

Overview of Spain

Ibiza Town
Photo credit: Spanish National Tourist Board
Budget airlines and affordable fares have turned Spain into a beach resort haven for northern Europeans wishing to escape their own (sometimes) damp and dreary climates. With sun-bleached beaches and a favourable exchange rate for most travellers, it's easy to see why Spain is such a popular choice for an unforgettable beach holiday in Europe. An incredible 53 million people visit Spain each year (the second most in Europe after France), and the country deserves its formidable reputation as a tourist haven.

Some may feel that the Canary and Balearic Islands have been overrun by tourists, and this is true to some extent. Tenerife, Lanzarote, and Mallorca have become synonymous with cheap package holidays and warm beer, and Ibiza's reputation has been somewhat tarnished by the revellers frequenting its famous dance clubs and beach parties. However, even in these crowded resort areas you will find many magical, unspoilt corners awaiting discovery.

Spain is comprised of numerous autonomous regions, offering great variation within one country. The hundreds of miles of Mediterranean coastline provide ample opportunity to get off the beaten track, and the country's vibrant cities and colourful festivals will amaze and delight even the most seasoned traveller. Art lovers can get lost in the Spain of Gaudi, Dali, and Picasso, of Goya and Velazquez - proudly displayed in the country's museums and galleries.

Spain's Pamplona is a unique experience of thundering streets that vibrate to the rhythm of man and beast during the annual running of the bulls, and while the whole country celebrates each February with the Carnaval, no place does it better than Sitges.

Barcelona is Spain's showcase of the unique architectural style of Gaudi's bizarre organic turrets and balconies. For a more provincial experience, the Valencian town of Buñol goes wild every year with the La Tomatina festival, a time when the region's surplus tomatoes following the annual harvest are dumped on the streets and pelted about in a friendly riot.

Spain is also a country rich in heritage, and the historic cities of Toledo, Salamanca, Seville, and Granada promise a wealth of early Christian and Moorish buildings and monuments, as well as the remains of some incredible medieval sites. Spain has six cities that have been declared UNESCO World Heritage sites, more than any other country in the world.

map of Spain

Key Facts

Spanish is the official language, but English is widely understood in areas frequented by tourists. Catalan, Galician and Basque are spoken in the relevant areas.

The borderless region known as the Schengen area includes the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden. All these countries issue a standard Schengen visa that has a multiple entry option, allowing the holder to travel freely within the borders of all. Non-EU nationals must hold a return or onward ticket, all necessary documents for onward travel and sufficient funds. It is highly recommended that passports have at least six months' validity remaining after the intended date of departure from Spain. Immigration officials often apply different rules to those stated by travel agents and official sources.


Spain's official currency is the Euro (EUR). One Euro is divided into 100 cents. Money can be exchanged at bureaux de change and major hotels, but banks give the best rates. All major credit cards are widely accepted at most hotels, restaurants, and shops. ATMs are widespread and are generally the cheapest and most convenient method of obtaining money.

Electrical current is 230 volts, 50Hz. European-style two-pin plugs are standard.

Travel to Spain


Spain's many attractions and the journeys between them are infused with the warm welcome of its diverse people. Holidays here should be slow, with room for spontaneity amid the laidback lifestyle that Spaniards have perfected.

The wealth of things to see and do is such that the top attractions in Spain are whole cities, towns, and islands, and a single holiday can barely scratch the surface of what this country has to offer. It is often best to plan an itinerary around a single city or region.

Toledo is famous for its Roman architecture and ancient history, while Santiago de Compostela bursts with religious significance and art. Cordoba entrances visitors with the medieval charm of the Mezquita, while Barcelona is home to Gaudi and almost anything a tourist could want. Madrid is the capital, ideal for a cosmopolitan Spanish experience while Grenada contains mountains, tradition, and architecture.

Partygoers will look no further than Ibiza, and Bilbao is a hub of industrial creativity and boasts the Guggenheim Museum. Both Mallorca and Tenerife enjoy spectacular beaches and stunning landscapes, as does San Sebastian along with its good food. Lastly, Seville offers fun after dark and a wealth of history.

Climate in Spain

Southern Spain is the ideal holiday region, having the warmest weather on mainland Europe, even during the winter months. The southern and eastern coast of Spain has a Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and mild winters, while the western Atlantic coast is cooler in summer and wet in winter.

Inland the climate is temperate and the capital Madrid, which is situated on a plateau, can be surprisingly cold in winter. Most of Spain is extremely hot during mid-summer, in July and August. The rest of the year the climate is generally temperate in the north, but warm in the south.

The peak tourism season is summer, between June and August, with August the busiest month, but many people prefer to visit Spain during spring or autumn (May or October) when the weather is still pleasant and the crowds thinner. The exception to this recommendation is the Atlantic coast, which has heavy rains in October and November.

Budget travellers should consider visiting Spain in the winter as accommodation and flights are offered at discount rates. The Canary Islands are a good beach destination if visiting in winter, and cities such as Barcelona are exciting destinations at any time of year.

Health Notes when travelling to Spain

There are no health risks associated with travel to Spain, and no vaccination certificates are required for entry. Medical facilities are good in Spain, but comprehensive travel insurance is always advised. Spain has a reciprocal health agreement with most EU countries, providing emergency health care for EU travellers on the same terms as Spanish nationals. After Brexit, the Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) replaced the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) for UK citizens. The GHIC allows UK citizens access to state healthcare during visits to the EU. The GHIC is not valid in Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland, nor is it an alternative to travel insurance. EU travellers should take a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Travellers should take any medication they require along with them, in its original packaging and accompanied by a signed and dated letter from a doctor detailing what it is and why it is needed.

Safety Notes when travelling to Spain

Most visits to Spain are trouble-free, except for occasional street crime, which is common in the big cities. Travellers are advised to take precautions to avoid theft of passports, credit cards, travel documents and money. Crime is usually petty and violent assault is rare. Visitors should be wary of strangers offering or asking for help of any kind, as it is often a distraction for accomplices. There are also scams involving letters for outstanding traffic fines or Spanish lottery winnings. If travellers exercise all the normal precautions they should have a trouble-free holiday in Spain.

Customs in Spain

Smoking in public places is banned and stiff fines will be imposed for smoking in areas such as enclosed public spaces, areas where food is prepared and sold, public transport, non-smoking areas of bars and restaurants, and any places that cater for children. Drinking alcohol in the streets of Madrid and the streets of the Canary and Balearic Islands is illegal.

Duty Free in Spain

Travellers form EU countries are allowed the following items duty free: 800 cigarettes or 400 cigarillos or 200 cigars or 1kg tobacco; 110 litres beer; 90 litres wine; and 10 litres spirit. Travellers from non-EU countries may have 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 250g tobacco; 1 litre spirits, 4 litres wine, and 16 litres beer.

Doing Business in Spain

The business culture in Spain is slowly shifting but, for now, it's entrenched in tradition and it can take some time for foreigners to gain a foothold in the Spanish working world. It is important never to undermine authority, with hierarchy central to Spain's business world. Managers often tend to make decisions without considering input from their colleagues.

A strong emphasis is placed on social status, character attributes, and personal pride. Success is often hinged upon being well-dressed, honourable, and dignified, while also exhibiting great social skills. Business meetings are generally conducted face-to-face and can go on for long periods, as Spaniards prefer long deliberations in order to avoid uncertainty in corporate dealings. Business meetings in Spain tend to tread a fine line between personal and formal.

Conducting business in Spain can entail navigation through a lot of red tape and bureaucracy. Spanish is the language of business, but some of the larger multinationals conduct meetings in both English and Spanish. Business hours are often quite varied, but generally open by 9am and close in the mid-evening with a two-hour lunch break during the early afternoon.

Business attire is quite conservative with dark or linen suits, with shirts and silk ties for men. Women should wear modest dresses or tailored suits. Brand names or labels attract affirmation from colleagues and associates.

After the conclusion of successful negotiations, gifts are appropriate. Gifts should be of high quality and, when receiving a gift, it should be opened in front of the giver. Business cards are important and should be bilingual. Meetings are best scheduled for mid-morning, in which establishing a formal yet personable environment is important before beginning. Meetings often occur over lunches and dinners and may be characterised by several speakers.

Communication in Spain

The international access code for Spain is +34. WiFi is widely available; travellers can purchase local SIM cards for unlocked phones.

Tipping in Spain

Hotel and restaurant bills usually include service charges, but additional tips are welcomed for services rendered. In established restaurants, tips of about 10 percent are expected. In Mallorca, value added tax is usually included in restaurant bills, designated IVA, and may be mistaken for a service charge. Drivers of metered taxis expect small tips and it is customary to tip about 5 to 10 percent for most services, including guides.

Passport/Visa Note

The borderless region known as the Schengen area includes the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden. All these countries issue a standard Schengen visa that has a multiple entry option, allowing the holder to travel freely within the borders of all. Non-EU nationals must hold a return or onward ticket, all necessary documents for onward travel and sufficient funds. It is highly recommended that passports have at least six months' validity remaining after the intended date of departure from Spain. Immigration officials often apply different rules to those stated by travel agents and official sources.

Entry Requirements

Entry requirements for Americans:

United States citizens require a passport valid for three months beyond the period of intended stay. No visa is required for stays of up to 90 days within a 180 day period.

Entry requirements for Canadians:

Canadian citizens require a passport valid for at least three months beyond period of intended stay. No visa is required for stays of up to 90 days within a 180 day period.

Entry requirements for UK nationals:

United Kingdom citizens require a passport valid for at least three months beyond period of intended stay, with the exception of passports marked 'British Citizen', 'British Subject' (containing a Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode issued by the United Kingdom), and 'British Overseas Territories Citizen' issued by Gibraltar, which will be accepted if valid on arrival.

No visa is required for passports endorsed 'British Citizen', 'British Overseas Territories Citizen' issued by Gibraltar, Identity Cards issued by Gibraltar, and 'British Subject' (containing a Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode issued by the United Kingdom) for a maximum stay of 90 days. All other British nationals are entitled to a maximum stay of 90 days without a visa within a 180 day period.

Entry requirements for Australians:

Australian citizens require a passport valid for at least three months beyond period of intended stay. No visa is required for stays of up to 90 days within a 180 day period.

Entry requirements for Irish nationals:

Irish nationals require a valid passport, but a visa is not necessary.

Entry requirements for New Zealanders:

New Zealand citizens require a passport valid for at least three months beyond period of intended stay. No visa is required for stays of up to 90 days within a 180 day period.

Entry requirements for South Africans:

South African citizens require a passport valid for at least three months beyond period of intended stay. A visa is required.

Tourist Offices

Spanish Tourist Office, Madrid: http://www.spain.info.

Tourist Authority Offices in the United States:

Tourist Office of Spain, New York, United States: +1 212 265 8822 or www.spain.info/en_US

Tourist Authority Offices in Canada:

Spanish National Tourist Office, Toronto, Cananda: +1 416 961 3131.

Tourist Authority Offices in the United Kingdom:

Spanish Tourist Office, London, United Kingdom: +44 20 7317 2011 or www.spain.info

Spain Embassies

In the United States:

Spanish Embassy, Washington, United States: +1 202 452 0100.

In Canada:

Spanish Embassy, Ottawa, Canada: +1 613 747 2252.

In the United Kingdom:

Spanish Embassy, London, United Kingdom: +44 0207 235 5555.

In Australia:

Spanish Embassy, Canberra, Australia: +61 02 6273 3555.

In Ireland:

Spanish Embassy, Dublin, Ireland: +353 01 283 9900.

In New Zealand:

Spanish Consulate, Wellington, New Zealand: +64 04 802 5665.

In South Africa:

Spanish Embassy, Pretoria, South Africa: +27 012 460 0123 (ext. 116/117).

Foreign Embassies in Spain

American Embassy

United States Embassy, Madrid: +34 91 587 2200.

Canadian Embassy

Canadian Embassy, Madrid: +34 91 382 8400.

British Embassy

British Embassy, Madrid: +34 91 714 6300.

Australian Embassy

Australian Embassy, Madrid: +34 91 353 6600.

Irish Embassy

Irish Embassy, Madrid: +34 91 436 4093.

New Zealand Embassy

New Zealand Embassy, Madrid: +34 915 230 226.

South African Embassy

South African Embassy, Madrid: +34 91 436 3780.

Travel Advisories

Health Information for Travelers to Canary Islands (Spain)

Content source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Vaccines and Medicines

Check the vaccines and medicines list and visit your doctor (ideally, 4-6 weeks) before your trip to get vaccines or medicines you may need.


  Find Out Why Protect Yourself

All travelers

You should be up to date on routine vaccinations while traveling to any destination. Some vaccines may also be required for travel.

Routine vaccines

Make sure you are up-to-date on routine vaccines before every trip. These vaccines include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine, varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, polio vaccine, and your yearly flu shot.

get_vaccinated hygiene

Some travelers

Ask your doctor what vaccines and medicines you need based on where you are going, how long you are staying, what you will be doing, and if you are traveling from a country other than the US.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A outbreaks occur throughout the world and sometimes in countries with a low risk for hepatitis A (including the US). You can get hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in the Canary Islands, so talk to your doctor to see if the hepatitis A vaccine is right for you.

get_vaccinated eat_drink
Hepatitis B

You can get hepatitis B through sexual contact, contaminated needles, and blood products, so CDC recommends this vaccine if you might have sex with a new partner, get a tattoo or piercing, or have any medical procedures.

get_vaccinated avoid_body_fluids avoid-non-sterile-equipment

Rabies is present in bats in the Canary Islands. However, it is not a major risk to most travelers. CDC recommends rabies vaccine for only these groups:

  • Travelers involved in outdoor and other activities in remote areas that put them at risk for bat bites (such as adventure travel and caving).
  • People who will be working with or around bats (such as wildlife professionals and researchers).
get_vaccinated animals

All travelers

You should be up to date on routine vaccinations while traveling to any destination. Some vaccines may also be required for travel.

get_vaccinated hygiene
Routine vaccines

Make sure you are up-to-date on routine vaccines before every trip. These vaccines include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine, varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, polio vaccine, and your yearly flu shot.

Some travelers

Ask your doctor what vaccines and medicines you need based on where you are going, how long you are staying, what you will be doing, and if you are traveling from a country other than the US.

get_vaccinated eat_drink
Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A outbreaks occur throughout the world and sometimes in countries with a low risk for hepatitis A (including the US). You can get hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in the Canary Islands, so talk to your doctor to see if the hepatitis A vaccine is right for you.

get_vaccinated avoid_body_fluids avoid-non-sterile-equipment
Hepatitis B

You can get hepatitis B through sexual contact, contaminated needles, and blood products, so CDC recommends this vaccine if you might have sex with a new partner, get a tattoo or piercing, or have any medical procedures.

get_vaccinated animals

Rabies is present in bats in the Canary Islands. However, it is not a major risk to most travelers. CDC recommends rabies vaccine for only these groups:

  • Travelers involved in outdoor and other activities in remote areas that put them at risk for bat bites (such as adventure travel and caving).
  • People who will be working with or around bats (such as wildlife professionals and researchers).
  • Get vaccinated
  • Eat and drink safely
  • Keep away from animals
  • Reduce your exposure to germs
  • Avoid sharing body fluids
  • Avoid non-sterile medical or cosmetic equipment



Stay Healthy and Safe

Learn actions you can take to stay healthy and safe on your trip. Vaccines cannot protect you from many diseases in the Canary Islands, so your behaviors are important.


Eat and drink safely

Unclean food and water can cause travelers' diarrhea and other diseases. Reduce your risk by sticking to safe food and water habits.

  • Food that is cooked and served hot
  • Hard-cooked eggs
  • Fruits and vegetables you have washed in clean water or peeled yourself
  • Pasteurized dairy products
Don't Eat
  • Food served at room temperature
  • Food from street vendors
  • Raw or soft-cooked (runny) eggs
  • Raw or undercooked (rare) meat or fish
  • Unwashed or unpeeled raw fruits and vegetables
  • Unpasteurized dairy products
  • ”Bushmeat” (monkeys, bats, or other wild game)
  • Bottled water that is sealed
  • Water that has been disinfected
  • Ice made with bottled or disinfected water
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Hot coffee or tea
  • Pasteurized milk
Don’t Drink
  • Tap or well water
  • Ice made with tap or well water
  • Drinks made with tap or well water (such as reconstituted juice)
  • Unpasteurized milk
Take Medicine

Talk with your doctor about taking prescription or over-the-counter drugs with you on your trip in case you get sick.


Prevent bug bites

Bugs (like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas) can spread a number of diseases in the Canary Islands. Many of these diseases cannot be prevented with a vaccine or medicine. You can reduce your risk by taking steps to prevent bug bites.

What can I do to prevent bug bites?
  • Cover exposed skin by wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and hats.
  • Use an appropriate insect repellent (see below).
  • Use permethrin-treated clothing and gear (such as boots, pants, socks, and tents). Do not use permethrin directly on skin.
  • Stay and sleep in air-conditioned or screened rooms.
  • Use a bed net if the area where you are sleeping is exposed to the outdoors.
What type of insect repellent should I use?
  • FOR PROTECTION AGAINST TICKS AND MOSQUITOES: Use a repellent that contains 20% or more DEET for protection that lasts up to several hours.
  • FOR PROTECTION AGAINST MOSQUITOES ONLY: Products with one of the following active ingredients can also help prevent mosquito bites. Higher percentages of active ingredient provide longer protection.
    • DEET
    • Picaridin (also known as KBR 3023, Bayrepel, and icaridin)
    • Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) or PMD
    • IR3535
  • Always use insect repellent as directed.
What should I do if I am bitten by bugs?
  • Avoid scratching bug bites, and apply hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion to reduce the itching.
  • Check your entire body for ticks after outdoor activity. Be sure to remove ticks properly.
What can I do to avoid bed bugs?

Although bed bugs do not carry disease, they are an annoyance. See our information page about avoiding bug bites for some easy tips to avoid them. For more information on bed bugs, see Bed Bugs.

For more detailed information on avoiding bug bites, see Avoid Bug Bites.


Stay safe outdoors

If your travel plans in the Canary Islands include outdoor activities, take these steps to stay safe and healthy during your trip.

  • Stay alert to changing weather conditions and adjust your plans if conditions become unsafe.
  • Prepare for activities by wearing the right clothes and packing protective items, such as bug spray, sunscreen, and a basic first aid kit.
  • Consider learning basic first aid and CPR before travel. Bring a travel health kit with items appropriate for your activities.
  • Heat-related illness, such as heat stroke, can be deadly. Eat and drink regularly, wear loose and lightweight clothing, and limit physical activity during high temperatures.
    • If you are outside for many hours in heat, eat salty snacks and drink water to stay hydrated and replace salt lost through sweating.
  • Protect yourself from UV radiation: use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15, wear protective clothing, and seek shade during the hottest time of day (10 a.m.–4 p.m.).
  • Be especially careful during summer months and at high elevation. Because sunlight reflects off snow, sand, and water, sun exposure may be increased during activities like skiing, swimming, and sailing.
  • Very cold temperatures can be dangerous. Dress in layers and cover heads, hands, and feet properly if you are visiting a cold location.
Stay safe around water
  • Swim only in designated swimming areas. Obey lifeguards and warning flags on beaches.
  • Practice safe boating—follow all boating safety laws, do not drink alcohol if driving a boat, and always wear a life jacket.
  • Do not dive into shallow water.
  • Do not swim in freshwater in developing areas or where sanitation is poor.
  • Avoid swallowing water when swimming. Untreated water can carry germs that make you sick.
  • To prevent infections, wear shoes on beaches where there may be animal waste.

Keep away from animals

Most animals avoid people, but they may attack if they feel threatened, are protecting their young or territory, or if they are injured or ill. Animal bites and scratches can lead to serious diseases such as rabies.

Follow these tips to protect yourself:

  • Do not touch or feed any animals you do not know.
  • Do not allow animals to lick open wounds, and do not get animal saliva in your eyes or mouth.
  • Avoid rodents and their urine and feces.
  • Traveling pets should be supervised closely and not allowed to come in contact with local animals.
  • If you wake in a room with a bat, seek medical care immediately. Bat bites may be hard to see.

All animals can pose a threat, but be extra careful around dogs, bats, monkeys, sea animals such as jellyfish, and snakes. If you are bitten or scratched by an animal, immediately:

  • Wash the wound with soap and clean water.
  • Go to a doctor right away.
  • Tell your doctor about your injury when you get back to the United States.

Consider buying medical evacuation insurance. Rabies is a deadly disease that must be treated quickly, and treatment may not be available in some countries.


Reduce your exposure to germs

Follow these tips to avoid getting sick or spreading illness to others while traveling:

  • Wash your hands often, especially before eating.
  • If soap and water aren’t available, clean hands with hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol).
  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. If you need to touch your face, make sure your hands are clean.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
  • Try to avoid contact with people who are sick.
  • If you are sick, stay home or in your hotel room, unless you need medical care.

Avoid sharing body fluids

Diseases can be spread through body fluids, such as saliva, blood, vomit, and semen.

Protect yourself:

  • Use latex condoms correctly.
  • Do not inject drugs.
  • Limit alcohol consumption. People take more risks when intoxicated.
  • Do not share needles or any devices that can break the skin. That includes needles for tattoos, piercings, and acupuncture.
  • If you receive medical or dental care, make sure the equipment is disinfected or sanitized.

Know how to get medical care while traveling

Plan for how you will get health care during your trip, should the need arise:

  • Carry a list of local doctors and hospitals at your destination.
  • Review your health insurance plan to determine what medical services it would cover during your trip. Consider purchasing travel health and medical evacuation insurance.
  • Carry a card that identifies, in the local language, your blood type, chronic conditions or serious allergies, and the generic names of any medications you take.
  • Some prescription drugs may be illegal in other countries. Call the Canary Islands’s embassy to verify that all of your prescription(s) are legal to bring with you.
  • Bring all the medicines (including over-the-counter medicines) you think you might need during your trip, including extra in case of travel delays. Ask your doctor to help you get prescriptions filled early if you need to.

Many foreign hospitals and clinics are accredited by the Joint Commission International. A list of accredited facilities is available at their website (www.jointcommissioninternational.org).

In some countries, medicine (prescription and over-the-counter) may be substandard or counterfeit. Bring the medicines you will need from the United States to avoid having to buy them at your destination.


Select safe transportation

Motor vehicle crashes are the #1 killer of healthy US citizens in foreign countries.

In many places cars, buses, large trucks, rickshaws, bikes, people on foot, and even animals share the same lanes of traffic, increasing the risk for crashes.


Be smart when you are traveling on foot.

  • Use sidewalks and marked crosswalks.
  • Pay attention to the traffic around you, especially in crowded areas.
  • Remember, people on foot do not always have the right of way in other countries.

Choose a safe vehicle.

  • Choose official taxis or public transportation, such as trains and buses.
  • Ride only in cars that have seatbelts.
  • Avoid overcrowded, overloaded, top-heavy buses and minivans.
  • Avoid riding on motorcycles or motorbikes, especially motorbike taxis. (Many crashes are caused by inexperienced motorbike drivers.)
  • Choose newer vehicles—they may have more safety features, such as airbags, and be more reliable.
  • Choose larger vehicles, which may provide more protection in crashes.

Think about the driver.

  • Do not drive after drinking alcohol or ride with someone who has been drinking.
  • Consider hiring a licensed, trained driver familiar with the area.
  • Arrange payment before departing.

Follow basic safety tips.

  • Wear a seatbelt at all times.
  • Sit in the back seat of cars and taxis.
  • When on motorbikes or bicycles, always wear a helmet. (Bring a helmet from home, if needed.)
  • Avoid driving at night; street lighting in certain parts of the Canary Islands may be poor.
  • Do not use a cell phone or text while driving (illegal in many countries).
  • Travel during daylight hours only, especially in rural areas.
  • If you choose to drive a vehicle in the Canary Islands, learn the local traffic laws and have the proper paperwork.
  • Get any driving permits and insurance you may need. Get an International Driving Permit (IDP). Carry the IDP and a US-issued driver's license at all times.
  • Check with your auto insurance policy's international coverage, and get more coverage if needed. Make sure you have liability insurance.
  • Avoid using local, unscheduled aircraft.
  • If possible, fly on larger planes (more than 30 seats); larger airplanes are more likely to have regular safety inspections.
  • Try to schedule flights during daylight hours and in good weather.
Medical Evacuation Insurance

If you are seriously injured, emergency care may not be available or may not meet US standards. Trauma care centers are uncommon outside urban areas. Having medical evacuation insurance can be helpful for these reasons.

Helpful Resources

Road Safety Overseas (Information from the US Department of State): Includes tips on driving in other countries, International Driving Permits, auto insurance, and other resources.

The Association for International Road Travel has country-specific Road Travel Reports available for most countries for a minimal fee.


Maintain personal security

Use the same common sense traveling overseas that you would at home, and always stay alert and aware of your surroundings.

Before you leave
  • Research your destination(s), including local laws, customs, and culture.
  • Monitor travel warnings and alerts and read travel tips from the US Department of State.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).
  • Leave a copy of your itinerary, contact information, credit cards, and passport with someone at home.
  • Pack as light as possible, and leave at home any item you could not replace.
While at your destination(s)
  • Carry contact information for the nearest US embassy or consulate.
  • Carry a photocopy of your passport and entry stamp; leave the actual passport securely in your hotel.
  • Follow all local laws and social customs.
  • Do not wear expensive clothing or jewelry.
  • Always keep hotel doors locked, and store valuables in secure areas.
  • If possible, choose hotel rooms between the 2nd and 6th floors.



Healthy Travel Packing List

Use the Healthy Travel Packing List for Canary Islands (Spain) for a list of health-related items to consider packing for your trip. Talk to your doctor about which items are most important for you.

Why does CDC recommend packing these health-related items?

It’s best to be prepared to prevent and treat common illnesses and injuries. Some supplies and medicines may be difficult to find at your destination, may have different names, or may have different ingredients than what you normally use.



Travel Health Notices

There are no notices currently in effect for Canary Islands (Spain).



After Your Trip

If you are not feeling well after your trip, you may need to see a doctor. If you need help finding a travel medicine specialist, see Find a Clinic. Be sure to tell your doctor about your travel, including where you went and what you did on your trip. Also tell your doctor if you were bitten or scratched by an animal while traveling.

For more information on what to do if you are sick after your trip, see Getting Sick after Travel.


Map Disclaimer - The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on maps do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement are generally marked.


Spain's official currency is the Euro (EUR). One Euro is divided into 100 cents. Money can be exchanged at bureaux de change and major hotels, but banks give the best rates. All major credit cards are widely accepted at most hotels, restaurants, and shops. ATMs are widespread and are generally the cheapest and most convenient method of obtaining money.

Exchange rate for 1 EUR - Euro
0.00 BMD
Bermudan Dollar
1.07 USD
U.S. Dollar
0.86 GBP
U.K. Pound Sterling
164.39 JPY
Japanese Yen
1.47 CAD
Canadian Dollar
0.97 CHF
Swiss Franc
1.63 AUD
Australian Dollar
42.33 UAH
Ukrainian Hryvnia
476.99 KZT
Kazakhstani Tenge
100,010.53 LBP
Lebanese Pound
5.22 LYD
Libyan Dinar
7.37 BOB
Bolivian Boliviano
0.00 NPR
Nepalese Rupee
0.00 OMR
Omani Rial
0.00 QAR
Qatari Rial
1.45 SGD
Singapore Dollar
11.63 SEK
Swedish Krona
0.00 TTD
Trinidad Tobago Dollar
0.00 VEF
Venezuelan Bolivar
62.44 DOP
Dominican Peso
0.00 HRK
Croatian Kuna
18.22 MXN
Mexican Peso
656.03 XOF
West African CFA Franc
0.00 PGK
Papua New Guinean kina
0.00 BSD
Bahamian Dollar
0.00 FJD
Fiji Dollar
0.00 HNL
Honduran Lempira
143.84 DZD
Algerian Dinar
0.00 MMK
Myanma Kyat
0.00 BWP
Botswana Pula
4.00 PEN
Peruvian Nuevo Sol
1,008.37 CLP
Chilean Peso
415.67 AMD
Armenia Dram
25.03 CZK
Czech Koruna
18.94 MDL
Moldova Lei
150.32 ISK
Icelandic Krona
13,519.98 UZS
Uzbekistan Sum
4.00 ILS
Israeli New Sheqel
0.76 JOD
Jordanian Dinar
0.00 KWD
Kuwaiti Dinar
41.00 UYU
Uruguayan Peso
0.00 MUR
Mauritian Rupee
0.00 NIO
Nicaraguan Córdoba
11.69 NOK
Norwegian Krone
4.33 PLN
Polish Zloty
4.03 SAR
Saudi Riyal
0.00 LKR
Sri Lanka Rupee
39.53 THB
Thai Baht
3.94 AED
U.A.E Dirham
5.47 BRL
Brazilian Real
4.98 RON
Romanian New Leu
8.40 HKD
Hong Kong Dollar
656.03 XAF
Central African CFA Franc
27,298.82 VND
Vietnamese Dong
943.81 ARS
Argentine Peso
0.00 XCD
East Caribbean Dollar
0.00 GTQ
Guatemalan Quetzal
10.81 MAD
Moroccan Dirham
0.00 BHD
Bahrain Dinar
1.07 PAB
Panamanian Balboa
1.83 AZN
Azerbaijan Manat
4,212.10 COP
Colombian Peso
95.01 KGS
Kyrgyzstan Som
388.98 HUF
Hungarian Forint
11.70 TJS
Tajikistan Ruble
17,271.44 IDR
Indonesian Rupiah
51.52 EGP
Egyptian Pound
1,460.09 KRW
South Korean Won
8,012.15 PYG
Paraguayan Guaraní
5.09 MYR
Malaysian Ringgit
546.19 CRC
Costa Rican Colón
1.79 NZD
New Zealand Dollar
298.58 PKR
Pakistani Rupee
98.20 RUB
Russian Rouble
19.89 ZAR
South African Rand
3.37 TND
Tunisian Dinar
0.00 BBD
Barbadian Dollar
1.96 BGN
Bulgarian Lev
34.74 TRY
Turkish Lira
61.55 PHP
Philippine Peso
34.72 TWD
New Taiwan Dollar
1,251.64 NGN
Nigerian Naira
0.00 XPF
CFP Franc
0.00 GHS
Ghanaian Cedi
0.00 JMD
Jamaican Dollar
0.00 ANG
Neth. Antillean Guilder
0.00 BND
Brunei Dollar
117.02 RSD
Serbian Dinar
7.78 CNY
Chinese Yuan
7.46 DKK
Danish Krone
3.75 TMT
New Turkmenistan Manat
89.63 INR
Indian Rupee
Exchange Rate for
U.S. Dollar to Euro

1 USD = 0.93 EUR

Exchange Rate for
Canadian Dollar to Euro

1 CAD = 0.68 EUR

Exchange Rate for
U.K. Pound Sterling to Euro

1 GBP = 1.17 EUR

Exchange Rate for
Australian Dollar to Euro

1 AUD = 0.61 EUR

Exchange Rate for
New Zealand Dollar to Euro

1 NZD = 0.56 EUR

Exchange Rate for
South African Rand to Euro

1 ZAR = 0.05 EUR

Vigo Airport (VGO)
Vigo-Peinador Airport

Location: Vigo The airport is located five miles (8km) from the city centre of Vigo.

map of Vigo Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October).

Getting to the city: Buses are available from the airport to the city centre at a cost of €1.35 for a one-way ticket. Services over the weekend are slightly more limited.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Avis, Enterprise, and Europcar.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available from the airport cost a flat fare of €22.27 for any journey from the airport to a location in the municiple regions of Vigo, Mos and Redondela.

Facilities: Airport facilities include shopping, restaurants and cafes, ATMs, police services, wifi, baggage wrapping services, postboxes, public telephones and vending machines.

Parking: Parking is available at the airport. The P1 car park is located next to the passenger terminal. The parking has special rates for long-stay bookings made online prior to arrival.

Madrid Barajas Airport (MAD)
Madrid-Barajas Adolfo Suárez Airport

Location: Madrid Madrid airport is located eight miles (13km) from the city centre.

map of Madrid Barajas Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 between the last Sunday in March and the last Sunday in October).

Contacts: Tel: +34 (0)91 393 60 00.

Transfer between terminals: A free transfer shuttle bus is available for passengers changing flights and terminals, this service includes all of the airport's four terminals.

Getting to the city: RENFE has service to the airport, running to Terminal 4. Trains run daily, linking to the city and stations connected to the main rail network. The airport is served by regular EMT and intercity buses, as well as the Metro system and local taxis. Madrid Barajas Airport is about a half-hour drive from the centre of Madrid.

Car rental: Several car hire companies are represented at the airport including Avis, Hertz and Europcar.

Airport Taxis: There are official taxi stands outside each terminal, and visitors are advised to use these rather than unofficial taxis. Journey time to the city centre is around half an hour.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include banks, currency exchange, ATMs, shops, restaurants and bars, chapels, business centres, a post office and pharmacies.

Parking: Parking at Madrid Barajas Airport is available outside each terminal.

Barcelona Airport (BCN)
Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat Airport

Location: Barcelona The airport is located seven miles (12km) southwest of central Barcelona.

map of Barcelona Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 between the last Sunday in March and the last Sunday in October).

Contacts: Tel: +34 (0)902 404 704.

Transfer between terminals: A free shuttle bus connects the two terminals.

Getting to the city: The Aerobus service goes to and from Placa de Catalunya every five to 15 minutes, dropping off at locations along the way. Trains run from the airport to various stations in the city centre every 30 minutes; the airport station is located near Terminal 2. There are taxi ranks outside the airport terminals; taxis are metered. The journey time by road or rail is between 20 and 30 minutes.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Avis, Europcar, Hertz and Sixt.

Airport Taxis: There are taxi stands at every terminal at El Prat Barcelona Airport. Avoid touts and unlicensed taxis. Prices are steeper at night and on the weekends.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include ATMs, currency exchange facilities, banks, shops (including duty-free), a children's play area, VIP lounges, bars, and restaurants. Disabled facilities are good.

Parking: Both terminals at El Prat Airport have their own dedicated parking garages (T1 and T2). There is also a long-stay parking lot connected to the terminals by a free shuttle bus.

Ibiza Airport (IBZ)
Ibiza Airport

Location: Ibiza The airport is situated about five miles (8km) south of Ibiza Town.

map of Ibiza Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October).

Contacts: Tel: +34 902 404 704

Getting to the city: Bus route 10 runs between the airport, Ibiza Town, the ferry port of Formentera and San Jorge. The bus departs every 15 minutes in July and August, every 20 minutes from April 2nd to October 31st, and every 30 minutes during the rest of the year and costs €3.50 for an Ibiza-Airport journey. Additional bus routes run to San Antonio, Sant Eularia and Cala Nova between May 23rd and October 15th, costing €4. Taxis and rental cars are also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Avis, Enterprise, Hertz, and Europcar.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available outside the terminal. The minimum charge is €3.65, and just over €1 is charged per kilometre on weekdays. Surcharges may apply for extra persons or luggage, and for travel after hours and on weekends.

Facilities: Facilities at Ibiza Airport include duty-free shops, restaurants, bars, fast food outlets, post boxes, a bureau de change and ATMs. Disabled facilities are good; those with special needs should contact their airline in advance.

Parking: Parking at Ibiza Airport is available a short walk from the terminal building.

Gran Canaria Airport (LPA)
Gran Canaria Airport

Location: Gran Canaria The airport is situated 13 miles (21km) south of Las Palmas.

map of Gran Canaria Airport

Time: GMT (GMT +1 from last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October).

Contacts: Tel: + 34 (0)928 579 130, +34 (0)902 404 704.

Getting to the city: Bus routes 5, 11, and 60 connect the island's capital and the airport and cost between €2.30 and €2.95. Routes also run to Puerto de Mogan, Faro de Maspalomas, Aguimes, Telda, and Playa del Cura. There is a taxi rank at the airport with taxis readily available.

Car rental: Avis, Cicar, Europcar, Goldcar, Hertz, and Top Car AutoReisen are all represented at the airport.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available at the airport, outside on the ground floor of Arrivals.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include bureaux de change, ATMs, a post office, a children's play area and a wide variety of shops, bars, and restaurants. Disabled facilities are good; those with special needs are advised to contact their airline in advance.

Parking: Parking at the airport is conveniently located a few metres from the terminal.

Tenerife South Airport (TFS)
Tenerife South Airport

Location: Tenerife The airport is situated in the south of Tenerife, close to west coast resorts, and 35 miles (56km) southwest of Santa Cruz.

map of Tenerife South Airport

Time: GMT (GMT +1 between the last Sunday in March and the last Sunday in October).

Contacts: Tel: +34 09 22 759 200, +34 09 02 404 704

Getting to the city: Most tour operators arrange transport from the airport. For those that don't, there are regular buses to Santa Cruz, Los Cristianos and other towns and resorts on the island. Taxis are also available.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Avis, Hertz, Europcar, Cicar and Goldcar.

Airport Taxis: The taxi services are located on the ground floor just outside arrivals hall terminal exit.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include restaurants, bars, shops, ATMs, a bank, post office, children's play area and currency exchange facilities. Disabled facilities are adequate; those with special needs are advised to contact their airline or travel agent in advance.

Parking: Parking is available at Tenerife South Airport with 802 parking bays and 12 designated disability bays.

Departure Tax: None.

Palma de Mallorca Airport (PMI)
Palma de Mallorca Airport

Location: Mallorca Mallorca’s airport is situated five miles (8km) east of Palma.

map of Palma de Mallorca Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October).

Contacts: Tel: +34 971 789 000, +34 902 404 704.

Getting to the city: Most tour operators organise transport from the airport to hotels. Otherwise, there are two buses that connect the airport to Palma and other major towns and resorts on the island. Buses Route 1 and Route 21 operate between the areas outside Arrivals and Departures and cost about €5 for a one-way trip to Palma for non-residents.

Car rental: Several car hire companies are represented at the airport including Avis, Europcar, Sixt and Hertz.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available outside the Arrivals hall.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include ATMs, bureaux de change, shops, bars and restaurants, a post office, first aid, baby rooms, police, lost luggage and a children's play area. Disabled facilities are good; those with special needs should contact their airline in advance.

Parking: A range of parking options are available at Palma de Mallorca Airport.

Alicante Airport (ALC)
Alicante Airport

Location: Costa Blanca The airport is located seven miles (11km) south of Alicante.

map of Alicante Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 between the last Sunday in March and the Saturday before the last Sunday in October).

Contacts: Tel: +34 09 66 919 000, +34 09 02 404 704.

Getting to the city: Regular buses leave every 30 minutes for the main bus station in Alicante, and taxis are available outside Arrivals. Note that most package tour operators arrange transport.

Car rental: Car hire companies represented at the airport include Alamo, Avis, Budget, Hertz, Sol-Mar, Europcar and National. Before booking it is worth finding out if it is possible to pickup and drop off rental cars at the airport, rather than at an off-site location.

Airport Taxis: Taxis can be found outside the terminal building's lower level. A surcharge is added to taxis caught late at night.

Facilities: The airport has bars, restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets, and several shops, including duty-free. ATMs and currency exchange facilities are also available. There is a VIP lounge which offers fax, photocopying and Internet capabilities for first- and business-class passengers. Disabled facilities are good; those with special needs are advised to inform their airline or travel agent in advance.

Parking: Parking at Alicante Airport is available in the car park opposite the terminal; those looking for long-term parking may want to consider cheaper off-site options with shuttle services.

Departure Tax: None.

A Coruna Airport (LCG)
A Coruna Airport

Location: The airport is situated around 4 miles (7km) from the centre of A Coruna.

map of A Coruna Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October).

Contacts: Tel: (+34) 91 321 10 00

Getting to the city: There is a bus service that travels to various stops nearby. Line 4051 is the name of the service.

Car rental: Car rental companies operate at the airport. Companies include Avis, Europcar, Hertz, Enterprise, OK Rent a Car, and Sixt.

Airport Taxis: Taxis operate at the airport.

Facilities: There are restaurants and cafes, ATMs, a duty free, lost and found, and information services. There are facilities availabe for disabled passengers.


Almeria Airport (LEI)
Almeria Airport

Location: Costa Almeria The airport is located six miles (9km) east of Almeria City.

map of Almeria Airport

Time: GMT +2

Contacts: +34 913 21100; leiinfo@aena.es

Getting to the city: Bus Route 30 (Almeria-Aeropuerto-Alquilan-Retamar El Toyo) serves the airport and runs daily to and from Almeria city centre. The trip lasts about 35 minutes and buses depart every half hour.

Car rental: Travellers will find Hertz, Europcar and Goldcar Rental in the Arrivals Hall.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available just outside the Arrivals Hall. All of them are metered and reservations are not required. Passengers will pay extra fees for oversized luggage and fares will be higher at certain times of day and on holidays. It's best for travellers and drivers to settle on a fare before starting a trip.

Facilities: The airport has ATMs, currency exchange, duty-free shopping, bars and restaurants, an information desk, luggage storage, mobile charging, an observation terrace and a pharmacy.


Asturias Airport (OVD)
Asturias Airport

Location: The airport is situated 9 miles (15km) from Aviles.

map of Asturias Airport

Time: GMT +1, and GMT +2 during DST

Contacts: Tel: (+34) 913 211 000

Getting to the city: Intercity buses travel to Oviedo, Gijon, and Aviles.

Car rental: Car rental companies operate at the airport. Companies include Avis, Europcar, OK Rent a Car, and Sixt.

Airport Taxis: There are taxis are available at the airport.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include ATMs, cafes and restaurants, shops, and duty free. There are facilities for disabled passengers.


Malaga Airport (AGP)
Malaga International Airport

Location: Costa del Sol Malaga Airport is located four miles (6km) southeast of the city centre.

map of Malaga Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 between the last Sunday in March and the last Sunday in October).

Contacts: Tel: +34 (0)952 048 838, +34 (0)902 404 704.

Transfer between terminals: The three terminals are adjacent and connected.

Getting to the city: Buses, trains and taxis all serve Malaga airport. A bus leaving to Malaga city centre departs regularly and the journey takes only 15 minutes. Taxis outside the airport add airport carrying charges and take approximately 20 minutes to reach the city. There are regular trains to Malaga, Torremolinos and Fuengirola.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Avis, Europcar and Hertz, among others.

Airport Taxis: Taxis can be found outside the arrivals area of the terminal building. Fares are higher at night.

Facilities: Facilities at the airport include a bank, ATMs, currency exchange, restaurants and bars, shops, a post office, the National Museum of Air Navigation and Transport, and a VIP lounge.

Parking: There is plenty of short-term and long-term parking available at Malaga Airport.

Reus Airport (REU)
Reus Airport

Location: Costa Dorada Situated in Costa Dorada, between Constantí and Reus, approximately 6 miles (9km) from the city of Tarragona in Catalonia.

map of Reus Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 from March to October).

Contacts: +34 09 02 404 704

Transfer between terminals: The Reus Airport has an arrivals and a departures terminal. The terminals are situated within walking distance of each other.

Getting to the city: Barcelona is 46 miles (75km) to the north and can be reached by public and private transport. There are public buses opposite the arrivals terminal and public transport travels into Reus centre, Barcelona and various locations on the coast of the Costa Dorada, as well as to Tarragona.

Car rental: Rental companies include Avis, Europcar and Hertz.

Airport Taxis: There are taxis and mini-van taxis available outside the arrivals terminal, the official Reus Airport taxis are white with a blue stripe on the door. Airport taxis operate 24 hours a day. The journey to Reus takes about 10 minutes.

Facilities: A shop in the departures lounge sells alcohol, cigarettes, perfumes, books and a variety of foods and souvenirs. There is another near the check-in desks selling sweets and souvenirs. The café bar in the check-in area offers baguettes and snacks. There are ATMs available throughout the airport, and first aid is available in the departures terminal. Travel assistance and facilities are available for disabled passengers.

Parking: There is parking next to the airport.

Fuerteventura Airport (FUE)
Fuerteventura Airport

Location: Fuerteventura The airport is situated about three miles (5km) from the capital of Puerto del Rosario, Fuerteventura

map of Fuerteventura Airport

Time: GMT (GMT +1 from last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October).

Contacts: Tel: +34 91 321 10 00

Getting to the city: There are public buses running between Fuerteventura Airport and downtown. Bus No. 3 leaves twice an hour on weekdays (slightly less frequently on weekends), while Bus No. 10 departs multiple times daily on the weekend and during the week.

Car rental: There are several car hire companies at Fuerteventura, including Hertz, Avis, Payless, Cicar, and Top Car Auto Reisen.

Airport Taxis: There are metered taxis available outside the arrivals area. Fares into town vary according to destination.

Facilities: Airport facilities include ATMs, baggage trolleys, children's play areas, tourist information, a pharmacy, as well as a number of shops, restaurants, and cafes.

Parking: Parking is available outside the airport.

Girona Airport (GRO)
Girona Costa Brava Airport

Location: Costa Brava 7.5 miles (12km) from Girona

map of Girona Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 between March and October).

Contacts: +34 91 321 10 00

Getting to the city: There are regular buses to a number of local destinations, including Girona, Barcelona, Costa Brava South, and Andorra.

Car rental: There are several car hire agencies based at Girona Airport, including Avis, Atesa, Europcar, Goldcar, and AurigaCrown.

Airport Taxis: There is a taxi stand outside the terminal.

Facilities: The terminal has restaurants, duty-free shops, several banks, tour operator offices, a postbox and police office.

Parking: There is indoor parking located near the terminal.

Departure Tax: None

Tenerife North Airport (TFN)
Tenerife North Airport

Location: Tenerife The airport is in San Cristóbal de La Laguna, nearly seven miles (11km) from Santa Cruz.

map of Tenerife North Airport

Time: GMT (GMT +1 between the last Sunday in March and the last Sunday in October).

Contacts: +34 91 321 10 00

Getting to the city: Bus route 343 runs between the airport, Santa Cruz, Puerto de la Cruz and Costa Adeje (Los Cristianos). The airport bus stop is located outside the arrivals area on the ground floor and costs from €3.70 to around €13.55 depending on the destination. Bus routes 108, 107, 104 and 102 connect the airport to other parts of the island.

Car rental: Avis, Europcar, AutosReisen, Cicar and Hertz operate car hire facilities at Tenerife North Airport.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are located outside the terminal. There is a €1.70 airport supplement, and the average fare to Santa Cruz is around €18.

Facilities: The terminal contains duty-free shopping, several restaurants, ATMs, a bank, a VIP lounge, and a business centre for conferences and meetings.

Parking: There is a car park located two-minutes away on foot from the terminal building.

La Palma Airport (SPC)
Santa Cruz La Palma Airport

Location: Gran Canaria The airport is located five miles (8km) south of Santa Cruz La Palma.

map of La Palma Airport

Time: GMT +1

Contacts: +34 91 321 10 00

Getting to the city: There is a regular bus service to the airport from La Palma.

Car rental: Avis, Cicar, Europcar and Hertz operate car hire facilities at La Palma Airport.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available outside the terminal.

Facilities: The terminal contains duty-free shopping, restaurants, banks, tour operators, meeting rooms, police station, children's play area, first aid station and information desk.

Parking: There is short and long-term parking available at the airport.

Departure Tax: None

Jerez Airport (XRY)
Jerez Airport

Location: Seville 5 miles (8km) northeast of Jerez de la Frontera

map of Jerez Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 between March and October).

Contacts: +34 91 321 10 00

Getting to the city: There is regular bus service to Jerez, Cadiz, El Puerto de Santa Maria, Costa Ballena and Chipiona from Jerez Airport.

Car rental: AurigaCrown, Avis, Europcar, Goldcar and Hertz operate car hire facilities at Jerez Airport.

Airport Taxis: There are metered taxis available outside the terminal.

Facilities: The terminal contains duty-free shopping, restaurants, a bank, VIP lounge, first aid station and information desk.

Parking: There are short and long-term parking facilities at Jerez Airport.

Departure Tax: None

Menorca Airport (MAH)
Menorca Airport

Location: Minorca The airport is located 3 miles (about 4.5km) southwest of Mahon.

map of Menorca Airport

Time: Local time is GMT +1 (GMT +2 from the last Sunday in March to the Saturday before the last Sunday in October).

Contacts: Tel: +34 902 404 704

Getting to the city: A bus runs every half-hour to Mahón's bus station for a fare of about €3. The bus station is the hub of services across the island.

Car rental: Car rental companies include Avis, Budget, Hertz, Hiper Rent-a-Car and Solmar.

Airport Taxis: Taxis available outside the arrivals area.

Facilities: Facilities include ATMs, bureaux de change, restaurants and cafés, Internet access, and a pharmacy.

Parking: There is one car park for up to 195 vehicles. Parking at Menorca Airport is free for the first 30 minutes.

Departure Tax: None.

Lanzarote Airport (ACE)
Cesar Manrique-Lanzarote Airport

Location: Lanzarote The airport is located about three miles (5km) southwest of Arrecife.

map of Lanzarote Airport

Time: GMT (GMT +1 between the last Sunday in March and the last Sunday in October).

