Posts Tagged With: sales

There are 115 articles tagged with “sales” published on this site.

This is the second sales mistake in the series of ten.

If you want to get to the top of this profession, you have to stop focusing on yourself and start thinking about helping others succeed. Sounds absurdly simple. It isn’t.

As I mentioned earlier, your primary goal is to stop selling.

When you try to sell, it appears to everyone that you are selling, and nobody I know enjoys being “sold”. But, when you are legitimately, openly and sincerely interested in helping people, you will have their undivided attention and, eventually Read the rest of this entry »

Sales Mistake #1: Trying To Upsell

***This is the first article in a series of ten identifying selling mistakes which we all need to avoid making.

The “gift of gab” has no place in business today. There is no need for memorizing and rehearsing “comebacks” and pro-active “sales pitches.” After taking the time to understand one’s particular buying motives, your one-and-only recourse is to simply recommend what you feel is best for the buyer.

All the sales books I have read include a lengthy chapter telling how it will be in the interest of you and your pocketbook to sell people up. “If the prospect says this… you say that. If they do that… you do this”. When they finally do buy “this”, you slide in a few “that’s”. Sounds pretty manipulative, if you ask me. I feel strongly that these tactics demean the interaction between sales and client, and I ask you to take a look at your own practices… not only for the sake of your business but the reputation of sales professionals everywhere.

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Debunking The Four Myths Associated with Sales

Years ago, I wrote a book titled “Become the Exception.”  I thought I might highlight the first four chapters of the book which featured the four myths associated with the selling profession, according to me.

Myth Number One:  Selling is a numbers game.

You’ve all heard it before.  Make enough calls and ring enough doorbells and you will eventually sell something.  This accurately defines the old numbers game.  It might have resulted in a few sales back then, but I think that way of going to market has become outdated. It has become a myth.  Selling is Read the rest of this entry »

Reciprocity: A Rule Worth Adopting

Let’s turn the clock back to when we were ten-years old.  If you asked the majority of men today how they met their first girlfriend, they would typically share a similar story.

In most cases, a young boy is introduced to his first girlfriend in the 5th grade at the age of ten.  The reason I know this is because that’s the age we realize that women exist.  Until that point, it was all about basketball, football and baseball. (I’m generalizing.) Read the rest of this entry »

Become More Likeable

I have been writing articles like this for what seems like an eternity. In fact, I think I have penned close to 3000 articles since I began writing for TRO. If nothing else, you know by now that I look at marketing and sales from a different angle. One thing I can say for certain. The older I get, which means the more experienced I get, the easier it gets.

I have found along the way that sometimes we insist on shooting ourselves in the foot.  We complicate Read the rest of this entry »

Let Another Day Begin

I woke today with my mind in full gear. This sign of mental activity caught my attention. Although I cannot explain why, I decided to take what was spinning in my head and turn it into today’s article submission. I may seem to be meandering. Here goes.

The first thought that shot through my mind when I opened my eyes was, “I’m not dead yet.” I looked straight up and saw the ceiling before peering out the window to see what appeared to be a sun trying to brighten up the day. “Mike.”, I said to myself. “It seems you have been given another opportunity to do some good today. What are you planning on doing?” Read the rest of this entry »

Beware The “Red Flag!”

Years ago, the founder and former CEO of Scandinavian Airlines, Jan Carlson, wrote a book titled Moments of Truth. The message reminded the reader that during the course of any one day, there were hundreds of occurrences where a customer is given an opportunity to make an opinion both good and bad about a service provider.

Similar to this truism, I have come to identify specific areas where a person is given reasons to begin questioning a service provider. I refer to these tell-tale signs as “red flags.” Read the rest of this entry »

My Most Recent “Wake-Up Call”

Anybody who has ever heard me speak or has followed my writings over the years has heard me say more than once that “the mind quits first.” This may be an accurate reminder when the going gets tough and you tell yourself that you don’t have an ounce of effort left in you. But you soon overcome the impulse and prove to yourself that you do indeed have a little more left in the tank.

On the flip side, however, your mind can also be a deceiving piece of mental real estate that can lead you down a treacherous path that needs to be avoided. And this brings me to today’s title and my most recent “wake-up call.” Read the rest of this entry »

It Isn’t Over Until It’s Over

I recently woke from what I considered at the time to be a nightmare. Don’t you love it once you realize that the turmoil you are facing was just a dream?  Mine nighttime experiences seem very real and at times, filled with creative nuances that confuse me as the day later unfolds.

I won’t bore you with the specifics, but I will share enough information to help support today’s message. Read the rest of this entry »

I cannot remember being this excited about sharing my thoughts on any one particular topic in a long time. Your life could very well be on the verge of changing for the good. Fast. Easy. And soon.

It all started for me at my kitchen table while reading the morning paper. My wife showed me a book review of One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way, written by Robert Maurer, Ph.D.

