switzerland, Austria, and Hungary combined, with a rich history for conservation and responsible tourism that continues to thrive today
Tuesday August 29, 2017
World's Longest Pedestrian Suspension Bridge Opens in Switzerland, looks Terrifying
Measuring 1,621 feet long, the Charles Kuonen Suspension Bridge is located in southern Switzerland, mere miles from the Italian border. The structure allows hikers and adrenaline junkies alike to appreciate the grandness of the Bernese Alps (a portion of the Swiss Alps) like never before
Fox Travel News
Thursday August 10, 2017
Time Traveling at Europe's Open-Air Museums
One of the great joys of European travel is to journey back in time at one of its many open-air folk museums, mostly located north of the Alps. You’ll find these sprawling collections of historic buildings from Britain to Finland, and from Holland to Switzerland
Miami Herald
Monday July 03, 2017
The Latest Giant of the Seas, MSC Meraviglia, Christened in France
The short list of the world's biggest cruise ships now, officially, includes a vessel from MSC Cruises. The Switzerland-based line on Saturday formally welcomed its new giant, MSC Meraviglia, with a star-studded christening ceremony in Le Havre, France
USA Today
Monday June 05, 2017
10 of the Best New Summer Activity Holidays in the Alps
From ziplines in Switzerland to walking holidays in Italy and France, plus mountain bike breaks and an outdoor festival, the Alps are worth a ‘peak’ this summer
The Guardian
Monday June 05, 2017
Swiss Village Wants to Ban Photos, says it's Too Beautiful for Social Media
You won’t be seeing anymore wistful wish-you-were-here posts on social media about this idyllic town in Switzerland. That's because the village has voted to ban tourists from taking photos. The commune of Bergün/Bravuogn, north of the popular alpine resort town St. Moritz, voted to bring in the new law in its municipal assembly on Monday, according to The Local
Fox Travel News
Thursday June 01, 2017
Art from the Alps: a journey to Giacometti’s homeland
Chugging to the Landwasser Viaduct through the village of Filisur on the Glacier Express, it’s hard not to laugh at the views. Switzerland is unbelievably good-looking. The vistas almost look fake – the lakes too scenic, the villages too chocolate-box. Even the goats look like they should have agents. A country this beautiful is always going to be about the outdoors, but if you visit the region of Graubünden this summer (and more than 1 million people will, for the hiking, the biking, to swim in the lakes or dance at the festivals), make sure you don’t just stare at the mountains – Graubünden has a surprising art heritage, too
The Guardian
Tuesday May 09, 2017
Medieval charm, lakeside setting and amazing chocolate – is this Europe's most underrated city break?
Switzerland’s fifth largest city sits midway along crescent-shaped Lac Léman (don’t even think about calling it Lake Geneva in this French-speaking canton). High above the lakefront, the medieval centre straddles three hills connected by masonry bridges that span what once were rivers, now long since paved over
Telegraph (London)
Monday April 24, 2017
Five Memorable Things To See And Do In Lucerne, Switzerland
Lucerne is a town with abundant charm, excellent shopping, lake and alpine views, and a host of small wonders that make it a worthy destination for any visit to Switzerland. You'll need
Tuesday March 21, 2017
Switzerland opens the world’s longest train tunnel
Switzerland boasts a new attraction with the opening of the longest train tunnel in the world
Monday December 12, 2016
William Tell
According to legend, on this day in 1307, William Tell was arrested by Hermann Gessler, a local magistrate in Switzerland seeking to enforce Hapsburg rule in the region. Tell had refused to bow to a symbol of Hapsburg rule in the town square of Burglen
Travel Research Online
Friday November 18, 2016
Switzerland’s Christmas markets are enough to make you leave an Aussie summer
My heart leaps when I open the curtains in my Zurich hotel room. What a picture: a lone white dog trots through the dim dawn light of the Old Town square below, a match for the snowflakes drifting down to the cobblestones
Friday August 05, 2016
Module plane design concept could end airport gridlock forever | Fox News
The idea, from Switzerland's Federal Polytechnic Institute, calls for airplanes to have separate, interchangeable elements that can be mixed and matched as needed
Fox Travel News
Tuesday July 12, 2016
El Al flight lands safely in Israel after bomb threat
An El Al flight from New York that was escorted by military jets in Europe following a bomb threat has landed safely in Israel. El Al President David Maimon says Flight 002 from John F. Kennedy airport touched down on midday Tuesday. The airline previously said an anonymous tip was received regarding a potential bomb threat. France and Switzerland deployed military jets as escorts