Contacts: Tel: 902 404 704

Transfer between terminals: Terminal 1 (international flights) and Terminal 2 (local flights) are within walking distance of each other.

Getting to the city: There is a public bus into Arrecife; the trip takes 10 minutes and costs about €1.40. Buses also run from the airport to Playa Honda, Puerto del Carmen and Playa Blanca.

Car rental: There are several car rental companies at the airport, including Avis, Auto Reisen, Cabrera Medina, Cicar, Goldcar, Hertz and Europcar, all located in the arrivals area.

Airport Taxis: There are metered taxis outside the arrivals hall at both terminals. Minimum charges are in effect.

Facilities: Facilities at Lanzarote Airport include ATMs, police services, a first aid station, lost and found, as well as shops, restaurants, and cafes.

Parking: Parking is available at Lanzarote Airport, at car parks outside each terminal.

Valencia Airport (VLC)
Valencia Airport

Location: Valencia Valencia Airport is just six miles (9km) from the city centre.

map of Valencia Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 between March and October).

Contacts: +34 91 321 10 00.

Getting to the city: Two Underground lines link the airport with the city centre and the port. Valencia Metro line 3 runs between the airport and the city centre, the port and the main locations in the metropolitan area; trains leave approximately every hour between 5:30am and 10:30pm Monday to Saturday, and 7am to 9:10pm on Sundays and public holidays. Metro line 5 runs directly from the airport to the port of Valencia and the town of Torrent; trains leave approximately every hour between 6:20am and 10pm Monday to Saturday, and 7:30am to 10:15pm on Sundays and public holidays. The station is on the ground floor of the regional flights terminal; one-way tickets start from €1.50. City bus route 150 (Metrobus) runs between the airport and Valencia city centre, with intermediate stops at Mislata, Quart de Poblet and Manises; the bus runs Monday to Saturday 5:30am to 10pm, roughly every 25-35 minutes. A single fare is €1.45.

Car rental: A number of car rental agencies operate at Valencia Airport, including Avis, Hertz, EuropCar, and Enterprise. However, a local drivers license is needed when renting a car.

Airport Taxis: Metered taxis are available outside the arrivals area.

Facilities: Airport facilities include gift shops, newsstands, and duty-free shopping, a pharmacy, restaurant, ice cream shop, and Burger King. A VIP lounge is available, with an entrance fee of €21.07 for non-members.

Parking: Both long and short-term parking is available relatively close to the terminal. Lot P1 is the best option for stays of less than four days, while the long-stay car park is ideal for longer trips.

Departure Tax: None.

Murcia Airport (MJV)
Murcia–San Javier Airport

Location: Murcia–San Javier Airport is located 30 miles (48km) southeast of Murcia.

map of Murcia Airport

Time: GMT +2

Getting to the city:

Car rental:

Airport Taxis:



San Pablo Airport (SVQ)
San Pablo Airport

Location: Seville The airport is 6 miles (10km) from Seville.

map of San Pablo Airport

Time: GMT +1

Contacts: Tel: +34 954 449 000

Getting to the city: A bus runs from the airport to Seville every 30 minutes. It stops at Puerta de Jerez, Palos de la Frontera, Pedro de Castro, Enramadilla, Avenida San Francisco Javier, Luis de Morales, and Avenida Kansas City (next to Santa Justa station). It takes up to an hour to do the trip as there is often heavy traffic.

Car rental: Rental companies operating at San Pablo Airport include Atesa, Avis, Crown Car Hire, Europcar and Hertz. Rental desks are in the arrivals area and an international drivers permit is required.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are the fastest way to get into town and there are metred taxis available outside the airport. The journey takes about 25 minutes.

Facilities: Bank, ATMs, currency exchange facilities, lost property offices, VIP lounges, restaurants, shops and kiosks, WiFi, chemist, first aid and facilities for disabled passengers are all available at the airport.

Parking: Parking is available at the airport.

Departure Tax: None.

Region de Murcia International Airport (RMU)
Region de Murcia International Airport

Location: The airport is 16 miles (26km) south of Murcia.

map of Region de Murcia International Airport

Time: GMT +2

Contacts: +34 913 21 10 00

Getting to the city: Region de Murcia's four bus lines connect it with San Andres-Murcia, Cartagena and La Manga, Mar Menor, and Mazzarron and Aguilas respectively.

Car rental: Sixt, Europcar, Firefly and Goldcar Rental have branches at the airport.

Airport Taxis: The airport has a taxi rank for Murcia taxis.

Facilities: The airport has ATMs, foreign exchange, lost and found, information services, duty-free shopping, cafes and restaurants, and provides assistance for passengers with reduced mobility.


Bilbao Airport (BIO)
Bilbao Airport

Location: The airport is located six miles (9km) from Bilbao.

map of Bilbao Airport

Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 between the last Sunday in March and the last Sunday in October).

Getting to the city: Buses are available to the city centre and cost €3 for a one-way ticket. Buses operate every 30 minutes between 5.25am and 9.55pm.

Car rental: Car rental companies represented at the airport include Avis, Enterprise, Europcar, Hertz and Sixt.

Airport Taxis: Taxis are available from the airport to the city centre. Taxis have a minimum charge and a waiting charge.

Facilities: Airport facilities include restaurants, a cafeteria, a children's play area, police services, ATMs, baggage wrapping, and post boxes.

Parking: The airport offers long-term, general, and short-term parking.

Costa Ballena

Costa Ballena
Photo credit: costadelaluz
The purpose built holiday resort of Costa Ballena is conveniently located about an hour away from Seville, between Rota and Chipiona in the centre of the Costa de la Luz. Surrounded by fresh water lakes and pine-covered hills, the holiday resort was designed with the environment in mind and one will not find the typical high-rise hotel blocks common to many beach resorts here. In fact, visitors to this Spanish resort will find the town's parks and gardens a breath of fresh air when compared to your typical holiday resort towns. Costa Ballena has been hailed as a one of a kind holiday destination in Europe, environmentally friendly while still offering a range of exciting holiday activities and amenities. A rather romantic story is attached to the town's name: In ancient times, a large whale ( ballenain Spanish) who had travelled all over the world was seeking a sanctuary, a paradise in which to end its days, and after much wandering it chose a spot near the coast of Cadiz, Costa Ballena, to die happily surrounded by beauty and harmony.

The town itself comes pretty close to paradise and while on holiday visitors can enjoy beautiful surroundings dotted with lakes, orchards and parks, uninterrupted stretches of beach, and numerous fun activities and cultural excursions.

El Arenal

El Arenal
Photo credit: vistaspain
Situated on the east coast of the Bay of Palma, on the central south coast of Mallorca, El Arenal (also known as S'Arenal or just Arenal) is a lively and highly developed holiday resort, popular with German travellers (many of whom have stayed) and the 18 to 30 age group. It is an ideal beach resort for singles seeking a beach holiday complemented by a vibrant nightlife. The long, palm-lined beach is exquisite; perfect for stretching out on a sun-lounger and enjoying the calm waters. A stroll along the El Arenal waterfront promenade at sunset, past various shops, bars and restaurants, offers a great way to unwind, and a walkway links El Arenal to neighbouring C'an Pastilla and Playa de Palma. It is now almost impossible to tell where each of these once distinct resorts begins and ends.

Hiring a car is an excellent way to explore the rest of the island and take in the sights while on holiday, but many choose simply to enjoy their hotels and the entertainment they provide. There are regular busses to Palma, with all its urban attractions.

Nightlife in El Arenal

El Arenal's social highlight is probably Woody's Bar, but there are a host of lively resort bars and clubs that will keep you dancing until the early hours. There are also a number of British and German-style pubs and the balnearios, 16 small beach huts that run from El Arenal to C'an Pastilla, many of which have been turned into beach bars. El Arenal is a popular party resort, particularly in the summer months, when the festivities tend to continue till dawn.

Shopping in El Arenal

The resort has all the usual tourist trappings, and there are shops enough for visitors to buy anything they might need as well as souvenirs, but those who want quality shopping sprees should take the short journey to Palma (busses depart every 15 minutes or so), where the best shopping on Mallorca can be enjoyed. There are some touts on the beaches of Arenal selling 'genuine' watches and other branded items which are almost certainly fake.

Things to do in El Arenal

El Arenal's neighbouring towns of Calvia, San Telmo and the beautiful port of Pollenca are worth visiting and there are plenty of impressive historical sites nearby to enjoy. A frequent bus service links El Arenal to the busy capital of Palma de Mallorca. For the more active, hiring a bicycle is a wonderful way to see the sights and there are also some excellent hikes to enjoy. There is plenty to do in the resorts themselves as well, and many visitors barely leave the beach! Water sports on offer include sailing and scuba diving, and there is also a mini-golf course and an enormous waterpark.

Things to be aware of in El Arenal

Although the close proximity to Son Sant Joan International Airport is convenient it does mean that visitors sometimes hear aircraft noise. This in combination with the energetic nightlife make the resort ill-suited to those looking for peaceful holidays.

Dining in El Arenal

El Arenal is dominated by German tourists and expats and has developed a genuinely German character, with many of the bars and restaurants demonstrating this. There are tapas bars, seafood restaurants, pizzerias and burger joints (including international chains such as Burger King), as well as Chinese restaurants. The variety of restaurants ensures that everybody should find what they are looking for, but those expecting numerous authentic Spanish eateries may be disappointed.

Arenal d' en Castell

Arenal d\'en Castell
Photo credit: Farid Fleifel
Arenal d'en Castell is a laid-back, peaceful holiday resort popular with British families and a far cry from the over-developed, bustling resorts of Mallorca. Situated on the northern coast of Minorca (Menorca), Arenal d'en Castell is roughly 12 miles (20km) north of Mahon, the island's capital, and is set in a beautiful horseshoe bay on steep hills that slope down to a lovely beach. This means the resort is not ideal for the elderly, or those with mobility problems, but the beach is a magnificent place to relax and has good swimming in warm, shallow waters. It is one of the larger resorts on the northeast coast and is widely celebrated as having one of the most picturesque resort beaches on the island. Arenal d'en Castell is ideal for families or couples wanting a peaceful beach holiday. The Arenal d'en Castell region is popular for fishing and sailing, and there are a number of water sports on offer for adventurous holidaymakers. Most entertainment is provided by hotels, so there is little in the way of nightlife, other than several good restaurants and a few lively bars. For those seeking more activity, the nearby holiday resort of Son Parc offers the island's only golf course, as well as shopping opportunities, and for the fit, it is within a reasonable walking distance.


Rocky beach in S\'Illot
Photo credit:
The Spanish holiday destination of S'Illot is on the east coat of Mallorca and combines the larger resort town of Sa Coma and the smaller village of Cala Moreya, not far from Cala Millor and Porto Cristo. Cala Moreya is separated from Sa Coma by a small fresh water lagoon and is within easy walking distance. Cala Moreya was originally a tiny fishing village and fishermen still pull in their boats each evening and haul them up a ramp at the end of the small beach. The village has retained its charm and visitors on holiday in the S'Illot area have the option of enjoying the peace and tranquillity of Cala Moreya, or the livelier aspects of its more upmarket neighbour. Both towns have excellent beaches, though Sa Coma beach is much larger, and there are a number of good restaurants (as well as fast food outlets), bars and shops to explore. S'Illot is popular with English families and couples seeking a quiet holiday resort, with the perfect balance of relaxation and excitement on offer.

Costa Blanca

Photo credit: po.psi.que
Rows of shops selling beach buckets and flip-flops line the seafront of Benidorm, the Costa Blanca's largest and liveliest holiday resort town, where hordes of tourists throng the streets 24 hours a day. Of the thousands who come to holiday here on the town's three miles (5km) of white sandy beaches each year, many have stayed and purchased apartments in the numerous blocks that now dot the skyline. Benidorm, north of Alicante, is the party capital of the Costa Blanca with an unrivalled nightlife and a daytime carnival-like beach culture.

Remnants of Benidorm's historic past are now well hidden, but tucked into the Casco Antiguo section are the ruins of a castle built in the 14th century to fend off Berber pirates. Benidorm's spectacular sunsets are best viewed from the castle's mirador(balcony). The place to see and be seen in the town, however, is the Playa de Levante, a two-mile (3km) boardwalk lined with trendy cafés and bars. Benidorm is a wildly popular resort with all the amenities one would expect.

Nightlife in Benidorm

Benidorm is one of the biggest nightspots on the Med with something to suit all preferences. There are loads of bars hosting live shows, quizzes, bingo, karaoke and drag shows, and lots of live bands playing everything from Abba to ZZ Top. Those looking for a party in Benidorm should go to Wheeltappers, Sinatras, the Palladium or the Stardust Benidorm. It is one of the best resorts in Spain for those seeking out a fun and varied nightlife.

Shopping in Benidorm

The streets of Benidorm are lined with gift shops catering for people on holiday and the supermarkets are fully stocked with well-known brands. Prices in the holiday resort are comparatively cheap, particularly alcohol and cigarettes. There is an open-air market every Wednesday and a rastro (car boot sale) every Sunday next to the railway station. The town of Altea is worth a visit on Tuesdays for its outdoor market or simply for a leisurely stroll along the promenade, while Alicante is a good destination for shoppers in search of some more sophisticated shops.

Things to do in Benidorm

Benidorm's major holiday attractions are its spectacular beaches. The two huge sweeping crescents stretch for over three miles (5km) and are known as Levante and Poniente (Spanish for sunrise and sunset). They are kept meticulously clean and are consistently voted among the cleanest and most popular beaches in Europe. All sorts of water sports can be organised from the beaches, from swimming and diving off the man-made rafts to jet skiing, banana boat rides, parasailing and scuba diving. On the outskirts of town tourists can visit some water parks or Terra Mitica, Spain's largest theme park.

There are also loads of options for those wishing to escape Benidorm for a day: beautiful mountainous countryside surrounds the holiday resort and jeep safaris and cycle trips around this rugged interior are becoming increasingly popular. Alicante, 25 miles (40km) south of Benidorm, is the Costa Blanca's main city and has a number of interesting sights. Other good days out include a coach trip to the ancient mountain fortress at Guadalest, built by the Moors in 715, and the town of Altea with its delightful medieval cobbled streets and beautiful Mediterranean views, eight miles (13km) north of Benidorm.

Things to be aware of in Benidorm

Benidorm is not a good choice for those wanting an authentic, or peaceful Spanish holiday, but for those looking for entertainment and nightlife it can't be beaten. The resort abounds with hundreds of persistent touts trying to sell tourists everything from trinkets to timeshare apartments. There are also insistent promotions staff outside the bars and restaurants, but these may be worth chatting up as they sometimes offer free drinks.

Dining in Benidorm

Top-rated restaurants in Benidorm include Paneil's, China Garden, India Gate, Mme Butterfly, The Vagabond and Witches Bistro. All the major fast food restaurants are also available and the old harbour is the best place to try out the local cuisine. Benidorm has a wide range of restaurants catering to all budgets.

Costa Blanca

Photo credit: Wikipedia
Away from the madding crowds of Benidorm, the peaceful and charming town of Altea offers plenty of amenities for those who prefer a less frenetic beach holiday, without the glitz, glamour and gusto of the custom-made resorts. Of all the towns on the Costa Blanca, Altea is probably the one that remains the least exploited and overdeveloped; daily life remains largely uninterrupted by tourists and huge hotels have yet to be built. Altea has a long jetty and attractive walkway fronting a calm stretch of shoreline with pebbly beaches encircling the town. The town's central Plaza de la Iglesia leads onto narrow cobblestone streets and offers beautiful Mediterranean views. Altea is a pretty coastal town, promising a lovely combination of local culture and seaside activities.

Nightlife in Altea

Altea is a peaceful place and those in search of a party will likely be disappointed. All the nightlife is in Benidorm, a short trip by bus or car up the coast. Bar Plaza, on Altea's main square, has live music and jazz on summer evenings.

Shopping in Altea

Quaint local shops can be found around town. They are mostly open until late in the evening, but closed for siesta in the early afternoon. From Easter until September there is an interesting market in the Altea town square, and it's great for buying local produce and gifts such as embroidered linen, leather goods, pottery and olive oil. The Altea market is open on Tuesdays and has become known as one of the best markets on the Costa Blanca. Visitors wanting a more comprehensive shopping experience should head to either Benidorm or the Sunday market at La Nuncia, just north of Altea.

Things to do in Altea

Visitors shouldn't miss seeing the church of Nuestra Senora Del Consuelo, famous for its hand-painted blue tiles. Walking and hiking tours into the surrounding mountainous countryside can be arranged in town. There are golf courses both north and south of Altea that accept day visitors. Boat cruises, fishing and scuba diving trips can be arranged in town, while other activities on offer include horse riding, windsurfing and even tennis.

Things to be aware of in Altea

Altea is quiet and traditional and not ideal for those wanting a party scene close to town.

Dining in Altea

Altea is unusual in that it has more local, paella-style eateries than pubs. The Hotel San Miguel gets good reviews for its food and has great views over the sea. El Castell in the old town serves some of the region's best pizzas, while La Maja is the perfect spot for a cooling cocktail or a stylish Mediterranean dish after a long day at the beach. Altea is home to family-run eateries rather than glitzy, upmarket restaurants, but many visitors consider this part of its charm.

Costa del Sol

Photo credit: Spanish National Tourist Board
Situated 25 miles (40km) southwest of Malaga, the few miles of coast between Marbella and Puerto Banus is Spain's answer to Monte Carlo. Spain's elite, and Britain's more successful, have flashy holiday homes in the surrounding hills, and swanky yachts in the marina. Marbella is the Costa del Sol's best quality holiday resort - the restaurants and bars are more stylish (and expensive) and the town has been spared the worst excesses of concrete development that have blighted neighbours such as Torremolinos. The old town of Marbella is hidden away and retains some of its medieval charm, and has some good clothes shops and restaurants. The more exclusive Puerto Banus, six miles (10km) to the west, is where you will find the casino and the seriously large yachts. Those holiday visitors who drive just a few miles inland, to the villages in the hills around Ronda, will discover a Spain seemingly untouched by tourism, with village markets and authentic tapas bars to be explored.

Nightlife in Marbella

Marbella's best bars include Ana Marias, La Notte Piano Bar and Stones Music Bar. Clubs worth trying while on holiday in Marbella are the legendary Nikki Beach, long-standing favourite Dreamers Disco, Suite del Mar and Olivia Valere. Dress codes are the norm in Marbella, and entrance fees are often higher than those in Madrid and Barcelona. The Golden Mile in Marbella is the place to be seen and tourists in Marbella should expect to rub shoulders with the rich and famous including many well-known celebrities and even members of the Saudi royal family.

Shopping in Marbella

The best shopping is at the markets, which are a focal point of local life. Marbella has a good Monday market at Recinto Ferial de Arroyo Primero, and an antiques market on Fridays in the old town. Good buys in Marbella include Moorish pottery, designer clothing, and Andalucian crafts such as shirts and leather shoes. Tourists should expect to bargain hard on all items from fresh produce to Spanish tourist souvenirs and clothing.

Things to do in Marbella

Apart from beach activities and water sports, there is a casino, a mega-bowling hall and a go-kart track close to town, while the Crocodile Park and Fuengirola Zoo are a short drive away. Local flamenco shows are also fun.

Things to be aware of in Marbella

Marbella can be expensive when compared to smaller towns on the coast; it has also grown into a busy and modern place, with little of the old world charm that attracted many visitors here twenty years ago.

Dining in Marbella

Eating out in Marbella tends to be pricey although there are plenty of good value fish and chips venues around the seafront promenade. Beach bars offer good pub grub and excellent views at sunset. Tapas is always a good bet, as is the local fish, particularly in paella. Visitors should avoid eating the widely touted Chanquetes (tiny, deep-fried baby fish) which are endangered.

Playa del Ingles
Gran Canaria

Playa del Ingles
Photo credit: canaryforum
'The Englishman's beach' is how Playa del Ingles translates; those naming the holiday resort had great foresight as today thousands of Brits flock here for sun, sea and San Miguels. Situated in the south of Gran Canaria, the resort is one of the largest and busiest in Europe and its main attraction is the wide sandy beach that stretches from the Maspalomas dunes to San Agustin in the north. The Playa del Ingles seafront is lined by a lovely pedestrian promenade, the Paseo Costa Canaria, planted with lush gardens. With its conglomeration of high-rise hotels, apartment blocks and shopping malls, Playa del Ingles will not win any awards for architecture or sophisticated ambience, but the ever-growing holiday resort, purpose-built for pleasure and leisure back in the 1960s, is hard to beat for good value summer fun. Although mainly geared towards the younger market, families and older visitors are also attracted to Playa del Ingles by the glorious year-round climate and endless beach. Those who want to avoid all the hubbub can find quieter spots on the long, spacious beach, and should be sure to get accommodation well away from the party centre.

Nightlife in Playa del Ingles

Playa del Ingles is packed with bars, pubs and clubs, especially in the Kasbah centre, which is home to the famous Cream and Pascha nightclubs, both of which pump out the best in dance music until the early hours. Chinawhites is also immensely popular. Still in the Kasbah, the Hippodrome, Havana and Sugar, a small cocktail bar, are good places to start the evening. The English and Irish centres are also lively and entertaining. The Yumbo centre is orientated towards the gay scene at night and Rickys Cabaret Bar has regular drag shows; the centre is also popular with families looking for a less hectic evening. There are quieter bars along the promenade and a casino on the edge of town.

Shopping in Playa del Ingles

There is a fine choice of shops in Playa del Ingles where visitors on holiday can indulge in some duty-free delights, including cheap electrical shops and stalls selling imitation designer gear and African curios. The shopping is mainly confined to the dozen or so shopping centres and each centre has its own distinctive character. Visanta is best for duty-free electrical goods as they offer a European guarantee and refunds if visitors change their minds about something. Yumbo is the biggest and most popular shopping centre in Playa del Ingles and also houses the Tourist Information Centre. Five minutes away are the Kasbah and Metro centres, but the widest selection of quality designer wear is in nearby Plaza Maspalomas. Travellers should be aware that some salesmen can be quite aggressive. It's best to haggle hard and remember that the shop next door probably sells the same thing. The San Fernando Market is held every Wednesday and Saturday morning, offering the same sort of stuff.

Things to do in Playa del Ingles

For those in Playa del Ingles who have had enough of the beach, there is loads of entertainment and activities for all ages including amusement arcades, mini-golf, tennis, golf, sky diving, water parks, go-karting, horse riding and camel riding. Water sports in Playa del Ingles include scuba diving, jetskiing, windsurfing and banana boat rides.

Things to be aware of in Playa del Ingles

Visitors should be aware that there are lots of steps from some hotels and apartments to the beach, and that the centre of the Playa del Ingles holiday resort can be very noisy late into the night. The resort is also full of salesmen and touts which can be an annoyance.

Dining in Playa del Ingles

The best eateries in Playa del Ingles include Taberna La Cana for fantastic Spanish seafood, Tapas Bar Capaco for their great tapas selection, and Restaurante Hong Kong for something different. Fast food (including McDonalds), Chinese, Italian and local cuisine are all available, as well as rows of restaurants serving something with chips.

Gran Canaria

Maspalomas, Gran Canaria
Photo credit: canaryforum
Maspalomas is a popular holiday resort on the southern tip of Gran Canaria, adjacent to this trendy Spanish island's largest and most hectic package-tour resort, Playa del Ingles. Maspalomas though, is the quieter and more upmarket option, sporting the best four-mile (6km) stretch of golden, sandy beach on the island. Maspalomas is separated from Playa del Ingles by a spectacular undulating sea of sand dunes, a protected area that provides a habitat for some rare species of flora and fauna, and a favourite haunt for nudists. Along the Maspalomas waterfront the promenade, stretching to Playa del Ingles, bristles with bars, shops, restaurants and entertainment venues between luxury hotels and villas. Maspalomas also boasts an exhilarating water park and nearby are numerous other attractions like amusement parks, nature parks, a golf course, an aquarium and theme parks. The resort has become a favourite holiday destination for the gay community, with a designated gay zone on the beach and in the sand dunes. The resort's week-long Gay Pride festivities each May have become world-renowned on the party calendar.

Nightlife in Maspalomas

On holiday in Maspalomas, it is a good idea to make sure you join the locals in a traditional afternoon siesta in order to take advantage of the nightlife, which is lively but sophisticated. The holiday resort offers a plethora of entertaining bars with karaoke, jazz, salsa, and live bands to spice things up, or themed pubs with happy hours. A good selection of bars can be found in the Maspalomas Plaza. There are a variety of clubs and discos, two popular dance spots being found in the Holiday World amusement park. Most Maspalomas nightclubs only get going after midnight, and offer free entry, although drinks can be expensive. Those out for a real time on the town, however, will prefer to head for neighbouring Playa del Ingles where the hottest spots are, including the well-known Joy and Cream clubs.

Shopping in Maspalomas

The main shopping centre in Maspalomas is the Faro 2 complex, full of designer stores and boutiques. Varadero Shopping Centre is another popular place to shop in Maspalomas. The surrounding area is crammed with shopping complexes of similar ilk, about a dozen in all, the biggest and best known being the Yumbo Centre in neighbouring Playa del Ingles.

Things to do in Maspalomas

Those who prefer to do more than just laze on the Maspalomas beach have plenty of options when it comes to water sports, either above or below the surface, from paragliding to scuba diving. Enjoy the thrilling Aquapark, the Holiday World amusement park, a theme park centred on the reconstruction of an ancient Canary village, an aquarium, zoo and many other diversions. It is also possible to take excursions to various sightseeing attractions, such as museums and monuments or scenic spots inland, or a boat trip to view whales and dolphins. A must for a Maspalomas holiday is a camel ride through the famous dunes.

Things to be aware of in Maspalomas

The Maspalomas Dunes are a haven for naturists, so be prepared to see plenty of naked bodies on the sand. The beach, particularly the sunbed area, becomes extremely crowded during the height of the summer holiday season.

Dining in Maspalomas

Maspalomas cuisine is best experienced at Pizzerria Piz Paz, Escalerita, El Palmeral or Velero Casa Antonio. Maspalomas has restaurants aplenty, most very reasonably priced, offering a variety of international cuisines. Many of the restaurants provide live entertainment in the evenings and double as bars. Visitors can enjoy live music or DJs while trying out a range of different foods from pizza and pasta to Chinese, seafood and Tex-Mex.

Puerto Mogan
Gran Canaria

Puerto Mogan Marina
Photo credit: canaryforum
Situated on the southwest coast, nine miles (14km) west of vibrant Puerto Rico, Puerto Mogan is one of the more up-market holiday resorts on Gran Canaria. The town is an old fishing village that has recently started to be developed into a modern resort town but retains an authentic Spanish charm. Tourism is centred around the marina which bustles with local boats, yachts and Atlantic cruisers. There are a selection of bars, shops and restaurants aimed at tourists, but the shops are less tacky than in some neighbouring resorts and the restaurants serve some of the best seafood on the island. Backed by the mountains, the picturesque old Puerto Mogan village is a maze of narrow roads and colonial style houses; the couple of canals running through the town has prompted tour operators to dub it 'Little Venice'. There is one small beach in the resort and another, Playa Taurito, three miles (5km) to the east; both have black volcanic sand and boulders. Although there is a disco or two in Puerto Mogan, those looking for a more energetic nightlife should head to Puerto Rico or Playa del Inglés.

Nightlife in Puerto Mogan

While there is a disco or two and many restaurants offer some sort of entertainment, most visitors come to Puerto Morgan on holiday for peace and relaxation. The nightlife is limited and sedate and those in search of a party will need to travel to a more energetic resort.

Shopping in Puerto Mogan

Puerto Mogan has all the shops that you would expect from a holiday resort in the Canary Islands, but they are generally a little more arty-crafty and sell less of the rubbish that you usually find in souvenir shops; there is less quantity and more quality in Puerto Mogan than at many other resorts. Every Friday morning there is a large market in town, which is aimed at locals as well as tourists and sells everything from fresh fish to football shirts.

Things to do in Puerto Mogan

Sailing, jetskiing, boat tours, fishing trips and jeep safaris can be organised from Puerto Mogan. It is also one of the best scuba diving destinations on the island, with two wrecks just in front of the harbour and the Mogan Caves about a mile away where divers and snorkelers can expect to see large shoals of fish, moray eels, barracudas and yellow grunters. Non-divers on holiday can take a fascinating submarine trip to discover this underwater world. The actual village of Mogan is about six miles (10km) inland and is well worth a visit; it retains a strong rural Spanish ambience and is home to some good traditional Canarian restaurants.

Things to be aware of in Puerto Mogan

Visitors should be aware that there is some building work going on in Puerto Mogan, but this is mostly towards the back of the resort; it is worth checking that there is no building site near your accommodation. Those looking for large nightclubs and dance music will need to make the short trip to Playa del Ingles.

Dining in Puerto Mogan

While there is no shortage of fast food stalls and restaurants offering full English breakfasts in Puerto Mogan there are also a few restaurants offering good Canarian cuisine, wines and cheeses. Puerto Mogan is best known for its excellent seafood restaurants serving locally caught fish. Some top choices include Restaurante El Castillo for paella or tapas, La Bodeguilla Juanana for great Canarian cuisine, and Casito Mediterraneo for some of the freshest fish in town. Most restaurants are located around the harbour.

Puerto Rico
Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico
Photo credit:
The vibrant, modern holiday resort of Puerto Rico, on the island of Gran Canaria, revels in excellent weather year-round, being situated on the island's southern tip just across the ocean from the Sahara. Scenic Puerto Rico is encircled by hills, its white-washed holiday accommodation clinging to steep cliff sides above two golden beaches. The picturesque resort includes three large commercial centres overflowing with shops, bars and restaurants, and is flanked by a marina packed with luxury yachts where it is possible to indulge in almost every kind of water sport imaginable. Puerto Rico is primarily a family resort, with sunny corners for seekers of peace and tranquillity, and lively venues for family entertainment. Puerto Rico also boasts a decent nightlife, although it is not a famous party resort.

Nightlife in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico has a few discos and many good bars, but cannot compare to the Gran Canarian party resorts of Playa del Ingles and Las Palmas. Nevertheless, there is plenty of fun to be found after dark in the Puerto Rico and Europa centres, and many of the hotels offer entertainment.

Shopping in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico boasts three large shopping and entertainment malls, the largest being the Centro Civico, where visitors can buy literally anything. There is everything from banks and boutiques to florists and fishmongers, and dozens of duty-free stores selling electrical goods, photographic equipment and perfume at great prices. The other two centres are Agua La Perra and Europa, and both have good selections of restaurants, souvenir stores and beachwear shops, and at least one supermarket. Opening hours for shops and supermarkets in the centres are about 9.30am to 10pm in the peak summer months. The largest market on the island is at Arguineguin, only 10 minutes away by taxi, and is open every Tuesday. This is a good place to test your bargaining power; hagglers should start negotiating at about half the asking price.

Things to do in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is the perfect resort for a sporting holiday, offering numerous active diversions, not least of which are a wide range of water sports available at the marinas at each end of the bay, including windsurfing, jet skiing and banana rides. Out of the water visitors can enjoy tennis and squash courts and a gym in the Centro Comercial. Youngsters particularly enjoy the amusement arcades in the three shopping centres, and the mini-golf is popular. A variety of excursions are available to various attractions around the island, including a water park, while for the adrenaline junkies there is paragliding, skydiving and scuba diving.

Things to be aware of in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is built on steep cliff sides and most apartment blocks are reached via long stairways. Those with difficulty walking should ensure they find accommodation on the level. The holiday resort is full of touts and 'promotions staff' from various restaurants and shops vying for business. They can be overly insistent and should be dealt with firmly but politely.

Dining in Puerto Rico

Like most holiday resorts on the Canary Islands, Puerto Rico has various top-rated eateries, including Caballito de Mar, Le Petit Lyonnais, Ma Bakers and El Brasero. The restaurants and fast food outlets cater for a wide range of tastes. Here visitors can dine on anything from fish and chips to haute cuisine. Most of the restaurants are in the Centro Comercial and those who like to dine overlooking the beach will find some good restaurants on the west side of the bay.

Playa del Cura
Gran Canaria

Playa del Cura
Photo credit: JF Quilis
Situated on the southwest coast of Gran Canaria, about an hour's drive from the airport at Las Palmas, is the small, quiet holiday resort of Playa Del Cura, built on the cliff sides lining the coast. This low-key family resort is just two miles (3km) from lively, hectic Puerto Rico, the island's well-known holiday and nightlife resort, but Playa del Cura remains popular as a peaceful place to stay while granting easy access to the bright lights and amenities of its more flamboyant neighbour. Playa del Cura is on the main coastal bus route so travelling to other resorts is easy, and taxis are cheap and plentiful. The holiday resort has two small, pretty cove beaches, Cura and Tauro, at the base of the cliffs, both covered with dark volcanic sand and pebbles, and strewn with sunbeds so that visitors can make the most of some of the best weather in Gran Canaria. A short distance away is the popular stretch of the Amadores beach. The rocky coastline, and valley extending inland, provides opportunities for those keen on walking excursions. There is a small commercial centre equipped with enough stores, bars and restaurants to provide for all holiday requirements.

Nightlife in Playa del Cura

Those in search of all-night clubbing and pubbing will have to take the 10-minute bus or taxi drive across to Puerto Rico to satisfy their craving, but those looking for more relaxed evenings will be well catered for in one of Playa del Cura's bars. There are several fun pubs, such as Pio Pio on Tauro beach, which offers open house jam sessions on Sunday evenings, or the Irish bar, Old Brouge, and its counterpart Welsh bar, Fleur de Lys, both on the upper level of the commercial centre. Several of the larger hotels offer their own entertainment, which is open to non-guests.

Shopping in Playa del Cura

The commercial centre of Playa Del Cura is a few hundred yards from the beach, its anchor store being a large Spar supermarket with an in-store bakery which stocks all requirements for vacationers. There are also a few gift and souvenir stores. For more serious shopping, however, visitors can take a bus or taxi to nearby Puerto Rico where it is possible to buy literally anything and everything at three huge shopping malls, including the sought after duty-free electrical goods, photographic equipment and perfumes.

Things to do in Playa del Cura

For water sports and swimming it is best to head for the white, sandy Amadores beach across the bay, where the whole gamut of fun in the sun from waterskiing to scuba diving is available. Other sporting facilities such as tennis and squash courts are to be found in the vicinity, especially in nearby Puerto Rico, which is well-supplied with amenities, including water parks, amusement parks and mini-golf. Playa del Cura is well situated on the tourist route for excursions to the capital, Las Palmas, or visits to other parts of Gran Canaria.

Things to be aware of in Playa del Cura

As Playa del Cura is built on steep cliffs, it is not suited to the elderly or those with difficulty walking. Families with teenagers may find entertainment is limited for this age group. Swimmers should be wary of the strong currents off both of Playa del Cura's beaches.

Dining in Playa del Cura

Playa del Cura offers a fairly good choice of restaurants, mostly situated in the commercial centre. There are seafood restaurants with excellent fish dishes, as well as other food styles on offer. Bistro 22 is perhaps the best known restaurant in Playa del Cura, and the Guantanamo Canarian restaurant is also popular.

Costa Teguise

Costa Teguise
Photo credit: canaryforum
The smallest and most recently developed of the island's three main holiday resorts, Costa Teguise is situated on the southeast corner of Lanzarote and is a haven for families and sun-seekers. Although it is a purpose built resort, Costa Teguise manages to have a nice community feel to it, with lots of little squares around which the bars and restaurants are located. The resort is more low-key than some but still offers plenty to do with a wide variety of shops and restaurants catering to all tastes, and of course lovely beaches for holidaymakers to relax on. Playa de las Cucharas is probably the best of the three beaches, with uninterrupted views and crystal clear blue waters. Playa Bastian is another idyllic spot to enjoy the sub-tropical sunshine.

Nightlife in Costa Teguise

The nightlife in Costa Teguise is not legendary. Party animals generally take a taxi to Puerto del Carmen, a larger holiday resort ten miles (16km) to the west. Costa Teguise's Mo vita Disco Bar is its best-known party venue and there are some nice bars around the marketplace to start the evening off. Travellers can try the Fiddler's Bar and the Sunburnt Arms, or Hennessy's Irish Bar if they're craving a refreshing pint of Guinness. For something different, they can try Legends Bar, which provides entertainment such as a hypnotist or an Abba tribute band. There is also a casino in the Hotel Oasis.

Shopping in Costa Teguise

Costa Teguise has a variety of shops around the resort and in the La Cucharas Shopping Complex, selling all the usual tourist tat for holiday makers, as well as offering a few electrical duty-free stores. The busy Sunday market at Teguise is well worth a visit, selling a variety of locally produced goods from pottery to tablecloths along with the inevitable 'I've been to Lanzarote' t-shirts. Although visitors should be able to find souvenirs and anything they may need on holiday, Costa Teguise is not suited to big shopping sprees.

Things to do in Costa Teguise

There is plenty of entertainment for holidaymakers in and around Costa Teguise. Water sports, including sailing, windsurfing, jet skiing, snorkelling and scuba diving, can be arranged from the beaches, while just outside the resort there is an 18-hole golf course and a water park for the kids. Further afield visitors can explore the Timanfaya National Park and the ancient capital, Arrecife. Boat trips and submarine tours go from Puerto Calero, ten miles (16km) west of Costa Teguise, and camel and horse rides can be organised. Most activities can be arranged through the tour operator reps, though it is sometimes cheaper to book directly.

Things to be aware of in Costa Teguise

It is possible to get good bargains in the electrical duty-free stores when on holiday in Costa Teguise, but visitors should remember that they can't take purchases back to the shop once they have left the island. They should check everything works and that all batteries, cables and plugs are included; that they receive a European guarantee, not an Asian one; and that all electrical items have a CE stamp. While water is safe for cleaning teeth and washing food, it is very high in mineral content and can cause bad stomach problems. Bottled water should be used for drinking.

Dining in Costa Teguise

There is a good range of restaurants in Costa Teguise catering for all tastes and pockets. For dining out, visitors should try Coffee and Cream Bistro Bar, Vesubio Restaurant, Restaurant Montmatre or El Bocadito, which specialises in traditional Spanish tapas. Besides a number of local establishments, there are plenty of Italian, Indian, Thai, Chinese and seafood restaurants. For British visitors longing for home, there are several fish and chip shops that offer traditional cod and freshly made chips, and other places that serve up English breakfasts and screen Premier League football on big screen TVs.

Puerto del Carmen

Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote
Photo credit:
Set beneath a range of steep hills on the southeastern coast of Lanzarote, Puerto del Carmen is one of the island's major holiday resorts and is very popular. The resort's main feature is a spectacular two-mile (3km) golden beach, which is backed by the main road, The Strip, where shops, bars and restaurants of every variety can be found. The Old Town retains some of its old-world charm but for the most part the resort of Puerto del Carmen is a sprawling holiday complex offering entertainment for all ages. It is the centre of Lanzarote's nightlife and boasts the highest concentration of bars and nightclubs of all the resorts on the island, making it the destination of choice for those wanting to party. Puerto del Carmen is within easy distance of all the island's key attractions, making excursions easy to arrange.

Nightlife in Puerto del Carmen

Puerto del Carmen is the main nightspot on the island and its population swells most evenings as tourists from other holiday resorts come to enjoy its bars and clubs. There are loads of good English, Irish and Scottish bars in the New Town along The Strip. The Centre Atlantico has a number of cocktail bars and can be a good spot to start the evening. The Hippodrome is also here but more serious clubbers may prefer Caesars. There are also several live music venues and karaoke bars, while the Star Bar provides great family entertainment.

Shopping in Puerto del Carmen

Puerto del Carmen is stuffed with shops of all kinds, from duty-free electrical stores and stalls along The Strip targeting holidaymakers, to the excellent clothes shops and boutiques in the Old Town. The Sunday Market in Teguise is worth a visit: as well as the usual tourist tat and holiday souvenirs visitors will find a variety of locally produced goods from pottery to tablecloths. Puerto del Carmen is perhaps the best Lanzarote resort for shopping.

Things to do in Puerto del Carmen

Holidaymakers can enjoy all sorts of water sports on the beach in Puerto del Carmen, from banana boat rides to jetskiing and sailing. Windsurfing is particularly good due to the strong regular winds. Deep-sea fishing is also excellent and can be arranged through a couple of operators. Scuba diving centres take trips to local wrecks as well as offering lessons. For land-lovers there is tennis and squash within the resort and golf and horse riding nearby. Boat trips go from the harbour and from Puerto Calero. Further afield visitors can explore the dramatic landscape of the Timanfaya National Park. Most activities can be organised through the tour operator reps, though it is sometimes cheaper to book directly.

Things to be aware of in Puerto del Carmen

Whilst water is safe for cleaning teeth and washing food, it is very high in mineral content and can cause bad stomachs. Bottled water should be used for drinking. There are lots of people trying to sell tourists everything from trinkets to timeshare apartments; if you are not interested avoid getting into a conversation.

Dining in Puerto del Carmen

There are hundreds of restaurants to suit all holidaymakers' tastes and wallets in Puerto del Carmen, the most popular including La Bottega Della Pasta, Casa Bodeco's, Bodega, and Chiquito. Most restaurants are on The Strip, serving everything from local cuisine to fast food, as well as Chinese, Mexican and Indian food. There are many fine restaurants near the harbour in the Old Town. Those wanting to get out of Puerto del Carmen for the evening can take a taxi to the old capital, Teguise. It has a lovely atmosphere in the evening and a few good restaurants.


Photo credit: dougwoods
Matagorda and its sister resort, Los Pocillos, are just over a mile from Lanzarote's large, bustling holiday city of Puerto del Carmen. It is also connected to the larger, more brash resort by a pleasant, long promenade walkway with great views over Matagorda Bay. This means that visitors who opt for staying at a beach house or in the quieter environs of Matagorda, a former fishing village, can easily access the more boisterous entertainment and nightlife of Puerto del Carmen. Matagorda has a gently sloping beach of fine, dark sand, particularly popular for windsurfing. It boasts a commercial centre with a fair choice of restaurants and a supermarket. In general Matagorda is ideal for those seeking a peaceful, relaxing holiday without too many bright lights or the usual beach resort crowds.

Nightlife in Matagorda

Holidaymakers will find that although Matagorda is not lacking in waterfront pubs and bars, most offering some form of evening entertainment, generally nightlife in Matagorda is rather low key. Younger visitors looking for a taste of nightlife in Spain or a more vibrant night out opt to travel a short distance to the rollicking clubs and bars of 'The Strip' in neighbouring Puerto del Carmen.

Shopping in Matagorda

Holidaymakers can take full advantage of the fact that Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote and the rest of the Canary Islands enjoy a special duty-free tax status. Cigarettes, alcohol, perfumes and petrol are much cheaper than in mainland Spain and the rest of the EU. Matagorda has a two-storey shopping centre containing a supermarket and souvenir stores, but for a real shopping spree holidaymakers prefer to descend on neighbouring Puerto del Carmen, which is bristling with a variety for shops from duty-free electrical stores and designer boutiques to stalls selling 'tourist tat' such as beach buckets, spades, umbrellas and souvenirs along the main strip. The nearby town of Teguise hosts a vibrant Sunday market, which is fun to visit.

Things to do in Matagorda

A wide variety of water sports can be enjoyed in Matagorda along the beach, especially windsurfing for which the area is a famed spot. Alternatives range from banana boat rides and jet skiing to parasailing, scuba diving and deep sea fishing. Land sports facilities in the vicinity include tennis, squash, golf and horse riding. Rancho Texas Theme Park is a short drive from Matagorda and tourists wishing to get a real sense of Spain can opt to hire a car and explore the smaller villages inland. There are also several excursions on offer such as boat trips or visits to the dramatic Timanfaya National Park.

Things to be aware of in Matagorda

Holidaymakers seeking bargains in Matagorda in electrical and photographic goods must be cautious and check their purchases before leaving the shop/stall. Many visitors have been ripped off. It is prudent to ensure that the guarantee on electrical items is a Worldwide or European guarantee as unscrupulous shops may try to sell products with only Asian guarantees to European visitors.

Dining in Matagorda

Most of Matagorda's restaurants are situated in the central commercial area around a square, where holidaymakers can browse the displayed menus before deciding on their preferred cuisine for the evening. The choice is wide, ranging from Chinese and Greek to British and Japanese, with the usual pizza, pasta and grill houses thrown in. Most visitors rate it as a plus that Matagorda lacks the presence of 'PRs', reps or touts trying to lure diners into their establishments. Those who want a more extended choice or a livelier dining scene can simply take a walk or taxi ride to explore the nightlife and restaurants of larger Puerto del Carmen.

Playa Blanca

Playa Blanca
Photo credit: canaryforum
The quiet holiday resort of Playa Blanca is situated in the very south of Lanzarote and is named after the surrounding white sandy beaches. The resort has undergone a lot of construction and upgrading in the last few years, which, contrary to expectation, hasn't ruined the Spanish charm of this resort but rather added to it by giving tourists an extensive array of holiday accommodation to choose from in Playa Blanca. Despite the extensive growth over the last few years the old fishing village, in the centre, retains its charm and has escaped much of the commercialism that has blighted larger resorts. There is a good selection of cafes, bars and restaurants in Playa Blanca, along the promenade, but the main attractions are the nearby beaches. Some of the best beaches in the Canary Islands are just four miles (6km) away at Papagayo. The resort is mainly geared towards families and couples. Those wanting a more lively nightlife will need to make the 18 mile (29km) journey to Puerto del Carmen.

Nightlife in Playa Blanca

The nightlife in Playa Blanca is fairly limited, with entertainment after dark mostly restricted to the shows organised by the hotels. There is a kids disco and some sedate live music in some of the bars and restaurants, but those after some serious partying will need to head to Costa Teguise or Puerto del Carmen, half an hour away by car.

Shopping in Playa Blanca

There are good supermarkets in Playa Blanca that sell all the well-known brands, and holidaymakers will find that although the choice is not as good as in Puerto del Carmen, there are a fair number of electrical duty-free stores and other shops geared towards tourists near the harbour. For designer clothes most tourists in Playa Blanca head to the stylish Marina Rubicon. It is possible to get good bargains in the electrical duty-free stores, but shoppers should remember that they can't take purchases back to the shop once they've left the island. They should check everything works and that all batteries, cables and plugs are included; that there is a European guarantee, not an Asian one; and that all electrical items have a CE stamp. The busy Sunday Market in Teguise is worth the journey for the most dedicated shoppers; as well as the usual tourist souvenirs and holiday gifts, a variety of locally produced goods are on sale, from pottery to tablecloths.

Things to do in Playa Blanca

There are lots of things to do in Playa del Blanca, not least of which is sunning yourself on one of the picturesque beaches. Holidaymakers wanting to enjoy water sports in Playa Blanca should head to the beach where numerous activities can be organised. Boat trips leave regularly for the Papagayo beaches. Views of the beautiful coastline are stunning and boats can drop visitors off at the beach to be picked up by a later cruise. The Timanfaya National Park, where visitors can admire the dramatic volcanic scenery, is only ten miles (16km) away. Ferries depart regularly from the harbour to the nearby island of Fuerteventura, just six miles (10km) away.

Things to be aware of in Playa Blanca

While water is safe for cleaning teeth and washing food, it is very high in mineral content and can cause bad stomachs. Bottled water should be used for drinking. There is still some development going on in Playa Blanca and it is worth checking if there is a building site outside your accommodation before booking.

Dining in Playa Blanca

La Bocaina and Casa Pedro top the list of highly recommended restaurants in Playa Blanca. While La Cocina de Colacho, El Horno de la Aguela and Romantica all garner rave reviews from tourists and locals alike. There's a huge choice of eateries on the main promenade, which at night bustles with activity. The promenade overlooks the beach and harbour and the lights of Fuerteventura can be seen on the horizon. Restaurants serve anything from Chinese, Indian or Italian to seafood and local dishes. Some restaurants will not accept credit cards.

Golf del Sur

Golf del Sur
Photo credit: Michel;n
Situated on the south coast of Tenerife and very close to the Reina Sofia Airport, Golf del Sur, as its name suggests, is primarily a golfing holiday resort. There are several wonderful golf courses on offer, including a 27-hole championship course, and fairways dominate the lush landscape; however, non-golfer's will find plenty to occupy them, including the usual sun, sand and surf that attracts visitors to Tenerife. There is a beautiful coastal walk running the length of the resort's shoreline, with plenty of picturesque view points and benches along the way. San Blas, a charismatic little town very nearby, has a bustling commercial centre consisting of three squares ringed with restaurants, bars (including karaoke bars) and shops, and there is also tennis, adventure golf and bowling on offer. For those seeking more action, the resort is close to the ever-popular Playa de las Americas and Los Cristianos resorts, which are accessible by bus. Hiring a car is also an excellent way to explore the surrounding areas and take in what Tenerife has to offer.

