Posts Tagged With: mistake

There are 2 articles tagged with “mistake” published on this site.

Sales Mistake #3: Not Listening to the Prospect

This is the third sales mistake in the series of ten.


You must give the communication skill called “listening” more than just lip service. You have to actually hear what the other person is saying and make every effort to understand what is being said.

Not listening to what others are saying, and not saying, is a mistake. Nobody cares what you want or think… unless it ties directly to what your customer is interested in. I don’t know how to make this complicated or drawn out. Once you get the customer speaking freely and comfortably about their ideas, wants, needs and desires, you are bound to witness a sale unfold before your very eyes. You’ll become a Read the rest of this entry »

This is the second sales mistake in the series of ten.

If you want to get to the top of this profession, you have to stop focusing on yourself and start thinking about helping others succeed. Sounds absurdly simple. It isn’t.

As I mentioned earlier, your primary goal is to stop selling.

When you try to sell, it appears to everyone that you are selling, and nobody I know enjoys being “sold”. But, when you are legitimately, openly and sincerely interested in helping people, you will have their undivided attention and, eventually Read the rest of this entry »