Fox Travel News
Tuesday July 05, 2016
You Can Now Visit Charlie Chaplin
Chaplin's World the first-ever museum dedicated to the work of Charlie Chaplin has opened in the filmmaker's former home in Vevey, Switzerland
Condé Nast Traveler
Thursday May 05, 2016
Europe's greatest rivers - and how to explore them
Easily the most popular river for cruising, the Rhine has its source in the Alps, becomes navigable at Basel, in Switzerland, and runs north – in parts serving as a border between France and Germany – to meet the North Sea near Amsterdam. Sections of the river flow through steep-sided, sometimes vine-clad valleys; a delightful experience made even more special by the perched castles lining the route
Telegraph (London)
Tuesday May 03, 2016
Gem of a town sparkles brightly
Pretty, pristine and lakeside, with a striking mountain panorama as a backdrop, Lucerne — also known as Luzern — has long been Switzerland’s tourism capital. Since the Romantic era in the 19th century, it’s been a regular stop on the Grand Tour of Europe for the likes of Mark Twain and Queen Victoria
Vancouver Sun
Thursday March 24, 2016
The city of 187 different countries
Home to more international organisations than any other place in the world, Geneva has a decidedly global feel, with more than 40% of residents coming from outside Switzerland
BBC Travel
Wednesday March 02, 2016
Taking a winter hike on a groomed trail in the serenity of the Swiss Alps
Far from the hustle and bustle of Switzerland's ski slopes, groomed hiking trails lead to spectacular vistas and picnic lunches cooked over open fires
Globe and Mail
Thursday February 18, 2016
Rick Steves' European Christmas: Switzerland
High in Switzerland, the mighty Alps seem to shout the glory of God. Up here, where villages huddle under towering peaks, Christmas fills a wintry wonderland with good cheer. Traditions are strong and celebration comes with families, friends, and fun.
The Huffington Post
Wednesday December 23, 2015
Hotel offers $2,000-a-night 'space station' experience
The Kameha Grand Zurich hotel in Switzerland has just unveiled a new suite kitted out to look like the inside of a space station
Friday October 02, 2015
Trekking the Tour du Mont Blanc
Covering 170km and 10,000m of ascent, the TMB - which takes in France, Italy and Switzerland - is one of the world's greatest walks
The Guardian
Monday July 20, 2015
A weekend break in... Wengen
A guide to short ski breaks in Wengen, a village in central Switzerland, including the best bars, restaurants, hotels and things to do
Telegraph (London)
Wednesday February 25, 2015
A weekend break in... Verbier
A guide to short breaks in Verbier in Switzerland, including the best bars, restaurants, hotels and things to do
Telegraph (London)
Wednesday February 11, 2015
10 Best Switzerland Experiences
Switzerland is a land that does not disappoint. From the magnificence of the Matterhorn to the charm of an alpine cheesemaker, the country is as spectacular as the tourism brochures claim
Tuesday February 03, 2015
US ambassador angers Switzerland with ski lift rant
Suzi LeVine has sparked a minor diplomatic row with a Facebook post criticising Switzerland’s ski lift queues. But she does have a point
Telegraph (London)
Wednesday January 07, 2015
Ski chalet holidays will get more expensive . and we’ll have to get used to it
As Switzerland and Austria amend employment laws, potentially forcing UK ski tour operators to pay seasonnaires minimum wage, Henry Druce says the price of traditional chalet packages will rise
Telegraph (London)
Tuesday January 06, 2015
Papua New Guinea: A ’tropical Switzerland’
It’s remote, little-visited and prone to disturbances, but Papua New Guinea is misunderstood
The Independent
Friday December 19, 2014
Down the Hobbit Hole in Switzerland
Tolkien fans can visit the world’s first Middle-earth museum, about an hour from Zurich, as long as they can stoop
New York Times
Thursday December 18, 2014
The Jura Mountains, a Cross-Country Wonderland
Straddling the border of France and Switzerland, the area boasts a network of more than 2,100 miles of groomed cross-country ski trails
New York Times
Monday December 15, 2014
Exploring Switzerland’s green legacy — on foot
One hundred years after the creation of the country’s first — and only — national park, Switzerland’s conservation efforts are anything but idle
Tuesday November 18, 2014
Switzerland in winter
It all started in St Moritz 150 years ago, when curious tourists returned to the mountains ’out of season’ - now, it’s snow that steals the show
The Independent
Friday November 07, 2014
Christmas in Switzerland a festive package of wintry delights
Nowhere does storybook Christmas better than Switzerland and the stage is taking shape
Globe and Mail
Tuesday November 04, 2014
Roaming Europe with your mobile
Ask the Experts: Donald Strachan looks at the best deals for mobile data in France, Italy, Austria and Switzerland