Nightlife in Golf del Sur

Golf del Sur is not a party resort but it is a lively one with some great bars and one nightclub, Taboo's, which plays a mixture of dance and house music and is frequented by a refreshing variety of people. The golfing clubhouses also do a booming trade, especially in the peak summer months.

Shopping in Golf del Sur

Like everything else at the resort the shops are dominated by golfing needs, but San Blas has some interesting shops, and the large and popular neighbouring resorts also boast all the usual souvenir shops and holiday boutiques.

Things to do in Golf del Sur

Apart from the golf courses, driving ranges and clubhouses, visitors can enjoy boat trips along the rugged coastline, scuba diving, and even submarine safaris. The big resorts nearby offer numerous water sports and there are a number of worthwhile excursions from Gold del Sur.

Things to be aware of in Golf del Sur

Planes taking off and landing at the nearby Tenerife South Airport can be a bit noisy for visitors.

Dining in Golf del Sur

Restaurants in Golf del Sur and San Blas include some traditional Canarian eateries and plenty of international fare for foreigners. While in Golf del Sur, holidaymakers should be sure to taste the culinary pleasures of The Lobster Pot.

Playa de las Americas

Playa de las Americas, Tenerife
Photo credit: canaryforum
Playa de las Americas is Tenerife's largest tourist playground, a purpose-built hedonistic haven for holidaymakers of all ages who come here for fun in the sun from all over the world. The resort is situated in the south of the island near the Tenerife South Airport (Reina Sofia Airport). It has grown vastly during its 30 years of existence and now covers three different zones: the original Playa de las Americas, San Eugenio, and Toviscas. There are three natural beaches in the resort area and three man-made ones, all covered with dark volcanic sand and extremely crowded during the summer season. The las Americas beaches are linked by a long promenade, which winds along the busy waterfront, backed by dozens of high-rise hotels and holiday apartment blocks. A mini train runs around the resort stopping at scheduled points every hour, and there are plenty of free buses to assist visitors in getting around, making the most of the Playa de las Americas many bars, entertainment venues, shops and sports facilities. Don't expect to soak up much authentic Canarian culture while holidaying at Playa de las Americas, but for those who enjoy the hullaballoo of a packaged, carefree summer vacation, the resort will exceed expectations.

Nightlife in Playa de las Americas

With more nightclubs than some British cities and some of the best nightlife in Tenerife, las Americas is a honey pot for those looking for more of a nocturnal holiday. The area known as The Patch is the best place to start the evening as most of las Americas' bars are located within easy walking distance. The Patch also has a fine choice of nightspots and most bars have a happy hour or two. The most popular are Rags and Linekers, dance bars that play a good mix of Pop, R&B, Dance and 80s party music. Many of the bars also have good live music. Later on, the Veronicas complex and the Starco Commercial Centre are the places to head to for a good party. The streets are packed with revellers until the early hours, particularly during the busy summer months. Tramps is the largest club on the island and very popular. There are also two casinos at the resort.

Shopping in Playa de las Americas

There is a vast array of shops in Playa de las Americas and holidaymakers can indulge in the delights of duty-free shopping in the numerous electrical stores and clothing shops. Shoppers should be aware that salesmen can be quite aggressive. It's best to bargain hard and remember that the shop next door probably sells the same stuff. The supermarkets offer most of the well-known brands, many imported to cater for the British tourists. Those in the mood for some haggling should go shopping in Las Americas Torviscas Market (Thursday and Saturday from 10am); there are great bargains to be had and it's perfect for presents, but shoppers should get there early as it can get very crowded. A trip to Santa Cruz (one hour by bus) is worthwhile for those looking for designer clothes.

Things to do in Playa de las Americas

Las Americas has entertainment for visitors and holidaymakers of all ages including tennis courts, amusement arcades, bowling, water parks and go-karting, as well as all sorts of water sports which can be arranged from the beaches, including jet skiing, windsurfing, scuba diving and banana boat rides. Some popular things to do in las Americas include bungee jumping at the Sky Park and swimming with dolphins at the Aqua Park. There is an 18-hole golf course on the way to Los Cristianos and horse and camel riding can be arranged nearby. Boat trips leave regularly and bottlenose dolphins and whales are often seen. Other popular excursions include a trip to the capital, Santa Cruz, and to the Mount Teide National Park.

Things to be aware of in Playa de las Americas

The resort is built on the side of a hill and many apartments require a steep walk up from the beach. The accommodation near the centre can be very noisy until the early hours. There are hundreds of touts trying to sell everything from trinkets to timeshare apartments. It's best to be firm but polite and avoid getting into a conversation with them. There are promotions staff outside the bars and restaurants who are also quite insistent, but it can be worth chatting them up as they sometimes offer free drinks. Visitors should be aware of con artists.

Dining in Playa de las Americas

Playa de las Americas has top-rated restaurants in which holidaymakers can dine. There are restaurants in las Americas catering for every taste; along the seafront are dozens of fast food stalls and restaurants advertising English breakfasts and Sky TV, and international dishes of all varieties are also offered including Indian, Chinese, Italian, and excellent tapas and local Canary Islands cuisine. Many of the better restaurants are located in the Torviscas areas and in the neighbouring resort of Los Cristianos. There are also some nice restaurants overlooking the marina in Puerto Colon.

San Antonio

Playa d'en Bossa, Ibiza
Photo credit: Spanish National Tourist Board
Situated on the west coast, ten miles (16km) from the airport and the capital Ibiza, San Antonio is the largest and liveliest holiday resort on the island. Known as 'San An' to the thousands of British clubbers who descend here each summer, the resort's proper name is Sant Antoni de Portmany. San Antonio's wide bay is lined with bars, restaurants and apartment blocks catering mainly for young British and European holidaymakers. There are a few small sandy beaches in the resort, and the spectacular beaches of Cala Conta, Cala Bassa and Cala Tarida are a short ferry ride away. The beaches of San Antonio are ideal for swimming, with shallow and safe water. July and August are the best months to visit for those looking to experience the buzzing nightlife in San An (arguably the best party resort on the best party island in Spain), while the months of May and June, and September and October are most popular with families, couples and older visitors, who prefer to avoid the fashionable hubbub of the peak summer months.

map of San Antonio

Climate in San Antonio

San Antonio has a humid subtropical climate characterised by fairly mild winters and hot summers. The weather varies between dry and humid, depending on prevailing winds. Autumn and spring are warm with a fair amount of rainfall. In San Antonio, July and August are the hottest months of summer, and travellers planning on visiting should brace themselves for temperatures that frequently reach 95F (35C). January is the coldest month of winter, with temperatures dropping as low as 39F (4C).

Getting around in San Antonio

A great feature of visiting San Antonio is that the best of the city can be navigated on foot for free, although in summer months temperatures can get dangerously hot for pedestrians. Driving is not recommended as there are numerous one-way streets, congestion is common and there is insufficient public parking.

Visitors can also get around downtown in the charming streetcars, which are authentic reproductions of the same models that travelled these streets 50 years ago. There are three streetcar routes stopping at major tourist attractions, shopping districts, and the Convention Center downtown.

The VIA Metropolitan Transit operates the streetcars and also services the city with extensive bus routes, including a free sightseeing bus for tourists which covers most of the main attractions downtown, running from 6am to midnight, Tuesday to Thursday. Metered taxis are available in the city; ride-hailing apps such as Lyft and Uber are also options.

Sightseeing in San Antonio

Considered the heart of Texan cowboy country, San Antonio offers a wealth of attractions and activities for visitors to the city. San Antonio has a rich Wild West history, which visitors can get a feel for by visiting places such as Casa Navarro State Historic Site, the Spanish Governor's Palace, San Antonio Missions National Park, the King William Historic District and the iconic Alamo Mission.

There are plenty of galleries and attractions for the culturally inclined, such as the fun and eclectic Buckhorn Saloon and Museum, the Institute of Texan Cultures, the DoSeum children's museum, San Antonio Museum of Art and the Witte Museum.

Spending time outdoors is a great way to take advantage of the San Antonio sunshine, and families will want to visit theme parks such as SeaWorld, Six Flags Fiesta Texas, and Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch. There are also many different ways to travel around and discover San Antonio. Local operators offer tours by helicopter, Segway, bus and on foot. For a different view of the city, try the night-time Ghost Hunts of San Antonio Tour.

Nightlife in San Antonio

San An is a joy for party animals! Cafe Del Mar is San Antonio's most celebrated social venue and a must for all visitors and holidaymakers looking for a good night out. Ibiza is synonymous with clubbing and the nightclubs in and around San Antonio attracts the best DJs from around the world. A great place to start off the evening is in one of the bars along the Sunset Strip. Privilege is said to be the world's largest club, located on the long straight road to the Ibiza Town.

Shopping in San Antonio

There is a selection of shops in and around San Antonio catering for holidaymakers, from the inevitable bucket and spade stores to designer boutiques. Good buys include the local porcelain and leather goods. The local supermarkets are great and stock all the well-known brands (particularly British brands); alcohol and cigarettes are particularly cheap. Ibiza Town is the best place to find the latest fashion accessories; the shops don't close until well after midnight during the high season and in the evenings the port area takes on the ambience of a hippy market of street vendors and stalls.

Things to do in San Antonio

The safe, shallow waters of San Antonia bay are great for swimming and holidaymakers can find some of the best beaches only 20 minutes away by public transport or ferry. Water sports and scuba diving can be organised at the seafront and on land everything from golf and tennis to quad biking, go-karting and horse riding can be arranged, making Ibiza a great destination for sports enthusiasts. The interior of the island and much of the coastline is surprisingly unspoilt and can be easily explored, and Ibiza's historic Old Town is well worth a visit for a bit of culture.

Things to be aware of in San Antonio

San Antonio's beaches aren't great, but the spectacular beaches of Cala Conta, Cala Bassa and Cala Tarida are easy to get to. The West End is very noisy and at night is packed with sales reps and 'looky-looky' men trying to sell watches, jewellery, sun glasses and drugs. Those looking for a less hectic evening should stick to the San Antonio Bay end of town. The big clubs can be expensive.

Dining in San Antonio

The resort has a huge variety of restaurants and fast food joints. San Antonio has three areas: 'The West End', which is packed with lots of small bars, fast food restaurants and pavement cafes; the more upmarket 'Sunset Strip', where the better restaurants are found; and 'The Bay', which has an eclectic mix of bars, restaurants, clubs and hotels. Some restaurants offer good local Spanish fare and excellent locally caught seafood but the majority cater for more British tastes with international staples such as hamburgers and chips, full English breakfasts and Sunday roasts. Chinese, Indian and Italian food is also readily available.

Attractions in San Antonio

The Alamo

The Alamo has assumed mythological significance in American culture. Originally built as a mission by Spanish priests in 1718, the missionaries later gave the land to resident converts to continue their farming. But in the early 19th century, the Spanish military stationed cavalry at the old mission station. The men began calling the mission the Alamo, a reference to their hometown in Spain, and during the following wars over Texas, the Alamo played a very important role. Davy Crocket and his small party held out for 13 days against a 2,500-strong Mexican army before finally being overrun. While the actual Alamo is smaller than most visitors expect, its immense history and gravitas means it is seen as the cradle of Texan Liberty.

map of The Alamo

Website: http://www.thealamo.org


The River Walks serves as the centre of San Antonio's shopping and dining district. Winding its way for some five miles (8km) along the river, travellers can even take a stroll through La Villita Historic District. Dinner cruises are a perfect way to enjoy the scenery while over 20 exciting events take place every year, such as the Fiesta de las Luminarias and the Ford Holiday River Parade. Cobbled walkways sit a full level below the city's streets, lending a secluded and peaceful atmosphere, while there are plenty of restaurants, bars and theatres on hand such as the Pearl Brewery, the Alamo and the Aztec Theater.

map of Riverwalk

Website: http://www.thesanantonioriverwalk.com

Six Flags Fiesta Texas

The city's biggest theme park and one of the best-known in the United States, Six Flags Fiesta Texas keeps raising the bar with its water rides, roller coasters and musical shows. Visitors can experience the thrill of the Krypton Coaster, the looping Boomerang, and the Scream, a 20-storey free fall, or let fly through the air on the Screamin' Eagle Zipline or the Joker Carnival of Chaos. The rides all come with a rating, from mild to moderate to max, and there will surely be something for everyone's taste. After a long day out, there are plenty of snack shops, restaurants and ice-cream parlours, while there are numerous fun events to mark out on the calendar such as the Fight Night on Hallowe'en and the Coca Cola July 4th Fest.

map of Six Flags Fiesta Texas

Website: http://www.sixflags.com/fiestatexas

Buckhorn Saloon and Museum

The Buckhorn Saloon and Museum contains wildlife exhibits, wax effigies and other western memorabilia. The owner's wife also collected rattlesnake rattles, which she used to create the unusual artwork still on display. The attached Ranger Museum is filled with guns from the era, along with a shooting gallery and a lifesize reproduction of San Antonio of the Wild West. But thirsty customers can still grab a local craft beer at the 129-year-old saloon, enjoyed at its original cherry and marble bar counter.

map of Buckhorn Saloon and Museum

Website: http://www.buckhornmuseum.com

Spanish Governor's Palace

Described by National Geographic as the most beautiful building in San Antonio, the diminutive palace once served as the headquarters for the Spanish rulers of this region. Built in the Spanish Colonial style, it is said to have been erected as early as 1722. The lovely building is filled with treasures and historical relics from the 18th century and the patio flows onto a relaxing garden perfect for contemplation. The palace is an easy walk from the San Antonio River Walk.

map of Spanish Governor's Palace

Website: http://www.spanishgovernorspalace.org

Corpus Christi

A resplendent South Texas coastal city, Corpus Christi enjoys a relaxed and laidback atmosphere. Affectionately known as the Sparkling City by the Sea, it's just 143 miles (230km) from San Antonio. Aside from its sought after beaches, visitors to Corpus Christi can venture on to the floating museum on the USS Lexington, wander through the botanical gardens and birding trails, or experience its vibrant promenade nightlife. Nature lovers won't be disappointed either as the Padre Island National Seashore, the longest undeveloped stretch of barrier islands in the world, is easily accessible from Corpus Christi.

map of Corpus Christi

Website: http://www.cctexas.com


Photo credit: Jason Dixon
Anyone in the 18 to 30 age bracket whose holiday mission is fun, sun and soaking up sangria (or any other alcoholic beverages) will have the time of their lives in Mallorca's raucous premier party resort of Magaluf. The resort is situated about 10 miles (16km) west of Palma, the island's capital, and has become one of Europe's most popular destinations for young British travelers eager to experience the famous nightlife of Mallorca. It sports hundreds of bars, discos and clubs, and has a wide choice of budget accommodation and restaurants. Magaluf and its wide sandy beaches such as Mallorca Beach, Magaluf Beach and Palma Nova Beach, is particularly packed during June, July and August with young holidaymakers who are known locally as 'gambas' (red prawns), especially if they stint on the sun cream. During the off-season it is much quieter with many of the wilder entertainment venues closed, and in recent years has been drawing older clientele and families during this period.

Nightlife in Magaluf

It is the pulsating nightlife that brings holidaymakers to Magaluf, and therefore there is no lack of bright lights after dark, with the party swinging into, and beyond, dawn every night. Most start the evening in one of the plethora of bars and move on to dance or themed parties hosted by top DJs in the numerous clubs along the famed Punta Ballena strip. Touts line the strip seducing customers into their establishments with special offers on drinks and cocktails. The most renowned of Magaluf's clubs is the massive BCM, which uses around three million gallons of bubbles to cover its floor on its famous foam party nights. Other well-known names are Carwash, Bananas and Boomerangs. A popular alternative to drinking and clubbing is an evening at the Pirates Adventure themed dinner and show.

Shopping in Magaluf

The promenade and streets in the centre of Magaluf are lined with dozens of shops selling beachwear, souvenirs and other Spanish vacation souvenirs geared towards holidaymakers. Better shopping can be found in Palma, an easy taxi or bus ride away. Every Monday there is a market in Calvia, six miles (10km) inland; good buys here include porcelain, jewellery and leather goods. There is also a popular market in Inca each Thursday for those who want to go farther afield. There are good supermarkets for shopping in Palma Nova and Magaluf, that stock all the well-known international brands, as well as local produce. Most things are good value, particularly alcohol and cigarettes.

Things to do in Magaluf

Daytime activities in Magaluf are centred on the long sandy beach, where most of the party-goers sleep off their holiday nightlife escapades in the sunshine. The more energetic can take advantage of various water sports, like jet skiing, donutting, kite surfing or even scuba diving. The waterpark and a Wild West theme park are also popular options, offering thrills and spills. Excursions to other resorts on Mallorca, and into the capital, Palma, are also available. Many visitors prefer to hire a car or moped and explore the island on their own steam.

Things to be aware of in Magaluf

Magaluf is geared mainly for young Brits looking for a loud and lively holiday; it's not a great destination for those after peace and tranquillity. Although it has improved in recent years, the skyline of Magaluf remains characterised by 1960s and 70s apartment blocks and the resort is packed with salesmen; the street vendors are best avoided but the 'PRs' outside the bars and restaurants can be worth chatting up as they offer free drinks. Visitors should be aware of the pickpockets on the beach at night.

Dining in Magaluf

Magaluf is a resort favoured by young budget holidaymakers, and it therefore has an abundance of fast food outlets. Those in self-catering accommodation find they are never very far from a familiar name like McDonalds, Burger King or Pizza Hut. The resort also has a wide selection of restaurants, the majority catering to British tastes. There are several restaurants that offer Sunday roasts and other favourites like bangers and mash, fish and chips and shepherd's pie. For variety there are Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Italian and even some Spanish restaurants too.


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The holiday resort of Port d'Alcudia is situated in the north of Mallorca at the top of a long curving bay with a seemingly endless white sandy beach. It is two miles (3km) south of the historical old town of Alcudia, from which it takes its name. The sprawling, purpose-built resort, together with its neighbour Playa de Muro, stretches for five miles (8km) either side of the coast road and is particularly popular with British, German, and Scandinavian holidaymakers. It has a fairly relaxed atmosphere, and its spectacular beach is the major attraction. It is also well placed for exploring the attractions around the north of the island.

Nightlife in Alcudia

Alcudia has lots of bars, pubs and discos catering for most tastes but this is not the resort for holidaymakers after some serious clubbing; for a bit of dancing, try the Mentra Disco. Many of the hotels offer in-house entertainment ranging from flamenco dancing demonstrations to stand-up comedy.

Shopping in Alcudia

Alcudia doesn't have a distinct shopping district: shops selling buckets and spades and tourist trinkets line the beach road and the other small shopping areas dotted around the resort cater mainly to holidaymakers. The satellite resort of Playa de Muro has an upmarket mall with some nice boutiques and the port area has a selection of designer shops. The supermarkets are good, stocking all the well-known brands along with cheap alcohol and cigarettes. The local market opens on Tuesday and Sunday mornings and the market in Inca, 15 miles (24km) inland, opens on Thursdays. Good buys include the porcelain and leather goods, but it is a good idea to bargain hard.

Things to do in Alcudia

The activities in Alcudia are mainly focused along the spectacular five-mile (8km) beach that fronts the holiday resort. All sorts of watersports can be arranged, from scuba diving to banana rides. There are tennis and squash courts in the resort and nearby attractions include a water park, a go-kart track and horse riding stables. Boat trips can be arranged to the stunning Formentor promontory where passengers can snorkel or simply take in the views. The nearby towns of Pollenca and Alcudia (old town) and the mountain village of Lluc are worth exploring in search of a little culture, while those looking to get away from it all can take a trip to the mountainous western side of the island.

Things to be aware of in Alcudia

The resort of Alcudia is not known for its architectural merit; its skyline is dominated by 1960s style apartment blocks. To the relief of many, Alcudia is not the resort for party animals; those looking for some serious clubbing should head for the south of the island.

Dining in Alcudia

Most restaurants in Alcudia cater to holidaymakers and unadventurous palates, with plenty of fast-food joints and cafés. There are also a few Italian, Indian, and Chinese restaurants. The better restaurants are mostly in the port area, where diners can find some decent Spanish, French, and seafood restaurants within a lovely harbour setting. Alcudia's recommended restaurants include Garlanda, Rancho Chico, Bistro Mar, and Nova Marina, as well as Cas Capella and Casa Galega.

Costa del Sol

Photo credit: Jason Dixon
Southern Spain's answer to Benidorm, Torremolinos is a vast purpose-built holiday resort situated 10 miles (16km) west of Malaga on the road to Marbella. According to archaeological finds, the region has been inhabited for a startling 150,000 years. But the resort itself is modern with no evidence of the long history of human habitation. Holidaymakers looking for culture in Torremolinos will be disappointed, particularly in high season when it's noisy, hedonistic, and fast paced. What makes this energetic resort popular is the six miles (10km) of wide sandy beaches, along with numerous water sports, masses of bars and restaurants, and an exhilarating nightlife. Torremolinos attracts tourists of all ages from across Europe, but twenty-somethings dominate in the peak summer months. There is a large gay scene, while the resort is also popular with families.

Nightlife in Torremolinos

The nightlife in Torremolinos can be fairly intense, with dozens of bars and clubs catering for all tastes and persuasions. A good place to start the evening is in one of the tavernas in Calle San Miguel or in one of the cafés and restaurants that line the promenade. Torremolinos is also home to the chiringuitos beach cafe/bars, focused in La Carihuela. The clubs start to open at around 10pm and the Palladium disco is a great favourite. The best selection of clubs is along Avda Palma de Mallorca. There is a big gay scene in Torremolinos centred on La Nogalera, where the clubs vary from the mainstream to drag bars. Exotic shows are a feature here and are popular with both the gay and straight visitors.

Shopping in Torremolinos

There is a great variety of shops in Torremolinos, ranging from international clothes stores and designer boutiques to lots of small touristy shops selling souvenirs. Good buys include the local jewellery, leather goods and the famous Spanish Lladro porcelain. For self-caterers, there is a good selection of corner shops and supermarkets stocking well-known international brands. Calle San Miguel is at the heart of the Torremolinos shopping scene: it is an attractive pedestrianised street, flanked by small shops and cafes and is a good place to sip sangria and people watch for those not interested in shopping. More extensive shopping can be found in nearby Malaga.

Things to do in Torremolinos

Most holidaymakers come to Torremolinos to spend idle days on one of its beautiful beaches and nights partying in the many nighttime entertainment venues. The largest and most popular beaches are Playa La Carihuela and Playa El Bajondillo, both offering safe swimming and all sorts of water sports. Bars and cafés along the promenade offer respite and refreshment away from the sun. The nearby water park, Aqualand Torremolinos, is a great family day out, as is the nearby Crocodile Park. Bull fights at the Plaza de Toros are another exciting activity. Although not famous for its cultural attractions, Torremolinos offers some pleasant historic neighbourhoods in La Cariheula, and a few other attractions, including the Pimentel Tower, Battery Park, and the Pablo Ruiz Picasso Cultural Centre. The spectacular hilltop town of Ronda is also worth a visit for those wanting to escape the beach for a day.

Things to be aware of in Torremolinos

Tourists are regularly pestered by salesmen selling everything from trinkets to timeshare apartments in Torremolinos. The centre of the resort is fairly run-down in places; the suburbs of Benalmadena and Fuengirola are cleaner, friendlier and cheaper.

Dining in Torremolinos

Torremolinos is packed with restaurants catering for the tourist trade and menus, usually in a few languages, offer good international staple dishes such as fish and chips, steak, pasta and schnitzel. Popular options include Kate's Cottage and Bistro Europa. However, some excellent Spanish restaurants are also around, particularly those serving tapas. The best seafood restaurants are in the fisherman's district of La Carihuela, which has been relatively undisturbed by high-rise hotels and has retained its Andalucian coastal charm. The upmarket harbour at Puerto Banus is only ten miles (16km) along the coast and is packed with good restaurants overlooking rows of expensive-looking yachts. For something a little different try The Carvery (Italian), The Kathmandu Nepali Indian Restaurant (Indian), and Shang Hai Restaurante Chino (Chinese).


La Playa de la Caleta, Cadiz
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Cadiz, founded in 1100 BC on a peninsula 76 miles (122km) south of Seville as a Phoenician trading post, is said to be the oldest inhabited city in western Europe and is a very popular holiday destination. Cadiz had to wait, however, until the 16th century before it came into its own as a launching point for journeys to the newly discovered lands of the Americas. From here Columbus set out on his second voyage. Sir Francis Drake later famously raided the city, as did Napoleon. The city's Old Town is picturesque and Moorish, with cobbled streets and squares presided over by the golden cupola of the Cadiz Cathedral. There is a gallery displaying some of Goya's works, and some lush parks on the headlands which offer panoramic views of the bay. The city is also home to some of Spain's loveliest beaches, including La Playa de la Caleta, situated between two castles of the Old Town, and La Playa de la Victoria, which is the most visited by holidaymakers due to its safe bathing and water sports. Cadiz is a fantastic destination for those keen to combine a lazy beach holiday with a wealth of cultural and historical diversions.

Nightlife in Cadiz

Cadiz has a lively nightlife scene, with something for everyone, from laid-back beach bars serving tapas and ambient music to all-night clubs. The foundation for most evenings out is laid by tapas and sundowners, and the practice of botellón, which involves buying your own alcohol and drinking while strolling the plazas or the beach. The main nightclubs are on Playa Victoria beachfront, and tend to open around 10pm. The most popular club in town, from 4am when it opens, is El Hoyo on Calle Manuel Rancés.

Shopping in Cadiz

Cadiz is an ancient city and a popular holiday destination with all the shopping opportunities one would expect. Some great shops can be found on Calle Pelota, Calle Compania, Calle San Francisco and the Plaza de Candelaria. A great place for quality Andalucian items such as ceramics and leatherwork is Belle Epoque, close to the Museo de Cadiz. For incredible local foods, travellers should go to Hecho in Cadiz. There are excellent food markets at Mercado Central de Abasto (the Central Market), La Merced and San Jose where high-quality wine, sausages, and cheeses can be bought.

Things to do in Cadiz

Travellers should take a tasting tour along the Jerez wine route, or stroll the cobbled stone alleys of the beautiful ancient Old Town. They can also visit Puerto del Cabrito for a view across the Straits of Gibraltar to Africa. Ancient archaeological remains are strewn all over the Old Town of Cadiz, including a Roman Theatre behind the cathedral, and the forts of San Sebastian and Santa Catalina are open to visitors. Tourists should also be sure to include on their holiday itinerary a trip to the town's cathedral and the Fine Arts and Archaeology Museum. Kite surfing in Tarifa is a popular activity in Cadiz, and many other water sports are on offer. There is so much to see and do!

Things to be aware of in Cadiz

Cadiz is a well-developed city and a hugely popular tourist destination and is therefore not suitable for those wanting a quiet holiday or looking to experience a traditional Spanish village.

Dining in Cadiz

The city boasts numerous great restaurants and a wide variety of cuisines, catering to all budgets and palettes. They say that Cadiz is home to the best fried fish in the world, and the best in town can reputedly be found at Las Flores Freideria on Plaza Topete.

Costa Dorada

Photo credit: Provincial Government of Tarragona Tourism Board
Situated on the Costa Dorada's sun-drenched coast, 50 miles (80km) west of Barcelona and six miles (10km) west of Tarragona, the popular holiday resort town of Salou is hard to beat for a fun family vacation. It is fairly spread out and merges with the neighbouring resorts of La Pineda to the east and Cambrils to the west, all of which benefit from the string of wonderful clean, sandy beaches and secluded rocky coves. As well as the natural attractions, Salou is also packed with entertainment for all ages, including numerous water sports, an aqua park, go-karting and the PortAventura Theme Park, one of Europe's most thrilling theme parks, formerly owned by Universal. Sightseers interested in museums or ancient history will find plenty to occupy them in nearby Tarragona, or on excursions into the countryside. Salou's seafront promenade is set with beautifully landscaped gardens and parks; fountains are lit up at night when holidaymakers stroll to the restaurants, nightclubs, bars and British-style pubs.

Nightlife in Salou

Holidaymakers looking for a good night out in Salou will find plenty of fun bars, including popular options like Christy's Irish Bar, 007 Bond, Double Scotch or Charlie Chaplin's. The nightlife is varied, with flamenco venues, nightclubs and discos, but it may still be a a bit quiet for those meaning to do some serious partying. Luckily, Barcelona is under an hour away by train and well worth a visit for an energetic and atmospheric night out.

Shopping in Salou

There is a good selection of souvenir and fashion stores in Salou, and holidaymakers who want to enjoy more extensive shopping can hop on a train and travel to the renowned shopping paradise of Barcelona, just 40 minutes away. Self-caterers will easily find all they need within the resort and there is a flea market in the old town centre of Salou on Mondays.

Things to do in Salou

Even the most hyperactive child can be kept amused for weeks in Salou. Water sports such as banana boating and windsurfing can be arranged at the main beach and the PortAventura Theme Park can provide entertainment for two days or more, while the go-kart track and the aqua park in Pineda are also great fun for holidaymakers of all ages.

Things to be aware of in Salou

The beaches in Salou can get very crowded in July and August; however, quieter beaches and empty coves can be found nearby.

Dining in Salou

Eating out is relatively cheap and although many places cater to holidaymakers and British palates with international stables and pub grub, there are also plenty of good Spanish seafood restaurants and traditional tapas bars. There are Chinese and Italian restaurants as well for those wanting some variety.

Costa Dorada

Photo credit: Provincial Government of Tarragona Tourism Board
With over three miles (5km) of golden shoreline, Sitges is the perfect weekend break for tourists wishing to experience Spanish resorts without straying too far from Barcelona. One of the most popular holiday resort towns south of Barcelona, Sitges is 21 miles (45km) from the city. With more than 17 sand beaches, many of them with EU Blue Flag status, it is easy to see why Sitges has been called the 'Playground of Barcelona'. Renowned for its nightlife, Sitges attracts thousands of holidaymakers, including many young day trippers from Barcelona. The city is gay-friendly, expensive, and decidedly arty, said to be the town where the modernist movement began when it attracted artists such as Santiago Rusinol and Salvador Dali. Rusinol's home in the town has been turned into a museum, displaying some of his works. Beachgoers and holidaymakers in Sitges can enjoy a number of activities and sights in and around the town. It also plays host to the popular Sitges Film Festival, which specialises in fantasy and horror film genres. Most people visit Sitges primarily for the beautiful sandy beaches. Between the church at one end of the town and the Terramar Hotel at the other extremity there are nine breakwaters, each sheltering gently sloping golden beaches equipped with showers, refreshment kiosks, and sunloungers for rent.

Nightlife in Sitges

Sitges caters for all tastes but the gay community is particularly prominent and the local Gay Pages booklet publishes a monthly list of some of the most hip and happening pink parties and clubs in Sitges. Other popular nightspots include Trailer, for its weekly foam parties, Organic and Atlantida. There are numerous pubs and bars to choose from. Being so close to one of Europe's top party cities, many Sitges holidaymakers choose to party in Barcelona on weekends, particularly on Saturday nights.

Shopping in Sitges

Shopping in Sitges generally revolves around a number of small boutique shops and a range of designer stores such as United Colours of Benetton, Lacoste and Adolfo Dominguez. Most shops in Sitges are located along Calle Major and Calle Francesc. Shops are open from 10am until 8pm with a siesta break at around 2pm. Supermarkets in Sitges stock all the groceries and food items that holidaymakers would need for a fun beach vacation. Buying your groceries from shops located close to the beach is more expensive, while the larger supermarkets towards the back of the town are more reasonably priced. Many visitors to Sitges prefer to shop at the local markets, such as the food market next to the train station.

Things to do in Sitges

With 17 excellent beaches to choose from, sunbathing is undoubtedly the main activity in Sitges. However, Sitges also offers all the usual water sports including jet skiing, surfing, scuba diving, windsurfing and kitesurfing. The resort also has a host of things to do away from the beach. Adventurous visitors can opt to go hiking, quad biking, skydiving or hang gliding. For the less active or more culturally inclined Sitges claims to be the birthplace of the modernist movement and the town has three museums eager to show off their works by Picasso and El Greco, among others. Visitors can take a stroll around the old town complete with beautiful Catalan architecture as well as many other treasures, including the 17th-century church located at the waterfront. Two worthwhile excursions are Garraf Natural Park and the scenic vineyards of Peñedes. There are also numerous festivals during the year, most notably Carnival (February - March), Corpus flower festival (June) and the Santa Tecla folklore festival (September).

Things to be aware of in Sitges

During the peak summer season, and Carnival at the beginning of year, Sitges can be crowded and expensive. Those travelling at this time will need to book well in advance. Sitges is also one of Europe's premier gay holiday destinations and there are many nude beaches; visitors of a more conservative disposition and those with young children should bear this in mind.

Dining in Sitges

Sitges has a fine selection of restaurant options and perhaps the most difficult part of dining out in the resort is choosing from the long list of fine dining options available. Mezzanine on Carrer de Espalter, Fragata and La Salseta have all garnered rave reviews. As with most Spanish coastal towns seafood and tapas are the dishes of choice, but diners should be wary of ordering seafood on a Monday as the catch may not always be fresh.

Caleta de Fuste

Caleta de Fuste
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Fuerteventura's busiest holiday resort has been built up around the town of Caleta de Fuste, also known as Castillo, about six miles (10km) south of the island's airport. The resort's horseshoe-shaped, gently sloping beach is man-made, covered with imported golden sand. Caleta de Fuste is a family orientated resort boasting a range of restaurants and bars. Holidaymakers at this Spanish resort town can enjoy the usual water sports and activities such as snorkelling, scuba diving, water skiing, surfing and going on fishing trips. The town is well equipped with a number of crèches as well as massage parlours and beauty salons for the few occasions when you're not on the beach. The resort is steadily growing in facilities and popularity, the latest addition being a golf course. Accommodation is mainly in apartment blocks. Caleta de Fuste's central location makes it a good base from which to explore the rest of the island, although there is little public transport and hiring a car is necessary for most excursions.

Nightlife in Caleta de Fuste

The resort has a varied nightlife, with after-dark entertainment including live music, dancing venues and activities like karaoke. For a good night out in Caleta de Fuste, stop in at Mappy's Bar. If visitors want to partake in the nightlife, it is a good idea to ensure that their accommodation is close to the town centre, as the ever-expanding nature of the resort can mean they are staying quite far from the entertainment hub.

Shopping in Caleta de Fuste

Caleta de Fuste is a well-equipped tourist hub with a decent selection of shops and boutiques. There is a new shopping complex near the golf course which has a cinema and bowling alley as well as some good shops. Tourists will be able to find all they need and indulge in some recreational shopping if the urge takes them.

Things to do in Caleta de Fuste

There are numerous water sports on offer, including boat trips, scuba diving and snorkelling, and even undersea excursions in a submarine. The waters of the region are renowned for their population of dolphins and turtles, an exciting prospect for visitors. Other activities include things such as golf, bowling and hiking. There is a castle in the main harbour area which was built in 1743, but otherwise not much in the way of historical or architectural attractions; however, there is great potential for excursions to nearby sites of interest if visitors can arrange transport.

Things to be aware of in Caleta de Fuste

Those who want to explore the island will find the resort conveniently situated, but the lack of reliable public transport can be frustrating.

Dining in Caleta de Fuste

The long main street of the town is lined with low-rise buildings containing several restaurants and bars, which provide a good selection for tourists. Caleta de Fuste's top-rated eateries include Fado Rock Steak House and Risto Pizza La Torre.


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Once just a tiny fishing village on the north coast of Fuerteventura, Corralejo's harbour now receives ferries full of day-trippers from Playa Blanca in Lanzarote every day of summer, and the town plays host to hundreds of holidaymakers who are drawn to spend a sunny, sandy holiday in the island's largest resort. Although tourism is booming and development is keeping pace, the little port still retains its charm. The fishing village as was is now surrounded by apartments and hotels, and the waterfront promenade is lined with cafes and restaurants. Just outside the resort is a protected nature reserve boasting miles of undulating sand dunes. The surrounding beaches are more than inviting and visitors to this Spanish resort town are spoilt for choice: the sheltered Playa la Clavellina, just near the harbour, is perfect for windy days; Playa del Medano, which joins to Playa de Viejo, is lovely; Playa del Pozo, located just outside of Corralejo, is popular with nudists; and Flag Beach, fronting the main hotels, is a great venue for kitesurfing and windsurfing. The spacious sandy stretches ensure that the beaches don't feel too crowded despite the area's popularity.

Nightlife in Corralejo

Most of the bars and restaurants in Corralejo are on the main street, Calle General Franco. There is a variety of bars and clubs, with everything from sports bars and karaoke to dance clubs and live music venues. The high street and town square have a number of quieter restaurants and lounges. The clubs close around 1am, but the bars often stay open later. Grab a copy of the free Fuerteventura Grapevine magazine for event listings and a nightlife guide.

Shopping in Corralejo

Corralejo is not a bad shopping destination, if visitors can drag themselves off the beaches and out of the restaurants. The main street, Calle General Franco, is flanked with shops selling everything from radios to surfboards, and sunscreen to luxury watches. There is a good craft market on Saturdays at the Caleta de Fuste where tourists can bargain for souvenirs.

Things to do in Corralejo

Among the activities to keep holidaymakers busy in Corralejo are a variety of water sports, tennis, glass-bottom boat trips, ferry trips to Lanzarote, jeep safaris, island tours, mountain biking and motorcycle tours. The Baku Waterpark and Golf complex is centrally located.

Things to be aware of in Corralejo

Corralejo can be quite expensive and travellers on a budget should take this into account before booking a holiday. Families should be aware that the beach area around Playa de Pozo is popular with nudists, and that there are sometimes strong ocean currents.

Dining in Corralejo

While in Corralejo, recommended eateries for holidaymakers include El Bribon, The Point Restaurant, El Pescador and the Taverna Los Piratas Bar Tapas. Individual eateries may come and go, but the waterfront promenade boasts numerous restaurants and cafes, many in charming converted historic houses, and as the resort expands the variety only increases. Corralejo's restaurants offer a wide choice, from good old English fish and chips to Mexican tacos or Indian curry. There is also a smattering of eateries serving up traditional Canarian cuisine and fresh seafood.

Cala d'Or

Cala Esmeralda, Cala d'Or
Photo credit: Spanish Tourist Board
Like most holiday resorts in Mallorca, Cala d'Or (Golden Cove) evolved from a local fishing village after its charms and idyllic setting were 'discovered', in this instance by a group of avant-garde artists who settled here in the 1930s. They built their white, flat-roofed houses around the picturesque fishing harbour, and soon the word spread. Cala d'Or became a desirable spot to have a holiday home, or at least a relaxing seaside vacation. The original village and harbour was situated in one of the small rocky coves with sandy beaches, called calas, which abound on Mallorca's east coast. The resort has now spread out to encompass several of these coves, all now beset with attractive hotels, apartment blocks and villas. It is a very chic resort, recommended for families because most establishments cater extremely well for children.

There are numerous adjacent smaller resorts and quaint villages clustered around the calasall along the southeast coastline, connected by a good bus service, which means visitors can make excursions to explore the delights of places like Cala Egos, Puerto Petro, Cala Mondrago, Cala Figuera, Cala Santanyi and Cala Llombarts. The Cala d'Or marina is the heart of the east coast resort area, attracting the fashionable yachting set.

Puerto Pollensa

Puerto Pollensa
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The sedate holiday resort of Puerto Pollensa stretches along a beautiful, sheltered, horseshoe-shaped bay lined with sandy beaches, set against the backdrop of the Boquer mountain range on the north coast of Mallorca. The resort has grown up around the scenic fishing port that serves the picturesque ancient Roman town of Pollensa, situated a few miles inland. Far quieter and more laid back than the exuberant resorts of Magalluf and Palma Nova, Puerto Pollensa and its near neighbour, the tranquil resort of Cala San Vicente, attracts families and couples. Holidaymakers generally take inclusive packages at the resort's family hotels, or rent sophisticated villas on the port's celebrated Pine Walk promenade. Cafes, restaurants and tourist shops line the promenade along with some elegant hotels, overlooking the wide sandy beach and the bay, dotted with the colourful sails of yachts. Those willing to make the effort to be up for sunrise are rewarded with a mesmerising sight as gentle waves lap the shore in the dawn light.

Nightlife in Puerto Pollensa

Like everything else in Puerto Pollensa, the scene after dark remains laid-back and quiet, with tourists and locals alike taking time for the traditional 'paseo' or stroll from the marina along the Pine Walk, as far as the elegant Illa D'Or hotel. After lingering over a delicious dinner most are content to watch the world go by from a pavement café or bar. There is entertainment offered by most of the hotels, but the main resort of Puerto Pollensa is not designed for the young clubbing set. Those wanting a party should travel to the nightclubs in neighbouring Alcudia, a few miles to the south. The old town and resort host plenty of festivals, when things get lively, like in January when bonfires are lit in honour of St Anthony, and in July when the patron saint is honoured with parades, concerts and plenty of dancing in the streets. In February an annual carnival is held, and during the second week of November celebrations centre on the annual trade fair.

Shopping in Puerto Pollensa

While Puerto Pollensa may not be a shopping paradise as such, it is very adequately supplied with shops and boutiques catering to the tourist trade and holidaymakers should enjoy a spot of souvenir shopping. It is the local markets, mainly, that delight shoppers in Mallorca, and one of the liveliest and biggest takes place every Sunday in the church square in the Pollensa old town. Stalls extend down the side streets, filled with a variety of goods from fresh fruits and vegetables to local crafts and carvings, leather goods, ceramics and lace. Market day in Puerto Pollensa itself is Wednesdays, when stalls are set up in the Church Square. The port is connected to the old town by a regular and frequent bus service.

Things to do in Puerto Pollensa

Puerto Pollensa offers all the usual water sports enjoyed by holidaymakers, with facilities and equipment available from various operators at the marina and along the beach. Glass-bottomed boat trips are available from the port. There are also opportunities for hiking along the scenic walking trails in the surrounding hills and mountains. Sightseeing in the port itself and the neighbouring old town, particularly on foot, is an interesting option. Excursions to the lighthouse at Cap Formentor, along a hair-raising but beautiful drive, are popular, as are trips to a number of other attractions on Mallorca. On the outskirts of the adjacent resort of Cala San Vicente there are ancient burial caves. The island is small, and no matter where you start from on Mallorca no destination is more than 75 miles (120km) away. Generally, though, most visitors come to Puerto Pollensa purely for relaxation on the magnificent beaches.

Things to be aware of in Puerto Pollensa

Negatives about Puerto Pollensa are expressed only by those who go anticipating bright lights and wild nightlife. The resort is quiet and the beaches uncrowded, even in the height of the season; most visitors are families with young children or older couples. Entertainment in most hotels is geared primarily towards children. Restaurants can be very pricey.

Dining in Puerto Pollensa

Clivia, Giardino, Ca'n Costa and Little Italy come highly recommended for holidaymakers dining out in Puerto Pollensa. The resort is known to have some of the best seafood restaurants on Mallorca. While this is undoubtedly so, there is also a wide selection of restaurants catering to all tastes, including British pub food, pizza, Chinese, local tapas and even a Kashmiri restaurant.

Sa Coma

Sa Coma in the sun
Photo credit: cgt
The purpose-built holiday resort of Sa Coma lies in the heart of Mallorca's popular east coast, sandwiched between lively Cala Millor and the restaurant-strewn seafront of S'Illot. S'Illot can be reached on foot, while a tourist tram connects to Cala Millor and its attractions. Sa Coma itself is largely frequented by British family groups on holiday, most opting for self-catering accommodation. The resort establishments cater particularly well for children, who make the most of the wide sandy beach with its broad shallow shelf of clear, blue water. The beach has European Blue Flag status for cleanliness, water quality and safety. The beach is fronted by a wide promenade lined with restaurants, bars and shops, many of them British owned. Another big plus for the children is the resort's proximity to the large safari-park at Cala Millor, where apes, gazelles, elephants and ostriches are among the animals that roam in a simulated natural environment and can be viewed from a safari bus.

Nightlife in Sa Coma

Being a family holiday resort, the nightlife in Sa Coma is not wild, entertainment being mainly hotel based. Neighbouring Cala Millor offers a more lively after-dark scene for those interested. One of the most popular evening spots nearby is Crazy Monkey, a relaxed Spanish-style cocktail bar, in S'Illot, where 'happy hour' lasts from 8pm to 11pm and then again from midnight to 2am. Other popular spots include Chaplins and La Havana.

Shopping in Sa Coma

Self-catering holidaymakers will find a good selection of food at the Caprabo hypermarket on the Avinguda de les Palmeres in Sa Coma. The resort and its neighbours have numerous shops and boutiques selling souvenirs and goods attractive to tourists. For a traditional market take the bus to the nearby town of Son Servera on Friday mornings, or to Manacor on Monday mornings.

Things to do in Sa Coma

There is plenty to do in Sa Coma and surrounds other than lounge on the beach, though this is the main reason most families choose to holiday here. Apart from a host of water sports (equipment and pedalo boats are for hire along the promenade) there are several 18-hole golf courses, tennis and squash courts, horse riding, mini-golf, bowling, go-karting, and mountain biking facilities. Children especially enjoy the Golf Paradis 54-hole mini golf course set among fountains, waterfalls and palm trees, and the Cala Millor safari park. The more energetic can climb up to the medieval watchtower on the headland at Punta de n'Amer, worth the 45-minute walk for the beautiful view afforded from the top, where there is a cafe for refreshments. Also on offer are several sightseeing boat trips and excursions to attractions on the island such as the Caves of Ham and Drac, with stalactites, stalagmites and an underground lake.

Things to be aware of in Sa Coma

Sa Coma is not a good choice for holidaymakers who are seeking bright lights and hectic nightlife, nor for those who find concentrations of children annoying. The beach can become rather crowded in the height of summer.

Dining in Sa Coma

Sa Coma offers a varied selection of good quality restaurants for holidaying visitors to enjoy, and just across the footbridge on the S'Illot seafront even more options are available. Hearty British food is the popular staple served at JJs. BiBaBo café and music bar on the S'Illot front mixes the best of British with some Spanish dishes for families wanting the best of both worlds. The top restaurant in town for Spanish and local cuisine is Lago, but this is expensive. A good alternative is the tapas bar next door, or Es Cuerot, which has excellent traditional food and a cellar or terrace venue to choose from. The frito mallorquin, lamb and vegetable stir-fry, is a speciality here.

Cala Millor

Cala Millor
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Cala Millor is the liveliest and largest holiday resort on Mallorca's rugged northeast coast. The name means 'better bay', which is indicative of its main attraction: a mile or more long stretch of sandy beach, which slopes gently into a crystal clear blue sea, protected at each end by rocky headlands. Sunbeds, parasols and pedalos can be hired for the day by sun seekers. The rest of the island's east coast is lined with inlets and coves, which are fun to explore. Cala Millor developed as a favourite destination with holidaymakers from one hotel, the Eureka, built in the 1930s, and is now a bustling enclave of high-rise hotels and apartment blocks, slowly merging into neighbouring resorts along the coast, fronted by a wide pedestrian promenade along its alluring beach. Adjacent to Millor, across the headland to the north, is the quieter and more traditional resort of Cala Bona, with a little harbour, while a few miles to the south is the well-known resort of Sa Coma.

Cala Millor is about 40 miles (70km) from the Son Sant Joan International airport near Palma, the capital, in the south of the island. The area, particularly favoured by German holidaymakers, is packed with shops, markets, entertainment venues, bars and restaurants to ensure non-stop fun in the sun. The resort is particularly well-suited for family holidays.

Nightlife in Cala Millor

Nightlife in Cala Millor is essentially low-key compared to some of Spain's well-known, rowdy holiday hotspots. A great deal of the evening entertainment is hotel-based, but those who like to be out and about will find plenty of fun at the numerous British bars, such as Cheers, which offer a variety of pursuits from karaoke to quiz evenings or bingo. The younger set is catered for by a few discos, the largest being Palace Q, which play a mix of Spanish and international music. The club scene, however, is not as boisterous as that to which the 18 to 30 crowd may be accustomed.

Shopping in Cala Millor

Holidaymakers will find that the pedestrian promenade that runs along the Cala Millor seafront is jam-packed with stores and stalls selling a multitude of souvenirs and tourist requisites, open until late in the evenings. Visitors will also find, however, that the selection is repeated over and over again in the different stores and variety is limited despite the amount of shops. A fun option for shopping enthusiasts is to head for Mallorca's markets where bargains such as lace tablecloths or leather goods can be picked up, after a bit of haggling. The closest markets to Cala Millor are Son Servera, held on Friday mornings, and Monacor on Mondays. Special buses are usually available for holidaymakers to reach the bigger markets, particularly those at Palma and Inca.

Things to do in Cala Millor

Cala Millor is designed primarily for a relaxing beach holiday, its seafront strewn with sunbeds and pleasant pavement cafes where one can sit back and watch the world go by. The beach is well supplied with all the popular water sports offered by local operators, and glass-bottom boat trips. The more energetic can enjoy strolling the promenade to the headlands and beyond, seeking out the creeks and coves of the lovely coastline. A little further afield there is a golf course, a waterpark and several other attractions including a safari park and the Drach underground caves, all accessible by bus.

