Posts Tagged With: Travel agent advice
There are 1 articles tagged with “Travel agent advice” published on this site.
Next week I have the opportunity to travel for pleasure and, as always, small apprehensions about all of the work I have to do at the office shadow my travel plans. I thought it might an opportunity to re-focus on a few critical issues- like why I do what I do, how to do it better, and what to do more often. As I wrote down my thoughts, it occurred to me that we far too often lose sight of the reasons we are in the travel business. So I developed the following suggestions for myself. At first I called them commandments, but they really are suggestions more than commandments. The real commandments, the ones from the burning bush, were mostly about what not to do. The ones below are more about steps you can take to enhance your travel practice and drive it forward. Read the rest of this entry »