Posts Tagged With: travel researh online
There are 1 articles tagged with “travel researh online” published on this site.
Jim Cramer, the host of CNBC’s Mad Money, recently said: “I know there’s a lot of hype here, and in some individual cases it is overblown, but anybody who tells you that AI is pure hype, that person is only fooling herself.”
That seems to be a reasonable middle ground somewhere between utopia and oblivion. It’s a safe generalization. It would be absurd to write off all of AI because ChatGPT doesn’t quite live up to some of the predictions.
It does seem that for this particular wave of AI, the language models, the magic carpet is descending toward Earth a bit. People are beginning to understand it better: what it is capable of, how to use it, what to beware of, and its limitations. Read the rest of this entry »