Things to be aware of in Cala Millor

Visitors looking for a good party and clubbing-scene should look to other resorts as the nightlife is fairly limited in Cala Millor.

Dining in Cala Millor

There is a wide choice of restaurants scattered along the seafront promenade of Cala Millor, and around the fishing harbour at adjacent Cala Bona. Most are eclectic, serving a variety of dishes to cater for the tastes of hungry holidaymakers with others dedicated to international cuisine. Oxford Blue, Cafeteria Restaurante Bella Vista, Alahambra and Antonio Montoro are among Cala Millor's top-rated eateries for holidaymakers. Fast-fooders will find Burger King and KFC at hand.

Costa Brava

Almadraba beach, Roses
Photo credit: In Praise of Sardines
The largest holiday resort town on the north of the Costa Brava is the busy, crowded port of Roses, thought to have been founded by the ancient Greeks but sporting few remnants today of its long history besides a crumbling citadel and sections of city wall. Instead the harbour town, where once a handful of British sailors repulsed an attack by Napoleon, is now a mass of typical high-rise resort developments, rising in tiers from a busy harbour and a few miles of man-made sandy beach, abuzz with holidaymakers indulging in all kinds of water sports. There is an aquatic park, go-karts, numerous take-away and fast food restaurants, scuba centres, cruises from the harbour and many more tourist amenities. The town is the only beach resort in the region that faces west, making it famous for its sunsets over the Gulf of Roses. Roses is a large and popular resort with an energetic nightlife, some good restaurants and many beautiful beaches nearby. It is suitable for relaxed family holidays and popular with the 18 to 30 age group in search of sun, sand and a party.

Nightlife in Roses

Roses' nightlife is bustling, with every option from live flamenco music to thumping house clubs. New Orleans, in Avenida Clot dels Franquets Nord, is home to the most clubs, and popular venues include Octopussy, Picasso, and Chic. Roses hosts regular fiestas and festivals, on almost a monthly basis. The resort can be noisy at night due to all the revelry, but those wanting a quieter holiday can get accommodation a little further out from the central party hub.

Shopping in Roses

Most of the shops in Roses are concentrated near the beachfront area. There are a few good markets around the town centre selling locally made holiday souvenirs such as jewellery, leather goods, and fabric. The best market is held in Roses every Sunday. Although not considered a shopper's paradise, Roses certainly provides everything holidaymakers may need on a resort holiday.

Things to do in Roses

Although the town has lost much of its visible history, travellers will still find plenty of ancient cultural sites to visit, including the Citadel, which was built in 776 BC by the Romans. Roses is a haven for bird watching and other wildlife spotting, with several observatories and other animal centres in the area. Visitors can also see Salvador Dali's former home only 12 miles (19km) away, or visit the Dali Museum in Figueres. The man-made beaches offer opportunities to swim, snorkel, sail, or just lie on the beach and get that golden tan, while the surrounding Catalonian countryside has a great range of sightseeing attractions and is popular with hikers.

Things to be aware of in Roses

Some neighbouring beaches are nudist beaches and families travelling with children should take this into account before booking a holiday.

Dining in Roses

For many years Roses was famous for the celebrated El Bulli restaurant, generally considered one of the best restaurants in the world, but it has sadly closed. There are, however, still a number of good restaurants in Roses, which has a reputation as one of the better resorts as far as eating out is concerned. There are several traditional eateries serving excellent local Catalan cuisine; try the suquet de peix, a stew made from fresh fish and shellfish. The area around Xines Mulan has a range of cuisine from Mexican to Chinese food, and some steak houses.

Conil de la Frontera

Conil de la Frontera
Photo credit: amiro
Conil de la Frontera offers holidaymakers traditional Andalusian flavour, with cobbled streets, the whirl of flamenco dancing, authentic tapas bars and of course, glorious beaches. Popular with Spanish tourists, the resort is relatively quiet most of the year but comes alive in summer when it bustles with activity. There are also Moorish ruins to explore (though these are tucked away in the side streets and can be hard to find), chic shops to browse in, and plenty of excellent seafood restaurants to try. A number of activities are on offer in Conil de la Frontera for holidaymakers to enjoy, including diving, surfing, tennis, golf and of course, sun tanning and swimming. The town also has a lively nightlife, with a good selection of bars and cafés, and there are numerous fiestas throughout the year to enjoy. Conil de la Frontera is the perfect resort for those seeking an authentic Spanish experience, and remains largely undiscovered by the package tourist, for now.

Roquetas de Mar
Costa Almeria

Cabo de Gata Natural Park
Photo credit: Hector Garcia
The popular holiday resort town of Roquetas de Mar, one of the major resorts in Costa de Almeria, was once a sleepy, picturesque fishing village, dating from Roman times, and it still retains its warren of Moorish alley-like streets and pretty aspect of white-washed houses ascending the hillside. Hotel and apartment complexes, however, are beginning to dominate the skyline especially along the long, sandy beaches adjacent to the village. Tourism is big business along the holiday strip in Roquetas de Mar, with shops selling local crafts jostling with numerous restaurants and bars, and myriad activities on offer from horse riding to scuba diving or sailing. Roquetas has an 18-hole golf course (at Playa Serena), a bull ring and a specially designated nudist beach. Those interested in history will enjoy exploring the ruins of the medieval Castilla de Santa Ana and other fortifications in the area, and bird-watchers have a treat in store at the Las Marinas salt marsh and Punta Entinas beaches a few miles south of the village, where flamingos, egrets and avocets gather. The resort is popular with both Spanish and foreign tourists and the spacious beaches ensure that it feels less over-crowded than many other Spanish beach resorts.

Nightlife in Roquetas de Mar

There isn't much of a nightclub culture in Roquetas de Mar, but the hotels offer a variety of entertainment for a low-key night out, including live music and shows. The Teatro Auditorio hosts classical music and dance performances. A few hotels have their own discotheques, including the dancing rooms at the Sabinal and Zoraida hotels. The Bull Ring also offers live entertainment. M25 is a popular British themed sports pub for tourists.

Shopping in Roquetas de Mar

Shopping in Roquetas is aimed at tourists, with the usual souvenir options like postcards, t-shirts, and beachwear. There are a few markets worth visiting, particularly the Thursday open-air market.

Things to do in Roquetas de Mar

Aside from the lovely beaches in Roquetas, there are interesting architectural and historical sites to visit, including the Our Lady of the Rosary Church and the Santa Ana Castle, as well as Roman ruins at the Torrequebrada archeological site. There are many scenic spots in the nearby reserves, including Punta de Entinas Sabinar Natural Park and Cabo de Gata Natural Park. Roquetas de Mar is also conveniently close to Almeria, which is worth a daytrip when holidaymakers get tired of the sun, sea and sand. Roquetas hosts a number of festivals throughout the year, including the Three Wise Men Parade in January, the Night of San Juan in June, and the Moragas in December.

Things to be aware of in Roquetas de Mar

Jellyfish tend to visit the shores of Roquetas de Mar which can make swimming and water activities difficult; the town has tried to put buoys and netting up to stop the jellyfish but tourists should still take precautions. Entertainment and nightlife is very low key.

Dining in Roquetas de Mar

Costa de Almeria is known for its fresh produce and seafood, and the port of Roquetas de Mar receives its fresh catch every morning. Visitors will find many great seafood restaurants and tapas bars on the promenade. There are a variety of international restaurants to suit tourists' tastes, but a great way to sample local cuisine is at one of the many tapas restaurants. British and American staples are easily found and the selection of restaurants should be more than sufficient for all tastes.

Costa Almeria

Adra\'s charming coastline
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The delightful holiday resort town of Adra, the western-most coastal town in the province of Almeria, is surrounded by magnificent beaches and is rich in history, having been founded in the 8th century. Adra remains a working fishing harbour and early-rising visitors enjoy the daily dawn fish auctions and dining out at the many tempting seafood restaurants. The clean, neat town centre with its many squares and parks is split by the attractive Paseo de Natalio Rivas promenade. Sights to see include the Church of the Immaculate Conception, the Partridge Tower (which houses the tourist office), an historic restored mill, and the town's museum. Adra boasts the Poniente blue flag beach among its stretches of beautiful sandy shore, attracting hundreds of holidaymakers each year. Adra is a quiet, relatively undiscovered holiday destination, less expensive than the more famous, established Spanish resorts, and is a great option for relaxed family holidays. The little town is said to get more than 360 days of sun a year, making it a reliable hub for a beach holiday even outside of the hot summer months.

Nightlife in Adra

Adra has no nightlife to speak of, although it is less than one hour away from Almeria where there are some clubs and bars for nighttime revelry.

Shopping in Adra

Apart from a couple of tourist shops selling suntan lotion and beach-themed souvenirs, there is no shopping to speak of in Adra. There are, however, frequent markets and the daily ritual of bargaining over the fishermen's catches. Those who fancy a shopping spree should make the short trip to Almeria.

Things to do in Adra

The whole point of coming to Adra is to do as little as possible, so most activities are centred on the three main beaches: Poniente, the largest of the three and situated west of the harbor; San Nicolas; and Censo. One can also visit the charming 16th-century Parish of the Immaculate Conception and Church of Our Lady of Angustias. In June various bonfire festivals are held around Adra, making this a festive time to visit. Alternatively, the Museum of Adra provides visitors with an extensive look into the history of the town. Next door to the museum visitors to Adra can view the Molino de Lugar, a beautifully restored mill originally built in 1772. A short trip from the beach is the San Sebastian Hermitage which holds statues of Adra's two patron saints, Nicholas de Tolentino and the Virgin of the Sea.

Things to be aware of in Adra

Although for many the laid-back and down-to-earth atmosphere of this sleepy resort town is its main appeal, Adra can be a little quiet and uneventful for those holidaymakers looking for a party.

Dining in Adra

Head to the tapas bars on Paseo de los Tristes in the town centre and along the beachfront. This is probably the tastiest and most authentic food in town. Restaurants are few and far between, and tend to be fairly expensive. Fresh seafood is the speciality. The cost of living in Adra is unusually low for Spain, and it is relatively cheap to buy fresh produce if visitors don't mind doing their own cooking.

Costa Almeria

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Undoubtedly the most romantic and picturesque holiday beach resort town in southeastern Spain, the white-washed houses and cobbled streets of Mojacar are sprinkled atop a hill overlooking pristine sandy beaches, washed by the warm Mediterranean. The unspoilt ancient Moorish fortress town of Mojacar has been a favourite with artists and writers for many years, and now attracts holidaymakers who fill up the hotels and villas which have proliferated along the nearby stretch of beach, fortunately not yet to the detriment of the town's appearance or beguiling atmosphere. The village centre is honeycombed with narrow casbah-like cobbled alleyways, which hide many quaint surprises, such as a Roman fountain pumping fresh spring water and the unusual fortified church of Santa Maria. Mojacar is the picture-perfect location for a beach holiday in Spain.

Nightlife in Mojacar

The area on Mojacar beach known as the Brit Strip has numerous pubs and British themed eateries. The best selection of Mojacar bars can be found along the sea front, which is lined with good beach bars, offering happy hours, free tapas and splendid beach views. The larger hotels have lively bars and are worth visiting on weekends for those seeking a big night out.

Shopping in Mojacar

The Commercial Centre is a large mall complex in the centre of town with every modern convenience. Adventurous and inquisitive tourists prepared to wander through the small alleyways of Mojacar will be richly rewarded. Many of the narrow streets have hidden treasures for dedicated shoppers, including small boutiques as well as a variety of holiday souvenir shops.

Things to do in Mojacar

Along the beachfront are various operators offering horse riding, sailing, windsurfing, fishing and scuba diving in the surrounding area. There are currently 11 excellent golf courses around Mojacar, three of which are championship quality. The old town of Mojacar Pueblo is well worth a visit for the old buildings and cobbled streets, while the waterpark in the nearby town of Vera is a fun family excursion.

Things to be aware of in Mojacar

This is a laid-back resort town with limited entertainment options for those wanting to spend their holiday in the town itself. The old town is accessible only by steep and narrow roads and is therefore unsuitable for people with mobility issues.

Dining in Mojacar

Mojacar's restaurant scene consists of a varied selection of international eateries that complement its excellent Spanish tapas bars and local seafood restaurants. Restaurante El Antler in Calle Enmedio has been getting great reviews for over 25 years. Children are always welcome in Mojacar restaurants. Famous local dishes include caldo de pescado (fish stew) and pelotas (meatballs wrapped in dark green cabbage leaves). Visit the nearby town of Garuccho to sample their locally caught red shrimp.

Lloret de Mar
Costa Brava

Lloret de Mar
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The historic buildings may have given way to high-rise hotels, and fishing to foam parties, in this former Catalonian trading port, but the region's fiery spirit is still evident, which is why Lloret de Mar is regarded as the liveliest holiday spot on the Costa Brava. As a resort, the town caters mainly for the 18 to 30 age group but is also popular with families with older children. There are seemingly hundreds of British bars, discos and clubs to choose from, and the days are packed with programmes of beach frolics and fun. The resort has five rough sandy beaches, a massive water park, an aquatic zoo and a theme park. For a taste of the real Spain visitors can revel in the local cuisine or gather in the town's Placa de la Vila on Saturday evenings to join in when locals dance the traditional Catalonian Sardana dance.

Nightlife in Lloret de Mar

The nightlife in the holiday resort of Lloret de Mar is exhilarating, with its hundreds of bars and 30-odd nightclubs pulsating all night, particularly along the Avinguda Just Marles I Vilarrodona strip of the old town. Night owls who stroll along here in the late evening are accosted by touts offering free tickets and drinks vouchers for the clubs, and partying here can be as cheap as it is lively. Among the more popular clubs and pubs are Bumpers, renowned for its Caribbean cocktails and glass dance floor; Moby's, where karaoke is the popular entertainment; and Tropics, the biggest and best nightclub in town where guest DJs rock the night with a mix of house, rock and trance music enhanced with laser lights and foam. Families opt for friendly 'home-style' pubs in the suburb of Fenals, where kids are entertained and the favourite English soap operas are screened.

Shopping in Lloret de Mar

There are a multitude of shops and markets to choose from in Lloret de Mar, and plenty of time for holidaymakers to browse, provided they can bear to leave the beach. The main shopping enclaves, from malls to small kiosks, are centred in the streets behind the waterfront. Wares tend to be touristy items, from souvenirs to bathing suits, and prices are generally reasonable although quality may be lacking. Some of the smaller shops close in the early afternoon hours and on Sundays, but in general visitors can shop happily from around 9am until late at night any day of the week during the busy summer season. The traditional local market is held every Tuesday on the Carrer dels Mestres, and there is a municipal market every weekday in the Carrer Senia del Rabic and Carrer Verge de Loreto.

Things to do in Lloret de Mar

Days are usually spent enjoying Lloret de Mar's seafront and the shingly beach that slopes sharply into the sea, making ideal conditions for a variety of water sports for holidaymakers to enjoy, from lazily pedalling boats, skimming the surface on a windsurfer, or scuba diving into the depths. Other diversions include a host of holiday activity facilities like go-karts, bungee jumping, a mini-train, a bowling alley and horse riding. For a change of scene visitors can head off to the Waterworld aquatic park, or play a round of golf at nearby Santa Cristina de Aro. Most visitors opt for one or more sightseeing excursions during their stay: local operators, hotels and package tour companies offer a wide variety of outings from exploring Old Girona to coastal cruises and wine tasting in the Catalan countryside. Most popular are trips to the huge theme park at Salou and Marineland near Blanes, both a few hours drive away. Those who wish to get away from it all can opt for one of a series of mapped walks along the coast or to traditional villages inland.

Things to be aware of in Lloret de Mar

The beach is comparatively small and becomes very over-crowded in the height of the season.

Dining in Lloret de Mar

There is a wide variety of cuisine available in a plethora of restaurants and fast-food outlets at Lloret de Mar, from the best of British to traditional tapas, at very reasonable prices and generally good quality. Favourites with holiday-makers are strawberries and cream, Sangria (fruited sparkling wine) and delicious dishes of paella (seafood risotto). Many of the local restaurants in the old town offer a 'menu of the day' deal including two courses, dessert, bread and even wine for a few Euros. There are also Tex-Mex, Chinese and various other flavours to indulge in.

Tossa de Mar
Costa Brava

Platja Gran, Tossa de Mar
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Once a haven for writers and artists, Tossa de Mar is now a favourite holiday destination for families and couples. People from all walks of life are drawn to this attractive town on the Costa Brava to eat, drink, and relax. Tossa de Mar's picturesque cobbled old town, the medieval Vila Vella, is highly atmospheric, enabling this resort to retain its historic atmosphere and authentic feel. An ancient Roman fortress overlooks the bay, providing gorgeous views. The sandy beaches are beautiful and the town's position allows for easy access to other coastal resorts and the scenic hinterland. Although well supplied with shops, bars, and restaurants, Tossa de Mar is not ideal for all-night partying and there is no nightclub scene. However, Barcelona is only 56 miles (90km) away and an ideal destination for those wanting to experience the energetic Spanish nightlife.

Nightlife in Tossa de Mar

Tossa de Mar doesn't have a wild nightlife culture for young singles; however, there are plenty of bars and restaurants for a more relaxed night out. Many restaurants host live music and stay open past midnight during the summer tourist season. Bars such as Ardilla or Tahiti are good venues to find Spanish music such as rumba or flamenco, and Trinquet is the place to go for acid jazz. Other places such as Chaplin's and The Mediterraneo are popular with British tourists.

Shopping in Tossa de Mar

Shopping in Tossa de Mar offers a selection of Spanish souvenirs, including ceramics, leather goods, and clothing. Most shops are open from 10am to 8pm, closing briefly for siesta in the afternoons. For true bargain hunters, the duty-free shopping of Andorra is only an hour away by car, and the wonders of Barcelona are also easily reached.

Things to do in Tossa de Mar

Boat trips, snorkelling, and scuba diving, and boat trips are some of the most popular activities in Tossa de Mar. There are three beautiful beaches: Platje Gran, Mar Menuda, and Cadolar. The nearby Lloret de Mar resort offers more active pursuits such as waterskiing, jet skiing, and parasailing. However, the winding cobbled streets of Tossa de Mar are also worth exploring if visitors can drag themselves away from the ocean. There are a few historical buildings and ruins around the city, and a museum that has some paintings by Chagall, who spent time in Tossa de Mar. About 18 miles (30km) from Tossa de Mar is Marineland, which has animal shows, waterslides, and a children's zoo.

Things to be aware of in Tossa de Mar

Tossa de Mar's popularity in summer means it can be extremely hard to find accommodation unless booked well in advance. During low season it can be very quiet, with not much of a nightlife.

Dining in Tossa de Mar

The prices at restaurants in Tossa de Mar tend to go up the closer you get to the beach. With over 300 places to eat in Tossa de Mar, there are a range of cuisines to choose from, including tapas, traditional Spanish cuisine, and various international offerings. Tursia, La Luna, Restaurant Pizzeria Bar Lluis, and L'Ajustada all come highly recommended in Tossa de Mar for good food.

Costa Brava

Photo credit: Spanish Tourist Board
The most southerly holiday resort on the Costa Brava, Blanes not only attracts international tourists but is also frequented by large numbers of Spanish holidaymakers. Like many Spanish coastal resorts Blanes has grown from a picturesque fishing village into a tourist boomtown. The resort has a two-mile (3km) long stretch of coastline offering sandy bays and rocky coves. The main beachfront is lined with high-rise hotels and apartment blocks, but the historic centre of the town remains charmingly well-preserved, making Blanes a refreshing combination of commercial development and authentic Spanish culture. The alleyways of the old town reveal numerous shops, restaurants and cafes, and reminders of its past include the medieval castle of St Joan, several churches and some other ancient buildings, which attract hundreds of holidaymakers each year. The pride of the town are the two renowned botanical gardens, which boast thousands of plant species. Blanes also offers traditional street markets, several fiestas and folk dancing fairs. It is a testament to its abiding charm that it attracts locals as well as foreign visitors.

Nightlife in Blanes

Although Blanes is not known for its nightlife, there are several British-themed pubs and some decent bars that stay open till late, especially in the summer months. For quality nightlife visitors should head up the coast to Lloret. That being said, at the end of July each year Blanes hosts the Costa Brava International Fireworks Contest, when the seaside town comes alive with fiestas lasting late into the night.

Shopping in Blanes

There are more than 700 shops in Blanes, from boutiques and supermarkets to small, traditional retailers. The Monday morning market at Passeig de Mar is the best place to buy souvenirs and various cheap clothing. Every afternoon, local fishermen sell off the day's catch here. The daily Municipal Market in Mas Enlaire is also worth a look for groceries and fresh produce. Blanes offers a variety of shopping opportunities and provides everything visitors may need.

Things to do in Blanes

Various boat trips allow visitors to explore the stunning rocky coastline, caves, coves and pristine beaches of Spain's Wild Coast, north of Blanes. Away from the beaches and beautiful interior, the historic centre of Blanes remains intact and provides various diversions for tourists. Travellers should visit the renowned Marimirtra Botanical Gardens and take the kids to Waterworld (Europe's biggest waterpark) near Lloret del Mar, or to Marineland, a short drive south of Blanes. Barcelona, 60miles (100km) south, is close enough for a day trip and offers myriad world-class attractions.

Things to be aware of in Blanes

On peak summer days the beach and promenade gets very crowded.

Dining in Blanes

There are more than 150 restaurants in Blanes, many located along the promenade. Locals tend to frequent the smaller eateries behind the promenade for authentic Spanish fare. Travellers should try the tapas at Cafe Terrassan near the corner of Passeig de Dintre, widely considered the best in town. In general, fresh seafood is the best bet to order, as are local Catalan dishes. There is also plenty of international food on offer though.


Kite-surfing in Tarifa
Photo credit: ardenswayoflife
The Spanish holiday destination of Tarifa is ideally located on the border of the Costa del Sol and Costa de la Luz, near the Strait of Gibraltar and a short ferry ride away from the exotic Moroccan city of Tangier. The popular beach resort town is famed for being the windsurfing capital of Europe: Atlantic winds create ideal conditions and kite surfing is also growing in popularity here, especially on the beaches of Playa Valdevaqueros and Playa Los Lances. Those who feel safer on land can try horseback riding, hiking, dolphin and whale watching, cycling, rock climbing and some of the region's best bird watching in Tarifa. The Moorish heritage of the area is evident in the preserved Castillo de Guzman and holidaymakers should visit the old part of the town to wander the narrow streets, shop, and enjoy one of the many great tapas restaurants. Don't expect the madness and mayhem of places like Torremolinos, nor the 'chips with everything' style resorts; Tarifa is a charming beach resort that offers authentic Spanish flavour and plenty of sunshine.

Costa Blanca

El Portet Beach, Moraira
Photo credit:
Nestled in a pretty bay on the southeast coast of Spain, the small Spanish resort town of Moraira is an oasis of traditional charm on the busy Costa Blanca, a favoured holiday spot and retirement haven. Moraira has grown from a small fishing village into an attractive resort surrounded by luxury villas without losing its Spanish character, which is entrenched in its impressive marina, variety of shops, colourful weekly markets, atmospheric old town, and waterfront restaurants and bars. The relaxed traditional ambience of Moraira is complemented by two main beaches with European Blue Flag status, separated by a promontory crowned with a medieval fortress. There are also plenty of sport and leisure facilities on offer. When it comes to holiday weather in Moraira, it is one of the best Spanish beach resorts claiming an average 325 days of sunshine a year, and temperatures that stay constantly pleasantly warm. Fresh sea breezes ensure that it is never sweltering in summer, and the surrounding mountains protect the town from the chilly winter winds.

This beach resort is easily accessible, being equidistant (about 62 miles/100km) by motorway from both Alicante and Valencia airports. For those who enjoy a taste of the high life, it is also within easy reach by car or bus of the busier, glitzier Costa Blanca resorts of Javea, Calpe and party-mad Benidorm. The countryside around the holiday destination of Moraira offers some lovely scenery dotted with unspoilt villages to explore.

Nightlife in Moraira

The nightlife of Moraira is considered sedate compared to some of the larger and flashier Spanish resorts, but the town buzzes happily after dark. Many of the restaurants offer live entertainment of some description, including flamenco dancing and karaoke, and there are one or two open-air dance venues. The main club for youngsters is the Costa Sur, just outside of town, which offers a range of entertaining evenings with foam parties, striptease and the like. Other Moraira nightlife options include Saxo Disco and the music pumping Algas Beach Bar. Those who holiday in Moraira during the months of April, June, July and November will catch lively fiestas full of local colour and tradition. Calatalud Drive in the old town is generally closed off during summer and fiesta nights.

Shopping in Moraira

There are no large supermarkets and shopping malls within the confines of the holiday resort of Moraira itself, but these can be found not far away in the approaches to the town and surrounding suburbs. In the main avenues of old Moraira, shoppers are well catered for with all manner of boutique stores selling local arts and crafts, souvenirs, holiday gear and bric-a-brac. The most fun to be had shopping, though, is at the Friday weekly market where the wares range from fresh fruit to leather goods, pottery and rugs. Good buys include wicker furniture, handbags and wrought iron objects. Serious shoppers can make expeditions to the larger resorts and towns nearby. The street market in Teulada, a few miles inland, is worth a visit.

Things to do in Moraira

Moraira's lovely beaches offer plenty of fun in the sun, with a wealth of water sports available. Local leisure facilities include golf courses and other sports such as tennis and squash. Several day excursions are on offer to places of interest, such as the mountain-top fortress of Guadalest, Europe's largest palm forest, and the nearby ancient city of Murcia. Families enjoy the Moraira go-kart track, or an outing to the Aqualandia water park near the large resort of Benidorm.

Things to be aware of in Moraira

There are no huge nightclubs or discos in Moraira and the clubbing scene is fairly low key when compared with other Spanish beach resorts in the Costa Blanca region.

Dining in Moraira

Despite being relatively small, central Moraira is equipped with numerous good quality restaurants, several of them Michelin starred, offering great value for money. Being a fishing community with an active fishing fleet that brings home a catch each day it follows that fresh seafood forms the base of the local cuisine, and many of Moraira's restaurants offer this in delicious abundance. For a budget meal, Visitors should look out for the menu del dia (menu of the day) offered by many restaurants, usually consisting of different courses with wine and coffee for a set price. 'Workman's specials' also feature on some menus, offering good value. Most Spanish bars serve tapas selections during the day, good for a satisfying local snack meal. Those with diverse tastes will find a variety of international cuisines among the local establishments, from English fish and chips to Greek delights, and Indian curry to pizza.

Costa Blanca

Javea, Costa Blanca
Photo credit: Spanish National Tourist Board
Reflecting the tranquil ambience of Valencia coupled with the sun-and-fun atmosphere of Spain's popular Costa Blanca coast, Javea is a pretty holiday resort town set between the capes of San Antonio and La Nao, about 50 miles (80km) northeast of Alicante. Fronted by the bright blue Mediterranean Sea, and backed by the conical Mount Montgo, the narrow streets of the historic town centre are filled with wrought iron balconies and stone porticoes, while the surrounding developments have been carefully controlled to ensure no high-rise modern concrete buildings impose on the serenity of the landscape.

The old town is situated a mile or so inland because its inhabitants feared the incursions of pirates in days of yore. The waterfront of Javea centres around the working fishing port of Aduanas de Mar and the adjacent busy marina. The promenade is lined with good seafood restaurants, boutiques and pavement cafes. The most popular beach, Arenal, is a long, sandy stretch with safe bathing, and it is just one of the many sandy bays and coves to be enjoyed along the coastline.

Several times a year Javea lets its hair down with a lively fiesta. The best known, and most enjoyed by visitors, is the 'Moors and Christians' celebration, when locals re-enact the Moorish landings on the coast and the recapture of the peninsula by Christian defenders. During the second half of July the town is enveloped in an orgy of feasting, street parades, dancing, music and fireworks.

Nightlife in Javea

Holiday visitors in pursuit of a hectic holiday nightlife may well be disappointed with Javea, where activity after dark is limited to the strumming of Spanish guitars in a few restaurants and bars, or the odd flamenco show, even during the height of the summer season. A few British bars offer football, pool tables and sometimes karaoke nights. There are one or two discreet discotheques open during summer in the Arenal area. For a rollicking night out visitors will have to travel to the larger, more frenetic resorts nearby, particularly Benidorm.

Shopping in Javea

The port area offers some interesting boutique shopping opportunities for holidaymakers, while along Arenal Beach holidaymakers are well catered for with kiosks and shops selling all the trappings from sunscreen to souvenirs. In Javea's old town there is a daily indoor covered market, mostly stocking fresh produce, and on Thursdays the weekly outdoor market on the Place de la Constitution is an entertaining experience, with street performers spicing up the variety of wares on offer on hundreds of stalls. Browse for all manner of things from fresh fish to leather sandals, toys and juicy Valencia oranges and 'churros' (similar to donuts). The sprawling suburban area around Javea, which connects to other resorts along the Costa Blanca, is well supplied with shopping malls and modern supermarkets. Smaller shops tend to close for siesta from around 2pm to 5pm, but stay open late in the evenings. Larger chain stores and supermarkets remain open all day until late at night.

Things to do in Javea

A holiday in Javea is mainly about relaxing on the beach or beside the pool, but there are water sports facilities on Arenal Beach and at the port, and golf courses in easy reach, including the Javea Golf Club surrounded by orange and lemon groves. Local sightseeing includes a few interesting old churches and an archaeological museum. Visitors can also enjoy walks up the Cabo de Nao from the harbour, for a breathtaking view of the bay. Families are advised to hire a car in order to make excursions to the numerous entertaining theme parks and water parks in the area, most less than half an hour's drive away.

Things to be aware of in Javea

Javea is a sedate resort with limited nightlife and entertainment options.

Dining in Javea

The holiday destination of Javea offers some fantastic eateries including Karma Lounge Restaurant, Pizzeria Pepa, Restaurante Masena and La Boheme. The port area of Javea is a popular dining spot, with a host of restaurants offering a variety of cuisines situated along the waterfront, where it is possible to enjoy anything from pizza to paella with a view of the harbour or beach. The old town is less well supplied with restaurants, but those that do inhabit its narrow streets are cheaper than the more touristy areas. The area fronting Arenal Beach is where most tourists congregate to dine out, and the choice is vast, ranging from Burger King to Chinese food. The majority of establishments cater for all tastes, offering an international selection on their menus.

Palma Nova

Palma Nova
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Together with its neighbour, Magaluf, the island resort of Palma Nova, on the southwest coast of Mallorca, makes up the most popular holiday area on the island, situated a few miles west of the capital, Palma, and the Palma Mallorca Airport (Airport Son Sant Joan). Most visitors to Palma Nova come on package tours from the UK, intent on enjoying an entertaining, fun-in-the-sun vacation in a 'home-from-home' setting. Few are disappointed because the purpose-built resort offers all they need and more, from beautiful beaches to a wild nightlife. The three sandy beaches of the holiday strip, Es Carregador, Playa de Palma Nova and Son Maties, are backed by a long promenade and have European Blue Flag status. Palma Nova is divided from Europe's famed party capital, Magaluf, by a rocky headland, but the resorts are basically merged into one conglomerate of hotels and apartments offering a range of accommodation from budget self-catering to luxury suites. Palma Nova is known as the quieter section of this hedonistic seaside development, and therefore more suited to families. Many Palma Nova hotels offer discounted rates during off-peak but a fair amount of the bars and nightclubs in the resort are closed during winter.

Nightlife in Palma Nova

Some of Palma Nova's bars have discos, live acts or TV (football and UK soaps) for holidaymakers to enjoy. Palma Nova and Magaluf have virtually merged, making the choice and range of nightclubs and bars even greater. In Palma Nova itself, tourists wanting a pub-type bar should go to Willows, while those after music bars and clubs can choose from Banana Joes, Papis and Ruby Tuesdays. Magaluf is the more party-orientated resort and has a more energetic nightlife.

Shopping in Palma Nova

Holidaymakers who prefer not to stray too far from their accommodation and the beach will be able to find all they need in the commercial centre of Palma Nova, which is liberally sprinkled with convenience stores, souvenir shops, gift shops, camera and electrical goods stores, a chemist and clothing outlets. For variety it is easy to take a stroll across to neighbouring Magaluf, which has even more tourist-oriented retail outlets. Serious shoppers can catch a bus or taxi into Palma, Mallorca's capital, which is famed for its excellent shopping, or visit one of the lively markets in the nearby towns and villages. For anything from gifts and souvenirs to delicious cheeses, olive oil and lively bargaining banter there is a weekly market held in nearby Andratx every Wednesday.

Things to do in Palma Nova

Palma Nova offers numerous pursuits to entertain young and old, making it an ideal family holiday resort. All manner of water sports and boat trips are available on the clean, safe beaches and there are plenty of sports facilities, particularly golf courses, in the vicinity. The resort's most popular attraction is an intriguing mini-golf course, called 'Golf Fantasia', with 50 holes in a tropical setting. There is also a giant waterpark adjacent to Magaluf, a Wild West theme park, a go-kart track, and a marine park featuring dolphins and sea lions a short distance away. Most holidaymakers opt to hire a car or moped to make excursions around the island taking in all the things to do and see on Mallorca. The Palma Nova resort is also connected by a frequent, cheap bus service to the historic island capital of Palma.

Things to be aware of in Palma Nova

Palma Nova, although not as busy as Magaluf, is a close second. Beaches and streets can be crowded and congested in peak season, and this is not the place to seek out peace and quiet. Clubs often have touts or reps encouraging patrons to choose their establishment; these PRs are sometimes seen as a nuisance.

Dining in Palma Nova

Palma Nova has some of the best restaurants on Mallorca. Great eateries in this Spanish resort town include Maritimo, Natalies, Real Dion, Modigliani and the unimaginatively named Palmanova. The long promenade that stretches along the three beaches of Palma Nova is lined with dozens of good restaurants offering British, Chinese, French, Italian and Mexican cuisine. The resort also bristles with fast food outlets of all descriptions. Several Spanish bars serve up tapas snacks during the day, and of course there are plenty of seafood eateries to choose from in Palma Nova.

Los Cristianos

Los Cristianos harbour
Photo credit:
The popular holiday resort of Los Cristianos lies in a sheltered bay in the southwest corner of the island of Tenerife, merging into the more glitzy purpose-built resort of Playa de las Americas. Los Cristianos has burgeoned into a modern package-tour resort from its origins as a sleepy Canarian fishing village, but has managed to retain some of its traditional feel, despite the plethora of modern hotels, shopping centres and apartment blocks. The focal point of the resort is its working harbour, fronted by a square surrounded with restaurants, and sandy beaches encircling a crescent-shaped bay backed by a long, wide promenade that stretches to neighbouring Playa de las Americas. The old town centre stretches from the port up to the main shopping street in a grid-like pattern of pedestrianised streets, still inhabited by many local people. The resort's best beach is man-made, the Playa de las Vistas, covered in sand imported from the Sahara. Being just a few minutes away by cheap taxi from las Americas resort allows holidaymakers in Los Cristianos to enjoy a more sedate stay, while still able to access the bright lights and entertainment facilities of the more boisterous neighbour, especially when it comes to nightlife.

Nightlife in Los Cristianos

Los Cristianos is very well supplied with fun pubs, some discos and a few nightclubs, but holidaymakers will notice that the nightlife here is nowhere near as wild and exciting as it is next door in Playa de las Americas. Taxis are plentiful and available round the clock, however, so there is no problem popping off to join in the unadulterated partying in nearby lively spots like Veronicas and The Patch, which are usually jumping and pumping until 6am or so. Those who prefer a more sedate evening will be happy to sit back and unwind at a waterfront bar in Los Cristianos, watching the world go by and perhaps enjoying some live music.

Shopping in Los Cristianos

One of the joys of holidaying in Tenerife is indulging in duty-free (or low-duty) shopping, and Los Cristianos and surrounds boasts a multitude of shops where it is easy to spend liberally on perfumes, tobacco, electrical goods, cameras and designer clothing. Handcrafts and cultured pearls are also popular buys for souvenir hunters, but these are best sought in reputable stores rather than from seafront hawkers. Local supermarkets stock familiar British brands, particularly those in the large San Eugene Centre. A tourist street market is held in Los Cristianos every Sunday near the Hotel Arona Gran, where most of the merchandise consists of cheap and cheerful Spanish tourist souvenirs, but there is fun to be had in haggling.

Things to do in Los Cristianos

'Never a dull moment' could be a phrase coined to suit the southern holiday resort area of Tenerife island, where entertaining attractions and activities abound. The beaches of Los Cristianos are bristling with water sports opportunities, from jet skiing and windsurfing to scuba diving and banana boat rides. The busy little port is the embarkation point for ferry and hydrofoil trips to the nearby islands of La Gomera, La Palma and El Hierro, as well as boat trips for dolphin and whale viewing. In the immediate vicinity of the resort there are waterparks, an 18-hole golf course and facilities for go-karting, bowling, bungee-jumping, horse and camel riding. Several excursions are on offer, like trips to the capital, Santa Cruz, the Mount Teide National Park or the Tenerife Zoo.

Things to be aware of in Los Cristianos

Older visitors might have problems walking up the steep hills.

Dining in Los Cristianos

Los Cristianos has several top-rated eateries for holidaymakers, its trendiest being Piccolo, Bar El Cine, Plan B and Chill Out. Los Cristianos cannot be beaten for the quality and variety of eating establishments available throughout the day and night, from the ubiquitous English breakfast through midday fast-food snacks, to dinner from China, India, Mexico or anywhere else one cares to mention. There are also more traditional Spanish eateries and tapas bars.

Can Picafort

C\'an Picafort
Photo credit: Rover75 !
C'an Picafort is a relatively large holiday resort situated on the northeast coast of Mallorca on the lovely Bay of Alcudia, about an hour away from Palma. Like El Arenal, C'an Picafort is highly popular with German visitors, and due to those who have returned to live there, it retains a certain German flavour. The resort grew from a tiny fishing village (the remains of which can be seen in the town's working harbour) and today spreads along a grid of small streets near the principal beach.

Pedestrian-friendly, with a promenade perfect for evening strolls, the resort has become popular with those seeking a quiet beachside getaway, and hotels provide much of the resort's entertainment. There are several bars, restaurants and nightclubs, however, as well as plenty of shops and an excellent market on Fridays. C'an Picafort is right next to Son Baulo, which has its own beach, shops and restaurants and is a popular holiday destination in its own right.

Nightlife in Can Picafort

Although not generally considered a party hub, C'an Picafort does boast some nightclubs as well as some fun bars, and the hotels tend to provide vigorous entertainment schedules for those keen to take part. The longest running nightclub at the resort is Skau which is open every night during the summer season. Another nightlife hotspot in C'an Picafort is the western-themed bar Charly's.

Shopping in Can Picafort

C'an Picafort is not a shopper's paradise, but there is a good variety of little gift shops and visitors should be able to find everything they require on holiday. Most shops face onto the paved road lining the beach. The Caprabo shop on the Carreterra d'Arta-Port d'Alcudia road sells all things British for those missing the luxuries of home. Market days are Tuesday and Sunday, and while the market is small if visitors are prepared to bargain hard they can pick up some great souvenirs.

Things to do in Can Picafort

The excellent beach is the main draw for most visitors to C'an Picafort, but there some other distractions for those wanting some variety. There are several activities to indulge in during the day such as cruises, horse riding, jeep safaris, go-karting, mountain biking, various water sports, and excursions to neighbouring areas providing a more local Spanish flavour. Santa Margalida has more than 150 archaeological sites, including the Son Real Necropolis (also known as the Cemetery of the Phoenicians) that was used as a burial site from the Iron Age to Roman times. The nearby S'Albufera Wetlands Park offers excellent bird-watching opportunities, and a chance to enjoy the local flora and fauna. Another great way to spend the day is to take a bus trip to the busier resort of Puerto de Alcudia, or to Palma or Pollensa.

Things to be aware of in Can Picafort

There are few worthwhile attractions in town and for those wanting more than a beach-based holiday C'an Picafort can be a bit dull.

Dining in Can Picafort

There are numerous British-themed pubs and eateries, and an equal number of German and Scandinavian restaurants catering to the large number of visitors from those countries. For fine dining try Es Turo which is housed in a centuries-old building. The most popular style of eating for locals and visitors alike is tapas, provided at any café in town.

Santa Ponsa

Santa Ponsa
Photo credit: macgerry
Santa Ponsa (or Santa Ponca) today bears little resemblance to the fishing village it once was. Just under half an hour away from Palma and about three miles (5km) south of Magaluf on the southwest coast, Santa Ponsa is famous not only as a popular Mallorcan holiday resort, but also as the landing point of King Jaime I in 1229 when he came to reclaim the island from the Moors. A stone cross at the resort's marina marks the event. As with most Mallorcan holiday resorts, Santa Ponsa is highly developed and tends to be lively and busy, with an active nightlife and excellent beach culture. The eponymous Santa Ponsa is the principal beach, which is supplemented with imported sand, while the more sheltered Calo d'en Pellicer is slightly smaller and closer to the marine club. The third, more exclusive beach is Castellot. The water at all three beaches is warm and clear, and offers safe swimming. Areas have been set aside for swimming so that there is no danger from the many boats. A pedestrian promenade, with shade provided by pine trees, runs in front of the Santa Ponsa beach, and there are the usual beachfront restaurants, bars, shops and cafés. Over the years, Santa Ponsa has developed a Celtic flavour, with a number of Scottish and Irish themed pubs and bars, but it remains popular with a range of visitors of different ages.

Nightlife in Santa Ponsa

There is a varied nightlife at the holiday resort of Santa Ponsa, with karaoke bars, theme pubs, live music venues, and several clubs and discos. Although not on the same scale as Palma or Magaluf, there is still a lot on offer besides hotel entertainment. Those intent on partying can always make the short trip to Palma, which boasts the best nightlife on the island.

Shopping in Santa Ponsa

Santa Ponsa has a number of supermarkets (including one large one), a good choice of souvenir shops, stalls, some designer goods, jewellery stores and other essential amenities such as banks for holiday visitors to make use of. A better shopping selection is available in Palma and the closest weekly market takes place on Wednesdays in Andratx.

Things to do in Santa Ponsa

There is plenty to keep holidaymakers amused and occupied when stepping off the beach. Santa Ponsa boasts three golf courses, as well as tennis, water sports, scuba diving, horse riding, and sports grounds for skateboarding and football. There are regular bus services to neighbouring towns and resorts, and excursions to local attractions. There are also regular boat trips along the coastline and these usually stop so that passengers can enjoy a dip in the sea. A nearby popular attraction is Aqualand in Magaluf. The biggest fiesta on the island takes place in Santa Ponsa in September and runs for 10 days. The Fiesta of Rei en Jaume commemorates the defeat of the Moors by Jaime I, and the festival culminates in a mock battle between the Christians and the Moors.

Things to be aware of in Santa Ponsa

The beaches can get very crowded in season and parking can be hard to come by. This is not the place to come for peace and quiet.

Dining in Santa Ponsa

There are a large number of different restaurants in Santa Ponsa, offering visitors plenty of variety and options for all budgets. Some restaurants and tapas bars offer traditional Spanish cuisine, and there is Indian, Chinese, Italian and more to sample. International staples such as burgers and pizzas are always easy to find.

Cala San Vincente

Cala San Vincente
Photo credit:
Cala San Vincente (also known as Cala Sant Vicenç) is a lovely, small holiday resort set in what is still essentially a fishing village. Situated on the northeastern coast, about three miles (5km) from Pollensa, Cala San Vincente boasts spectacular scenery, charming old houses and three beaches. This is not the place to come for all-night parties or massive hotel complexes, but suits those seeking to relax and enjoy the character of the area. It is especially suited to mature travellers and those with older children, as there isn't much on offer for young kids or twentysomethings looking for a party. The main beach is Cala Barques, where holidaymakers can expect to share the space with local fishermen repairing nets, as well as their equipment, and there are also several beachside restaurants and bars on offer. Tucked around a rocky hillock is the tiny and often crowded Cala Clara beach. A little bit further on is the popular swimming beach of Cala Molins, whose sand is imported each year. In general, the water is warm and crystal clear, perfect for swimmers, and the views are spectacular.

Nightlife in Cala San Vincente

There is no nightlife to write home about, and after-dark entertainment is mainly limited to drinks and dinner. This tranquil atmosphere will delight some but won't suit those in search of a party.

Shopping in Cala San Vincente

There is not much in the way of shopping on offer in Cala San Vincente besides the basics, but the nearby town of Pollensa offers a greater selection and a lovely Sunday market, as well as several historic buildings. There are also regular buses to Inca and Puerto Pollensa.

Things to do in Cala San Vincente

The beaches are the centre of attention for visitors, with the more developed resorts nearby offering some more lovely stretches of sand and a few other entertainment options. A popular local attraction is a series of prehistoric man-made caves, and closer to Pollensa are the Calvari steps: 365 tree-lined steps that lead up to the minute Calvari church and its ancient wooden cross. For the less culturally inclined, a mini golf course is also on offer.

Things to be aware of in Cala San Vincente

Cala San Vinvente offers little in the way of amenities for children. There are few places to shop without going to neighbouring resorts.

Dining in Cala San Vincente

Cala San Vincente is one of the smallest resorts on the island and also one of the most resiliently authentic. Tourism doesn't seem to have had much of an impact on the village and the selection of restaurants is not impressive. However, there are some charming local eateries and seafood restaurants, and some of the hotels have good restaurants.

Calas de Mallorca

Photo credit: Max "
The relaxed and quiet purpose-built holiday resort of Calas de Mallorca is in the centre of the east coast of the island, close to the towns of Manacor and Felanitx. The resort is set on a cliff top and is therefore not ideal for those with disabilities or for the elderly, but does have lovely views and good beaches, and is popular with families with small children. Playa Domingos is the principal beach and offers warm, crystal clear water that is perfect for snorkelling; the water can, however, get quite rough at times. There is a promenade along the headland of Calas de Mallorca which affords some spectacular views out to the Mediterranean, and provides a glorious stamping ground for keen walkers. Calas de Mallorca is conveniently close to a number of other resorts, including Porto Cristo, Sa Coma, Cala Millor, Porto Colom and Cala d'Or, which all make for great excursions.

Nightlife in Calas de Mallorca

The resort is not known for its nightlife. There is a small collection of bars and restaurants in the Centro Commercial. While most of Calas de Mallorca's nightlife is hotel-based, there are a few live music venues and one or two clubs of which Jupiter's and Tiffany's have received positive reviews.

Shopping in Calas de Mallorca

Calas de Mallorca has the usual selection of tourist shops near the hotels in the Centro Commercial. There is a Sunday morning market in nearby Felanitx that has a selection of souvenirs, including good examples of local pottery. The prices are high, especially for tourists, so be prepared to bargain if you want a good deal.

Things to do in Calas de Mallorca

The nearby town of Manacor is the home of the Majorca Pearl Industry, which manufactures pearls from a mixture of glass and pulverized fish scales. Avid golfers will enjoy the Vall d'Or golf course, which is only ten minutes away. Numerous excursions to nearby villages and resorts and all their attendant pleasures and attractions are possible.

Things to be aware of in Calas de Mallorca

Public transport is limited and unreliable. The beaches have strong undercurrents and are not suitable for weak swimmers. Calas de Mallorca is not frequented by the single 18 to 30 age set.

Dining in Calas de Mallorca

Calas de Mallorca has great restaurants for holidaymakers to enjoy, the best of which include C'an Gusti, Cosme Oliver Pila, Explotaciones Hoteleras Edama and Jose Noguera Julia.


Photo credit: -Greg
Paguera has been a favoured Mallorcan tourist resort since the 1960s and is immensely popular with European visitors, particularly from Germany. Although not as frenetic as nearby Magalluf and Palma Nova, and slightly more upmarket, it is still a noisy and bustling resort, not one to visit if seeking peace and tranquillity. Paguera is situated on the southwest coast of the island and boasts three principal beaches that are popular with holidaymakers (Playa Palmira, Playa Tora and Playa La Romana) and are linked by a pedestrian promenade. This Spanish resort town offers a number of activities to enjoy during the day, as well as a lively nightlife, although many choose to simply enjoy the entertainment offered by their hotels. There are also regular buses to the ever-popular, even busier Magaluf and other neighbouring towns and resorts. Many visitors come to enjoy the web of coastal hiking routes, while others prefer to just laze on the beach and enjoy the sunshine and warm waters.

Nightlife in Paguera

Paguera has a good range of bars, and although many cater to German holidaymakers, there are British style pubs available too. There are some low-key discos, a number of live music venues and a few nightclubs, but although it is a lively resort Paguera's nightlife pales in comparison to the neighbouring resorts of Magaluf and Palma Nova. These party resorts are only a hop and a skip away though, so those in search of fun after dark shouldn't struggle to find it.

