Posts Tagged With: trust

There are 3 articles tagged with “trust” published on this site.

Earning Trust Takes Time

Using a popular dating sequence as a model to work from, the process might begin by accepting a safe invitation to a movie. Following the success of that single gambit, you might suggest a trip to the hamburger stand or ice cream parlor. Good vibes? An intimate dinner might be the logical next step in the process, followed by a little “Texas Two-Stepping or some fancy “Boot-Scooting.” Read the rest of this entry »

Three Keys to Earning Clients’ Trust

Who Do You Trust?

A handful of seasoned travel agents will recognize these four words as the title of a TV show first introduced in the early fifties and hosted by Johnny Carson.

Fast-forward nearly 60 years, and these four words still represent an interesting question.

Exactly who can we trust today? Read the rest of this entry »

Three Keys to Earning Clients’ Trust

“Who do you trust?”

A handful of seasoned travel agents will recognize these four words as the title of a TV show first introduced in the early fifties and hosted by Johnny Carson.

Fast-forward nearly 70 years and these four words still represent an interesting question.

Exactly who do you trust today?

  • Do you trust the salespeople down at your local car dealership?
  • Do you trust infomercial TV personalities?
  • Do you trust politicians? (Local or national?)
  • Do you trust news representatives . . . or weather-personalities?
  • Do you trust your children? Your spouse? Your neighbors?
  • Do you trust what you read—and what you Google?
  • Do you trust me?

Read the rest of this entry »