Since I often remind seminar attendees that Olympic Gold is usually won by thousandths of a second, the concept of taking small steps to achieve Read the rest of this entry »

This may sound at first like a foolish question. Of course, you are ready to make more money. But it is not a foolish question. In fact, it is a question worth asking again and again. The truth is that most “travel professionals” do not want to make more money. I know this to be a fact because if they did, they would be making more money.

There is a wise old phrase that reminds us “talk is cheap.” Another cogent reminder suggests, “After all is said and done, more is said than done.”

Let’s cut to the chase and get a few facts straight. First, you can make as much money as you like in the travel business. You can double your current income in the coming year. Yes, you can. Read the rest of this entry »

Wishing You a Happy and Safe Fourth of July!

As we approach the Fourth of July, here’s to a safe and happy holiday. We will have a finger count next week. Take some time off (it’s OK) and use the time to celebrate our nation’s independence, enjoy fireworks, and gather with loved ones. Whether planning a family barbecue, a day at the beach, or simply relaxing at home, relax and forget about the day-to-day for a bit! Read the rest of this entry »

Last week, we discussed how to prepare for a shift in the travel industry as many are shaking off that post-COVID travel bug. In today’s competitive travel industry, personalized service has become a key differentiator for travel pros seeking to build loyalty and ensure repeat business. As travelers have many options, travel professionals must emphasize bespoke experiences to maintain their edge. Here are some thoughts! Read the rest of this entry »

Dressbarn Serves As An Ideal Motivator

On a sunny morning in 2019, I read that Dress Barn would be closing. To be honest, it meant absolutely nothing to me. It was my wife who let out a quiet scream of concern, “I have a few sweaters and tops from Dressbarn that I absolutely love.”

The article reminded me that this establishment has (had) been in business for over 50 years. The culprit came as no surprise. Online shopping and Amazon in particular as well as a well-known discounter known for their red target were the primary culprits.

I have been known to be seen strolling aimlessly down an aisle or two of Targets on a Saturday morning, and I am a Prime Member of Amazon. I toss no dispersions in either direction. That is not my message today Read the rest of this entry »

Confidence is Key

For those who might be unfamiliar with America’s pastime, the position closest to the first baseman in the game of baseball is the second baseman. The defensive distance between these two players is usually no more than 30 feet. Furthermore, the game itself consists of throwing, running, catching, and hitting. One is usually gifted a baseball glove at age 5. This is normally when youngsters are introduced to the game Read the rest of this entry »

The Purple Cow Revisited

As I often do, when I find myself in need of a little reading material, I open up a cabinet over my desk and grab the closest book that catches my eye. I have no intention of rereading the book itself, but to turn a few pages and focus on the highlighted passages earmarked from my initial reading.

On this particular day, I picked up The Purple Cow by Seth Godin. I was immediately reminded of the necessity in today’s competitive environment to properly differentiate yourself from the myriad of choices today’s buyer has at their fingertips Read the rest of this entry »

Pick Your Battles

Before elaborating on this most important topic, I would like to get something straight right from the git-go. If you are currently playing a role in the travel industry, you are probably up to your eyeballs in competitive situations along with a whole boatload of problems, issues, decisions, and challenges that affect your future well-being. Summing up this conundrum in a single word, I welcome you to the zany world of entrepreneurship Read the rest of this entry »

Choose Your Clients Wisely

I was recently reminded of this sage advice when I came across a travel-related Facebook post while doing some research for an upcoming presentation. This particular “poster” was venting to some degree relaying to anybody who would listen (read) how unfair life was as she muddled through this particular situation from hell with the client from hell. That was two “hells” in the same sentence so no wonder this post caught my attention Read the rest of this entry »

Closing (Sales) is for “Beginners”

Every book ever written on sales has a detailed chapter outlining the steps and apparent benefits of “closing the sale.” Ever sales manager promoted to the corner office reminds his team that they need to “close” more sales before the quarter’s figures are tallied.

Next to overcoming objections and up selling, closing is a very popular topic in the world of sales these days. But, could there be a better way? I believe there is. The answer? Opening Sales Read the rest of this entry »

Think Like A Pro!

I was recently reminded how a true professional can really make a difference. Last month, while driving on the highway, I found myself flirting with disaster. Not knowing a worn ball bearing from a left-handed steering strut, I wasn’t sure what was happening when my steering wheel started to shimmy. My car suddenly veered to the left and the steering wheel was shaking wildly Read the rest of this entry »

Do What Works … Again AND Again

I was reminded of this simple yet profound truth on a Zoom meeting I recently conducted. The lesson today is very important. Please listen to what I am about to share with you.

As I always do, I asked my coaching students for their recent good news/bad news stories. I do this so we can all learn from each other’s experiences … both good and bad.

The topic that day was distribution, and more specifically, how we can spread the word beyond our current communication list. I began by offering an idea that once worked for me Read the rest of this entry »