Shopping in Paguera

Paguera features El Bulevar Street, which is a long stretch of shops behind the pedestrian promenade where holidaymakers and shoppers can splurge on designer clothes, jewellery, leather goods and other Spanish holiday souvenirs. Visitors should be sure to explore the boutiques and smaller shops in the side streets along El Bulevar. There is also a lovely market at nearby Andraitx on Wednesday mornings that is worth exploring.

Things to do in Paguera

There are plenty of activities in Paguera to amuse those holidaymakers tired of lazing by the pool or on the beach. Water sports are on offer, as well as a small water park, plenty of nearby golf courses, and excellent walking and hiking. An interesting short boat trip to the Dragonera Natural Park on the small Dragonera Island can be arranged. The conservation area has a small museum, as well as Roman ruins. Glass-bottomed boat trips are also popular.

Things to be aware of in Paguera

Paguera can get highly congested and parking space is limited. Many of the hotels are up on the hills behind the town centre, which can pose a problem for those with disabilities, the elderly and parents with pushchairs.

Dining in Paguera

In Paguera, the top-rated restaurants for holidaymakers include La Grita, Casa Rustica and La Gran Tortuga. The resort offers a number of different restaurants with a variety of fare; many cater for the German palette, though some offer local dishes and excellent Spanish seafood. There are also various sidewalk cafes and bistros along the promenade.

Las Caletillas

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Las Caletillas is a quiet holiday resort, more residential than commercial, set on Tenerife's north east coast. The resort is roughly nine miles (14km) from the island's capital, Santa Cruz, and is a stone's throw away from the charming village of Candelaria with its black sand volcanic beach. In fact, the resort and the village are almost indistinguishable, and connected by a flat promenade popular with strollers and joggers. Las Caletillas itself has a black pebble beach stretching around three coves, and offers several bars, restaurants and souvenir shops. There is not much on offer in the way of nightlife in Las Caletillas, so don't expect to be up until dawn.

Playa de Las Teresitas, just up the coast from Las Caletillas, provides a change of scenery and golden sandy beaches for those who aren't quite comfortable sunning themselves on the remnants of a volcanic eruption. Of course, the bustling Santa Cruz is close by and if one hires a car, there are various areas of interest to explore on this part of Tenerife, such as the small town of Masca, the historic village of La Laguna with its market and attractive cathedral, or La Orotava (boasting an embroidery school). A great day out is a trip to the Teide National Park where visitors can enjoy a cable car ride up Spain's highest mountain, the volcanic Mount Teide. Although it may not be a hotspot, Las Caletillas is the perfect holiday destination in Spain for those seeking a more authentic Canaries experience and a truly relaxing Tenerife getaway.

Nightlife in Las Caletillas

Las Caletillas has some wonderful spots for sundowners and a few drinks while listening to gentle live music, but it is not a party resort and there are no real nightclubs. Tourists won't have to go far to find a vibrant nightlife though, and can venture into Candelaria, to Playa de las Teresitas, or into Santa Cruz for more energetic entertainment after dark.

Shopping in Las Caletillas

Las Caletillas is a perfectly self-contained resort with just the amount of shops tourists might need for basics and souvenirs and the like. There is a supermarket for self-catering supplies. However, those who want a more comprehensive shopping experience should venture into the neighbouring village or make the short drive to Santa Cruz.

Things to do in Las Caletillas

Visitors can enjoy boat tours, fishing, mountain biking and hiking from the resort and can hop across to Playa de las Teresitas for a variety of water sports. There is a basilica and some interesting statues at Plaza de la Patrona at the far end of the promenade, and there are many sights of interest nearby. The best excursion is a trip to Teide National Park.

Things to be aware of in Las Caletillas

The sea can get a bit rough and the pebbly beach will not be to everybody's taste.

Dining in Las Caletillas

There are a handful of bars and restaurants at the resort itself, with a notable, and natural, emphasis on seafood. There is more choice in restaurants in Candelaria and of course a broad selection in Santa Cruz.

Playa la Arena

Playa la Arena
Photo credit: LosGigantes.com
Once a fishing village on the west coast of Tenerife, Playa la Arena is today one of three separate holiday resorts (Los Gigantes, Puerto Santiago and Playa la Arena) that have to all intents and purposes merged into one. Playa la Arena is the most modern of the three and has a lovely long stretch of black, sandy beach, with Blue Flag status. The sea offers excellent swimming, but the water can sometimes be rough. A promenade runs along the seafront and is flanked by a variety of restaurants (some offering excellent seafood), several bars and shops. There is plenty to do besides relaxing on the beach or sampling local cuisine and many visitors opt for a boat trip to neighbouring Los Gigantes, whale watching tours, day trips to the nearby village of Masca or a cable car ride up Mount Teide in the Teide National Park. Visitors can also choose to take a stroll to either Puerto Santiago or Los Gigantes for something different, or catch a bus to the bustling Playa de las Americas for a night on the town. In general, Playa la Arena is peaceful and laid-back, lacking the aggressive touting common in other resorts, and offers a perfect combination of activity and relaxation for all types of visitors seeking the perfect holiday destination.

Nightlife in Playa la Arena

Although there are many bars and cafes, proper nightclubs are few and far between in Playa la Arena, and most after dark entertainment is limited to what the all-inclusive hotels offer their guests. It is a peaceful, family resort which is not well suited to those seeking an energetic nightlife. However, there are some popular party resorts nearby, such as Playa de las Americas.

Shopping in Playa la Arena

Duty-free shopping is one of the big attractions of a visit to Tenerife. The best mall for consumer goods is in the nearby town of Los Gigantes, although the Commercial Centre in town has a decent range of shops as well.

Things to do in Playa la Arena

This Tenerife holiday destination offers plenty of activities for the few days not spent on Playa la Arena's beaches. Visitors can take a boat trip to the nearby Los Gigantes, and the whale watching tours are a must for the whole family. With the Teide National Park a short trip away visitors can take the cable car to the top of Mount Teide and enjoy the spectacular view of the weird volcanic landscape. Visitors staying in Playa la Arena also have the option of enjoying a fun day out in Playa de las Americas or a sightseeing stroll through the nearby villages of Los Gigantes and Puerto Santiago.

Things to be aware of in Playa la Arena

This area is very hilly and therefore challenging for people with walking difficulties or parents with prams. The sea can have strong undercurrents so take red flag lifeguard warnings seriously.

Dining in Playa la Arena

Many international restaurants and tapas bars line the well-developed promenade at Playa la Arena. British-style pub food is widely available. It is worth sampling some of the delicious Canarian dishes, such as salty new potatoes boiled in sea water, baked with a spicy mojo sauce. The variety of restaurants in the three connected resorts is more than sufficient for all budgets and tastes. Some of the restaurants and bars close in winter when the resort empties out.

Puerto Santiago

Puerto Santiago
Photo credit: Flickr: computerjoe
Puerto Santiago is the central holiday resort of three separate ones, Los Gigantes, Playa Arena and Puerto Santiago, which have spread and essentially merged into each other on Tenerife's west coast, forming the area's largest tourist hub, collectively known as Los Gigantes. The resort of Puerto Santiago was once a small fishing village, but is now a popular holiday destination garnering rave reviews from most tourists and visitors. Puerto Santiago boasts a small but decent selection of bars, restaurants, shops and activities to suit the tourist palette. Puerto Santiago has managed to retain some of its traditional charm and offers visitors the chance to relax and enjoy a seaside break with local Spanish flavour; although some visitors might take a while to get accustomed to the black sand beach. The resort is peaceful and well-suited to relaxed beach holidays in beautiful surroundings. Puerto Santiago doesn't have much to offer the young party crowd, but it is only a short drive to more energetic resorts, like Playa de las Americas.

Nightlife in Puerto Santiago

Most of the entertainment in Puerto Santiago is provided by the hotels. The nightlife is fairly laid back and many bars close at midnight. After dark entertainment usually consists of relaxed drinks and drawn-out meals. However, those wanting to dance the night away can make the short trip to one of the other nearby resorts, such as Playa de las Americas, which offer more of a party scene. The proximity of Puerto Santiago to such nightlife hubs allows visitors the best of both worlds: the peaceful, quiet resort atmosphere, and the fun Tenerife nightlife.

Shopping in Puerto Santiago

There is no shopping district in Puerto Santiago, but there is an assortment of shops that cater for tourists. Shopping on the island of Tenerife is tax-free, so it is possible to find good deals on cigarettes, perfume, alcohol, electronics, and other goods. Although Puerto Santiago is not a shopping hub, there is a larger variety of shops in neighbouring resorts like Los Gigantes. A unique souvenir from Tenerife is the locally-produced sweet rum called Ron Miel.

Things to do in Puerto Santiago

Puerto Santiago's black sand beach is European Blue Flag accredited. There are also boat trips, walks, visits to neighbouring Playa la Arena and Los Gigantes, day trips to nearby towns and points of interest, and much more to be enjoyed. Many hotels also offer their own entertainment programmes. For those visiting in July, the annual fiesta and fireworks display in honour of Our Lady Carmen is not to be missed. The main activity is sun tanning on the gorgeous beaches, but the restless will find plenty of other activities and diversions.

Things to be aware of in Puerto Santiago

The ocean currents around Tenerife can be very strong and swimmers should be cautious and pay attention to warnings from lifeguards.

Dining in Puerto Santiago

There is the usual assortment of international restaurants in Puerto Santiago, but the local Canarian eateries and tapas bars are the best. Try some of the delicious traditional dishes, such as roast chicken in banana cream or 'wrinkly potatoes' in the local mojo picón sauce. One of the most popular restaurants in Puerto Santiago is Pancho, while TJ's Entertainment Bar serves pub food like sandwiches and pies and is also well-loved.

Los Gigantes

Los Gigantes
Photo credit:
Los Gigantes (The Giants) is aptly named after the Acantilados de los Gigantes; large, striking cliffs that surround this attractive holiday resort. The resort is set on the west coast of Tenerife and is essentially joined together with its neighbours, Playa la Arena and Puerto Santiago, to provide visitors with an exciting resort experience. A concerted effort has been made not to destroy the natural beauty of the town and as such there are none of the towering hotels common to other Spanish tourist resorts. The scenery is dominated by a rocky cliff which is 2,600 feet (800 metres) high in places. The resort is self-sufficient, with plenty of shops, restaurants and activities to keep holidaymakers entertained, well-fed and happy. Los Gigantes is a peaceful resort, ideal for a relaxing holiday.

Nightlife in Los Gigantes

Although Los Gigantes has a selection of bars and even nightclubs, it is a peaceful resort and does not have an energetic nightlife. Much of the live music and entertainment in Los Gigantes is provided by the hotels and restaurants. Visitors will hear jazz, salsa, rock music, and the local folk music called Tenderete. Most of the bars and clubs in the resort are centred in Santiago Bajo.

Shopping in Los Gigantes

Uphill from the marina is the resort's commercial centre, with plenty of shops ranging from supermarkets to upscale fashion boutiques and a convenient pedestrian zone near the church. The nearby village of Masca also has a few independent souvenir shops that sell unique items like local pottery, liquor made from bananas or honey, and embroidered tablecloths and clothing. Los Gigantes is a good resort for shopping and the proximity of a number of other resorts and villages ensures there is plenty of variety.

Things to do in Los Gigantes

Los Gigantes has a lovely, upmarket marina, which visitors can use as a starting point for boat trips to explore the imposing cliff-faces, enjoy dolphin and whale watching excursions or trips to neighbouring resorts. The resort's small beach has black volcanic sand and good swimming conditions and neighbouring Playa la Arena offers a larger version. There are also a number of water sports and activities such as big game fishing on offer, and those who hire a car will find many interesting sights and sounds in the surrounding areas. A not-to-be-missed event in the town is the annual carnival held in the week after Ash Wednesday. Visitors will find that although Los Gigantes is not party central, there is still plenty to see and do year round.

Things to be aware of in Los Gigantes

Los Gigantes is hilly, with narrow streets that can be difficult to traverse for people with mobility issues. Youngsters in search of a party may be disappointed with the sedate nightlife.

Dining in Los Gigantes

There are quite a few restaurants and bars at the marina, and seafood is the local speciality (paella is always a good bet in the coastal regions of Spain!). While at the popular holiday destination of Los Gigantes, it's essential to sample the fine cuisine at Krishna's. El Rincon de Juan Carlos and Jardin del Sol also garner rave reviews from foodies and casual diners alike. Guests may not smoke indoors in most restaurants, but smoking is allowed on covered verandas and in marked areas.

Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz at sunset
Photo credit: Tenerife Resorts
A cosmopolitan old colonial town known to tourists throughout Europe, the holiday destination of Puerto de la Cruz is located on the north coast of Tenerife and is the principal tourist centre of the island. It was in the 1890s that Puerto de la Cruz became a fashionable spa town and since then it has been a preferred holiday spot for European royalty and dignitaries, such as Winston Churchill and Bertrand Russell. Despite its long-term popularity as a tourist destination, Puerto de la Cruz has maintained the style and flair of a cosmopolitan spa while retaining the feel of a small, friendly, and bustling Spanish town. Considered the birthplace of tourism in the Canary Islands, Puerto de la Cruz attracts some 900,000 visitors annually. The area around the old fishing port is still lined with cobbled streets, full of colonial architecture, and is one of the few resorts where locals still work, eat and drink. It is a place where old-world charm exists alongside trendy hotels and apartments, making this the perfect holiday destination.

Nightlife in Puerto de la Cruz

Holiday visitors should be sure to visit the most popular bars in Puerto de la Cruz, including Friagata, Molly Malones, Color Café and Azucar. There is, however, a wide range of bars and clubs on offer, with some staying open into the early hours of the morning. Puerto de la Cruz's nightlife is special in that it is still geared towards locals more than tourists and therefore has an authentic Spanish flavour which the purpose-built resorts usually lack.

Shopping in Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz is a shopper's paradise and holidaymakers won't be disappointed. The 'free port status', which the island enjoys, allows imports from all over the world. There are a large variety of goods available from the many hundreds of shops, often at good prices. Electronic items of every description, photographic gear, perfumes and alcohol are especially cheap. Travellers should be aware that cheap goods can sometimes be tacky, low-quality or counterfeit. The Martianez mall is a favourite with tourists wanting to splash out on clothes, shoes and gifts.

Things to do in Puerto de la Cruz

The holiday destination of Puerto de la Cruz offers some of the best tourist attractions on the island and many guided walks are available. The town is very attractive and has many historical buildings to visit, such as the Church of Nuestra Senora de la Pena and the Castillo San Felipe. Other places to see include the Loro Parque, which boasts over 200 species of parrots and other animals; the Botanical Gardens, displaying plants from Africa, South America and Australia; and for those willing to venture further afield, the volcanic landscape of the Teide National Park.

Things to be aware of in Puerto de la Cruz

In recent years muggings and other street crimes have started to become a problem. Thefts from cars, especially cars left overnight and cars left in what appear to be deserted scenic locations, have become a major problem. Travellers should not leave valuable items in an unoccupied car.

Dining in Puerto de la Cruz

For a fine culinary experience while on holiday in Puerto de la Cruz, try La Casona, Meson los Gemelos, Regulo or La Ganania. The many restaurants in the resort offer up a variety of dishes and many different cuisines can be found. The Plaza de Charco is lined with restaurants and cafés and it is the perfect place to enjoy a meal, tapas or just a drink and watch the world go by.

Overview of the Attractions in Spain

Spain's many attractions and the journeys between them are infused with the warm welcome of its diverse people. Holidays here should be slow, with room for spontaneity amid the laidback lifestyle that Spaniards have perfected.

The wealth of things to see and do is such that the top attractions in Spain are whole cities, towns, and islands, and a single holiday can barely scratch the surface of what this country has to offer. It is often best to plan an itinerary around a single city or region.

Toledo is famous for its Roman architecture and ancient history, while Santiago de Compostela bursts with religious significance and art. Cordoba entrances visitors with the medieval charm of the Mezquita, while Barcelona is home to Gaudi and almost anything a tourist could want. Madrid is the capital, ideal for a cosmopolitan Spanish experience while Grenada contains mountains, tradition, and architecture.

Partygoers will look no further than Ibiza, and Bilbao is a hub of industrial creativity and boasts the Guggenheim Museum. Both Mallorca and Tenerife enjoy spectacular beaches and stunning landscapes, as does San Sebastian along with its good food. Lastly, Seville offers fun after dark and a wealth of history.

Granada and the Alhambra
Costa del Sol

Granada is a high altitude city of romance and folklore, boasting one of the most popular tourist attractions in Spain: the Alhambra. A palace-fortress built up between the 9th and 16th centuries, the Alhambra is the most important and spectacular piece of Moorish architecture in Spain. Set against the backdrop of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, the huge complex includes the Summer Palace with its fountains and gardens, the Palacios Nazaries with its intricate ornamentation, and a hilltop fortress. The queue to get into this UNESCO World Heritage Site gets ridiculously long and tickets should be booked online or booked weeks in advance to avoid disappointment. At least one full day is required to really explore the vast complex.

map of Granada and the Alhambra

The Prado

Renowned as one of Madrid's most famous attractions, and one of the world's greatest art galleries, the 19th-century Prado Museum has more than 7,000 paintings that include masterpieces by Fra Angelico, Botticelli, El Bosco, Titian, Rembrandt, and Velazquez. The museum began as a Royal collection, which succeeding dynasties have added to. The collection naturally focuses on the Spanish masters, particularly Goya, whose exhibited works fascinatingly follow the development of his painting from the sun-soaked early scenes of joyful festivities to the grim madness characterising his 'black period'. Art lovers will find that the Prado has few equals.

map of The Prado

Website: http://www.museodelprado.es

Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

The second gallery in Madrid's golden triangle of art museums is the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza. Housing the former private collection of the Thyssen family, the works were bought by the city of Madrid to enrich its impressive collection of art treasures. The collection, housed in the restored 18th-century Palacio de Villahermosa near the Prado, contains more than 800 paintings, sculptures, carvings, and tapestries, ranging from primitive Flemish works to contemporary pieces. Among the highlights are works by Renoir, Durer, and Van Eyck, but many masters are represented in the Thyssen, including Claude Monet, John Sargent Singer, Vincent Van Gogh, Henri Matisse, and Edvard Munch. The collection includes some major American works as well.

map of Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

Website: http://www.museothyssen.org

Reina Sofia National Art Centre Museum

One of Madrid's famed art galleries, the Reina Sofia is dedicated to 20th century Spanish art, having been designed to give Spain a museum to equal France's Pompidou Centre and London's Tate Gallery. The museum was opened by Queen Sofia in 1986 and is housed in the former Hospital de San Carlos. The artworks displayed here include those of Spanish masters Juan Gris, Julio Gonzalez, Salvador Dali, Equipo Cronica, Gerardo Rueda, Joan Miro, and Pablo Picasso, among others, and there are also international artists on display. The star attraction of the museum is Picasso's controversial Guernica, depicting the Nazi bombing of the Basque town in 1937 in support of Franco's cause in the Spanish Civil War.

map of Reina Sofia National Art Centre Museum

Website: http://www.museoreinasofia.es

Royal Palace

The massive Royal Palace on the Plaza de Oriente in Madrid dates from 1734, when the 3,000-roomed royal residence was commissioned by Philip V. The imposing palace was built on the site of a Moorish fortress that dated back to the 9th century. It was last called home by the royal family in 1931, but is still an official royal residence and is used for some royal events. Most of the rooms are now open to the public, and others are used for state business. English tours are run regularly, lasting about two hours, taking visitors to the reception room and state apartments, the impressive armoury, and the royal pharmacy.

map of Royal Palace

Website: http://www.patrimonionacional.es

Plaza Mayor

Madrid's famous central arcaded square dates from 1619 and was built by Philip III, whose statue still stands in the centre of the cobbled expanse. In medieval times, the Plaza de Arrabal, as it was then known, was the venue for numerous public spectacles including knights' tournaments, festivals, and executions. The buildings surrounding the square were burnt completely to the ground three times in 1631, 1672, and 1790. The most famous building on the square is the Casa de la Panaderia, which predates the plaza, but has also been rebuilt several times. The Plaza Mayor was always intended to be a public gathering space, and has been used for bull fights, royal events, and military parades.

map of Plaza Mayor

San Antonio de la Florida

The Panteon de Goya (Goya's Tomb) is situated in the Glorieta de San Antonio de la Florida, and is known as Goya's Sistine Chapel. The artist decorated the dome and cupola of the little chapel with a fresco depicting the miracles of St Anthony, with the use of sponges, a project that took six weeks to complete. Amazingly, Goya persisted with the project despite the fact that he was struggling with deafness and apparently felt dizzy most of the time he was working on the ceiling. Mirrors have been placed in strategic places to provide better glimpses of the art. The chapel also contains the artist's tomb. The artwork in his final resting place is more bright and cheerful than is typical of Goya.

map of San Antonio de la Florida

Parque del Buen Retiro

Madrid's lush central park covers 350 acres (142 hectares) and was originally laid out as the private garden of Philip IV. Opened to the public in 1868, it remains a favourite spot with locals and tourists. The vast park features formal gardens, statues, fountains, lakes, exhibition halls, children's playgrounds, and outdoor cafes. Visitors can stroll among the trees, admire the rose garden, and take a boat ride on the lake. Although usually quiet during the week, at weekends the park comes alive with buskers, clowns, fortune-tellers, and sidewalk painters. Thanks to its size, even when the park is crowded it is possible to find a quiet nook.

map of Parque del Buen Retiro


The magnificent hilltop city of Toledo, about 43 miles (70km) southwest of Madrid, was immortalised by Spain's renowned artistic genius El Greco in a cityscape that currently hangs in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The city has changed little since El Greco captured it on canvas in 1597, with its golden spires and Gothic buildings spreading across the Tagus River Gorge, overlooking the plains of New Castille. Toledo was established by the Romans in about 192 BC and some Roman ruins are still visible outside the city walls. The ancient city was later the capital of Visigoth Spain in the 5th and 6th centuries and as time passed Muslim, Jewish, and Christian communities all left their mark on the city's rich architectural heritage. Toledo is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

map of Toledo

Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Topped by four spiral towers, the huge granite edifice of the monastery is a foreboding sight in the town of San Lorenzo de El Escorial. About 30 miles (50km) northwest of Madrid, El Escorial was a marriage of Roman Catholic power and Spanish. Once a monastery and a royal palace, this UNESCO World Heritage Site was completed in 1584 and took almost 21 years to build. The complex was built by Philip II as a memorial to his father, Charles V, as a summer residence and as a final resting place for Spanish royalty. The complex is similar to the Alcazar of Seville and the Alhambra of Granada in layout, but the architectural style and decor is far more austere.

map of Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial


Lying on a slope of the Guadarrama Mountains with the confluence of the Eresma and Clamores Rivers below, the ancient town of Segovia is a delightful taste of the glorious past of Castile in central Spain. Segovia is 54 miles (91km) northwest of Madrid and is well worth visiting for its reputation as being the most beautiful city in Spain; the journey only takes about an hour by bus (and only 30 minutes by high speed train), making it the perfect excursion. The ancient town has been awarded a place on the UNESCO World Heritage list and is a joy for photographers, with its historic pedigree proudly displayed. The ancient Romans turned the town into a military base, leaving behind Segovia's famous aqueduct.

map of Segovia

La Rambla

Arguably the most famous street in Europe, the wide tree-lined boulevard known as La Rambla (or Las Ramblas) is a long continuous pedestrian avenue that technically changes names five times as it cuts through Barcelona's Old Town, the Barri Gotic, from the Placa Catalunya to the city's port. It is lined with cafes, restaurants, and shops, usually thronged with leisurely walkers enjoying the sights and sounds. The sprawling marriage of nature and creative architecture and ornamentation that is Gaudi's Guell Park is a must. The pretty square of Placa Reial, enclosed by impressive buildings and promising some fantastic restaurants and nightclubs, is a popular social venue and sometimes hosts concerts and live performances.

map of La Rambla

Picasso Museum

Five palaces dating from the 13th to 15th centuries have been converted into the Picasso Museum, celebrating the country's most famous artist. Sitting on Carrer Montcada, a street known for its elegant medieval structures, it is home to one of the most complete collections of works from his youth and formative years. Pablo Picasso spent his early years in Barcelona (between 1901 and 1906), and the museum is now one of the city's top attractions. It was his wish that his early work would be displayed in Barcelona, and the core of the collection was donated by the artist himself. The permanent collection now consists of 4,249 works and the art is complemented interestingly by the old buildings, which showcase the Catalan Gothic style.

map of Picasso Museum

Website: http://www.museupicasso.bcn.es

Guell Park

Catalan architect, Antonio Gaudi, was known as the greatest exponent of Catalan Modernism, and left his mark on Barcelona nowhere more than in the gardens of Guell Park. Sitting on Camel Hill and offering splendid views of the city, it was originally planned to be a garden city suburb. But only two houses were completed before it was turned into a public recreational park. The gardens are festooned with examples of Gaudi's strange and mesmerising work, including flights of stairs, columns, and a plaza decorated with mosaics. Famous features include Gaudi's dragon, and the Sala Hipostila, or Doric Temple, which is a forest of 88 stone columns. Gaudi enjoyed experimenting with natural forms and the park is a fascinating mixture of art and nature.

map of Guell Park

Website: http://www.parkguell.barcelona/en?q=en

La Sagrada Familia

Designed by modernist architect Antoni Gaudi, the bizarre Sagrada Família is one of Catalonia's most intriguing landmarks. Building started in 1882, but it remains unfinished and an object of controversy. Gaudi worked on what was considered his masterpiece until his death in 1926. The structure displays his characteristic Art Nouveau style and creates a unique interpretation of the Gothic architectural tradition. Gaudi's plans for the completed church were mostly destroyed during the Spanish Civil War and those leftover have been disputed since. The extraordinary building is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is fascinating even to those who don't find it beautiful. The church has been consecrated and is used for religious services.

map of La Sagrada Familia

Website: http://www.sagradafamilia.org


A few of Barcelona's showpieces sit on the hill of Montjuic, overlooking the city centre: the main sites of the 1992 Olympics; the Poble Espanyol; the Joan Miro museum; and the National Art Museum of Catalonia. Montjuic has been the site of several fortifications over the centuries and the most recent of these is the Castle of Montjuic, dating from the 17th century. The castle is now home to the Military Museum as well as the Museum of Comics and Illustration. There are also some leisure attractions and green parks festooned with fountains, themselves popular attractions that entertain on summer evenings with displays of light, colour, and music. Accessible by cable car from Montjuic, the La Barceloneta port district is below the hill.

map of Montjuic


Barcelona's second landmark hill, Tibidabo, lies about four miles (6km) northwest of the city in a wooded range that forms a backdrop to the urban landscape. Tibidabo can be reached by funicular and is particularly popular on weekends with locals, as it is home to the Parc d'Atraccions: an amusement park that has some thrilling rides and a renowned house of horrors. Tibidabo also features the soaring Torre de Collserola telecommunications tower, which offers visitors the chance to ride in a glass lift to an observation platform 377 feet (115m) high to enjoy a truly phenomenal view.

map of Tibidaboa

Costa Dorada

The Costa Dorada's main city, Tarragona, was originally built on a rocky bluff and can trace its roots back to 218 BC, when it was founded by the ancient Romans as a military base. Impressive vestiges of its ancient past still remain in the form of ruins of the Roman amphitheatre, aqueduct, forum, and other buildings situated on the Paseo Arqueologico (Archaeological Promenade), which leads to some panoramic viewpoints. A wide boulevard called the Rambla Nova represents the modern main street outside the old city walls. A popular outing for visitors is to explore the old harbour, known as El Serrallo, and watch the fishing boats arrive and auction their catch.

map of Tarragona


One of the most visited sites in Catalonia is the monastery at Montserrat, 35 miles (56km) northwest of Barcelona. The monastery is surrounded by strange rocky crags and caves, and was founded in 1025 to celebrate local visions of the Virgin Mary. It has become one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Spain, sitting atop a 4,000-foot (1,200m) high mountain and housing about 80 monks. Its main claim to fame is a 12th-century Romanesque wooden sculpture of a black Virgin Mary, known as La Moreneta, which thousands come here to see and touch. There is lots to see at Montserrat, which has a fascinating museum housing masterpieces by artists such as Caravaggio and Picasso.

map of Montserrat

Website: http://www.montserratvisita.com/en/index.html

Tossa de Mar

The medieval fishing village of Tossa de Mar, 56 miles (90km) north of Barcelona, is the most attractive town on the Costa Brava, offering lovely sandy beaches and a lively atmosphere. Visitors are drawn to its 12th century walled town, Vila Vella, the ancient walls, battlements, and towers enclosing a quaint historical labyrinth. There is also the ancient Castillo de Tossa de Mar, a one-time Roman fortress dominating the bay, which visitors are free to explore. There are four beaches within the town itself and numerous others flanking Tossa on either side.

map of Tossa de Mar

Website: http://www.infotossa.com

Costa Brava

The city of Girona, on the route from the Pyrenees to Barcelona, is one of the most important historical sites in Spain, founded by the Romans and later turned into a Moorish stronghold. Sitting astride the confluence of the Onyar and Ter rivers, this quaint medieval city attracts hordes of tourists from the Costa Brava resorts and Barcelona. All are lured by the experience of walking through the old quarter, the Call, with its narrow alleyways and ancient stone houses. Inside the ancient walls are such gems as the 12th-century Benedictine monastery of Sant Pere de Galligants and the 14th-century cathedral built in the Catalonian Baroque style. The cathedral can be accessed by climbing up 90 steps. It includes a museum containing art works and rare manuscripts.

map of Girona

Website: http://www.girona.cat

Castell de Santa Barbara
Costa Blanca

The impressive Santa Barbara Castle has its origins in the Muslim rule of the 9th century, towering over Alicante on top of the Benacantil Mountain. Most of the chambers that can be explored today date from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. The fortress is massive, encompassing moats, drawbridges, tunnels, cisterns, and dungeons, not to mention a stately tower and keep. It has endured many attacks, rebuilds, and renovations during its long history and was opened to the public in 1963. Today it houses the Museum of the City of Alicante. From the top of the castle superb views over the bay and the city can be enjoyed.

map of Castell de Santa Barbara

Website: http://www.castillodesantabarbara.com

Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Alicante
Costa Blanca

In the Plaza de Santa Maria stands Alicante's oldest building, a former granary dating from 1685. Ironically the city's oldest building contains its most notable modern art collection, donated by painter and sculptor Eusebio Sempere in 1977. The Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Alicante is commonly referred to simply as MACA. Among the noteworthy paintings on display are those by Dali, Picasso, Calder, and Miro, and one of the highlights is the section dedicated to Sempere's own geometrical, moving sculptures. As other famous modern art galleries have realised, the contrast between an old building and a colourful modern art collection is striking and interesting.

map of Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Alicante

Website: http://www.maca-alicante.es/

Costa Blanca

Just 12 miles (19km) inland west of Alicante is Europe's only palm forest, forming a lush oasis around the city of Elche (Elx). The city boasts several beautiful parks, public gardens, and palm groves. The Palmeral of Elche, an orchard of more than 200,000 palm trees, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Parque Municipal is one of the most popular places to enjoy the trees, with the palms interspersed by grassy promenades and children's playgrounds. The most beautiful palm garden is the Huerto del Cura, filled with trees, water features, and bright flowerbeds. Another attraction in the city, located right next to the municipal park, is the Altamira Castle, which was built in about the 12th century and was renovated in the 15th century.

map of Elche

Isla Tabarca
Costa Blanca

The tiny islet of Tabarca is becoming an increasingly popular day trip destination from Alicante or Santa Pola, with its quiet fishing village offering an old fort, several very reasonably priced fresh seafood restaurants, a rocky beach with clear turquoise water, and several coves and tidal pools ideal for bathing. Tiny and picturesque, Tabarca is the smallest permanently inhabited islet in Spain and can very easily be explored on foot. The islet is part of a marine reserve (Reserva marina de la Isla de Tabarca) and promises varied marine life, clear unpolluted waters, and a healthy bird population.

map of Isla Tabarca

Seville Cathedral

Seville Cathedral is one of the largest churches in the world, and its massive Gothic edifice took more than a century to build, after a group of religious fanatics decided in 1401 to build a church so wonderful that 'those who come after us will take us for madmen'. The cathedral was built on the site of the Almohad Mosque, demolished to make way for its construction. Known as La Giralda, the mosque was originally built in 1198, of which only a minaret remains. Today it's open to tourists. Along with the Alcazar and the Archivo de Indias, the cathedral has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is undoubtedly one of the highlights of a visit to Seville.

map of Seville Cathedral

Alcazar of Seville

Alcazar is Seville's top attraction and one of the most famous in Spain. The complex is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an undisputed architectural masterpiece. The site of Seville's Moorish palace has been occupied by the city's rulers since Roman times, and has been a favoured residence of Spanish kings since the Middle Ages. Established by the Moors as early as the 7th century, it was primarily built in the 1300s and has been added to and altered by successive occupants ever since. Of the early Christian additions, most notable is the colonnaded quadrangle of the Patio of the Maids. The palace is set in beautiful, extensive gardens where it is possible to picnic.

map of Alcazar of Seville

Santa Cruz

A former Jewish ghetto, Santa Cruz in Seville is an enchanting maze of alleys, gateways, and courtyards. Every street corner has a romantic legend attached to it, with windowsills festooned with flowers and the fragrance of jasmine pervading the air. Santa Cruz is also bordered by the Alcazar, the Jardines de Murillo, and Santa Maria La Blanca, and can be reached via the Calle Rodrigo Caro. Some of the sights to look for are the Hospital de los Venerables, which contains Sevillian artworks; the beautiful mansions in the Calle Lope de Rueda; and the Convent de San Jose, which boasts relics of Saint Teresa of Avila; and the Iglesia de Santa Maria la Blanca, which features Murillo's 'Last Supper'.

map of Santa Cruz

Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes de Sevilla

A restored convent dating back to 1612 houses one of Spain's most important and largest art collections. Hidden in a tiny plaza off Calle de Alfonso XII in Seville, the museum was established in 1839. It houses art spanning from medieval times to the 20th century, with the pride of the collection being the range of paintings from the 17th century, Seville's Golden Age. Highlights include the religious paintings of Seville's own Esteban Murillo, but the collection also includes other Seville School artists such as the macabre works of Juan de Vales Leal and Francisco de Zurbaran. There are also two paintings by El Greco among the exhibits.

map of Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes de Sevilla

Maria Luisa Park

Regarded as one of the loveliest parks in Europe, this half-mile area in southern Seville near the port, is planted with palms, orange trees, elms, and Mediterranean pines. Bright and beautiful flower beds vie for the eye with hidden bowers, ponds, pavilions, water features, and statues in this little paradise, which was designed in the 1920s and thus reflects a mix of Art Deco and Mudejar styling. The park was originally part of Seville's World Expo, which brought a burst of creative architecture and rejuvenation during the 1920s, and which included the redirection of the Guadalquivir River and the construction of some opulent buildings, such as the stylish Guatemala building off the Paseo de la Palmera.

map of Maria Luisa Park

Guggenheim Museum

Opening time: Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 8pm (open on Mondays between July and August).

Admission: €17 (adults); free for children under 12. Concessions available.

Locals in Bilbao are divided on whether it's beauty or a beast, but the bizarre multimillion dollar Guggenheim Museum, opened in 1997, has brought thousands of visitors flocking to the city to be awed or floored. The massive museum, designed by the famous Frank Gehry, has no right angles, resembles a metallic flower clad in shiny titanium, and is situated in the former dockyard alongside the Nervion River. There are also some huge, striking sculptures outside the museum and many visitors consider the exterior the highlight of a visit. Inside, apart from breathtaking and unusual spaces, the museum houses the works of some important 20th century artists, including Picasso, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Willem de Koonig, and Clyfford Still. There are also sections displaying the work of young Basque and Spanish artists, and rotating exhibits lent by the Guggenheim museums in New York and Venice. There is a great cafe in the Guggenheim and a bookshop. It is a good idea to book your tickets in advance online to get a slight discount and to jump the queues at the entrance. The Guggenheim is undoubtedly one of Bilbao's greatest and most popular attractions and shouldn't be missed.

map of Guggenheim Museum

Getting there: Metro to Moyua station; streetcar to Guggenheim stop; a variety of buses also service the museum

Address: 2 Abandoibarra Et.

Telephone: +34 94 435 90 00

Website: http://www.guggenheim-bilbao.es

Museo de Bellas Artes

Opening time: Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 8pm; closed Mondays.

Admission: €10 (adults); €8 (reduced); free for children under 12.

For a more mainstream artistic experience than that offered by the astonishing Guggenheim Gallery, the Museo de Bellas Artes in the Plaza Museo fits the bill admirably, with some valuable works on display behind an unassuming façade. The museum's impressive collection spans art from the 12th to 20th centuries, highlights being some excellent Flemish works from between the 15th and 17th centuries. There are also works by masters like El Greco, Goya, Gauguin, Francis Bacon, Picasso, and Velazquez. The museum hosts regular temporary exhibitions so check the official website below to see what is showing during your visit. To the rear of the building there is a pleasant sculpture garden. Audio guides are available in multiple languages for an extra €1 and the museum is very well curated and maintained. Bilbao's Museo de Bellas Artes is becoming increasingly renowned internationally and generally receives rave reviews from visitors. In fact, it is consistently one of the top rated attractions in the city. Entry to the museum is free on Wednesdays, which is a big bonus for those travelling on a budget. Prints and other merchandise can be bought via the online shop.

map of Museo de Bellas Artes

Getting there: Metro to Moyua station; or bus 1, 10, 13 and 18 to Museum Plaza

Address: 2 Museo Plaza

Telephone: +34 944 396 060

Website: http://www.museobilbao.com

Email Address: info@museobilbao.com

Museo Vasco

Opening time: Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 5pm, Sundays from 11am to 2pm.

Admission: €3, with concessions available. Free for children under 10 and senior citizens.

The Museo Vasco, also known as the Euskal Museoa or Basque Museum, is in the heart of the old quarter of the city, housed in a lovely 17th-century Jesuit cloister. The museum, established in 1921, depicts Basque culture, history and ethnology, and its exhibits span a wide range of interests including weaving, the blacksmith trade, pastoral life, and maritime matters. The displays offer the chance to dip into Basque political and social life, using everything from model ships to reconstructions of rooms and gravestones to guide the visitor along. The maps and the exhibition on traditional music and dancing are highlights. In an outdoor courtyard visitors can see a remarkable stone sculpture called Mikeldi, which is thought to date back to sometime between the 5th and 11th centuries BC. Although not all the information has been translated there are sufficient explanations in English. It is a simple, accessible museum, which children will probably enjoy. Budget at least three hours to take it all in. Conveniently located in the historic centre of town, the Museo Vasco is near a number of cafes and restaurants.

map of Museo Vasco

Address: 4 Plaza Miguel de Unamuno.

Telephone: +34 944 155 423

Email Address: museoa@euskal-museoa.org

Bilbao City Hall

Dating from 1892 and designed by Joaquin Rucoba, Bilbao's elegant city hall in the Plaza Erkoreka Ernesto is located on the bank of the Estuary of Bilbao. The Baroque building includes a spire and a magnificent façade featuring balconies, columns, sculptures, and a sweeping staircase. The highlight of the interior is the Arab Room, an opulently decorated chamber used for weddings. Guided tours, lasting about an hour, are available, though these need to be booked in advance by phone. A brand new city hall building was recently completed, situated right next to the historic old building, and the unique, modern design of the new contrasts very interestingly with the old. The two buildings now share the functions of the city hall, with the modern's colourful contemporary décor contrasting with the ornate old hall, which is distinctly Baroque in its decor. The city is now well served by a combination of functional modern space and historic charm.

map of Bilbao City Hall

San Sebastian

The Basque region's most popular beach, La Concha, is to be found in the genteel resort city of San Sebastian, 62 miles (100km) east of Bilbao. The town became fashionable as a summer getaway during the reign of Queen Isabel when she took to holidaying there in 1845. Today the town hums with boutiques, surf-shops, and nightclubs. But the elaborate boardwalk and grandiose historic mansions lend an air of sophistication, as is appropriate for a resort endorsed by bygone royalty. For a spectacular view of the sea and countryside, visitors should ride the funicular to the top of Monte Igueldo, or opt for the opposite side of the bay where it is possible to stroll through shady woods to the summit of Monte Urgull.

map of San Sebastian

Website: http://www.sansebastianturismo.com


British visitors are reassured by the presence of a statue of Wellington, the 'Iron Duke', standing on the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, 41 miles (66km) south of Bilbao. The statue commemorates Wellington's victory in battle here against Napoleon's forces. The main reason for visiting this Basque city, however, is to enjoy the impressive new contemporary art museum, and soak up some of the charm of this green urban enclave, packed with avenues and parks. There is also an old quarter, full of Renaissance palaces, most of which are now art galleries and museums. The Plaza de la Virgen Blanca is the tourist hub of the old town, surrounded by old mansions, and is a good place to start explorations of the city. Vitoria-Gasteiz also has two Gothic cathedrals: one dating from the 14th century, the beautiful Cathedral of Santa Maria, with a 17th-century tower and paintings by Rubens and van Dyck; and one 20th-century Neo-Gothic creation, the Cathedral of Mary Immaculate, which is also definitely worth a visit. It is a city with many churches, and also two 17th-century nunneries. Vitoria-Gasteiz hosts a number of popular music festivals and attracts many music lovers.

map of Vitoria-Gasteiz

Website: http://www.vitoria-gasteiz.org


Hordes of tourists flock to this town in Navarre, northern Spain, in early July each year for the Running of the Bulls, officially called La Fiesta del Fermin. The festival, in honour of the city's patron saint, was made famous by Ernest Hemingway's novel The Sun Also Rises, and it has become one of Spain's most popular events. A bust of Hemingway stands outside Pamplona's bullring, where the 8-day extravaganza of dancing, dashing through the streets ahead of rampaging bulls, and drinking, begins. The practice of driving bulls through the centre of Pamplona started in the 19th century as the most practical way to get them to the ring, and for many years the city authorities tried to prevent the practice of running with the bulls.

map of Pamplona

La Seo Cathedral

Palma's magnificent Catalonian Gothic cathedral is a landmark of the city, standing in the old town overlooking the ocean. The cathedral is actually called the Cathedral of the Saviour (Catedral del Salvador) but is situated on the Plaza de la Seo and is commonly referred to as La Seo. The cathedral forms part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The cathedral was built on the site of an existing ancient mosque and ancient Roman forum, and construction on the Romanesque Cathedral began in 1140. There have been numerous rebuilds, additions, and renovations since then, including an extensive restoration in the second half of the 20th century, when Roman and Muslim remnants were excavated and exposed.

map of La Seo Cathedral

Palau de l'Almudaina

Opposite the cathedral in Palma stands an austere fortress palace that was erected by the Moors and later became the residence of the kings of Mallorca. The Moors built the fortress in 1281 and it was converted into a royal residence at the end of the 13th century, but evidence suggests that the Moors themselves built on an existing Roman fort. The palace is still officially a royal residence, although very seldom occupied, and is occasionally used for royal functions and events. Inside, most rooms and corridors are bare, but there are some beautiful Flemish Gobelin tapestries on display as well as a few antiques, art works and suits of armour.

map of Palau de l'Almudaina

Castell de Bellver

Built in the 14th century and surrounded by a double moat, this round hilltop castle was the summer residence of the kings of Mallorca. While once serving as a prison, it today contains Palma's Municipal Museum displaying archaeological artefacts and models of excavations. The unusual castle sits atop a lovely park area and its highlights include spectacular views and photo opportunities. Visitors can explore a series of chambers upstairs above the museum below, and should not miss the prisoner's graffiti etched into the stonework, visible if guests climb up to the roof. The Bellver Castle is on the route of the Palma City open-top sightseeing buses, but the walk up through the forest from Placa Gomilla is pleasant and not too strenuous.

map of Castell de Bellver

Museo d'Art Espanyol Contemporani

Opening time: Monday to Friday from 10am to 6.30pm, Saturday from 10.30am to 2pm, closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Admission: Free.

Palma's most renowned art gallery contains works collected by the Juan March Foundation, housed in a restored mansion on the Carrer Sant Miquel. It focuses on modern works including Picasso's Head of a Woman and paintings by acknowledged masters like Miro, Dali, Juan Gris, and Antoni Tapies, as well as art by contemporary Spanish artists. It is a small but impressive collection and the 17th-century mansion in which it's housed is beautiful and fun to explore, contrasting interestingly with the modern art. The spacious and quiet gallery is a wonderful refuge on a hot day. The museum is very active, organising lecture series, many temporary exhibitions, and free art workshops. Guided tours of the gallery are available by prior appointment on week days between 11am and 3pm. There is a good museum shop selling exhibition catalogues, art books, posters, postcards, and the like. The gallery is wheelchair accessible. The fact that a gallery of this calibre is free is quite remarkable and the museum is popular with tourists and locals alike.

map of Museo d'Art Espanyol Contemporani

Address: 11 Sant Miquel.

Telephone: 971 713 515

Website: http://www.march.es/arte/ingles/palma/index.asp

Email Address: museupalma@expo.march.es

Banys Arabs

The only surviving Moorish building in Palma is the bathhouse of Banys Arabs, located in the city's medieval quarter. It contains an elegant horseshoe-arched dome chamber supported by 12 columns, fronted by a lovely little garden with picnic tables. Although this is a small attraction, basically consisting of two empty chambers (hence the low admission cost), the old architecture is graceful and photographers should enjoy capturing the romantically dilapidated walls and columns. The baths are worth visiting to get some impression of the character of the old city, as they are sadly all that remains.

map of Banys Arabs


In 1838, Frederic Chopin arrived in the small town of Valldemossa with his lover, George Sand, to stay in a former monk's cell in the Cartoixa Reial monastery and carry on their affair away from the eyes of Paris. The shocked locals shunned the sickly Chopin and Sand, and the couple were so unhappy that their relationship never recovered from the wet, windy and miserable winter in the monastery. Today the cells occupied by the lovers are open to visitors. The library and old pharmacy can also be visited and there is a small art museum with works by Picasso, Miro, and Juli Ramis. Valldemossa is one of the prettiest villages in Mallorca: it is quiet and traditional, with narrow cobbled streets and a backdrop of forested hills.

map of Valldemossa

Website: http://www.valldemossa.es

Santuari de Lluc

About 20 miles (32km) beyond Soller, after a drive through the Serra de Tramuntana in the north of the island, is the remote mountain village of Lluc, in a valley that has been an important place of pilgrimage since the 13th century. Lluc became Mallorca's most sacred site when a shepherd boy discovered a dark wooden statue of the Virgin in a cleft in the rock. The miraculous statue somehow returned to its cave three times after being placed in the local church. Now the statue, known as La Moreneta, has been encrusted with precious stones and resides in its own chapel, receiving pilgrims and tourists who come to pay homage each day.

map of Santuari de Lluc

Website: http://www.lluc.net

Ibiza Old Town

The old medieval district of Ciudad de Ibiza (Ibiza Town), the capital of the island, sports narrow cobblestone streets, picturesque whitewashed houses and Gothic buildings around courtyards bright with blooming geraniums and bougainvillea. Ibiza'a Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with architecture spanning 2,500 years of history. The Old Town, enclosed by historic walls, is best entered through the Puerta de las Tablas, which sees visitors passing across a drawbridge flanked by ancient statues; there is another entrance, Portal Nou, behind the Plaza del Parque, which is somewhat less dramatic. The district is best explored on foot, and contains some interesting sights, most noteworthy of which is the Archaeological Museum.

map of Ibiza Old Town

Cova de Can Marca

The tourist attraction cave complex of Cova de Can Marca sits a few miles north of Sant Miquel, a village with an attractive hilltop church and good tapas bars. The caves have been commercialised and fitted with some spectacular sound and lighting effects, providing for an entertaining guided tour. The caves are situated atop a rocky inlet, with spectacular views over the bay and of the islands Murada and Feriradura. The cave is said to be more than 100,000 years old and features underground lakes, stalactites, and stalagmites. There was once a natural waterfall in the cave system but the waterfall featured on the tour today is a replica, as the waterbeds of the cave system are now fossilised.

map of Cova de Can Marca

La Salinas

The salt flats of Las Salinas are some of Ibiza's most famous landmarks, close to the airport on the southernmost tip of the island. They've been used for more than 2,000 years since the Carthaginians traded with the salt left in the pans after the waters evaporated in summer. The sparkling lakes provide one of the world's most beautiful sunset photograph opportunities. The fashionable Las Salinas beach on the southern tip of Ibiza attracts a glittering crowd of sun worshippers and party animals, including many celebrities, the wealthy, and the beautiful. There are numerous beach bars to try out. The salt flats can be found in the nature reserve that surrounds this gorgeous beach, along with pine forests, sand dunes, and a general abundance of natural beauty.

map of La Salinas


The tiny island of Formentera covers 35 square miles (90 sq km) and is home to just over 5,000 people. It can be reached by ferry from Ibiza Town, with a regular service running every two hours. Ferry services to Formentera from the mainland have also been established, due to the island's increasing popularity. It's relatively unspoilt by tourism development, although not as empty of crowds as it once was. Accommodation options are very limited. The main attractions are some pretty villages and marvellous beaches flanked by palms and pines, many frequented by nudists. The best way to explore is on a rented moped or bicycle, as there are well-maintained cycling tracks traversing the island.

map of Formentera


Most visitors head straight for the string of restaurants and cafes lining the harbour of Mahon, Minorca's capital town. The town itself is sedate and conservative, featuring classic Georgian townhouses (bearing testimony to the British occupation of bygone days) and tall apartment blocks. Mahon does have some worthwhile attractions for those interested in making more of their holiday than dashing off to the beach. The mansion house of Golden Farm overlooks the harbour, and was once occupied by Admiral Lord Nelson. Also on the sightseeing list is the Xoriguer Gin Distillery, where famed Minorcan gin is produced in an age-old process. The celebrated organ (with more than 3,000 pipes) in the church of Esglesia de Santa Maria la Major is also a draw for some visitors.

map of Mahon

Naveta des Tudons

Regarded as the cathedral of prehistoric monuments, the Naveta des Tudons is the best-known archaeological site on Minorca. One of numerous navetas on the island, it is situated just outside Ciutadella on the road from Mahon and stands two stories high, shaped like the upturned bow of a ship. It is accepted that navetas were funereal structures, but they remain surrounded by mystery and legends. The Naveta des Tudons is Minorca's most remarkable megalithic chamber tomb as it is the largest and the best preserved. The structure was used as a collective ossuary between 1200 and 750 BC, and held the remains of more than 100 skeletons. The interior is not accessible to the public but it is still well worth visiting the site.

map of Naveta des Tudons

Museo Canario
Gran Canaria

The Museo Canario boasts mummies and the world's largest collection of Cro-Magnon skulls. The permanent exhibition is devoted solely to the aboriginal population of Gran Canaria, who inhabited the islands from the second half of the first millennium BC up until the 15th century. It covers things such as religion and mythology, funerary practices, economic activity, and the organisation of society. The award-winning museum in Las Palmas houses the most complete and comprehensive archaeological collection in the Canary Islands and should be of great interest to anybody keen on archaeology, anthropology, and the ancient history of the Canary Islands. There is a room full of the skeletal remains of the ancients, which is spooky but fascinating.

map of Museo Canario

Website: http://www.elmuseocanario.com

Casa de Colon
Gran Canaria

Christopher Columbus is believed to have stayed for different periods in the Casa de Colon, in the historical quarter of Vegueta in Las Palmas. The house now serves as a museum displaying relics of early transatlantic voyages and pre-Columbian cultures, as well as acting as a cultural centre for the study of the Canary Island's relationship with the Americas. The building is a famous example of the architecture of the Canary Islands, and has heavy wooden balconies, patios, fountains, and some unusual ornamental features. It was once the residence of Las Palmas's early governors.

map of Casa de Colon

Gran Canaria

The delightful town of Arucas sits beneath a dormant volcano on the northern coast of Gran Canaria, and is one of the most popular places for tourists to visit. The neat town is dominated by the majestic Church of San Juan Bautista, which local workers carved in stone. It is possible to take a short walk out of the town to the Montana de Arucas viewpoint for a panoramic look at the northern coastline. The town is scenically situated, surrounded by fields of corn and potatoes and banana plantations, and the Palmitos ravine provides some beautiful vistas. The stunning, UNESCO-listed Gran Canaria Biosphere Reserve is also easily accessible from Arucas.

map of Arucas

Palmitos Park
Gran Canaria

A colourful and entertaining look at nature is presented at Palmitos Park, a botanical garden, zoo, and aquarium situated four miles (6km) inland from Arguineguin on the south coast. The park is a subtropical oasis containing thousands of birds, fish, animals, trees, plants, and particularly orchids. The orchid house is the largest in the Canary Islands and the range is astonishing. There is a cactus garden too, a huge butterfly house, and an aquarium featuring a recreated riverbed. Attractions include dolphin shows and a number of bird shows including displays by birds of prey, parrots, and exotic birds. Popular displays help fund the park's serious conservation programmes.

map of Palmitos Park

Website: http://www.palmitospark.es

Teide National Park

The spectacular Parque Nacional de las Canadas del Teide was declared a protected area in 1954 and includes an enormous volcanic crater with a circumference of 30 miles (48km), out of which rises the highest peak in Spain, Mount Teide. It is the largest, one of the oldest, and the most visited national park in Spain and has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Since 2007, it has also been one of the 12 Treasures of Spain. In contrast to the coastal regions of Tenerife, the temperatures in the reserve can be extreme: winter in the park, which lies at about 6,562ft (2,000m) above sea level, brings snowfall and gale force winds, while in summer temperatures can soar to above 104F (40C).

map of Teide National Park

Piramides de Guimar

On the east coast of Tenerife, south of Santa Cruz, stand six mysterious step pyramids of which archaeologists have yet to discern the origin. The pyramids were initially thought to be the remains of agricultural stone terraces, or random piles of stone cleared from fields by early Spanish settlers. However, Thor Heyerdahl, the Norwegian anthropologist who lived in Guimar on Tenerife until his death in 2002, thought differently. His research indicated that the pyramids were constructed on similar principles to those in Mexico, Peru and ancient Mesopotamia. The pyramids are now enclosed in an Ethnographic Park; the site includes a museum, life-size replica of Heyerdahl's reed ship Kontiki, a cafeteria, and souvenir shop.

map of Piramides de Guimar

Website: http://www.piramidesdeguimar.es/en-US/index.aspx

Arrecife Museum of Contemporary Art

A collection of modern artworks sit on permanent display in the Castle of San Jose, a fortress in built in 1779 to defend against pirate attacks in Arrecife. The castle was in military use till 1890 and then stood vacant till 1974, when it was converted into a modern art gallery and restaurant by architect and artist Cesar Manrique. The Museo International de Arte Contemporaneo is small but fascinating. The main attraction is actually the building itself and the contrast between the old fortress and modern art. Some of the artists featured are Bacon, Picasso, Miro, Botero, Damaso, and Luis Feito.

map of Arrecife Museum of Contemporary Art

Timanfaya National Park

Timanfaya National Park, in the southwestern part of the island of Lanzarote, is unique because it is the only national park in the world to have been developed by local residents. Also unique is what the park offers, including a volcanic field filled with a variety of geological and geothermic phenomena. In fact, the reserve is almost entirely made up of volcanic soil, and volcanic activity continues beneath the surface, although there is only one active volcano. Attractions include some geysers by the restaurant. Although the landscape is strange and stark, 180 different plant species do survive in the park. The whole of Lanzarote is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, and Timanfaya is one of the core protected areas.

map of Timanfaya National Park

La Cueva de los Verdes

In the northern part of Lanzarote, close to the Monte de la Corona volcano, is a spectacular system of underground grottos known as La Cueva de los Verdes. This is one of the largest volcanic galleries in the world, at just over four miles (6km) long, formed approximately five thousand years ago in a prehistoric eruption when a massive stream of lava boiled down to the sea, hardening around the spaces inflated by gases. Where the tunnel enters the sea there is an underwater section called the Tunnel of Atlantis. More than a mile (2km) of these grottos is accessible to visitors, and lighting effects have been added to accentuate the contours and colours of the weird shapes resulting from the lava flows.

map of La Cueva de los Verdes

The Cactus Garden

Situated between Guatiza and Mala is an unusual sightseeing attraction that combines art with nature. Artist Cesar Manrique created a work of art in the form of a cactus plantation in an old quarry. The Cactus Garden was Manrique's final piece of work in Lanzarote. More than 7,000 cactuses from well over 1,000 different species from all over the world are represented in the garden, with many coming from Madagascar, Mexico, Chile, Morocco, the US, and the Canary Islands. The plants come in all shapes and sizes and have been arranged beautifully in a landscaped garden with many water features. The site also features a restored windmill, which visitors can climb.

map of The Cactus Garden


The old town of Betancuria was founded in 1405 and was the first capital of Fuerteventura. The town enjoys a fantastic location, offering attractive views of the hilly terrain and winding river below. In the town are several beautiful buildings and churches worth visiting, including the Church of Iglesia de Santa Maria de Betancuria and the convent of San Buenaventura. The Casa Museo Arquebiologico has some interesting artefacts including fertility idols and farming tools that reflect the earliest history of the island. The town was built primarily to defend against pirate attacks and in 1593 it was all but destroyed by pirates and then slowly rebuilt. There are various shops and stalls in Betancuria that sell some of the best handcrafts and local produce on Fuerteventura.

map of Betancuria

La Oliva

Historic buildings from between the 17th and mid-19th centuries remain in the village of La Oliva, which people can still visit. Travellers should make their way to the centre of the village, where they'll find the pretty church of Parroquiade Nuestra Seiiora de Candelaria. Its highlights include a square bell tower, a finely carved wooden door, and an interior that features a painting of the Last Judgement, a Baroque altar painting by Juan de Miranda, and some wonderful trompe l'oeil work. The village also has an art centre exhibiting the work of Canarian artists (Centro de Arte Canario Casa Mane). The somewhat desolate and barren natural landscape of the interior gives way dramatically to the bright turquoise water of the sea, and the beaches around La Oliva are very pretty.

map of La Oliva

Beaches on Fuerteventura

Travellers won't need to go far on Fuerteventura to find a perfect beach, even if they are intent on seeking solitude from other holidaymakers. The best are found around Jandia on the southern tip of the island. Juan Gomez is one of these and has an enticing stretch of golden sand. In the same section of the island is the pebbly black volcanic beach of La Pared. Giniginamar is surrounded by palm trees and other indigenous plants and is recommended for peace and quiet. If travellers are looking for a family-friendly beach, the southern Costa Calma is a great option, as the conditions are ideal for safe swimming and the facilities are good. Nudism is tolerated on all the island's beaches.

map of Beaches on Fuerteventura

Flamenco at Corral de la Moreria

Listed as one of Madrid's top ten sights, the tablao flamenco (flamenco show restaurant) is renowned as the oldest and most famous flamenco show in the world. The multi-award winning establishment draws kings and queens, international presidents, film stars, and well-known artists and writers. They all come to witness the nightly performances of top flamenco stars, receiving excellent service and dining on exquisite meals prepared by some of the best chefs in Madrid. The Corral de la Moreria was opened in 1956 and is widely lauded as the best flamenco venue in the world. It has hosted some of the finest professionals of the flamenco discipline, as well as world-class singers and musicians.

map of Flamenco at Corral de la Moreria

Website: http://www.corraldelamoreria.com

Almeria City
Costa Almeria

The ancient Andalusian city of Almeria lies sheltered at the base of a bay, proudly dominated by the amazing Alcazaba, a huge Moorish citadel with three walled enclosures dating from 995. A 16th-century Christian castle was built on the foundations of the original Moorish citadel, creating a potent aesthetic mixture of architectural styles. From the citadel, visitors have a good view of the city's most impressive and important Christian monument, the Cathedral, dating from 1524, designed more like a fortress than a church because of the need to defend it from pirate attacks. The Cathedral contains numerous art treasures, including a tabernacle dating from the 18th century and designed by Ventura Rodriguez.

map of Almeria City

Costa Almeria

About 16 miles (26km) from Almeria and set between the Sierra de Alhamilla and Sierra de Filabres, the little village of Tabernas is in a barren landscape of canyons and rocky wasteland. A few decades ago, when Western movies were the most popular Hollywood genre, legendary stars such as Clint Eastwood, Lee van Cleef, Claudia Cardinale and Charles Bronson strutted their stuff here in the dry heat on film sets that fans will recognise from movies such as The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, A Fistful of Dollars, and The Magnificent Seven. The movie lots have now become theme park tourist attractions.

map of Tabernas

Cabo de Gata-Nijar Natural Park
Costa Almeria

North of Almeria, a lighthouse stands at the tip of the Cabo de Gata Peninsula marking the extremity of Andalusia's largest coastal nature reserve. The park is a fascinating landscape of arid desert, volcanic mountains, jagged sea cliffs, sand dunes, wetlands, a lagoon, and hidden sandy coves. Mountain bikers, hikers, bird-watchers, and water sports enthusiasts enjoy this natural wonderland, which encompasses some quaint fishing hamlets, historic ruins, and magnificent stretches of beach. Two of the most popular beaches are Playa de Monsul, which has picturesque volcanic rock formations, and Playa de los Genoveses, which is within walking distance of San Jose. Tiny rock islands cluster off the rugged coastline and there are extensive coral reefs along the shore.

map of Cabo de Gata-Nijar Natural Park

Website: http://www.parquenatural.com

Salvador Dali Museum House
Costa Brava

The busy fishing village of Cadaques draws plenty of visitors, but they do not come for the local beach, which is rather narrow and stony. Rather, the resort town's attractions are its picturesque natural harbour, some excellent restaurants, numerous galleries, fashion, and art and craft shops, and the former home-turned-museum of world-renowned surrealist painter, Salvador Dali, situated in nearby Portlligat Bay. Dali's bizarre home consists of a labyrinthine cluster of fishermen's huts, added to the original building in various stages by the artist over a period of 40 years. Visitors must reserve a time for entry in advance as only about eight people are allowed in the museum at a time.

map of Salvador Dali Museum House

The Medes Islands
Costa Brava

Situated scarcely a mile from the beach of the popular resort town of L'Estartit on the Costa Brava, the protected Medes Islands are seen as heaven for divers. The craggy little archipelago of seven islets and a few reefs form one of the most important and rich marine reserves in the Mediterranean. Meda Gran, the largest of the islands, is the only one of considerable size, and there is a 10th-century lighthouse on it. Most of the islands are just rocky outcrops jutting out of the sea, with little vegetation. However, the magic happens underwater, where millions of fish and thousands of animal and plant species inhabit the shallows, crevices, and submarine caves at the base of the island cliffs.

map of The Medes Islands

City of Arts and Science

The impressive, futuristic landscape of the City of Arts and Science covers a vast area, rising out of a man-made lake in what was formerly the bed of the River Turia. It encompasses various attractions accessed along a magnificent arched walkway, overhung with an array of flowering aromatic plants and shrubs. The city consists of five areas: the Hemisferic, containing the IMAX cinema and other digital projections; the Umbracle, a landscaped viewing and parking area; the Principe Felipe Science Museum, dedicated to interactive science; the Oceanografico, the largest aquarium in Europe, housing more than 500 marine species; and the Palau de lest Arts Reina Sofia, which hosts opera, theatre, and music performances.

map of City of Arts and Science

Website: http://www.cac.es

El Carmen

The ancient district of El Carmen sits in the heart of Valencia's old town, with narrow cobbled alleyways, honey-coloured buildings, and bars and cafes contributing making up a chilled Bohemian atmosphere. El Carmen also has several interesting attractions, including the remains of the medieval city walls, and the Gothic tower gates of Torres de Serrano and Torres de Quart, the latter pocked with cannon-ball marks dating from an assault by Napoleon. Roman and Moorish influences are clear in the Old Town and the numerous squares and narrow streets give the area an authentic medieval feel, despite the invasion of tourists as the city increases in popularity. Along with several museums, there is also a convent complex dating back to the 13th century.

map of El Carmen

Valencia Cathedral

It is reputedly the resting place of the Holy Grail but, whether visitors believe that or not, the ornate Valencia Cathedral is worth a visit just because of its unique history and combination of architectural styles. Since it started out in 1262, it has shuffled back and forth from being a mosque to a Christian church, and has been added to accordingly in a variety of styles from Romanesque to Gothic, Baroque, and even Moorish. It houses an interesting museum, treasury, and the Holy Grail chapel. Visitors should also look out for paintings by Goya.

map of Valencia Cathedral

Website: http://www.catedraldevalencia.es/en/index.php

Silk Exchange (Lonja de la Seda)

One of Valencia's UNESCO World Heritage Sites is the old Silk Exchange, founded in 1469, copied from a similar structure built in Palma de Mallorca. The walled tower and flamboyant Gothic trading hall, once used for the trade of precious items like silk and gold, is widely regarded as the city's most beautiful building, and is now a top tourist attraction, often used for hosting art exhibitions. The immensely high vaulted ceiling tops some unusual and very attractive pillars, the floors are lovely, and there is lots of intricate stonework and Gothic detail to admire.

map of Silk Exchange (Lonja de la Seda)

Crypt of Saint Vicente

The Crypt of San Vicente is an ancient part of Valencia and exploring the space takes visitors on an intriguing archaeological journey through the history of the city. The crypt has existed in many different incarnations: it was once part of a Visigoth chapel; was converted into palace baths during Muslim rule; and was incorporated into a Christian chapel dedicated to the martyr San Vicente (although it is unclear whether the saint was ever actually imprisoned here as some historians claim). There is even evidence of Roman architecture in the crypt, which is located in a district once occupied by Roman nobles. It is possible to wander in and see the ruins.

map of Crypt of Saint Vicente

Plaza de la Virgen

The Plaza de la Virgen is one of Valencia's loveliest squares. Once the site of an ancient Roman forum, a fountain sits in the centre and is surrounded by plenty of open-air cafes. On one side of the square is the impressive Gothic façade of the Palau de la Generalitat, seat of government for the Valencia region, and opposite is the Baroque Basilica de Nuestra Senora de los Desamparados, a grand church dating from the 17th century containing fascinating frescoes. The Plaza de la Virgen is an entertainment hub during the famous Fallas Festival in Valencia, which sees the community building big, creative sculptures in the square and later burning them. Street performers come into the square during the evening.

map of Plaza de la Virgen

La Pedrera (Casa Mila)

Commonly known as La Pedrera, Casa Mila is an iconic construction by creative genius Antonio Gaudi. It was his last civil work before dedicating all his time to the assembly of La Sagrada Família. The building is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and demonstrates the signature style of Gaudi with elaborate designs, globular shapes, assorted sculptures, colourful tiles, and intricate details. Built between 1906 and 1912, the distinct architecture of La Pedrera and her counterparts was unconventional and unheard of in the popular Spanish architecture of the time. The remarkable building is now a cultural centre that organises a range of activities and hosts exhibitions of various kinds.

map of La Pedrera (Casa Mila)

Website: http://www.lapedreraeducacio.org

Barri Gotic

Known as the Gothic Quarter, the Barri Gotic is Barcelona's oldest district. A former fortified Roman settlement, the maze of atmospheric narrow streets house spectacular Gothic buildings and cathedrals, marking the city's heyday during the 14th and 15th centuries. There are many significant sights, the most illustrious being the immense Gothic Cathedral La Seu, with its breathtaking facade and serene cloister. With an assortment of shops and delightful sidewalk cafes, the Barri Gotic is a worthwhile day out. To view the remains of this ancient Roman city, once known as Barcino, travellers should visit the Museu d'Historia de la Ciutat in the Palau Real, where Roman streets are still visible in the extensive cellar.

map of Barri Gotic

FC Barcelona Museum and Stadium

FC Barcelona, one of Europe's most beloved football teams, has an informative museum with displays of photographs, documents, memorabilia, and trophies, covering over a century of club history. Visitors also get the opportunity to explore the famous stadium on the Camp Nou Tour, which takes fans to the heart of the club, the changing rooms, tunnel and Nou Camp pitch. With a panoramic view of the stadium from the grandstand, visitors can get a taste of the heady atmosphere of a FC Barcelona match on their home ground. The museum also has an official store where club jerseys, caps and accessories can be purchased.

map of FC Barcelona Museum and Stadium

Website: http://www.fcbarcelona.com

Joan Miro Foundation

A celebration of the life and work of world-renowned Catalan surrealist sculptor and painter Joan Miro, the Joan Miro Foundation in Barcelona houses the majority of the artist's works, including paintings, drawings, sculptures, and textiles. Distinguished by his use of primary colours, simple lines, and two-dimensional geometric shapes, Miro refused to be categorised into an established art movement and, as a result, continued to create unparalleled works of art. Another product of original artistic genius from Barcelona, the works of Miro at the Joan Miro Foundation allow visitors to further delve into the unrestrained creative energy of this exceptional city.

map of Joan Miro Foundation

Website: http://www.fundaciomiro-bcn.org

Barcelona Beaches

Barcelona's coastline offers a string of attractive beaches, the ideal diversion after excessive sightseeing and shopping. Travellers can visit the popular Barceloneta Beach, only ten minutes from the city centre, where there is a selection of beach bars, and can cool down with a refreshing swim and marvel at the bizarre architecture of Homenatge a la Barceloneta by Rebecca Horn. Windsurfing and kite surfing are popular activities on this always-bustling beach. The end of Barceloneta and the beginning of Icaria Beach is marked by Frank Gehry's El Peix. Marbella Beach is unofficially Barcelona's nudist beach but, although nudity is tolerated, many people choose to keep their clothes on. For a peaceful beach near the city centre look no further than Caldetes, which is invariably almost empty.

map of Barcelona Beaches

Museum of Contemporary Art

The Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art is situated in the once-shabby Raval District, just off La Rambla. Over the years its front plaza has become synonymous with international skateboarders, being fondly known as the famous MACBA, drawing skaters and creatives from around the world to unite, compete, and collaborate against the backdrop of this chic white building. Being a work of art in itself, the Museum of Contemporary Art was designed to take advantage of as much natural light as possible and the cool, airy interiors confidently hold the works of modern art luminaries such as Basquiat, Klee, Tapies, and Barcelo. Kids will enjoy the museum, as there is a lot to touch and interact with.

map of Museum of Contemporary Art

Website: http://www.macba.es

Puerta del Sol

One of the most well-known plazas in the country, Puerta del Sol is the historical and geographical heart of the city. The 15th-century entryway earned its name by being bathed in the rays of the rising sun due its eastern position. Littered with famous landmarks, Puerta del Sol is home to the famous Spanish clock tower whose bell marks the beginning of the New Year. The official symbol of Madrid (El Oso y El Madrono) is immortalised in a 20-ton statue of a bear eating fruits off a Madrono tree. There's also a large equestrian statue of King Carlos III on display. The plaza is a popular site for rallies and protests, and remains an important venue for social gatherings, festivals, and events.

map of Puerta del Sol

Royal Botanic Garden

Located nearby the Prado Museum, the Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid is one of the oldest botanic gardens in Europe. With the foundation of the garden ordered by King Ferdinand VI in 1755, the Royal Botanic Garden has been cataloguing and nurturing rare species of flora for over 200 years. A welcome break after hours of art, architecture, and frenetic streets, the garden is a small haven of natural splendour. Divided into three terraces and extending only eight hectares, the garden boasts an array of 30,000 plants and flowers and 1,500 trees.

map of Royal Botanic Garden

Website: http://www.rjb.csic.es

National Archaeological Museum of Spain

A worthwhile visit in a country known for its rich history, the National Archaeological Museum was founded in 1867 with the purpose of being a depository for the collection of coin, archaeological, ethnographical, and decorative art collections compiled by the Spanish monarchs. Situated in a stately neoclassical mansion alongside the National Library, the museum's collection ranges from prehistoric times to the 19th century. One of the major exhibits is the famous Iberian statue, 'The Lady of Elche', a carving from the 4th century BC found on the southeastern coast of Spain. Another intriguing exhibit is the Islamic collection, outlining the long and influential history of the Moors in Spain.

map of National Archaeological Museum of Spain

Sorolla Museum

A hidden gem, the Sorolla Museum was the home of renowned Spanish Impressionist painter Joaquín Sorolla and his family. Donated to the government in 1929 by Sorolla's widow, the house now operates as a memorial and museum, displaying a large collection of Sorolla's glowing works and other contemporary collections including sculpture, ceramics, furniture, and jewellery. A fine example of a bourgeois Madrid home from the early 20th century, the attractive museum has an intrinsically Spanish style with brightly painted walls, dark furniture, and a pretty garden. Much of the house remains as Sorolla left it, right down to his stained paintbrushes and pipes.

map of Sorolla Museum

Website: http://www.culturaydeporte.gob.es/msorolla/inicio.html


Surrounded by rolling green hills, the 13th-century town of Ferreries lies nestled in the centre of Minorca next to the island's second highest mountain. Travellers are attracted to the area by the Castell de Santa Agueda, the ruin of a Moorish castle built atop an ancient Roman stronghold. It exists as the last site of resistance for Arab inhabitants when the island was conquered by King Alfonso III of Aragon. The ruined fortress is accessed via an ancient Roman road and there is a chapel dedicated to Saint Agatha next to the castle. Ferreries itself is a sleepy little place, with a character typical of the island. It's a great place to buy local produce as the region is particularly celebrated for its cheeses.

map of Ferreries

Parc de La Ciutadella

Located in the centre of Barcelona, the Parc de La Ciutadella is a great place to spend a sunny summer's afternoon relaxing under a tree with a book, a picnic, and the family. Originally the site was chosen for a fortress in 1714, but in 1869 it was decided that the area should be a park and the palace was demolished. Exploring the park and being out on the water is a fun way to unwind, as the setting features a lake where visitors can hire a small rowboat, The paths for walking, jogging, and cycling are wide and well maintained, and there are some interesting sculptures dotted about the park, and some striking buildings.

map of Parc de La Ciutadella

Barcelona Aquarium

Featuring thousands of brightly coloured and exotic fish, the Barcelona Aquarium is a must for children of all ages. With 35 different tanks holding creatures from different oceans, the aquarium is the largest of its kind in Europe and features species such as giltheads, moray eels, sunfish, rays, sand tiger sharks, and sandbar sharks. The oceanarium is the largest Mediterranean-themed aquarium in the world and the showpiece of the Barcelona Aquarium, with a transparent tunnel winding through it that gives visitors the exhilarating feeling of walking underwater. The whole aquarium houses about 11,000 organisms from 450 different species.

map of Barcelona Aquarium

Website: http://www.aquariumbcn.com

Poble Espanyol

The mock village of Poble Espanyol is an outdoor open-air architectural museum featuring workshops, where visitors can see different types of craftwork taking place. Around 117 buildings, streets, and squares make up the village and have been reproduced to scale, giving the true feel of a Spanish village. The village was built in 1929 for the Barcelona International Exhibition and some of the replica buildings have now outlived the originals, which were found in villages across Spain. Visitors can purchase high-quality handmade dolls, embroidery, glassware, soap, textiles, ceramics and more from the more than 30 craft workshops that specialise in the traditional secrets of producing these items.

map of Poble Espanyol

Website: http://www.poble-espanyol.com

Safari Madrid

Kids will enjoy a trip to Safari Madrid, which is set in an African-style savannah landscape and is home to giraffe, camels, zebras, elephants, hippos, bison, bears, baboons, monkeys, and rhino. The main wildlife attractions are the big cats, including lions, tigers, and cougars. Many of the animals are allowed to roam free, simulating an African safari experience that lets visitors view game from their vehicles. Small kids will be delighted with the selection of meek, cuddly animals that they are allowed to interact with. Those who have been on real safaris will find the park disappointing, however.

map of Safari Madrid

Madrid Zoo and Aquarium

Home to nearly 3,000 animals from all over the world and an impressive aquarium, the Madrid Zoo is a great attraction for kids on holiday in the city. Highlights of the zoo include koala bears, pandas, zebras, raccoons, bears, reindeers, rhinos, otters, lions, chimpanzees, hippos, lemurs, lynx, buffalo, elephants, wolves, orangutans, baboons, gorillas, giraffes, and tigers. The zoo also boasts a good variety of reptiles and birds. Marine animals include the ever-popular dolphins, seals, penguins, and sharks. There are dolphin and sea lion shows. The zoo carries out different conservation and breeding programmes for species in serious danger of extinction.

map of Madrid Zoo and Aquarium

Website: http://www.zoomadrid.com

Parque de Atracciones

Parque de Atracciones is a fantastic amusement park in Madrid, and a particularly good option for those travelling with kids. The park is big and modern and offers a number of rides and attractions for all ages. There is plenty for the thrill-seekers to enjoy, but also some more relaxed rides. The park is divided into five large sections: Maquinismo (machinery), where many large rides can be found; the Gran Avenida (main avenue), which boasts shops, restaurants, shows, and street performers; Naturaleza (nature); Tranquilidad (relaxation); and Infantile, an area designed for young kids. There are a number of shows, games, and spectacles to keep everybody entertained.

map of Parque de Atracciones

Website: http://www.parquedeatracciones.es

Aqualand Mallorca

Aqualand is one place that is not to be missed by families on holiday in Mallorca. Children of all ages and parents alike will have a grand time splashing in the pools, riding the slides, floating on tubes, a mini water park for the little ones, or jumping in the wave pools. Those who don't relish excitement can enjoy the lazy river or the Jacuzzis, and the whole family will enjoy the surf beach and group rides. There are lockers and sun loungers available to rent for a small extra charge and there are various options for food and refreshments in the park. Benches and beach areas provide space for relaxation in between the thrills and spills.

map of Aqualand Mallorca

Website: http://www.aqualand.es

Katmandu Park

Katmandu Park is a theme park and mini-golf complex that proves wildly popular amongst younger visitors to Magaluf. Featuring cutting-edge technology, The House of Katmandu provides a thrilling and interactive haunted house experience for youngsters; The Asylum, aimed at older visitors (12 years and older), takes passengers on a scary journey through an abandoned mental asylum; the interactive motion ride Desperado is a comical cowboy gun slinging experience; and there is a 4D cinema to enjoy. The 36-hole (two 18-hole courses) Expedition Golf area of the theme park is hugely impressive, featuring fun and challenging courses, elaborately ornamented and themed, that even adults will find tough to master.

map of Katmandu Park

Website: http://www.katmandupark.com/en

Aqualand Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria

Aqualand is a must for all families visiting Gran Canaria, especially those with children. The wide range of slides, pools, and rides will keep the young and the young at heart happily entertained for hours. Those looking for an injection of adrenalin should try the wide array of thrill rides, while young children have their own water playground with fun mini slides and swings. There is a surf beach and a lazy river, which families can enjoy together, and there are plenty of benches and beach areas for relaxing and picnicking. Lockers and sun loungers cost a little extra, but visitors do get free bags to keep their towels and other belongings in. The park is clean and well maintained, generally receiving rave reviews from tourists.

map of Aqualand Gran Canaria

Website: http://www.aqualand.es

Holiday World
Gran Canaria

Featuring a wide variety of activities, Holiday World is a fun park that caters specifically to families on holiday in Gran Canaria. Kids of all ages can enjoy rides such as bumper cars, a Ferris wheel, roller coasters, and a pirate ship, as well as games such as ten-pin bowling and things such as pony rides and a parrot show. There is a playground area for children too young to enjoy the rides. A range of restaurants and fast-food outlets are available and, after dark, there are some nighttime entertainment options, with frequent live shows and music concerts, an Irish pub, and some other drinking and dancing venues.

map of Holiday World

Website: http://www.holidayworld-maspalomas.com

Castell d'Alaro

Mallorca's most popular hiking trail is the climb from the town of Alaro up to a ruined castle and hilltop chapel, which offers panoramic views of the sea and plains as far as Palma. From Alaro the walk takes about two hours to complete depending on fitness levels. A castle has stood on this site since Moorish times and the fortress was once so impregnable that the Moors managed to hold out against the Christian conquest for two years. Later, in 1285, Mallorcan independence fighters tried to defend the castle against Alfonso III of Aragon, but they were defeated and burned alive for their impudence. The castle ruins now visible on the hilltop date from the 15th century and dominate the landscape. They seem to grow out of the rock and are rather romantic and picturesque, fuelling the imagination.

map of Castell d'Alaro

Garrotxa Nature Reserve
Costa Brava

Visiting the dormant volcanoes is not one of the typical things to do in Spain, yet they offer stunning scenery and a one-of-a-kind experience. Sandwiched between the Pyrenees and Costa Brava, the region of Garrotxa is home to a multitude of prehistoric volcanoes as well as many castles and country houses. Visitors wanting to experience more of Spain than the quintessential beach and city breaks should head to Garrotxa Nature Reserve, just outside of Girona, to experience a land of amazing and rugged landscapes, fire, and ash. The reserve showcases the best of rural tourism in Spain and is perfect for enthusiastic hikers.

map of Garrotxa Nature Reserve

Website: http://www.turismegarrotxa.com/_es.html

Parque Natural de Bardenas Reales

The UNESCO Biosphere Reserve of Parque Natural de Barenas Reales is a semi-desert landscape. The malleable clay, chalk, and sandstone of the landscape has been eroded into surprising and unusual shapes by wind and rain over the millennia. Vegetation of any kind is scarce in the reserve, as is human habitation, and the streams that flow across the barren land are seasonal. The rugged cliffs, hills, and ravines are home to Egyptian Vultures, Golden Eagles, and Peregrine Falcons, with a total of 24 species of birds of prey, as well as many other bird and animal species.

map of Parque Natural de Bardenas Reales

Costa del Sol

This truly incredible limestone formation sits at the end of the Iberian Peninsula, famous for its astounding geology and overly friendly furry friends. Though many countries have claimed the beacon over the years, it's officially owned by the British government and thus it is advised that tourists exchange euros for pounds. The Rock of Gibraltar is easily conquered by cable car, but it's worthwhile to hire a guide to explain the countless caves and rocks, and to entice the wild but sociable monkeys. On clear days, visitors can even view North Africa. St Michael's Cave, long believed to be bottomless, is a thrilling attraction with many myths and stories attached. Part of the massively deep cave is open to visitors and is even used as a concert venue.

map of Gibraltar

La Orotava

The beautiful town of La Orotava is firm proof that there is much more to Tenerife than lovely beaches and a fun nightlife. Known for its aristocratic heritage and exceptional architecture, La Orotava is famous for its ornate balconies, many of which are concentrated on Casa de los Balcones. The town was settled by noble families in the aftermath of the Spanish conquest and they set about a flourish of competitive building, a legacy that modern-day visitors can enjoy at their leisure. The west of the island was home to Tenerife's nobility who built many fine houses. There are many churches and monasteries here too. La Orotava is beautifully situated, with volcanic black beaches and mountains that encourage hiking and other outdoor activities.

map of La Orotava

Sherry Bodegas

Andalusia's chalky soil is ideal for the cultivation of the palomino grape, from which the world-famous sherry (jerez) of the region is made. The main sites of sherry production in Andalusia are Jerez de la Frontera and Montilla, and these charming towns are home to plenty of self-proclaimed sherry connoisseurs, who will debate the quality of the sweet amber-coloured blends with the seriousness usually reserved for appraising the finest French wines. An increasingly popular tourist activity for visitors to southern Spain is to tour the bodegas of the region, wineries with a history dating back to Roman times, which specialise in the fermentation of palomino grapes and the production of sherry.

map of Sherry Bodegas


Just two hours southeast of Madrid lies Cuenca, one of the most charming small towns on the Iberian Peninsula. Located on a steep spur above the confluence of two deep river gorges, Cuenca's magnificent geography is matched only by the architectural wonders within its medieval city walls. In fact, the entire town centre of Cuenca is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and visitors to Spain who are looking for a romantic town to wander around for a few days are strongly encouraged to give Cuenca a try. Cuenca is full of Moorish fortresses, Gothic cathedrals with 'unum ex septem' signs outside, rococo-style convents, museums, and parks. Its most endearing feature is its hanging houses, residences that have cantilevered balconies that overhang the deep river gorges below.

map of Cuenca

El Raval

El Raval is a compelling and interesting neighbourhood, with a long and chequered history. It's one of two districts bordering La Rambla, with the other being the established tourist area of Barri Gotic. Located near Barcelona's port, El Raval has always had an exciting, multicultural character, particularly popular with backpackers and revellers keen to check out the city's cutting-edge galleries and clubs. While having undergone a period of development, the area still remains slightly dangerous and tourists should be careful of pickpockets and avoid walking alone at night. El Raval is full of cool bars and funky cafes that beg to be explored, from Bar Marsella with its Art Nouveau interior, to London Bar, a run-down though stately place once frequented by artists like Hemingway, Picasso, and Mirò. Another great sight in El Raval is the Palau Guell, one of Gaudi's lesser-known masterpieces, featuring large parabolic gates decorated with beautiful ironwork.

map of El Raval


A wonderful daytrip destination from Barcelona, Figueres is a lovely Catalonian town that also happens to be the birthplace of surrealist artist Salvador Dali. The main reason for visiting Figueres is to see the Dali Theatre and Museum (Teatre-Museu Dalí), a suitably bizarre-looking building that is pink, studded, and crowned with enormous eggs. It was not only designed by Dali, but also houses a full spectrum of his imaginative output including paintings, sculptures, 3D collages, mechanical devices, and weird and wonderful installations. The artist is buried in the museum's basement.

map of Figueres

Santillana del Mar

French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre called Santillana del Mar the prettiest village in Spain, and it remains one of the undisputed highlights of Spain's northern coastline. Only six blocks long and home to just 4,000 permanent inhabitants, Santillana del Mar makes a wonderful base for exploring the alluring Cantabrian coastline. In the village, which is full of gorgeous Romanesque architecture lining ironstone streets, locals still sell fresh milk from open stable doors, and well-heeled visitors have the chance to spend the night in one of Spain's grandest paradores (Parador de Santillana), a converted 17th-century mansion offering luxurious and unforgettable accommodation. Santillana del Mar is also the closest urban area to the Altamira Caves, featuring amazing Upper Paleolithic cave paintings, and often dubbed 'the Sistine Chapel of prehistoric art'. Because Spain's northern coastline doesn't see nearly as much annual tourist activity as its southern coastline, independent travellers keen to avoid the crush of sun-seekers on the Costa del Sol are strongly encouraged to visit Santillana del Mar, which offers a relaxing seaside atmosphere as well as the chance to feel as though you've truly escaped the hustle and bustle of the modern world.

map of Santillana del Mar

La Coruna

The ancient city of La Coruna has steadily been growing in popularity as a base for travellers in northern Spain. The bustling coastal centre has a busy port, a gorgeously long beachfront, and a reputation for liberalism. Today it is a cosmopolitan and proud city, popular with expats. The main attraction for sightseers is the Roman Tower of Hercules, an ancient lighthouse which has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. La Coruna's Old Town, Ciudad Vieja, is picturesque, with some noble old buildings and a lively medieval fair in July. The newest and most talked about attraction is the MunCyT technological museum (Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología), a glass and concrete monument to modernism. Another feature that gets visitors very excited is the beachfront promenade, one of the longest in Europe, which winds past many of the city's best attractions. The Orzan and Riazor Beaches, in the heart of La Coruna, are both Blue Flag accredited and immensely popular in the summer months. For delicious and authentic Spanish food visitors should head to the prime tapas territory of Calle Estrella.

Costa Dorada

The fortified medieval centre of Montblanc is gloriously well preserved. The historic old quarter is best explored on foot and notable sights include the Church of Santa Maria la Mayor, the Sant Miguel Church, the Sant Marcal Church, the Royal Palace, and the Castla Palace, all dating back to the 13th and 14th centuries. The picturesque village celebrates its medieval heritage every year in April with a two-week festival filled with parades and fireworks, which commemorates the legend of Saint George killing the dragon. Montblanc is inland from the port city of Tarragona and very close to the UNESCO-listed Poblet Monastery, which is one of the most famous attractions in the Costa Dorada. The kings of Aragon and Catalonia were buried here.

map of Montblanc

Public Holidays in Spain

  2020 2021
New Year’s Day Mon. January 1 Mon. January 1
Good Friday Wed. April 10 Tue. April 2
Labour Day Wed. May 1 Wed. May 1
Assumption of Mary Thu. August 15 Thu. August 15
Hispanic Day Sat. October 12 Sat. October 12
All Saints' Day Fri. November 1 Fri. November 1
Constitution Day Fri. December 6 Fri. December 6
Immaculate Conception Sun. December 8 Sun. December 8
Christmas Day Wed. December 25 Wed. December 25
Epiphany Sat. January 6 Sat. January 6

Port of Call - Barcelona

Barcelona Harbour
Photo credit:
Barcelona anchors many Mediterranean cruise itineraries and offers a huge amount for passengers at either end of their trip. The city has many attractions, from Gaudi buildings to people-watching on Las Ramblas, and offers visitors a seductive taste of the Spanish way of life. The beautiful Barcelona port has a number of cruise ship terminals that can be divided into the Quai Adossat Terminals, the Sant Bertrand Wharf Terminal, the World Trade Centre Terminals, and the Port Vell Terminal. Sant Bertrand Wharf and Port Vell are closest to Las Ramblas while Quai Adossat and the World Trade Centre Terminals are a short ride away on the Blue Bus route. Most ships dock at Port Vell which has recently been modernized and offers a very comfortable experience for passengers with duty-free shops, restaurants and good transport links. The port has become a tourist attraction in its own right, with Maremàgnum shopping mall and Europe's largest aquarium on site. Port Vell leads directly on to Las Ramblas, the iconic Barcelona avenue lined with eateries and entertainment that feeds right into the heart of the city.

map of Barcelona

Shopping in Barcelona

Catch the "Tomb Bus" which is designed for shoppers, linking all the major retail centres; departing every seven minutes from Catalonia Square. Super chic boutiques can be found in the Eixample area, and wonderful little shops can be found all over the old quarter. Spend an hour in El Corte Ingles, the largest department store in Spain for a true Spanish retail experience. Las Ramblas has plenty of interest for shoppers, but lots of tourist gimmicks too (and pick pockets!).

Dining in Barcelona

La Balsa - international style food, market fresh ingredients

Cal Pep - superb and renowned tapas bar

Alkimia - cutting edge Catalan cuisine

Things to do in Barcelona

Take a Picasso Museum & Gothic Quarter tour

Visit the 11th century Benedictine Montserrat Monastery

Take a trip to seaside paradise of Sitges

Explore the many attractions of Montjuic

Spend a mouth-watering morning at Boqueria Market

Turisme de Barcelona

+34 932 853 834 (multi language service)



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Travel Off Path
Wednesday August 28, 2024
Turquoise Waters And Ancient Old Towns: Brand New Mediterranean Destination Is Launching In Europe Next Year
The Mediterranean is probably the busiest summer destination in Europe, drawing in millions of tourists with its Old World allure and endless miles of pristine coastline, shared by countries like Spain, France, Italy, Croatia and the like. Considering there's hardly a tourism hotspot as
Travel Off Path
Thursday August 22, 2024
Passport Application Rejected Due to ‘Game of Thrones’
Last week, exasperating incidents left authorities fuming. In California, tourists played paintball in a national park and sprayed signs. In Pompeii, a man engraved the walls of an ancient home, and in Spain, a man poured water on cave paintings to take better photos. This is
Fodor's Travel
Tuesday August 13, 2024
Beach Bans You Need to Be Aware of Before Bathing on European Beaches
In recent years, European countries are increasingly introducing bans to protect the environment. Beach bans are often introduced to improve visitors' experience and make life easier for residents. Spain and Italy have the most beach bans among European countries
Monday August 12, 2024
I Traveled Through Northern Spain by Luxury Sleeper Train — Here’s How You Can, Too
State-owned railways aren’t usually associated with upscale travel. So when I heard that Spain’s national rail system had a luxury sleeper-train route called the Costa Verde Express, my curiosity was piqued, and I signed up. The six-day trip travels along the country’s “green coast” in
Wednesday July 31, 2024
Top 10 European Countries for Summer Vacations in 2024
Out of 45 countries in the European continent, Spain has been recognised as the best country for summer tourism in 2024. According to the Europe Summer Tourism Index by SchengenVisaInfo, Spain collected the highest points thanks to its popularity and beaches. The country also
Monday July 29, 2024
4 Incredible Destinations In Spain To Escape The Summer Heat
With temperatures rising dramatically already and travel warnings issued for several holiday spots across Spain, the Southern European country is bracing for one of the hottest summers in its recorded history. Regular beachgoers might not be exactly losing sleep over it, but try
Travel Off Path
Monday July 22, 2024
Ancient Sites And No Crowds: This Beautiful Border Town In Spain Is The Anti-Barcelona
Both Spain and Portugal have seen massive hordes of tourists, so how do you pick between the two? The better question might be, how do you avoid the crowds? With iconic cities like Barcelona experiencing a bout of overtourism, more hidden gems are being unveiled to provide
Travel Off Path
Thursday July 11, 2024
Does Travel Endorse a Destination’s Policies? In My Experience, No.
Traveling to Cuba does not make me a communist. Visiting Spain does not imply support for the monarchy. Going to the United States does not make me a defender of imperialism, and being in Argentina does not make me a follower of Milei. When will political fanatics understand that
USA Today
Monday July 08, 2024
Is Barcelona Still Worth Visiting This Summer Despite Overtourism?
If you’re planning to visit Spain this summer, or perhaps you want to see as much of Europe as possible in one trip, then you may be wondering if Barcelona is still worth visiting. Barcelona is the most visited city in Spain as well as the most famous. But Barcelona has also
Travel Off Path
Friday July 05, 2024
Medieval Town By A Bubblegum Pink Lake: One Of The Last True Hidden Gems In France
France is the most visited country worldwide, easily surpassing Spain, Italy and Mexico. Last year alone, it hosted over 100 million guests, who flocked from all over the globe to see the Eiffel Tower sparkle at night or marvel at the regal opulence of palaces like Versailles. I live
Travel Off Path
Tuesday July 02, 2024
Tourists Warned to Travel Cautiously to EU Hotspots Due to Extreme Temperatures
Tourists have been advised to travel carefully to some EU hotspots amid extreme weather. Greece, Italy, and Spain are some of the countries that have recorded temperatures as high as 43C. Tourists have been called to stay hydrated and stay in shaded or air-conditioned
Thursday June 27, 2024
Spain’s Sagrada Família Finally Has a Completion Date
More than 140 years after construction started, the Sagrada Família church in Barcelona, one of the world’s most popular tourist landmarks and complex architectural projects, has a new completion date: 2026. This spring, the organization behind the decades-long effort to finish the masterpiece by
Friday June 14, 2024
Hilton Rolls Out 3-Hotel Test Phase for New Small Luxury Hotels of the World Partnership
The first three hotels of a new partnership between Hilton and Small Luxury Hotels of the World are now available to book and for Hilton Honors members to enjoy elite benefits. Teranka in Formentera, Spain; Nobu Hotel Marbella in Marbella, Spain; and Flemings Mayfair in London are now available to
The Points Guy
Friday June 14, 2024
The Surprising Wellness Trend Based on Beer
Beer spas have recently opened in Iceland, Spain and the US – but they take their cue from an older tradition in a country with a long history as a beer bastion: the Czech Republic. The stained-glass image of one of greatest scientists in history – 16th-Century
Tuesday June 11, 2024
This Sunny Spanish City Is Known for Amazing Tapas and a ‘Magical Vibe’ — and It Won’t Break the Bank
Granada is about as captivating a city as they come. The city, tucked at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in Spain's Andalusia region, is filled with more historic charm than perhaps one place deserves. Here, travelers can walk through winding cobblestone streets, drink in views
Monday June 10, 2024
The Treaty of Tordesillas
On June 7, 1494, the countries of Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, so named for the Spanish city it was created in. The treaty divided the New World of the newly discovered Americas between the two
Travel Research Online
Friday June 07, 2024
What Is Quiet Vacationing, The New Travel Trend Where Employees Take A Holiday Without Informing Their Bosses?
Remember in Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara when we all laughed at Hrithik Roshan’s character and saw him with pitiful eyes for working on a laptop while in Spain with his friends? Well, that character was showing us the future! A new travel trend has emerged where employees are
Curly Tales
Friday June 07, 2024
Why You Should Consider Train Travel in Europe
If you’ve been dreaming about visiting Europe this summer and eating gelato in Italy or visiting the Basílica de la Sagrada Familia in Spain, good news: Airfare is down 8% compared to this time last year, according to Hopper’s 2024 Summer Travel Outlook. And once you’re in
San Francisco Chronicle
Wednesday June 05, 2024
The Secret Is Out! Barely Any Tourists Visit This Affordable And Authentic European Country
Europe is once again teeming with tourists now that the weather is warm enough for soft gelato and alfresco dinners, and as usual, the likes of Spain, France, and Italy are leading booking trends, thanks to their ancient culture and turquoise coastlines. However, there's something
Travel Off Path
Wednesday May 29, 2024
7 Reasons Why This Sunny Spanish City Is Perfect For Solo Travelers
Sevilla, Spain is one of the best destinations in Europe for solo travelers. I spent several weeks in Sevilla as a solo traveler, and I've been hoping to return ever since! It was one of my favorite cities in Europe as a solo traveler, as someone who's visited 30+
Travel Off Path
Wednesday May 01, 2024
How to Spend 3 Perfect Days in Madrid
Spain’s capital city has plenty to offer on a 24/7 basis, no matter whether you’re looking for entertainment at 2 PM on a cool winter’s afternoon or 2 AM in the heat of the summer months. But even if you’re only popping by for a fleeting visit, it’s easy to tick off the
Fodor's Travel
Wednesday April 24, 2024
Barcelona’s Tourist Tax Just Got Higher. Here Are Other Places That Will Cost You to Enter in 2024
Barcelona, one of Spain’s most visited cities, has just announced another hike in its tourist tax. This increase comes after multiple tourist destinations have implemented visitor fees in response to the problems caused by excessive tourism. Overtourism
Travel Noire
Wednesday April 24, 2024
The Ingenious Wines Birthed From Black Volcanic Craters
In Spain's Lanzarote Island, conical hollows built into layers of volcanic ash yield wines that have been created from generations of ingenuity and hard work. When viewed from a distance, the vineyards of
Friday April 19, 2024
Travel Advice for the 2026 European Travel
Umbraphiles feeling the post-eclipse blues should start checking the expiration date on their passports. The next total solar eclipse is set to happen on Aug. 12, 2026 over Greenland, Iceland, Spain, Russia and a small part of Portugal, according to NASA. In North
USA Today
Wednesday April 10, 2024
Why These 2 Sunny European Countries Are The Trendiest Destinations Of 2024
Europe has always been a popular region of the world for travel, but 2 countries in particular are breaking all-time tourism records right now. Travelers just can't seem to get enough of neighboring countries Spain and Portugal. These two European countries are
Travel Off Path
Tuesday March 26, 2024
The 10 Best Boutique Stores in Madrid
As Spain’s capital city, you’d probably expect Madrid to have a great shopping scene. But you might not quite realize just how varied the array of boutiques and stores is here, from independent retailers hidden in unusual parts of the city to thriving multi-story
Fodor's Travel
Tuesday March 26, 2024
The Best Secrets Resorts & Spas for a Relaxing, Adults-Only Getaway
From Mexico to St. Martin, Spain to Jamaica — and quite a few destinations in between, including Bulgaria — Secrets Resorts & Spas have remained a primary player in Hyatt's push toward both luxury and all-inclusive resorts. The luxury brand continues to be one of the best of its kind, impressing Hyatt loyalists and travelers in search of the kind of vacation where you don't have to think about your wallet even
The Points Guy
Tuesday March 12, 2024
Rescheduled Cruise Ship Dry Dock Results in Cancellations
Shipyard delays have dashed the hopes of passengers looking forward to setting sail on P&O Cruises’ Iona. Initially slated for refurbishment in March 2025, Iona’s overhaul has been pushed back to October 2025. P&O Cruises announced delays in Iona’s refurbishment will cause a cancellation of two slated cruises in October 2025. In an email sent to passengers booked on Iona’s October 18, 2025, cruise to Spain and
Cruise Hive
Tuesday March 12, 2024
I Have Visited Every Island in Spain and This Is the One You Can’t Miss
I love Spain but especially Spain’s islands. They’re the perfect destination for laid-back relaxation, boast beautiful beaches, outstanding natural beauty, fascinating culture, and (for the most part) warm and welcoming people. But which island is best? I’ve been lucky enough to visit every island in Spain, and this is the one I keep going back to. Here’s why you can’t miss it: The Balearics Or The Canary Islands?
Travel Off Path
Monday March 11, 2024
Germany, UK, Spain: Travel strikes planned for February and March
Our guide is updated as soon as a new European strike is announced
Tuesday February 27, 2024
On this day in 1903, the government of Cuba granted the United States a lease in perpetuity to Guantánamo Bay. By the end of the Spanish-American War, the United States has obtained control of all of Cuba from Spain. An American citizen, Tomás Estrada Palma, became the first President of Cuba. Palma signed with President Theodore Roosevelt the Cuban American Treaty which recognized the sovereignty of Cuba and granted the lease of Guantánamo to the United States the purpose of "coaling and naval stations" for the sum of
Travel Research Online
Friday February 23, 2024
The United States Purchases Florida
Spain was losing its grip on its New World territories. Years of war and tension with England and France had left the Spanish empire without the means to firmly control its colonies. General Andrew Jackson, while fighting the First Seminole Wars against Native Americans in Georgia, had on occasion attacked and captured Spanish forts in Florida without provocation. When Spain was unable to retaliate, President John Monroe and his Secretary of State John Quincy Adams saw an opportunity
Travel Research Online
Thursday February 22, 2024
Spain drought leads to no water for cruise ships, impacts tourism
Drought conditions in Spain are leading to several measures impacting the country's tourism industry, including cruise ships calling to Barcelona
Travel And Tour World
Monday February 19, 2024
Remember the Maine!
William Randolph Hearst, the notorious newspaper baron, needed a war. His paper, the New York Journal, was in a pitched circulation battle with other newspapers. When the USS Maine exploded at anchor in the harbor in Havana, Cuba, Hearst saw his opportunity. Tensions were high between the United States and Spain. President William McKinley had ordered the ship there to protect American and national interests in the Spanish colony. The explosion late at night sent the ship to the bottom with 260 of the 350 men aboard. Hearst sent a reporter to Cuba to cover the "war". When the reporter wired Hearst with the news that no war existed, Hearst famously cabled back "Please remain. You furnish the pictures, I will furnish the war
Travel Research Online
Thursday February 15, 2024
Colors of Spain
In the early evening, enjoy an “Illuminated Madrid” drive through the bustling streets of the old city, ending at the historical and impressive Plaza Mayor. This area is home to some of the most typical restaurants and taverns, which serve the delicious "tapas"
Thursday February 15, 2024
Catalonia Emerged as Spain's Most Popular Tourist Destination in 2023
Catalonia was Spain’s most visited tourist destination, with over 18 million visitors in 2023, as revealed by the Spanish Ministry of Industry and Tourism
Schengen Visa
Wednesday February 07, 2024
Seabourn Pursuit Opens Cruise Season in Trinidad
The Seabourn Pursuit opened the 2023-24 cruise season in Port of Spain, in Trinidad and Tobago, on October 11. The country is expected to receive a total of 139 cruise ships during the season, which will bring over 210,000 guests to local ports. Among the cruise lines visiting Trinidad and
Cruise Industry News
Tuesday October 17, 2023
The 10 Best Hotels in Barcelona
Barcelona’s blend of city and coast embodies the unique Catalan culture that distinguishes it from any other destination, even within Spain. The Catalan spirit saturates the city — it’s heard in the language, seen in the Gothic and modern architecture and felt in the pace of life. Dinner lingers late
Friday October 06, 2023
No Sitting Permitted: What to Know About the Spanish Steps of Rome
The Spanish Steps in Rome have an international history and attract people from all over the world, making it a must-visit tourist spot. The landmark is named Spanish Steps because it is located at the bottom of Spanish Square, named after the Palace of Spain
The Travel
Wednesday September 27, 2023
What to Do If an Earthquake Hits While You Are Traveling
It can happen anytime, anywhere. On September 8, 2023, an 6.8-magnitude earthquake rocked Marrakech in Morocco. Rescue efforts are ongoing, but as per latest reports, more than 2,800 have been killed and 2,500 are injured. It is the deadliest earthquake in over six decades and Spain, the UK
Fodor's Travel
Wednesday September 13, 2023
Solo Trips or ‘Gramping?’ How Older Adults Travel Is Changing
This fall, Sally Matts is going to Spain. Since her retirement as a human resources professional, the Waldorf, Maryland, woman has become an avid traveler, going on several trips in the U.S. and abroad. “Don’t wait,” said Matts, 71, who is an ambassador with Road Scholar, an
Friday September 08, 2023
Forbidden names, no dominoes, no mops, no underwear - 6 'weird' Spanish rules
Think of going on holiday to Spain soon? Well here are 6 of the strangest rules that you'll have to consider whilst over there
The Bolton News
Wednesday September 06, 2023
P&O Cruises ship collides with oil tanker, injuries reported
A P&O Cruises ship collided with an oil tanker due to strong winds in Spain on Sunday
USA Today
Tuesday August 29, 2023
Spain: Cruise ship passengers injured after collision with oil tanker
The ship was carrying thousands of British tourists when it collided with an oil tanker on Sunday due to strong winds. No serious injuries were reported
Monday August 28, 2023
Magellan Sets Sail
On August 10, 1519, five ships under the command of Ferdinand Magellan left Seville seeking a passage through South America to reach India. Spain had ceded the eastern passage around Africa to Portugal, so
Travel Research Online
Thursday August 10, 2023
Columbus Sets Sail
On this day in 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail from Palos de la Frontera, Spain with three ships: the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. His great quest for a western route to Asia from Europe found no
Travel Research Online
Thursday August 03, 2023
Should Travelers Get Another COVID Booster Before Traveling?
Dr. Mallika Marshall is answering your medical questions. If you have a question, email her or message her on Facebook or Twitter. A viewer, Janice, writes, "I am 71 years old and will be traveling to France and Spain in early September. My most recent booster was in
CBS News
Tuesday August 01, 2023
10 Best Hotels in Granada That Offer a Unique Retreat in Spain’s Moorish Jewel
In the southern region of Spain called Andalusia, there is a beautiful city Granada. It's famous for its medieval buildings that were built during the time when the Moors ruled the area. One of the most impressive sights is the Alhambra, a fortress complex on top of a hill
The Travel
Tuesday July 25, 2023
Cheers, America! USA Today 10BEST Readers Cite the Best of the American Wine Scene in 2023
While France, Spain and Italy may be known as the heavy hitters in the world's wine industry, the United States alone is home to nearly 250 American Viticultural Areas (AVA) and, according to the Wines Vines Analytics Winery Database, has over 10,000 wineries. And many of
USA Today
Tuesday July 25, 2023
Europe Heatwave: Exploring Refund Options for Travel Cancellations Amid Scorching Temperatures
A scorching heatwave is gripping southern Europe, with record-breaking high temperatures expected to persist for another week. Countries across the Mediterranean, including popular holiday destinations like Spain, Italy, Croatia, and Greece are experiencing extreme heat. Parts of
Travel Noire
Friday July 21, 2023
Why You Should Explore This Beautiful and Trendy Mediterranean Country
The Mediterranean is the trendiest place to be this summer now that every country that has a coastline straddling the basin has lifted all travel restrictions. From Europe’s Southern swimming spots, which extend from Spain’s Westernmost Costa del Sol to Greece’s Easternmost
Travel Off Path
Tuesday July 18, 2023
Spain’s Santiago de Compostela Wants to Introduce Tourist Tax to Combat Overtourism
Spain’s Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, which is one of the most popular pilgrimages cities in the country, plans on introducing a tourist tax that will affect all foreigners, regardless of their country of origin. With the city receiving more than 300,000 tourists as well as pilgrims each
Friday July 14, 2023
So, Should You Worry About Orcas Attacking Your Boat in the Med?
Humans may not be the only species distressed since 2020. Since the Spring of that year, there has been an increase in orca encounters with small boats, particularly off the coasts of Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. Experts, however, caution that there’s no reason to believe that the
Fodor's Travel
Monday June 26, 2023
This Restaurant Was Just Named Best in the World
A South American restaurant has won the top prize in the annual World’s 50 Best Restaurants list for the first time. The accolade was announced in Valencia, Spain, on June 20. The winning restaurant is Central in Lima, Peru. It’s helmed by married chefs
Thursday June 22, 2023
Spain Surpassed 8.8 Million International Air Passengers in May 2023
Data provided by Spain’s official tourism website, Turespana, has revealed that Spain received over 8.8 million international air passengers in May 2023, indicating a growth of 13.9 per cent compared to the same month of the previous year. Furthermore, the accumulated data
Tuesday June 20, 2023
The 15 Best Free Things to Do in Madrid
The capital of Spain is a city of fine food, rich history, buzzing nightlife and creative exuberance, but taking in its sights and experiences can burn through your travel budget. By the time you've factored in a morning trip to the Museo del Prado, tapas
Lonely Planet
Monday June 19, 2023
The Spanish cheese nearing extinction
Spain's northern coastline is the site of many dramas. The region, situated across the Bay of Biscay from France's Brittany peninsula, is draped in a thick fog much of the year. Its rugged terrain begins at the water's edge with the sheer cliffs and rocky
BBC Travel
Wednesday June 14, 2023
This Unknown Beach Town in Spain Will Be One of the Country’s Biggest Destinations This Summer
Many travelers look forward to their summer trips all year long. Destinations like Miami Beach, San Juan, and Cancún will be filled with sunshine, fruity cocktails, and tons of stuff to do. If you’re traveling to Europe, places like Greece and Italy will be the hot spots for many
Travel Off Path
Monday June 12, 2023
Experience Spain With These 20 Unmissable Things To Do
From the snow-dusted, ski-worthy Pyrenees to the glinting golden beaches of the south, Spain unfolds in a series of ever-changing landscapes, traditions, attractions, cuisines and even languages. Its vast natural spaces are a dream for those who love the great outdoors
Lonely Planet
Friday June 09, 2023
The Treaty of Tordesillas
On June 7, 1494, the countries of Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, so named for the Spanish city it was created in. The treaty divided the New World of the newly discovered Americas between the two
Travel Research Online
Wednesday June 07, 2023
Live From Marella Voyager
TUI Cruises launched their latest ship, Marella Voyager, in Málaga, Spain, on Wednesday with an evening of live music and celebrations – with popstar Becky Hill as headline act. Hundreds of guests gathered on the pool deck for the countdown to the official christening, which began
Wednesday June 07, 2023
Torremolinos: Where Spain’s Gay Rights Movement Began
The walkway outside Mariquita Copas, a hole-in-the-wall bar in Torremolinos' main "gaybourhood", La Nogalera, glowed blue. The makeshift drinking terrace I was sitting at was surrounded by palm-filled squares in the heart of southern Spain's Costa del Sol, a few blocks up from the
BBC Travel
Tuesday June 06, 2023
Carnival Venezia Begins Maiden Voyage From Europe to New York City
Carnival Cruise Line’s “Carnival Fun Italian Style” has begun with the brand’s latest ship, Carnival Venezia, on her maiden voyage to New York City. The ship departed Barcelona, Spain, on May 29, 2023, and will arrive at the Manhattan Cruise Terminal on June 13, 2023. Carnival
Porthole Cruise and Travel News
Friday June 02, 2023
These Are the 4 EU Destinations Where Tourists Are Most Likely to Get Sick
Popular tourist destinations in Spain, France and Bulgaria, are ranked among global destinations where tourists could fall ill, while a total of 8,675 posts about getting sick in these places are evident. Forbes’s study about places where tourists can get physically sick is based on
Thursday June 01, 2023
10 Best Gran Canaria Hotels That Offer A Serene Escape To Spain's Volcanic Paradise
Known for its golden sandy beaches and breathtaking volcanic landscapes, Gran Canaria is one of the Spanish Islands that receives millions of visitors yearly. This Spanish island has incredible hotel options that suit tourists with different budgets and preferences. Holidaymakers
The Travel
Monday May 29, 2023
10 Best Seville Hotels That Offer A Gateway To Spain's Andalusian Paradise
Seville, Spain, is the gateway to the beautiful region of Andalusia. Andalusia is an autonomous region that borders the southern coast of Spain and is home to beautiful landscapes and historic architecture. Top attractions in the capital city of Seville are Alcázar Castle, the
The Travel
Wednesday May 24, 2023
10 Best Barcelona Hostels That Combine Style, Comfort, & Affordability
While die-hard sports aficionados view Barcelona as synonymous with their favorite football club, the Spanish city is, in fact, a treasure trove of art, culture, and food and one of the best places to visit in Spain. The sprawling contemporary city houses an insane array of
The Travel
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Spain's Air Europa to Cancel Over 100 Flights Due to Announced Pilot Strikes
The Spanish airline Air Europa is planning to cancel 114 flights as pilot workers have announced a strike against a law that the Ministry of Transport is planning to implement, which obliges airlines to operate at least 90 per cent of all flights, despite being in a strike
Monday May 22, 2023
Long-Haul Travel on Path to Recovery Despite Major Challenges, Analysis Reveals
A recent analysis carried out by Mabrian has shown that long-haul travel is on the way to recovery despite major challenges. The analysis of air connectivity, the data of which focuses on the markets of the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, and France for long-haul destinations from April 2023 to October 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
Spanish Air Travel Delays Continue in Q1 of 2023, Affecting Over 5 Million Passengers
Over five million passengers were subject to delays at airports in Spain for a period from January until April this year, or nearly 24 per cent of almost 24 million travellers in Spain. Such conclusions have been reached in the recent report of AirHelp data, while the main
Thursday May 04, 2023
Seabourn Announces First-Ever 90-Day Grand Africa Voyage
Seabourn has announced its first-ever “Grand Africa Voyage” that will sail roundtrip around the continent for 90 days. The Seabourn Sojourn will leave Barcelona, Spain, on November 30, 2024, and stop at 44 must-see ports and cities throughout 26 countries. The
Porthole Cruise and Travel News
Monday May 01, 2023
Six best holiday destinations in Spain
From Madrid to Mallorca, discover our selection of the best destinations for a Spanish summer getaway
The Independent
Friday April 28, 2023
Barcelona To Benidorm: 10 Cities To Visit In Spain This Summer
Traveling to Spain this summer? There are so many places to visit in this beautiful country, but these cities and towns will blow you away
The Travel
Monday April 24, 2023
5 Spectacular Road Trips In Spain
Aroad trip around Spain is an excellent way to explore the country’s unique natural and cultural heritage as well as savor its delectable cuisine at every pit stop. On the road, you’ll be awestruck by medieval castles and ancient cities, charming seaside towns, towering
Lonely Planet
Wednesday April 05, 2023
Portugal vs Spain: Which To Choose?
With endless coastline, millennia of history, enticing culture and some of the best food you’ll ever taste, Iberia has lured travelers for as long as humans have been on the move. But how do you even begin envisioning a trip when there are several lifetimes of things to see in this
Lonely Planet
Thursday March 30, 2023
Avanti Announces Tenerife as New Destination for Independent Travelers; Launches New Vacations, Hotels, Sightseeing Tours and Transfers; Teams with Tenerife Tourism on Advisor Educational Campaign with Gift Card, Webinar, E-brochure
Portland, Oregon, March 13, 2023 – Tenerife, the largest of Spain’s Canary Islands, just 186 miles west of the North African coast, is the newest addition to wholesale tour operator Avanti Destinations'
Travel Research Online
Monday March 13, 2023
Carnival Cruise Line Adds Cruises to Iceland and Greece in 2024
Carnival Cruise Line has announced new cruises to Europe in 2024 including sailings that will visit Iceland, Greece, Italy, Spain and other European destinations. Carnival will sail a series of 17 cruises in Europe on Carnival Legend in 2024. The cruise ship will homeport in the following three cities in
Cruise Fever
Monday March 06, 2023
The 6 Most Delightful Day Trips From Madrid
The vibrant city of Madrid is overflowing with artistic and culinary treasures, not to mention an irresistible energy of its own – we'd recommend a minimum of three days to immerse yourself in its charms. The capital of Spain also serves as a gateway to some of the most beautiful towns
Lonely Planet
Wednesday March 01, 2023
Fans of House of the Dragon should head to Cáceres, Spain, in 2023
You may not have heard of Cáceres, but you've most likely seen it on screen. Here's why fans of HBO's House of the Dragon should plan a visit this year
Lonely Planet
Friday February 24, 2023
The United States Purchases Florida
Spain was losing its grip on its New World territories. Years of war and tension with England and France had left the Spanish empire without the means to firmly control its colonies. General Andrew Jackson, while fighting the First Seminole Wars against Native Americans in Georgia, had on occasion
Travel Research Online
Wednesday February 22, 2023
Make Like a Queen on This Hot Solo Travel Trip to Spain
There’s a town in Spain so lovely, so ideal for solo travel, it’s literally fit for a queen—a solo queen, no less. After her husband (you know, the king) Alfonso XII died in 1885, Queen María Cristina began visiting San Sebastián on the regular, solidifying the town as her go-to summer
Wednesday February 15, 2023
Why I Ditched Solo Trips & Travel With My Parents Instead
I can’t pinpoint the first time I said to myself, “I want to travel the world,” but I do remember the first time I felt awakened by the possibility of a life beyond my home in Puerto Rico. When I was 12 years old, my parents took my brother and me on a big family trip to Spain and France. I
Wednesday February 08, 2023
Why Your Dream European Vacation Is Already Booked Solid
When it comes to planning a European vacation, travel industry experts have traditionally advised tourists hoping to save money and avoid crowds to visit popular destinations like Italy, France, and Spain in off-season windows, like late winter or early spring. But as the bounceback of international
Monday February 06, 2023
9 Exciting International Airline Routes Launching in 2023
As international tourist arrivals approach pre-pandemic levels, 2023 promises to be a year of major rebound for the travel industry. Americans can also look forward to the continued strength of the U.S. dollar and the expansion of service to exciting destinations extending from the south of Spain to the
Condé Nast Traveler
Monday February 06, 2023
Collette presents new ‘Flavors of Portugal and Spain’ Explorations tour
Pawtucket, RI (January 26, 2023) – Collette is excited to present its new “Flavors of Portugal and Spain” Explorations tour. The 16-day experience sees travelers venture throughout the Iberian Peninsula, sampling different vintage wines and taking in the rich culture. The Explorations line is Collette’s most popular, receiving only excellent reviews 78% of the time
Travel Research Online
Monday January 30, 2023
The Spanish Town Powered By Waves
The Basque town of Mutriku owes its soul to the sea. It sits wedged into a bay carved out of the rugged, steep cliffs of Spain's northern coast, roughly 50km north-east of Bilbao. The coastline here is a geological marvel, created by powerful storms and relentless waves that left behind flowing
BBC Travel
Monday January 23, 2023
Spain Travel Health App Enabled Safe Mobility of 56 Million Travellers
A total of 52,709,223 travellers or 94.12 per cent who arrived in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic situation used the Spain Travel Health (SpTH) application. The Spanish Ministry of Health launched this system in April 2020, in order to contribute to sanitary control at the borders that
Schengen Visa Info
Monday January 09, 2023
Spain Expands Free Travel Offer To Intercity Bus Services
Free train travel introduced by the Spanish government in September to offset the rise in the cost of living has been extended to intercity bus services with free travel on the 389-mile (626km) Madrid to Barcelona route as of 1 February. A 50% discount has been in effect on this and 41 other
The Guardian
Thursday January 05, 2023
This Popular European Country Just Got A New Currency
With over 1,000 miles of coastline and over 1,000 islands and islets, Croatia is one of Europe's most idyllic summer destinations. Yet until now it has always felt that little bit more exotic than the likes of France, Spain and Greece, with its own currency, the kuna. All that changed on
Tuesday January 03, 2023
Traveling Across Spain Will Be Easier Than Ever With The New High-Speed Trains
Train travel is gaining more and more popularity in Europe, especially in Spain, where train connections are convenient and modern and keep expanding. Last Monday, the Spanish high-speed AVE trains inaugurated a new route connecting Madrid, the capital, to the beautiful city
Travel Off Path
Monday December 26, 2022
José Andrés’s Favorite Restaurants in Spain, According to His New Travel Show
Chef, restaurateur, and philanthropist José Andrés has a new travel show, and it’s all about his homeland. Across José Andrés and Family in Spain’s six-episode run, the food magnate and El Bulli alum takes his American-born daughters Carlota, Inés, and Lucía to explore the cuisines
Bon Appétit
Thursday December 22, 2022
Collette introduces new ‘Mediterranean Coastal Journey: Spain, France, & Italy’ Explorations tour
Pawtucket, RI (December 9, 2022) – Collette is excited to announce that its brand new “Mediterranean Coast Journey: Spain, France, & Italy” small group Explorations tour is open for sales. Travelers will have the opportunity
Travel Research Online
Monday December 12, 2022
Spain's new high-speed trains make it Europe's rail capital
What could be better than one wide-ranging high-speed rail network? Three or four competing ones, which look set to not only improve travelers' options but also (hopefully) drive prices down. Friday saw the launch of iryo -- the latest company to enter Spain's fast train market
Friday November 25, 2022
San Blas, Mexico: The holy grail for ecotourists and a birdwatchers' paradise
Long before Puerto Vallarta became a renowned beach destination on Mexico’s Pacific Coast, another community only 90 miles to its north was thriving. This was San Blas. Established in 1767, it was a bustling commercial and naval-shipbuilding hub at the time of Spain's conquest
USA Today
Wednesday November 23, 2022
Spain Becomes The Last European Country To Drop All Entry Requirements Returning To Normal Tourism
It’s official, Spain has dropped all entry requirements for visitors from all countries, including non-EU countries like the United States. With this announcement, Spain has ushered in a new era of a completely reopened Europe. Before this recent development, Spain was the last country in
Travel Off Path
Friday October 21, 2022
You Can Travel Through Spain For Free By Train For All Of 2023
If you’re planning to travel in Spain soon, you’re in luck. A new program will allow travelers to receive free train tickets for train journeys throughout Spain until at least the end of 2023. This new initiative, which officially launched in September 2022, allows anyone (including international
Travel Off Path
Monday October 17, 2022
Travel To Spain Will Get A Lot More Expensive Due To the Country's New Green Policies
Covid may be gone, and many countries have reopened for normal tourism following two years of restrictions, but the outlook for international travel, especially when it comes to affordability, is still dire. In fact, tourists visiting Spain, one of the world’s leading destinations, should expect
Travel Off Path
Monday October 10, 2022
The Witches of Navarra, Spain
Hidden in the Baztan Valley near the southwestern French border and a few miles away from the pristine shores of the Bay of Biscay, sits a little village with a big secret. Removed from the bustle of the Basque Country’s San Sebastian and the glitz of Biarritz, Zugarramurdi is a
Travel Research Online
Thursday September 29, 2022
5 perfect destinations for National Hispanic Heritage Month
Thursday marked the start of the National Hispanic Heritage Month, a celebration honoring the contributions and histories of Americans with roots in Spain, Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. The observance spans from Sept. 15 through Oct. 15. This
USA Today
Wednesday September 21, 2022
Spain finally drops all Covid travel restrictions
Spain has dropped all of its Covid travel restrictions, meaning that visitors to the country are no longer required to present a Covid passport. Until Tuesday, travellers over the age of 12 had to submit proof of one of the following: full vaccination; recovery from Covid; or a negative Covid test
The Independent
Tuesday September 20, 2022
California Becomes a State
Settled 100 years earlier by Spain, the territory known as "Alta California" was rich in natural resources and ocean harbors. In 1846, settled by Europeans moving west, California broke away from Mexico. In 1849, miners discovered
Travel Research Online
Friday September 09, 2022
Look beyond Barcelona. Here’s where locals travel in Spain
Spain is one of the world’s most-visited countries, drawing more than 83 million travelers in 2019, according to the United Nations’ World Tourism Organization. In terms of international arrivals, that makes it second only to France. But the Spanish are also avid travelers within their own country
Friday August 19, 2022
My 5 Favorite Unexpected Perks Of Slow Travel
My best travel experiences have been when I decided to stay in one place for an extended length of time. I have traveled and lived in Iran, Nicaragua, Mexico, France, Italy, England, Spain, and Portugal. Each of those experiences consisted of staying in one city or village for more than 2
Travel Awaits
Wednesday August 17, 2022
Magellan Sets Sail
On August 10, 1519, five ships under the command of Ferdinand Magellan left Seville seeking a passage through South America to reach India. Spain had ceded the eastern passage around Africa to Portugal, so an eastern passage
Travel Research Online
Wednesday August 10, 2022
23 Cities In Europe Urge EU To Limit Short Term Rentals
For years, destinations like France, Italy and Spain, just to name a few, have been struggling to contain the overwhelming tourism influx, mostly to no avail. Regardless of accommodation taxes, controversial alternate plate measures, and the trialing of a new
Travel Off Path
Tuesday August 09, 2022
Columbus Sets Sail
On this day in 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail from Palos de la Frontera, Spain with three ships: the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. His great quest for a western route to Asia from Europe had
Travel Research Online
Wednesday August 03, 2022
Spain's La Tomatina fest: what to know for 2022
The last Wednesday in August marks Spain’s messiest festival. Held in Buñol, 40km (25 miles) west of Valencia, La Tomatina is a tomato-throwing spectacle that draws 20,000 revelers each year. If you’re planning on becoming part of the human passata, here’s all the information you
Lonely Planet
Monday August 01, 2022
Barcelona seeks to curb effects of overtourism
Tourism has returned to Spain in a massive wave of visitors to Barcelona. In response to complaints about overtourism, municipal authorities in Barcelona have taken new measures seeking to crack down on tour companies and behavior viewed as undesirable and disruptive. As
Travel Research Online
Thursday July 14, 2022
Spain's Renfe to make local train journeys free from September through year's end
Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez announced on Tuesday that all public transport on short and medium-distance trains will be operated free of charge to the public for the last four months of 2022. All commuter trains and mid-distance regional lines covering journeys of less than
Travel Research Online
Thursday July 14, 2022
How a drink fuelled a sea-faring people
Cider is a staple in the Spain's Basque Country, and its fascinating story goes hand in hand with the Basque desire to conquer the seas. "Imagine more than 2,000 cider houses here, rolling from the mountains of Zerain to the sea some 200 years ago," said Aritz Eguren, looking out past an
Thursday July 14, 2022
10 common misconceptions about the Canary Islands
Toss these 10 common travel misconceptions out the window and visit Spain's Canary Islands.
The Points Guy
Tuesday July 05, 2022
The Treaty of Tordesillas
On June 7, 1494, the countries of Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, so named for the Spanish city it was created in. The treaty divided the New World of the newly discovered Americas between the two governments
Travel Research Online
Tuesday June 07, 2022
Why cyclists are heading to Girona, Spain
I didn’t think physics and the laws of gravity allowed this, but it is possible to go 3 mph — slower than a motivated pedestrian — on a bicycle without falling over
Washington Post
Wednesday June 01, 2022
Ibiza Is Still the Best Place to Party in Spain, but It's Also a Luxury Wellness Destination
There is nowhere I've felt happier than in Ibiza, and there is nowhere I've felt worse than in Ibiza. These two statements may seem contradictory
Thursday May 26, 2022
Discover Spain's unsung food capitals: 11 culinary cities worth the trip - Lonely Planet
Zesty olive oils, boat-fresh seafood, one-of-a-kind sherries, herb-infused cheeses, some of Andalucia's most irresistible tapas this is just a taste
Lonely Planet
Friday May 06, 2022
Avanti and Tourist Office of Spain Partner to Provide New Programs in Barcelona, Madrid and Seville
Wholesale tour operator Avanti Destinations has teamed with the Tourist Office of Spain to educate and inspire advisors and their clients on customized independent travel to Spain
Travel Research Online
Thursday April 07, 2022
Capital gains: Madrid's hotel scene is more luxurious than ever in Spain
There are countless reasons to add Madrid to your travel wish list: World-class museums, open-till-late tapas bars overflowing with jamon iberico and imperial architecture
NY Post
Thursday March 03, 2022
France is the most visited country in the world. Here's why
France has the most international tourist visitors in the world, followed by Spain and the U.S. French residents rate it for its landscape, culture and food.
Monday February 28, 2022
The United States Purchases Florida
Spain was losing its grip on its New World territories. Years of war and tension with England and France had left the Spanish empire without the means to firmly control its colonies. General Andrew Jackson, while fighting the First Seminole Wars
Travel Research Online
Tuesday February 22, 2022
Denmark, Finland, Sweden & Spain Lift Coronavirus Restrictions
A few European countries recently followed the UK in lifting all coronavirus restrictions on social gatherings, including capacity restrictions, the need to wear face masks and COVID pass requirements.
Poll Star
Monday February 07, 2022
Spain fines Ryanair 24,000 euros for making passengers pay for hand luggage
Spain Fines Ryanair 24,000 Euros For Making Passengers Pay For Hand Luggage Keep up with the Latest News In English Murcia Costa Calida Spain
Murcia Today
Tuesday January 18, 2022
From Hikes to Bike Tours, 7 Ways to Get Active in Wine Regions Around the World
From California to Spain, learn about the land that produces the wines you love on guided hikes, snowshoeing treks and cycling tours
Robb Report
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Spain's November hotel bookings jumped five-fold from November 2020
The number of nights booked by tourists in Spanish hotels surged five-fold in November from the same month a year earlier, but was still 20% lower than in November 2019, data released on Thursday showed
Thursday December 23, 2021
CDC Adds 8 New Destinations to Highest Travel Warning, Including These Popular European Destinations
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention added eight new destinations to its highest travel warning including Spain, Finland, and the Caribbean island of Bonaire
Wednesday December 22, 2021
CDC moves 8 places, including the world's No. 2 destination, to its highest travel risk level
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention added eight destinations to its highest-risk category for travel on Monday, including tourist favorite Spain. Find out the other seven places now on Level 4
Tuesday December 21, 2021
Can I travel to Spain if I’m not vaccinated? New rules explained
What are Spain's travel restrictions? Do I need a PCR or lateral flow test to fly to mainland Spain, the Canary islands, Mallorca or Ibiza
Monday December 06, 2021
Why a trip to Spain's largest region Castilla y Leon is to wine for
WHEN you think of Spain, it is often followed by thoughts of sipping cocktails on a beach dotted along one of the costas. However, just two hours outside of Madrid lies the north-west region of Castilla y Leon and its wine routes
Sunday World
Monday November 15, 2021
Tourists having sex in the dunes is ruining a Spanish beach
Maspalomas beach is a nature reserve in Gran Canaria, Spain. But tourists having sex on its famous shifting dunes is destroying the environment, says a new report
Thursday November 11, 2021
Cruise News: New MSC Ship Departs Europe, Bound For The U.S.
Florida’s newest MSC Cruises vessel is one step closer to arriving. The line’s new Seaside EVO-class ship MSC Seashore departed Barcelona, Spain, earlier this week and is now making her way across the Atlantic Ocean towards North America
Cruise Radio
Friday November 05, 2021
Europe's most beautiful towns
15 of the most beautiful small towns in Europe, from Italy to Spain and France
Thursday November 04, 2021
77% of travelers want to travel in the next year, with Europe reigning as top destination, according to new traveler research commissioned by Amadeus
The survey of 9,074 consumers across France, Germany, India, Spain, Russia, Singapore, the UAE, the UK, and the US shows the appetite to travel is high. At the same time, it reveals that greater clarity on restrictions and guidelines will be key to unlocking increased traveler confidence
Hospitality Net
Monday October 18, 2021
Spain, France, Italy & Poland Are Among the Safest Countries to Travel to, ECDC Says
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has disclosed that Spain, France, Italy, and Poland are some of the safest EU countries to travel to since they have been registering low infection rates for several weeks now
Monday October 18, 2021
Eight Cruise Ships in for Refurbs at Navantia in Cadiz
With cruise restart accelerating around the globe, the drydock frenzy continues to keep shipyards busy. Popular among the cruise lines, the Navantia Shipyard in Cadiz, Spain, reached a milestone in September as the facility received eight vessels at the same time, including four Carnival Cruise Line and
Cruise Industry News
Monday October 04, 2021
Ongoing Volcanic Eruption in Canary Islands Disrupts Flights — See the Footage
An erupting volcano on Spain's Canary Islands — which boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the world — disrupted flights over the weekend, closing down the airport and forcing workers to use umbrellas to protect themselves from falling ash
Tuesday September 28, 2021
This Ancient City in Spain Is Like A Tapas-Filled Fairytale
Oh, and the tapas are often free
Friday September 24, 2021
Is this Spain's best destination for beaches and culture?
This paradise isle has something for everyone
Good Housekeeping
Thursday September 23, 2021
Volcano erupts on Atlantic island; lava destroys some homes
A volcano on Spain's Atlantic Ocean island of La Palma has erupted after a weeklong buildup of seismic activity, prompting authorities to evacuate thousands of residents
ABC News
Monday September 20, 2021
California Becomes a State
Settled 100 years earlier by Spain, the territory known as "Alta California" was rich in natural resources and ocean harbors. In 1846, settled by Europeans moving west, California broke away from Mexico. In 1849, miners discovered gold and a new rush of prospectors and settlers headed across the country
Travel Research Online
Thursday September 09, 2021
Bordeaux, the Swiss Alps, Florence, Rome and more: Hyatt continues its expansion in Europe
Hyatt's expanding in Europe with hotels in Spain, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland across brands like The Unbound Collection by Hyatt, JdV by Hyatt, Hyatt Centric and Hyatt Regency
The Points Guy
Wednesday September 08, 2021
Spain Reinstates Travel Restrictions For U.S. Visitors
Travel restrictions have been reimposed on U.S. passengers and proof of vaccination is now required for non-essential travel to Spain
Travel Off Path
Wednesday September 08, 2021
Spain's high-speed railway revolution
When travelers think of European high-speed rail travel, France's iconic Trains a Grande Vitesse (TGV) or Germany's elegant white ICE trains tend to come to mind
Tuesday September 07, 2021
Magellan Sets Sail
On August 10, 1519, five ships under the command of Ferdinand Magellan left Seville seeking a passage through South America to reach India. Spain had ceded the eastern passage
Travel Research Online
Tuesday August 10, 2021
Columbus Sets Sail
On this day in 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail from Palos de la Frontera, Spain with three ships: the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. His great quest for a western route to Asia from Europe had found no support from Portugal or from Italian princes. However, the queen of Spain agreed to fund
Travel Research Online
Tuesday August 03, 2021
CDC, State Department Issue 'Do Not Travel' Advisories for Spain, Portugal amid COVID Surges
Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan and Cuba have all been elevated to the highest travel advisories by the CDC and the State Department, as COVID cases surge in those destinations
People Magazine
Wednesday July 28, 2021
Spain's 'Coast of Death' has a calming beauty
Packing four bathing suits for a one-week vacation might seem like overkill. Especially when the trip involves a 50-plus-mile hike through one of Spain's rainiest regions
Thursday July 22, 2021
Europe travel restrictions for vaccinated visitors: Making sense of rules in France, Spain, Italy
Travelers will need patience to figure out the patchwork of COVID border restrictions governing who's allowed into which country, how and when
USA Today
Friday June 11, 2021
To the beach! Spain opens borders to tourists, cruise ships
Spain jumpstarted its summer tourism season on Monday by welcoming vaccinated visitors from most countries as well as European visitors who can prove they are not infected
Associated Press
Monday June 07, 2021
The Treaty of Tordesillas
On June 7, 1494, the countries of Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, so named for the Spanish city it was created in. The treaty divided the New World of the newly discovered Americas between the two governments. The treaty only recognized any prior claims by "Christian kings", which meant that the local indigenous people were forced under their rule. The colonization of these areas would prove to be devastating for many of these tribes
Travel Research Online
Monday June 07, 2021
Spain to welcome back international cruises from June 7
Spain will allow cruise ships to dock in its ports from June 7, the transport ministry said on Saturday, hoping to salvage the country's battered tourism sector in time for
Monday May 31, 2021
7 Spectacular Caves To Visit In Spain
Spain is a country with many mountain ranges, from the Pyrenees in the north to the Sierra Nevada in the south, not to forget the mountains on the Balearic and Canary
Wednesday May 26, 2021
The 7 Best Foodie Destinations In The World
If you like to eat, you will be happy visiting every single one of these foodie destinations, from European cities in Spain and France to Indonesia, Australia, and more
Friday May 14, 2021
The Founding of New Orleans
The city known as La Nouvelle-Orléans (New Orleans) came into being on May 7, 1718. Named for Philippe II, Duke of Orléans in France, the city's port made it an ideal area for the French Mississippi Company under the leadership of Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville. Under the terms of the 1763 Treaty of Paris, the city was turned over to Spain but then reverted to France in 1801. Thomas Jefferson negotiated the purchase of the French colony along with
Travel Research Online
Friday May 07, 2021
Spain Plans to Welcome All Global Travelers in June
The country will begin piloting a digital health certificate program at all of the its airports in May
Friday April 30, 2021
Top 15 holiday destinations to visit in sunny Spain - as soon as we can
Whether it's a quick getaway laying on the warm sands of Tenerife or a weekend enjoying the incredible architecture in Seville, Spain has something for everyone
Birmingham Live
Wednesday April 21, 2021
Spain to welcome tourists who hold proof of having taken coronavirus vaccine
Travel destinations gear up to open the tourism sector; Spain to welcome them by the end of May, provided they have proof of coronavirus vaccine
Blasting News US
Friday March 12, 2021
On this day in 1903, the government of Cuba granted the United States a lease in perpetuity to Guantánamo Bay. By the end of the Spanish-American War, the United States has obtained control of all of Cuba from Spain. An American citizen, Tomás Estrada Palma, became the first President of Cuba. Palma signed with
Travel Research Online
Tuesday February 23, 2021
The United States Purchases Florida
Spain was losing its grip on its New World territories. Years of war and tension with England and France had left the Spanish empire without the means to firmly control its colonies. General Andrew Jackson, while fighting the First Seminole Wars against Native Americans in Georgia, had on occasion attacked and captured Spanish forts in Florida without provocation. When Spain was unable to retaliate, President John Monroe and his Secretary of State
Travel Research Online
Monday February 22, 2021
The best tours to take round Spain (without leaving home)
A year after the pandemic began and the coronavirus crisis is still making travel impossible but that doesn't mean you can't use your free time to explore new places, enjoy Spain's rich cultural history or just revisit old favorites
The Local
Tuesday February 16, 2021
Remember the Maine!
William Randolph Hearst, the notorious newspaper baron, needed a war. His paper, the New York Journal, was in a pitched circulation battle with other newspapers. When the USS Maine exploded at anchor in the harbor in Havana, Cuba, Hearst saw his opportunity. Tensions were high between the United States and Spain. President William McKinley had ordered the ship there to protect American and national interests in
Travel Research Online
Monday February 15, 2021
Spain will require a negative COVID test for residents of high-risk countries starting Nov. 23
Starting Nov. 23, travelers to Spain will be required to submit a negative test result from within 72 hours prior to their planned departure.
USA Today
Friday November 13, 2020
No Quarantine Or Testing Required For Travel To Spain’s Canary Islands
The FCO’s (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) weekly updated list of so-called “travel corridors” for British travelers is still quite long and this week Denmark, the Maldives, the Greek island of Mykonos and Spain’s Canary Islands were added.
Monday October 26, 2020
The Straits of Magellan
On October 21, 1519, a small fleet of Spanish ships led by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan arrived at 52 degrees south, seeking to round South America in its quest for a western passage to the Spice Islands of Indonesia. The 373 mile passage was arduous, and one of Magellan's ships deserted and returned to Spain. On November 28th, the three remaining ships entered a new body of water which Magellen named the "Mar Pacifico" or the Pacific Ocean. The passageway through the islands of the extreme tip of South America are known today as the Straits of Magellan.
Travel Research Online
Wednesday October 21, 2020
Spain's holiday coast need not worry as loyal fans say they will be back
ANDALUCIA has always been a refuge, an idyllic place for European tourists and loyal fans of the holiday coast. However, the pandemic has put a temporary
Euro Weekly News
Tuesday October 06, 2020
California Becomes a State
Settled 100 years earlier by Spain, the territory known as "Alta California" was rich in natural resources and ocean harbors. In 1846, settled by Europeans moving west, California broke away from Mexico. In 1849, miners discovered gold and a new rush of prospectors and settlers headed across the country. After the Mexican-American War, Mexico ceded the state to the United States and it was admitted to the Union on September 9, 1850. California is one of the richest, most productive agricultural areas in North America, the third largest state in the United States, and the sixth largest economy in the world.
Travel Research Online
Wednesday September 09, 2020
Germany declares all of Spain as 'risk area,' defends decision
Germany’s government has labeled the entirety of mainland Spain as a “risk area” for coronavirus infections, drawing criticism. The ban also includes certain islands, such as the Balearic Islands and Mallorca – a popular travel destination for German tourists – but notably excludes the Canary Islands.
Fox Travel News
Monday August 17, 2020
Magellan Sets Sail
On August 10, 1519, five ships under the command of Ferdinand Magellan left Seville seeking a passage through South America to reach India. Spain had ceded the eastern passage around Africa to Portugal, so an eastern passage was critical to the nation. On December 6, Magellan's fleet sighted South America. Avoiding Brazil, which was Portugese territory, Magellan and his crew continued south. On October 21, 1520, they reached the Estrecho de Todos los Santos, ("All Saints' Channel"), now named the Strait of Magellan. On November 28th, Magellan entered the waters they named Mar Pacifico (Pacific Ocean) because of its calm. Magellan would not complete the journey. He was killed in the Phillipines during a battle with natives. The expedition returned to Spain, the first to circumnavigate the globe.
Travel Research Online
Monday August 10, 2020
Editor's Letter: How the Travel Industry Can Take Action
Under One Sky is the first-ever shared initiative between Condé Nast Traveler and its sister publications in India, China, the U.K., the Middle East, and Spain. It is about connection, as travel has always been, about realizing that we must not act alone, that we are stronger together.
Conde Nast Traveler
Tuesday August 04, 2020
Columbus Sets Sail
On this day in 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail from Palos de la Frontera, Spain with three ships: the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. His great quest for a western route to Asia from Europe had found no support from Portugal or from Italian princes. However, the queen of Spain agreed to fund his mission. He sailed first to the Canary Islands where he provisioned his ships and made repairs. He and his crew then began the five-week voyage into the unknown waters of the Atlantic. Land was first sited on October 12, 1492.
Travel Research Online
Monday August 03, 2020
Tui extends suspension of holidays to Spain
It has now cancelled all holidays to the Balearic Islands and Canary Islands until 10 August and all holidays to the mainland of Spain until 17 August. The move is in response to advice against non-essential travel to Spain and a 14-day quarantine period for people arriving in the UK from Spain.
BBC News
Friday July 31, 2020
Spain reassures tourists that it's a safe travel destination
Spain is safe for tourists to travel to, the Spanish government says on Tuesday, despite the recent rebound in the pandemic. Because of this rebound, France on
The Brussels Times
Wednesday July 29, 2020
Summer Is Already Over
We’re not going on a summer holiday. That’s the unfortunate consequence of the U.K.’s latest travel restrictions. Just as confidence was returning in the overseas vacation market, Britain advised against all but essential travel to Spain, and then late Monday added its Balearic and Canary Islands.
Wednesday July 29, 2020
Travelers react to UK restriction on travel from Spain
Some travelers are expressing anger after the UK ordered a 14-day quarantine to people coming from Spain, where there is a recent rise in Covid-19 cases. CNN's Atika Shubert reports.
Tuesday July 28, 2020
​Airlines ‘disappointed’ after UK reintroduces Spain restrictions
Airlines have expressed disappointment in the UK government’s sudden decision to remove Spain from its travel corridor list less than three weeks after lifting quarantine restrictions on arrivals from the country.Airlines have expressed disappointment in the UK government’s sudden decision to remove Spain from its travel corridor list less than three weeks after lifting quarantine restrictions on arrivals from the country.
Flight Global
Monday July 27, 2020
Spain tourist destinations face new lockdown restrictions after coronavirus spikes
Nightclubs, bars and beaches — some of Spain’s most beloved summer venues — are facing new lockdown restrictions after turning into coronavirus hot spots, and some European nations are warning citizens not to visit the country.
USA Today
Monday July 27, 2020
Is it safe to travel to Spain?
Just two weeks after the UK government gave the all-clear for travellers to visit Spain without the need to quarantine for two weeks upon their return to England, Northern Ireland and Wales, the popular holiday destination is struggling with a wave of new outbreaks of coronavirus.
The Independent
Friday July 24, 2020
US Travel Ban: This Is How It’s Costing Europe Billions
Europe’s tourism-dependent economy is being hard hit by the lack of some 15 million US tourists this summer. This due to the ongoing travel ban dished up by the EU last week. It’s already hurting, with billions of dollars in losses predicted. Particularly in the countries who rely most heavily on them: France, Italy, Germany and Spain. But across the EU, the economic ripples are being felt.
Monday July 06, 2020
13 tourist hot spots planning to reopen this July
Destinations like Italy, Iceland, Spain, the Florida Keys, and Jamaica rolled out the welcome mat once again to tourists in June. Other destinations decided to wait a little longer to put ample health measures and precautions in place amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Friday June 26, 2020
Most cruise ports remain closed and few are re-opening
Spain is opening its borders to overseas tourists this month – but is maintaining its ban on cruise ships calling at any Spanish port.
Cruise Passenger
Thursday June 25, 2020
Top 10 Beautiful, Safest European Beaches For Summer 2020 Holidays
For UK travellers, it’s cheering to hear that the government is planning to relax its travel quarantine rules in early July for a number of European countries. UK officials have been in talks with their counterparts in Portugal, France, Italy, Greece and Spain
Monday June 22, 2020
The extreme hotel hygiene awaiting tourists in Spain
It's breakfast time, which means I need to get my temperature checked, put on my face mask, smother my hands in alcohol disinfectant and wear a pair of plastic gloves. That's all before I have coffee. Welcome to the Riu Concordia
Friday June 19, 2020
When will the Mediterranean open up to cruises?
The Mediterranean is gradually opening up to tourism, hoping to salvage what's left of the summer high season – but not to cruises anytime soon. Italy is already open; Greece opened Monday and Spain opens next week.
USA Today
Wednesday June 17, 2020
Spain: Cruise ship ban extended as cruises deemed too risky - but pleasure boats allowed
SPAIN has begun easing its strict lockdown measures and many hope that Spanish holidays will soon be a possibility once more. However, in a blow for the cruise industry, the ban on cruise ships has now been extended.
Monday June 15, 2020
Enchantment of the Seas Arrives in Trinidad to Disembark Crew Following 14-Day Quarantine
Royal Caribbean International's Enchantment of the Seas is on the scene in Trinidad's Port of Spain where 307 Trinidad and Tobago nationals are onboard the...
Cruise Industry News
Monday June 15, 2020
Spain invites regions to reopen to foreign tourists before July 1
The Spanish health minister says that regional authorities are welcome to launch pilot schemes to reactivate the tourism industry, which has been devastated by the coronavirus crisis
El Pais
Thursday June 11, 2020
Barcelona locals reclaim city from tourists during coronavirus pandemic. But what's next?
For the first time in decades, locals won’t feel outnumbered by the throngs of foreign visitors that flood Spain’s top tourist destination each summer.
USA Today
Thursday June 04, 2020
10 of the best novels set in Spain – that will take you there
Igrew up in Montreal – and London owns a big piece of my heart – but my home is Barcelona, where I’ve lived for 20 years. Spain is a varied country, in its landscapes, languages, culture and cuisine, but in compiling this list I became aware that so much of its literature comes from Madrid and the north of the country. Perhaps it’s too hot down south for novel writing? The list is personal and not at all
The Guardian
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Spanish resort launches coronavirus-free seals for hotels — where hugs will be banned
Alicante, Spain, is to introduce “Covid free” certificates for its hotels which will see a ban on hugs, handshakes or kisses for clients, protective gear for chambermaids, voice-operated lifts and chambermaids with masks. The Alicante Tourist Board and the Provincial Association of Hotels of the Province of Alicante (APHA) have created a security badge called “Alicante Covid Free” for hotels that
New York Post
Friday April 24, 2020
Plan Your Future Dream Vacation With These Luxurious Spanish Hotels
While traveling is off the table for the time being, it’s never too early to think about the next big trip. When it comes to gorgeous villas and vibrant cultural experiences, it’s difficult to find somewhere more ideal than Spain. If you’re dreaming of lying under the hot sun on the southern Iberian coast, or picturing steaming paella filled to the brim with seafood, be sure to draw inspiration from these idyllic
Monday March 30, 2020
In Madrid, Balcony Bingo Is Bringing Neighbors Together
Six p.m. has always been a social time of the day in Spain. A kind of unofficial Spanish happy hour, if you will. It's when university classes wind down and offices turn off their lights. It's when the commute between the obligations of the day and turning in at home begins. Workers and students gather as friends over tapas and little glasses of beer known as cañas, in groups so large and jolly, they inevitably spill
Conde Nast Traveler
Wednesday March 25, 2020
Japan warns against travel to US
Japan is warning its citizens against non-essential travel to the U.S. amid the worldwide coronavirus outbreak. Japan’s foreign ministry also issued similar warnings for most European countries as well as South Korea, Iceland, San Marino and some regions of Italy, Switzerland and Spain, The Associated Press reported. The decision comes after the State Department raised travel warnings for Japan and four other
The Hill
Monday March 23, 2020
Carnival Radiance Cruise Ship Debut Pushed Back as Shipyard Work Ceases
With COVID-19 shutting down shipyards throughout the world, Carnival Cruise Line is delaying the debut of Carnival Radiance. The ship, which is in dry dock in Cadiz, Spain, is undergoing a $200-million refurbishment, transforming Carnival Victory into Carnival Radiance. A Carnival spokesman said in a statement: "As the COVID-19 situation continues to escalate, Carnival Cruise Line is suspending work on
Monday March 23, 2020
During Barcelona's Lockdown, 8 p.m. Has Become My Favorite Hour of the Day
It happens every night at 8 p.m. sharp. Starting softly, like a distant roll of thunder, the noise grows louder as it echoes around the city. It’s the sound of tens of thousands of hands clapping in unison as we, the locked down residents of Barcelona, give a standing ovation to the city’s healthcare workers from our balconies. The same sound can be heard through Madrid. And Seville. And in many of Spain’s cities by
Conde Nast Traveler
Monday March 23, 2020
Uganda restricts travel from 16 countries including UK and US because of coronavirus
Uganda has restricted visitors from some countries with what it terms high cases of coronavirus, including China, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, South Korea, and Spain. "Government has decided to ask travelers from the affected countries not to come to Uganda because the high cases they are reporting can easily be imported into the country," the country's health minister Jane
Friday March 13, 2020
Coronavirus: Spain’s tourist industry braces for big losses at Easter
Spain’s tourist industry is braced for huge losses over the Easter period and beyond as people cancel travel plans and major events are postponed as a result of the coronavirus. Last year, nearly 84 million people visited Spain, 18 million from the UK. Tourism is the nation’s third biggest industry, accounting for 11% of GDP. Even before the severe restrictions, including schools
The Guardian
Thursday March 12, 2020
Spain's mysterious underwater 'Stonehenge'
Europe suffered an unusually hot summer in 2019. Seven weather stations in Spain recorded their highest temperatures ever in June, and higher-than-average temperatures and drought were registered across the country in July and August. However, the scorching weather conditions revealed an unexpected sight in the Spanish province of Cáceres: as the drought caused the shoreline of the Tagus
Friday February 28, 2020
A New Star On The Costa Del Sol: The Anantara Villa Padierna Palace Benahavis Marbella Resort In Spain
I’ll be honest: Marbella never really captured my imagination. Too much flash, I thought. Or too much mass. Yachts and oligarchs and petrodollars and excess. Or cheap package holidays at all-inclusive hotels for mindless fun in the sun along the overcrowded Costa del Sol. And golf. Lots of golf. But when Anantara put out its flag there, that got my attention. Maybe I was missing something. The
Thursday February 27, 2020
Massive sandstorm strands travelers in Canary Islands
Travelers in the Canary Islands face continued disruption Monday morning following a massive sandstorm that blew in from the Sahara Desert over the weekend. The popular holiday destination, which is part of Spain but lies off the coast of Morocco and Western Sahara, was struck by winds known as "la calima," which blow huge amounts of dust and sand across the Atlantic Ocean. Airports were closed due to the storm
Monday February 24, 2020
What It's Like Safari River Cruise Sailing On CroisiEurope's African Dream
Pioneering French-owned company CroisiEurope -- the largest river cruise line based in Europe -- has always pushed the boundaries when it comes to sailing in unusual and little-known areas. It is the only line to sail on Spain's Guadalquivir and the Loire in France, and offers an unusual itinerary on the Sava and Tisza waterways, in Serbia and Hungary respectively. Away from mainland Europe, the line sails across vast
Wednesday February 19, 2020
Spain's Balearic Islands clamp down on booze-fueled partying
They've got a reputation for sun-soaking, all-night-partying and all-round-hedonism, but Spain's Balearic Islands are attempting a rebrand. The regional government has introduced a series of laws that attempt to curb alcohol excess in the tourist hubs of Magaluf and Playa de
Tuesday January 21, 2020
Everything You Need to Know Before You Go to Spain
Sometimes travel advice can seem obvious: Don’t rush! Drink a lot of wine! Hang out at the beach! These things are all true in Spain. But, the country can also be a little tricky. With its varied climate zones, regional cultural heritage, and ongoing issues related to the Catalan bid for independence, there are important factors to keep in mind if you want to have a smooth and drama-free visit. Before
Fodor's Travel
Wednesday December 11, 2019
Central Holidays Unveils the Ultimate Experiential Opportunities in New 2020 Europe Brochure
Moonachie, NJ – (December 9, 2019) – Central Holidays today announced the debut of its 2020 Europe brochure with authentically rich experiences in Greece, France, Malta, Spain, Portugal, & Croatia, featuring inspired itineraries and ultra-personalized programs. Celebrated for its affordable luxury itineraries, uniquely
Travel Research Online
Tuesday December 10, 2019
Spain's unsung region has hardly any tourists
It's hard to stand out in a country dotted with so many landmarks, but for a taste of Spain minus the crowds, Extremadura makes a compelling case. Overshadowed by neighboring Andalusia, this sunny region revels in bucolic charm and medieval heritage, Roman sites and a well-rounded calendar of festivities, all served with some of the
Friday November 22, 2019
Beyond Seville: three ancient towns to visit in Andalucía
Such is the dazzle of Seville, Cordoba, Granada and Málaga that few visitors to Spain’s south-west pause to explore the space between them. Part of it, La Campiña, a region of Seville province, appears largely empty. But over ploughed fields and olive groves there are towers and ramparts, the hazy outlines of towns founded in antiquity. Over the centuries, these
The Guardian
Wednesday October 02, 2019
Is this Spain's most authentic paella?
Walking along the vast sweep of Valencia’s Malvarrosa beachfront as the waves lapped the shore, I came to the first in a long line of restaurants, the light and airy La Pepica. I’d arrived just before lunch service and the chefs were lighting up the wood-fuelled stoves and pulling down the heavy carbon steel pans as part of their daily hour-long prep. Between walls of decorative blue-and-white tiles, huge
Tuesday October 01, 2019
California Becomes a State
Settled 100 years earlier by Spain, the territory known as "Alta California" was rich in natural resources and ocean harbors. In 1846, settled by Europeans moving west, California broke away from Mexico. In 1849, miners discovered gold and a new rush of prospectors and
Travel Research Online
Monday September 09, 2019
Off-duty Pilot on Vacation With His Family Saves Entire Flight From Major Delays by Offering to Fly the Plane Himself
Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear little gold wings. Michael Bradley, an easyJet pilot taking his family on vacation, did not expect to find himself back in the cockpit on a flight from Manchester, England to Alicante, Spain on September 2, according to the Manchester Evening News. Bradley and his family were passengers on the easyJet flight, which was severely delayed after the
Friday September 06, 2019
This is the world's best country to travel to
It has more than 3,000 miles of coastline, and no fewer than 48 UNESCO World Heritage sites. Now, Spain has been declared the best country in the world to visit. For the third year running, it slid in just above France in the 2019 Travel & Tourism Competitive Report by the World Economic Forum, the Swiss-based organization that annually gathers the global elite to discuss major issues
Friday September 06, 2019
Millennials Love Sabbaticals--Here's How To Save For Yours
In mid-August, Natalie Williams Diller, 30, and husband Mike Diller, 37, quit their jobs in the U.S. for a new life in the Italian countryside. The pair, with nothing but two suitcases and a few duffel bags, headed to Europe to live and work underneath a chef for 73 days. After that, they will exhaust the remaining 17 days of their European Union tourist visas in Croatia, or maybe Spain
Wednesday September 04, 2019
Perillo Tours Debuts Spain Itinerary In 2020
WOODCLIFF LAKE, NJ (August 14, 2019) – Perillo Tours, a leader in escorted travel to Italy for 74 years, expands its 2020 travel portfolio with a new 12-day tour program to Spain. “Spain has so much character from the food to the architecture, to the people,” said Steve Perillo, third generation owner
Travel Research Online
Monday August 19, 2019
Collette Launches Northern Portugal & Spain Tour
Pawtucket, RI (August 8, 2019) – Collette, global tour operator, is thrilled to announce the launch of their Northern Portugal & Spain tour. Guests will feel the essence of Portugal and Spain as you wander through
Travel Research Online
Friday August 16, 2019
Is this the most unusual museum in Europe?
The Dalí Theatre-Museum in Spain stands as one of the strangest museums in all of Europe. Salvador Dalí's bizarre self-curated collection is the master statement from the famed surrealist. Best known for his unusual paintings of melting clocks and eccentric lifestyle, Dalí's
Wednesday August 14, 2019
Spain road trip: Granada to Almería
Granada is dominated by its mighty Moorish fortress, the Alhambra. Book ahead and visit early, at its least-crowded, and then spend the afternoon meandering the narrow streets and plazas of the old town – the Albaicín. Stay in this area at the 16th-century Santa Isabel La
The Guardian
Wednesday August 07, 2019
Thousands of Norwegian Cruise Line passengers stranded in Barcelona after technical issue
Norwegian Cruise Line is apologizing to customers for ending a cruise early due to technical difficulties. The Norwegian Pearl, which departed from Amsterdam, was set for a 13-day cruise with stops in Belgium, France, Spain and Monaco. However, the ship left its 2,732 passengers stranded in
USA Today
Thursday July 04, 2019
Sunny Spain is still shoring up the troubled travel industry
It’s that time again, heatwave or not. As bound by instinct as the migratory swallow, the summering Briton is still most likely to sniff the air, contemplate the costs, and book a week in Spain regardless. The package holiday remains the dominant form of summer travel, albeit now booked online and personalised. And the Spanish beaches and islands are still
The Guardian
Monday July 01, 2019
Mediterranean 'Runaway to Paradise' Cruise with Bon Jovi
Norwegian Cruise Line—in collaboration with Runaway Tours and Sixthman— has released the details of the upcoming summer “Runaway to Paradise Cruise,” headlined by superstar Jon Bon Jovi. This music-themed Mediterranean cruise will set sail out of Barcelona, Spain to Palma, Majorca on Norwegian Pearl from August
Friday June 14, 2019
Western Spain road trip: Madrid to Seville
Extremadura takes a little bit more effort to get to than many other parts of Spain. And because there is no beach, few of the 82.8 million people who visited Spain last year went to the region. Yet it is home to some of the country’s finest medieval towns and Roman architecture – and all the people who created Spain (Romans, Goths
The Guardian
Wednesday June 12, 2019
The Treaty of Tordesillas
On June 7, 1494, the countries of Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, so named for the Spanish city it was created in. The treaty divided the New World of the newly discovered Americas between the two governments. The treaty only recognized any prior claims by
Travel Research Online
Friday June 07, 2019
9 Most Beautiful Beaches In Europe You Should Visit This Summer
The 2019 list by European Best Destinations (EBD) of trendiest beaches in Europe includes some hidden gems as well as other, better-known, romantic and beautiful spots, from the 'secret' Cala Pregonda on Spain's Balearic island of Menorca to Vlychos Beach on the Greek island of Hydra. "Come breathe the fresh air of pine trees on Nugal Beach in Croatia or Cala Sa
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Barack Obama on why travel matters
This month at the World Travel & Tourism Council global summit in Seville, Spain, BBC Travel was fortunate enough to attend a Q&A with former US president Barack Obama. In his wide-ranging remarks, the author and Nobel Peace Prize recipient talked to Hilton CEO Chris Nassetta about how travelling helps each of us
Monday April 29, 2019
Why the most English corner of the Mediterranean should be your next holiday destination
There are very few tourists around in May but the weather is warm, in the high 60Fs to low 70Fs (the low 20Cs). Gibraltar is also the perfect jumping-off point to southern Spain – assuming Brexit doesn’t get in the way – and from there to even hotter North Africa. Connections from the UK by air come courtesy of British Airways (ba.com) and
Telegraph (London)
Monday April 29, 2019
36 Hours in Marseille
No city divides the French like Marseille. For every admirer cooing about the sun-warmed sea, craggy coastlines, fish-rich bouillabaisse and the Mediterranean melting pot (thanks to 20th-century immigration from Greece, Spain, Italy, Corsica, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria), someone else is grousing about corruption, dirty streets and eroding Frenchness. And
New York Times
Thursday April 11, 2019
The world's best beach for 2019 revealed
It's time to shake the sand out of the golden envelope for a fresh set of awards -- TripAdvisor has announced its best beaches in the world for 2019. Ranked by traveler reviews and ratings, the list is made up of 25 idyllic spots in the likes of Aruba, Cuba, Turks and Caicos and Spain. But it's a secluded beach off the coast of Brazil that comes out on top in the TripAdvisor
Wednesday February 27, 2019
The United States Purchases Florida
Spain was losing its grip on its New World territories. Years of war and tension with England and France had left the Spanish empire without the means to firmly control its colonies. General Andrew Jackson, while fighting the First Seminole Wars against Native Americans in Georgia, had
Travel Research Online
Friday February 22, 2019
British Airways staffs Valentine's Day flight with 5 cabin crew couples
If it seemed like the cabin crew on British Airways' Valentine's Day flight from London to Buenos Aires, Argentina, were in a particularly good mood, there was a good reason why: the flight was staffed entirely by employee couples. The airline's press release quotes one couple, newlyweds Carl and Nathan, as being "over the (honey)moon to be showing our customers some British Airways love on this very special flight.” The couple, who have been together 13 years and married last November, has been with the airline for four years, during which time they've visited New York, the Caribbean, Turkey, Spain and Florida.
USA Today
Friday February 15, 2019
The City With the Most UNESCO Heritage Sites
Cordoba can get overlooked by tourists to Spain. But with more UNESCO Heritage Sites than any place in the world as of 2018, that should change. Here's what to see before the crowds catch on.
Tuesday December 18, 2018
Central Holidays Unveils 25 New, Authentically Rich Travel Programs in its Just-Released 2019 Mediterranean Brochure
Moonachie, NJ – (December 13, 2018) – Central Holidays has unveiled its 2019 Mediterranean brochure featuring a robust array of authentically rich travel programs throughout Greece, Spain, Portugal, Malta, France, and Croatia. This just-released 124-page publication
Travel Research Online
Friday December 14, 2018
Value-Packed Europe City Stay Deals Unveiled by Central Holidays
Moonachie, NJ – (November 28, 2018) – Central Holidays is now offering stupendous savings for travel to some of the most remarkable destinations of Europe. When traveling this November through mid-March 2019, travelers can visit an array of enticing cities in Italy, Spain, France and Malta at amazing prices.
Travel Research Online
Thursday November 29, 2018
Celebrity Travel Destinations for Those with an Unlimited Budget
It must be hard being a celebrity. In between fighting off your adoring fans and being hero-worshipped, you also have to worry about how to dress, where to eat and where to go on holiday. And the latter is not just as simple as checking out the cheapest flights to Spain on the website of a budget airline.
Viva Glam Magazine
Friday November 16, 2018
Four Surprising Alternatives to Disney World for Your Next Family Trip
When my husband, Daniel, and I first moved to London, we were young, child-free and eager to travel. But mere days before we left for our first long adventure — a 10-day train ride from London to Lisbon, with stops in France and Spain — I discovered I was pregnant. Needless to say, Daniel enjoyed the trip far more than I did, with a glass of
The Star
Tuesday November 13, 2018
Worried About Booking a Post-Brexit Trip to Europe? Try These Non-EU Alternatives
This week, Brittany Ferries announced that its advance bookings for 2019 are 4 to 5 per cent down because of uncertainty about how Brexit might affect crossings from the UK to France and Spain. It cited concern among its regular customers on issues such as
Telegraph (London)
Monday November 12, 2018
The Windstar Triple Play in Barcelona
In a perfect world of itineraries, three Windstar Cruises’ ships (which account for 50 percent of the fleet) were in Barcelona, Spain on October 27. Star Breeze, Wind Surf, and Wind Star (representing two sailing yachts and one power yacht in the fleet) happened to
Travel Research Online
Tuesday November 06, 2018
Disney World? Not Again. Four Surprising Alternatives for Your Next Family Trip.
When my husband, Daniel, and I first moved to London, we were young, child-free and eager to travel. But mere days before we left for our first long adventure — a 10-day train ride from London to Lisbon, with stops in France and Spain — I discovered I was pregnant. Needless to say, Daniel
New York Times
Wednesday October 31, 2018
Cruise Ship Horror After 'Navigator of the Seas' Takes on Water "Like Crazy" and is Forced to Dock
A Royal Caribbean cruise ship was reportedly forced to make an emergency stop over the weekend after experiencing technical problems and “leaking water like crazy.” The vessel—named the Navigator of the Seas—docked at the Port of Vigo, Spain, on Sunday after a “Bravo Code” fire announcement
Tuesday October 30, 2018
Mom Slams Airline After Male Flight Attendant Told Her to Stop Breastfeeding Her Baby
A distraught mom has slammed an airline, saying she was told to stop breastfeeding during a flight. Kelly Edgson-Payne, 36, was feeding 1-year-old son Lex onboard an EasyJet plane to Spain from London’s Gatwick Airport in August when she was left in tears by a flight attendant, Fox News reports. Traveling with her husband and four
Friday September 28, 2018
Sweet discoveries on the stroopwafel circuit in Amsterdam
My introduction to stroopwafels, the gooey caramel waffle sandwich from the Netherlands, was in a small village in the south of Spain, where I live. A Dutch couple had opened a small bakery
The Washington Post
Friday September 21, 2018
Ryanair cabin crew from five countries to hold one-day strike
Ryanair cabin crew from five countries will hold a coordinated one-day strike on 28 September. Unions from Spain, Italy, Portugal, the Netherlands and Belgium have confirmed the 24-hour stoppage will go ahead after months...
The Independent
Thursday September 13, 2018
Carnival's Newest Ship is Its Biggest Ever - Take a Closer Look at the Giant Cruise Liner
In April, Carnival launched its latest cruise ship, the Carnival Horizon, the most recent addition to its line of "Vista class" ships. The Carnival Horizon, the 26th ship in the company's fleet, departed from Barcelona, Spain on April 2, 2018 for its initial cruise. It then held a summer schedule of four-day Bermuda and eight-day Caribbean sailings out of New York. Beginning on September 22
Business Insider
Tuesday September 11, 2018
Central Holidays Introduces Amazing Winter Travel Deals
Moonachie, NJ – (August 27, 2018) – Central Holidays is pleased to introduce amazing Europe winter travel deals to splendid destinations throughout Italy, Spain, France, Malta, and Greece – unbelievably priced from just $349 per person. The travel brand’s product development team of destination specialists has negotiated remarkable preferred pricing and is leveraging its strong buying power to present these exclusive travel deals, chock-full of value-added perks, bonus sightseeing, and one-of-a kind experiences – all at unparalleled package prices.
Travel Research Online
Wednesday August 29, 2018
Magellan Sets Sail
On August 10, 1519, five ships under the command of Ferdinand Magellan left Seville seeking a passage through South America to reach India. Spain had ceded the eastern passage around Africa to Portugal, so an eastern passage was critical to the nation. On December 6, Magellan's fleet
Travel Research Online
Friday August 10, 2018
Magellan Sets Sail
On August 10, 1519, five ships under the command of Ferdinand Magellan left Seville seeking a passage through South America to reach India. Spain had ceded the eastern passage around Africa to Portugal, so an eastern passage was critical to the nation. On December 6, Magellan's fleet
Travel Research Online
Friday August 10, 2018
The 52 Places Traveler: In Spain, Wine, Tapas and a Surprising Sense of Comfort
All it took was crossing a bridge after dark. Throughout the day, as the July sun and 95-degree temperatures bore down on Seville, I had wondered where all the nontourists were. That evening, I found my answer in Triana, a working-class barrio, drinking tinto de verano (red wine mixed with lemon soda) amid a sea of revelers. For centuries, Triana was its own city, best
New York Times
Tuesday August 07, 2018
Columbus Sets Sail
On this day in 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail from Palos de la Frontera, Spain with three ships: the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. His great quest for a western route to Asia from Europe had found no support from Portugal or from Italian princes. However, the queen of Spain agreed to fund
Travel Research Online
Friday August 03, 2018
Carnival Cruise Line Plans Massive Makeover of 19-Year-Old Carnival Triumph
A Carnival cruise ship that dates to the 1990s is about to be reborn. The 2,758-passenger Carnival Triumph next spring will undergo a makeover so big the line plans to rechristen the vessel with a new name: Carnival Sunrise. Announced on Tuesday, the overhaul will take place over two months at a dry dock in Cadiz, Spain and cost $200 million — one of the priciest cruise
USA Today
Tuesday July 31, 2018
Northern Spain Road Trip: Pull Over for Pintxos
The road from San Sebastián to A Coruña is one of big cities, pretty fishing towns, high cliffs and raging sea. It skirts the rugged Basque coast, runs through lush Cantabria and Asturias, and ends up in Galicia, on the wildly beautiful Costa de la Muerte. San Sebastián is all about food, and there is so much to recommend. Stay a few minutes from the old town and its narrow streets and
The Guardian
Tuesday July 24, 2018
20 Amazing Destinations in Spain You've Probably Never Heard Of
This summer, more of us will be heading for Spain than any other country. It has been our favourite holiday destination for more than two decades, and last year nearly 19m British holidaymakers paid a vist - that’s the equivalent of more than a quarter of the population. But while the vast majority of us funnel into the Balearics, the Canaries and the Costas, much of this vast and very
Telegraph (London)
Wednesday July 18, 2018
Face-Off Between Barcelona's Two Best Boutique Hotels
There are four Mercer hotels in Spain. They are all premier boutique hotels. The Grand Hotel Central is part of the three Único Hotels in Spain (two are in Madrid). In Spanish, Único means Unique, which is what boutique hotels are all about. Another thing that boutique hotels pride themselves on is being small and intimate. On that score, the Mercer Hotel wins. It has just 28 rooms while the
Monday July 16, 2018
Photo Tour: All Aboard the Space-Themed 'Viking Orion' Cruise Ship!
n June 2018, Space reporter Samantha Mathewson sailed on the maiden voyage of Viking Orion, the newest ship in Viking's growing ocean fleet. The ship set sail on June 13 from Rome and traveled to several ports in the Mediterranean before ending its voyage in Barcelona, Spain, on June 19. The cruise ship is named after the constellation Orion, the hunter, and in
Wednesday July 11, 2018
The Treaty of Tordesillas
On June 7, 1494, the countries of Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, so named for the Spanish city it was created in. The treaty divided the New World of the newly discovered Americas between the two governments. The treaty only recognized any prior claims by "Christian kings", which meant that the local indigenous people were forced under their rule. The colonization of these areas would prove to be devastating for many of these tribes and cultures.
Travel Research Online
Thursday June 07, 2018
Navantia Grows as a Cruise Ship Repair Specialist
Cruise ship overhauls and revitalization are becoming an increasingly large business for the world’s shipyards. With the scope of the work growing as the cruise lines move to update older ships and incorporate newer amenities into their existing fleets, the Navantia Shiprepairs facility in Cadiz, Spain has emerged as one of the leaders in this specialized segment.
The Maritime Executive
Thursday May 31, 2018
The Founding of New Orleans
The city known as La Nouvelle-Orléans (New Orleans) came into being on May 7, 1718. Named for Philippe II, Duke of Orléans in France, the city's port made it an ideal area for the French Mississippi Company under the leadership of Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville. Under the terms of the 1763 Treaty of Paris, the city was turned over to Spain but then reverted again to France in 1801.
Travel Research Online
Monday May 07, 2018
Celebrate! 9 European Festivals Worth Traveling For
From Spain to Macedonia, celebrating food, flowers, seasons and traditions. Jasmine in France, truffles in Italy, medieval pageantry in Germany: Beyond Europe’s well-known music and literature festivals, there’s a panoply of celebrations, ranging from the mainstream to the decidedly quirky. Our writers share some of their favorites.
New York Times
Monday April 30, 2018
What Does the Ban on Airbnb-Style Rentals in Palma Mean for the Balearics?
Following the recent announcement of a ban on short-term flat rentals in Palma, Majorca, there has been much polemic about that the impact the new legislation may have on future tourism – both in the Balearics and Spain as a whole. In 2016, more than four million Britons visited the Balearics, an increase of 7.5 per cent on the previous year, some of whom will have inevitably opted for rental properties via online holiday sites.
Telegraph (London)
Friday April 27, 2018
A Uniquely Spanish Part of the Meal
Spain is a country in love with food, renowned for everything from tapas to trailblazing chefs to simple, elegant recipes that have endured for generations. So it may seem counterintuitive, perhaps even heretical, to say that the most important thing about a Spanish lunch is not the food. But it’s true.
BBC Travel
Wednesday April 25, 2018
Why I’ll Never Travel With a Backpack Again
From Spain and Canada, to Russia and — most recently — South Korea; two-time snowboarding world champion Alex “Chumpy” Pullin has travelled around the world and back again in the pursuit of gold medal glory. Fresh from competing in this year’s Winter Olympics, he takes us through his packing essentials.
Wednesday April 25, 2018
A Wander Near Ronda: Spain's Empty Quarter
Andalucía’s first parque natural is pretty unknown, yet Sierra de Grazalema is a stunning wild place of peaks, gorges, hilltop villages and vultures
The Guardian
Monday April 02, 2018
Looking For a Room for the Night? Europe's Convents Offer Tranquility - and treats
Around Europe, particularly in Spain and Italy, convents provide tranquil and often economical sleeping quarters. They can also be a way to tap into a deeply ingrained cultural heritage.
Miami Herald
Monday March 12, 2018
Is Malaga Spain's Most Underrated City Break?
The birth place of Picasso boasts Easter parades, tapas tours and its very own Pompidou Centre. It’s so much more than just a gateway to the Costa del Sol.
Telegraph (London)
Tuesday March 06, 2018
Is The Picos de Europa Spain's Most Underrated Destination?
Just over a century ago a chap called Pedro Pidal, Marquis of Villaviciosa and an Asturian senator, returned from a visit to Yellowstone and Yosemite in the US with a burning ambition to introduce the idea of national parks to Spain...
Telegraph (London)
Thursday March 01, 2018
The United States Purchases Florida
Spain was losing its grip on its New World territories. Years of war and tension with England and France had left the Spanish empire without the means to firmly control its colonies
Travel Research Online
Thursday February 22, 2018
Syria Promotes Tourism, Despite Devastation of Civil War
Syrian authorities were hoping that foreign visitors would look past that devastation, as they promoted the country at an international tourism fair in Spain on Saturday
New York Times
Monday January 22, 2018
In Spain, Searching for Ancestors, Dry Wine and Calm Seas
Today Spain itself is a top international travel destination, with 75.6 million tourists in 2016, nearly double the nation’s population of 46.5 million. Its popularity in Western Europe is nothing short of phenomenal
New York Times
Tuesday January 16, 2018
Budget Airline easyJet Announces Three New Routes from Belfast
The Isle of Man, Naples in Italy and Valencia in Spain will be served by easyJet from Belfast International , the budget carrier announced
Tuesday December 12, 2017
Five Places to Shop in San Sebastián, Spain
In the Basque city of San Sebastián, Spain, Gros is a low-key neighborhood behind Zurriola beach that caters to residents, with shops focused on what's local, from bookshelves and bathing suits to take-away beers worth a stroll across the river
New York Times
Wednesday November 22, 2017
Gaudí’s First Completed House Opens to the Public
The first house designed by Antoni Gaudí opened to the public on Thursday in Barcelona, Spain, after a major restoration. Casa Vicens, in the city’s Gràcia district, was the first house designed and built by the Spanish architect, who is best known for the eccentric Sagrada Família basilica in the city’s center
New York Times
Friday November 17, 2017
New Celebrity Cruises Ship to Spend First Summer in Mediterranean
Celebrity on Tuesday revealed that the 2,900-passenger Celebrity Edge would operate voyages out of Barcelona, Spain and Civitavecchia, Italy (the port for Rome) in 2019 from the middle of May through September
USA Today
Friday October 20, 2017
36 Hours in Madrid
There’s arguably never been a better time to visit Madrid. Prices are still relatively low, but the economic and political turmoil of the past decade has helped spur an outpouring of creativity and enterprise in Spain’s golden capital
New York Times
Thursday September 21, 2017
Water, Fire and Stone: Spain's Beguiling Island of Menorca
Locals say Menorca can be reduced to three words: water, fire and stone. The Spanish island’s three essential elements are embodied in Cova d’en Xoroi, a natural cave that houses a sophisticated lounge halfway down a cliff
The Washington Post
Tuesday September 12, 2017
Passengers Terrified of Being 'Shot Down' after Holiday Flight 'Tracked' by Fighter Jet
Holidaymakers flying home from Spain were left deeply unsettled last week when they were joined by a French fighter jet just off their left wing
Telegraph (London)
Monday August 21, 2017
36 Hours in Granada, Spain
Like Agra, India, and the Taj Mahal, the Andalusian city of Granada in southern Spain is so well known for a single monument — the Alhambra, a walled fortress housing magnificent 13th- to 15th-century Moorish palaces and gardens — that the city itself is sometimes overlooked
New York Times
Thursday August 10, 2017
Tenerife Has Got To Be The Most Underrated Island In Europe
The largest of Spain’s Canary Islands, Tenerife has an impressive mashup of personalities. The southwestern coast sparkles with fancy shopping malls, a zesty club scene, mega-resorts and restaurants galore
The Huffington Post
Thursday August 03, 2017
Columbus Sets Sail
On this day in 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail from Palos de la Frontera, Spain with three ships: the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria
Travel Research Online
Thursday August 03, 2017
Terrifying Waterslide in Spain Takes Riders through a Shark Tank
Siam Park offers a ton of family fun for all ages, including a tremendously long network of waterslides, wave pools, Thai-style cabanas, and a few heart-pumping adrenaline water rides — like the near-vertical Tower of Power slide
Fox Travel News
Monday July 31, 2017
Why Spain's Rioja Is the Wine Region to Visit Now
In La Rioja, a small region huddled around the Ebro River Valley in northern Spain, it’s easy to feel a little dazed—and it is not just the un-ending supply of great local wine. It’s also the scenery
Tuesday July 25, 2017
19 Reasons Why Spain is still the World's Greatest Holiday Destination
All things considered, Spain is probably the greatest holiday destination on the planet. Here's why
Telegraph (London)
Monday June 19, 2017
The Southern Charms of Spain and Portugal
I had arrived here via Seville, in Spain, a superb jumping-off point for exploring Andalusia and, across the border, southern Portugal. Just a few hours in the car can transport you to the beautiful whitewashed buildings of Vejer de la Frontera
New York Times
Wednesday June 14, 2017
The Treaty of Tordesillas
On June 7, 1494, the countries of Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, so named for the Spanish city it was created in
Travel Research Online
Wednesday June 07, 2017
36 Hours in Biarritz
Just as surf patterns ebb and flow with the seasons, so too has Biarritz cycled in and out of fashion over the years. The French resort town, about 15 miles up the Atlantic coast from the border with Spain, hit a peak in the 1950s when California surf culture was introduced to Europe on its sandy beaches
New York Times
Thursday May 18, 2017
Jordan Trail: A Trek Through History via Ancient Villages and Wild Wadis
Picture the Appalachian Trail in California, or the Camino de Santiago in Spain. Then draw a route through more than 10,000 years of history, covering Neolithic ruins, Biblical sites, one of the New 7 Wonders of the World, and russet landscapes that wouldn't look out of place on Mars
Thursday May 18, 2017
Epcot food fest starts earlier, adds Spain, India marketplaces
Walt Disney World once again is supersizing the Epcot International Food
Sun Sentinel
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Want to be an adventure tour leader? You have a better chance of getting into Dartmouth.
Since January, Backroads has been hosting day-long events on two continents, searching for trip leaders to head such active-exotic outings as biking in New Zealand, hiking along Spain’s Camino de Santiago and camping in the Canadian Rockies
The Washington Post
Friday April 28, 2017
Valley of the Fallen: Spain's most chilling and controversial tourist attraction
A cobalt sky blazes behind a hilltop cross in the wooded landscape of the Sierra de Guadarrama, northwest of Madrid. Made of the local granite, the cross is nearly 500 ft (150m) high with a span of 150 ft (46m)
Telegraph (London)
Tuesday April 25, 2017
In Southern Spain, a Pilgrimage (and a Party Too)
Held on the last weekend in April, it is considered the oldest romería — or religious pilgrimage — in Spain, a country that takes its holy holidays seriously even as the influence of the Catholic Church wanes
New York Times
Wednesday April 12, 2017
Valley of the Fallen: Inside Spain's most controversial visitor site
An hour outside Madrid is Spain's most controversial memorial. Stephen Phelan visits the grave of General Franco
The Independent
Wednesday March 29, 2017
Travel study reveals destinations where couples most likely to break up
If you want to stay with your significant other, it's probably best to avoid vacationing in Mexico, Spain and Portugal
Fox Travel News
Friday March 03, 2017
On this day in 1903, the government of Cuba granted the United States a lease in perpetuity to Guantánamo Bay. By the end of the Spanish-American War, the United States has obtained control of all of Cuba from Spain
Travel Research Online
Thursday February 23, 2017
The United States Purchases Florida
Spain was losing its grip on its New World territories. Years of war and tension with England and France had left the Spanish empire without the means to firmly control its colonies. General Andrew Jackson, while fighting the First Seminole Wars against Native Americans in Georgia
Travel Research Online
Wednesday February 22, 2017
Caribbean’s Carnivals Tip Their Hats to Trinidad
We Caribbean carnival devotees, counting down the days until the region’s biggest bacchanal erupts on the streets of Port of Spain, Trinidad, on Feb. 27 and 28, have a dream
New York Times
Wednesday February 15, 2017
The best places and cities to visit in Spain and where to stay when there
An insider's guide into the top places and cities to visit in Spain – and where to stay while you're there – including the best for couples and families
Telegraph (London)
Wednesday December 07, 2016
Upgraded Disney Wonder headed back to the U.S.
Disney Cruise Line finished its five-week dry dock refurbishment of Disney Wonder in Spain and has sent the line's second-oldest ship back to the U.S.
Sun Sentinel
Monday October 31, 2016
Secret ways to save on cruise holidays plus more top travel tips
From cruise ships to eating out in China to travelling around Spain, these tips from Escape readers will help you cut your holiday costs
Friday October 28, 2016
36 Hours in San Sebastián, Spain
Beyond the beach, this seaside resort’s enticements include art, architecture and, of course, dining on delectable small plates at pintxo bars
New York Times
Thursday October 20, 2016
The Europeans who chose mystical Islam
Despite Spain being home to many North African immigrants, Spaniards who convert to Islam – particularly the order of Sufism – are a rarity
Thursday September 29, 2016
Granada: through the eyes of Spain's murdered poet
It’s 80 years since Spain’s favourite poet was executed by firing squad. We set out to discover his hometown of Granada through his eyes
The Independent
Friday August 19, 2016
Iberostar Playa Pilar is close to Cuban nature, far from the madding crowd
Pink flamingos forage in mangrove forests, and coconut trees line sweeping beaches. Here, on the north coast of central Cuba, where Ernest Hemingway once fished from his boat, the Pilar, the Spain-based Iberostar hotel chain recently opened a five-star waterfront property
Globe and Mail
Wednesday August 03, 2016
48 Hours in Cartagena, Spain
Celebrate Spain’s Año del Modernismo 2016, the Year of Modernism, in a little-visited city with some prime some examples of early 20th-century architecture. But that is just the start. After the Spanish navy moved out of this magnificent deep-water Murcian port, the archaeologists moved in
The Independent
Thursday July 14, 2016
15 unusual holiday destinations where the terror risk is low
The threat of terrorism is rated "high" in more than 30 countries around the world, according to the Foreign Office, with summer holiday favourites such as Spain and France given the same rating as Libya, Pakistan and Somalia. Here are 15 "low" risk destinations that might surprise you
Telegraph (London)
Thursday June 30, 2016
Thomson Cruises Unveils Spanish Homeports for TUI Discovery 2
Thomson Cruises today announced that its latest ship TUI Discovery 2 -- currently sailing as Royal Caribbean's Legend of the Seas -- will homeport in Malaga, Spain
Thursday June 30, 2016
British expats worry Brexit will cloud their sunny lifestyle
Hundreds of thousands of British expatriates living in Spain awoke to the news of a Brexit victory with a mixture of shock and joy. About a million Britons live all, or part of the time, in Spain and most were expected to support the Leave campaign, though Brexit has proved a divisive issue; many who live and work there were dismayed today
Fox Travel News
Monday June 27, 2016
36 Hours in Valencia, Spain
It’s been several years since Valencia unveiled the last major structure in a complex of headline-grabbing architectural landmarks — among them a futuristic aquarium, opera house and science museum — collectively known as the City of Arts and Sciences. But don’t think that Spain’s third-largest city has been idling since then. Flashes of innovation have continued to transform every corner of this perpetually sunny metropolis, from creative restaurants reinterpreting culinary traditions to daring street artists animating historic lanes. Influences now range from Moorish to modern, yet some things in Valencia, like a perfect pan of paella,remain thankfully unchanged
New York Times
Friday June 24, 2016
Europe's best secret beaches
The beach is the key to many a great holiday – from first childhood steps across the sand to teenage posturing and strolls en famille. But the perfect beach is rarely found by chance. The coasts of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic are fringed with an overwhelming array of beaches - many of which have been spoilt by concrete tower blocks and flocks of tourists. Head, instead, to one of these secret beaches - 52, one for every week of the year - chosen by our European experts in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Greece and Turkey
Telegraph (London)
Thursday June 09, 2016
Disney Wonder to Receive a Marvel Super Hero Academy, Tiana's Place Restaurant and More During Massive Refurb
Disney Wonder will receive several new attractions including a Marvel Super Hero Academy, It's a Small World Nursery, Tiana's Place restaurant and an English-style pub during a fall dry dock in Cadiz, Spain
Friday June 03, 2016
Where to Go in Europe, and How to Stay Safe
The terrorist attacks in Europe over the last year haven’t lessened travelers’ enthusiasm for vacationing there this summer. Virtuoso, a global luxury network of travel advisers and more than 1,700 hotels, cruise lines and tour operators, recently analyzed more than $35 billion of transactions from its clients and found that Europe dominated the top 10 list of future bookings, with Italy, Britain, France, Spain and the Netherlands being the most popular destinations
New York Times
Wednesday May 11, 2016
Italy: Walk from Siena to Rome along the ancient Via Francigena
Tens of thousands of people hike the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route in Spain each year. But less known and far less traveled is the Via Francigena in Italy
LA Times
Wednesday May 11, 2016
Spain's cursed village of witches
How does a tiny Spanish village of just 62 souls come to be excommunicated in its entirety and cursed with a spell so strong that only the Pope can lift it?
BBC Travel
Wednesday April 27, 2016
Why You Should Go to the Spanish Pyrenees Now
This mountain range on the border of Spain and France has a draw for every type of adventurer, and it's still a hidden gem
Condé Nast Traveler
Wednesday April 06, 2016
Terror attacks elsewhere expected to drive traffic to Spain
World Watch: Spain and Portugal are gearing up for more visitors following terror attacks elsewhere
Chicago Tribune
Friday February 26, 2016
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: Havana's older sister
Wandering across the Parque Colon, I momentarily lose track of the fact that I am in the Caribbean. It is not that the palm trees which frame the square at Santo Domingo's heart have uprooted themselves. It is more that I am suddenly aware that those classic symbols of the region - the beach, the lounger, the cocktail - are noticeable by their absence, their holiday aesthetic drowned by the busy noises of the city and the ghosts of colonial Spain
The Independent
Wednesday February 17, 2016
The world's least visited countries
Not every country can be a France or a Spain - but which countries see the fewest visitors?
Telegraph (London)
Tuesday February 09, 2016
Travel with the Impressionists: From Monet's garden to Sorolla's Spain
Artists have always drawn inspiration from their surroundings, whether they're natural or man-made, and a new exhibition opening on Saturday at London's Royal Academy of Arts delves into artists' fascination with gardens. "Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse" explores the influence they exerted on Impressionist, Post-Impressionist and avant-garde artists from the 1860s to the 1920s
The Independent
Wednesday January 27, 2016
Inside Spain's secret food societies
Secure an invite to one of these private clubs, and you'll see how San Sebastian's proud yet somewhat reserved people open up around the common bond of good food and drink
BBC Travel
Wednesday January 13, 2016
Europe's 10 best hidden beach resorts for 2016
The best secret beach resorts for family summer holidays in France, Italy, Croatia, Turkey, Greece and Spain, with tips on the best hotels and apartments
Telegraph (London)
Monday December 28, 2015
Sip in Spain's Rioja and Ribera del Duero wine regions
Northern Spain's renowned wine regions are known for producing tempranillo
USA Today
Wednesday November 04, 2015
El Celler de Can Roca: "World's best" restaurant
The Spain eatery won the top spot at this year's World's 50 Best Restaurants Awards. So what can diners who manage to snag a rare reservation expect?
Thursday September 10, 2015
Holiday guide to Almería, Spain: best hotels, restaurants and things to do
Famous for its Spaghetti Western landscapes and film sets, Almería province in Andalucía also offers superb beaches, history and great places to eat and stay
The Guardian
Tuesday September 01, 2015
10 best Spanish festivals
Travel publisher Sawday's man-on-the-ground in Spain Carlos Oppe reveals his favourite places to experience local festivals
The Independent
Monday July 13, 2015
Five reasons Spain is still the perfect summer destination
Don't know where to go for a last-minute summer holiday? Look no further than an old favourite, says Nick Trend
Telegraph (London)
Thursday July 09, 2015
Holiday guide to Huelva, Andalucía: the best beaches, hotels and restaurants
There's history aplenty, pristine, empty beaches, fresh sardines and a huge national park to explore in Huelva, the mysterious corner of south-west Spain
The Guardian
Monday June 29, 2015
Should tourist numbers be capped in cities like Barcelona?
Spain's second city has a new mayor - who has controversial plans to cap the number of tourists in her popular home. Is this the (limited) future of travel?
Telegraph (London)
Wednesday June 17, 2015
A weekend break in... Ibiza Town
A guide to short breaks in Ibiza Town, Spain, including the best bars, restaurants, hotels and things to do
Telegraph (London)
Wednesday June 03, 2015
Red Bay: a corner of Canada that is forever Basque
Nigel Richardson steps into the past in a Labrador fishing village that has only recently uncovered its remarkable links with 16th-century Spain
Telegraph (London)
Tuesday June 02, 2015
36 Hours in Bilbao, Spain
Beyond the city’s celebrated museum, there’s much to explore from Michelin-star restaurants and enticing shops to a vast cultural center and sprawling Art Deco market
New York Times
Thursday May 21, 2015
Where is the seventh Celtic nation?
Galicia, an autonomous region on Spain’s rugged northwestern coast, is home to ancient relics, pagan myths and a vibrant, living history unlike anywhere else in the world
Thursday May 14, 2015
Ride the dollar: This is the summer to travel to Europe
For the first time in more than a decade, the euro is almost equal in value to the dollar, making Spain and other European cities more affordable to Americans than even some domestic destinations
USA Today
Friday April 17, 2015
Walking holiday in Spain
James Hanning encounters a sublimely pastoral scene with barely another tourist as he rambles from Catalonia's Pyrenees down to the Mediterranean
The Independent
Monday April 06, 2015
As long as humans are in control, it's impossible to erase all risk
The average wage earner in Britain, France, Italy, Spain or Germany has the immense good fortune to be able to invest a very modest amount of disposable income to travel effortlessly to foreign lands
The Independent
Friday March 27, 2015
Seville travel tips: Where to go and what to see in 48 hours
Things are hotting up in Spain's fourth-largest city
The Independent
Friday March 27, 2015
Vigo travel tips: Where to go and what to see in 48 hours
Mainland Spain's westernmost city is cultured, gritty and highly affordable. This Galician city also has a proud heritage
The Independent
Monday March 23, 2015
Vigo travel tips: Where to go and what to see in 48 hours
Mainland Spain's westernmost city is cultured, gritty and highly affordable. This Galician city also has a proud heritage
The Independent
Friday March 20, 2015
A weekend break in... Seville
A guide to what to do on a short break in Seville, Spain, including the city's best bars, restaurants, hotels and things to do
Telegraph (London)
Thursday March 19, 2015
A cross-Channel ferry guide to France and Spain
There was a time when we all travelled by cross-Channel ferry. Maybe we should reacquaint ourselves with the art of sailing to Europe, says Nick Trend
Telegraph (London)
Monday March 02, 2015
ME Madrid Reina Victoria hotel, Madrid, Spain: review
ME Madrid Reina Victoria is a Madrid hotel offering a buzzing atmosphere, cheery staff, sumptuous beds, SkinInc beauty centre and a trendy rooftop bar, near the Teatro Español, Prado and Puerta del Sol shopping district
Telegraph (London)
Tuesday February 17, 2015
ME Madrid Reina Victoria hotel, Madrid, Spain: review
ME Madrid Reina Victoria is a Madrid hotel offering a buzzing atmosphere, cheery staff, sumptuous beds, SkinInc beauty centre and a trendy rooftop bar, near the Teatro Español, Prado and Puerta del Sol shopping district
Telegraph (London)
Friday February 13, 2015
Baqueira Beret, Spain: is this the world’s best ski resort?
Seasoned skier Peter Hardy has travelled far and wide to find his winter Eldorado: Baqueira Beret in Spain
Telegraph (London)
Wednesday December 03, 2014
A journey deep inside Spain’s temple of cave art
Walk — and crawl — through El Castillo cave to see the 40,000-year-old painting that has scientists questioning the origins of human creativity
Friday November 21, 2014
El Celler de Can Roca, Girona: is this the world’s best restaurant?
Pork disguised as fish and pulsating puddings await visitors to El Celler de Can Roca in Girona, Spain, recently named the best restaurant in the world by Tripadvisor
Telegraph (London)
Tuesday October 14, 2014
Wine-themed holidays: From Spain to South America
Many of the better-established wineries have recognised that a good visitors’ centre can become a crowd puller in its own right
Telegraph (London)
Tuesday October 14, 2014
36 Hours in… Cadaqués, Spain
Paul Clements offers a guide to what to do on a short break on Cadaqués, a coastal town in Costa Brava the province of Girona, including Església de Santa María and Salvador Dali’s house