Posts Tagged With: Mike Marchev
There are 150 articles tagged with “Mike Marchev” published on this site.
As I often do, when I find myself in need of a little reading material, I open up a cabinet over my desk and grab the closest book that catches my eye. I have no intention of rereading the book itself, but to turn a few pages and focus on the highlighted passages earmarked from my initial reading.
On this particular day, I picked up The Purple Cow by Seth Godin. I was immediately reminded of the necessity in today’s competitive environment to properly differentiate yourself from the myriad of choices today’s buyer has at their fingertips Read the rest of this entry »
Before elaborating on this most important topic, I would like to get something straight right from the git-go. If you are currently playing a role in the travel industry, you are probably up to your eyeballs in competitive situations along with a whole boatload of problems, issues, decisions, and challenges that affect your future well-being. Summing up this conundrum in a single word, I welcome you to the zany world of entrepreneurship Read the rest of this entry »
I was recently reminded of this sage advice when I came across a travel-related Facebook post while doing some research for an upcoming presentation. This particular “poster” was venting to some degree relaying to anybody who would listen (read) how unfair life was as she muddled through this particular situation from hell with the client from hell. That was two “hells” in the same sentence so no wonder this post caught my attention Read the rest of this entry »
Every book ever written on sales has a detailed chapter outlining the steps and apparent benefits of “closing the sale.” Ever sales manager promoted to the corner office reminds his team that they need to “close” more sales before the quarter’s figures are tallied.
Next to overcoming objections and up selling, closing is a very popular topic in the world of sales these days. But, could there be a better way? I believe there is. The answer? Opening Sales Read the rest of this entry »
I was recently reminded how a true professional can really make a difference. Last month, while driving on the highway, I found myself flirting with disaster. Not knowing a worn ball bearing from a left-handed steering strut, I wasn’t sure what was happening when my steering wheel started to shimmy. My car suddenly veered to the left and the steering wheel was shaking wildly Read the rest of this entry »
I was reminded of this simple yet profound truth on a Zoom meeting I recently conducted. The lesson today is very important. Please listen to what I am about to share with you.
As I always do, I asked my coaching students for their recent good news/bad news stories. I do this so we can all learn from each other’s experiences … both good and bad.
The topic that day was distribution, and more specifically, how we can spread the word beyond our current communication list. I began by offering an idea that once worked for me Read the rest of this entry »
Someone once told me to remember that elephants don’t bite… mosquitoes do. This is a unique way of reminding us that it is the little things, when overlooked, will do us the most harm.
I was recently reminded of this when a former business acquaintance “reached out” and gave me an unexpected phone call. It had been a while since we last communicated which was a result of two busy people trying to make ends meet. It was good to hear his voice again Read the rest of this entry »
Using a popular dating sequence as a model to work from, the process might begin by accepting a safe invitation to a movie. Following the success of that single gambit, you might suggest a trip to the hamburger stand or ice cream parlor. Good vibes? An intimate dinner might be the logical next step in the process, followed by a little “Texas Two-Stepping or some fancy “Boot-Scooting.” Read the rest of this entry »
If I got one thing straight during my eight years of sitting in front of the nuns of Notre Dame back in the fifties and early sixties, it was that all things considered, telling the truth was the right thing to do. Quizzes, tests, and exams were built around the concept. (True or false?) Overnight sleepovers featured the popular game. (Truth of Dare?) We were taught early on (via fictitious stories) that, if you didn’t tell the truth, your nose would grow Read the rest of this entry »
The year 2023 has come and gone and there isn’t much, if anything, you can do to change the outcome of your actions or inactions. The results, as they pertain to your business, are “in the bank” so to say.
What you can do, and you have just about all the ammunition you need, is to make 2024 a year for the record books. But, I caution against any unchained optimism.
It is common for you, me, and virtually every hard-working entrepreneur to jot down a few New Year Resolutions designed to fatten their wallet and keep their bodies in Read the rest of this entry »
You might recognize these three words as the popular motto of a very successful sports company. Nike is the name of the company, and I must admit that the slogan took off quickly and is easy to internalize.
You might have guessed by now, however, that I am about to take exception to this motivating mantra. As a brand-new year stares us in the face, I am asking you to step back for a moment to think about the challenges, opportunities, and success stories that lie ahead Read the rest of this entry »
To blatantly state the blinding flash of the obvious, another year has come and is nearly gone. What you did or did not accomplish in the year 2023 is now yesterday’s news. I’m sure you have a few things you can be proud of… and a few more things you wish you had addressed.
But as the British duo Chad and Jeremy reminded us in song back in 1964, Yesterday’s Gone, “But that was yesterday, and yesterday’s gone.” Read the rest of this entry »
When developing a game plan for growing your business, it is only natural to begin looking for new prospects in new opportunities.
The truth of the matter—you already have a boatload of names for you to begin reestablishing a relationship with at once. I’m talking about former clients who you are no longer doing business with.
The reason you don’t try to approach these former clients usually has something to do with the fact that you think you did something wrong along the way Read the rest of this entry »
Looking back over the past few months, I find myself smiling at the many household accomplishments I have made. I will be quick to admit that many of these have spent a long time in the “incubation” stage much to the chagrin of my wife.
It seems I can overlook things needing attention far faster than my wife. I trust I am not the only husband who can identify with this apparent “flaw.” In any event, the summer of 2023 was the year I scratched off a slew of items from my “To-Do List.” Read the rest of this entry »
There is a lyric in a country song that says, “Everybody wants to go to heaven. They just don’t want to go right now.” Oddly enough, that phrase reminded me of a similar soundbite that says, “Everybody wants to be successful. They just don’t want to pay the price.”
Whether you end up in heaven or not is beyond my immediate purview, but I can shed some light on how you can become more successful. The good news is that it just could be easier than you might think. Here are five reminders to help you get started: Read the rest of this entry »
Today’s message introduces two reminders that I feel are extremely important. The first one reminds us of the Law of Attraction while the second reminds us of how to use just three questions to position strangers for future interaction. Let’s look at one at a time.
I remember the day like it was yesterday, when I first found myself attracted to a member of the opposite sex. And it wasn’t my idea Read the rest of this entry »
The first step in customer service is making your callers feel welcome. After 20 years of working with entrepreneurs and small companies, I have come to identify and endorse a common trait that is preventing a more rapid growth curve. “Talk is cheap!” As a former athlete myself, I remember hearing the sage advice that “you have to walk your talk.” The New York Giants head coach recently put this into perspective when he told his team, “It is time we stop telling people how good we are and start getting good.” Read the rest of this entry »
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing a fellow sales trainer and public speaker, and I want to share a few of the highlights from our interview in today’s article.
I enjoyed “bantering” with The Telephone Doctor, but I know her as Nancy Friedman. Nancy was referred to me by my good friend and fellow speaker Stuart Cohen. He suggested that Nancy might be perfect to appear on one of my biweekly sales meetings for my Inner Circle sales group. As always, Stuart was right on the money, and Nancy was very quick to accept my invitation Read the rest of this entry »
Being “too busy” was just one of the key points (excuses) addressed during an interview I had in July with fellow author, consultant, and all-around good person Marsha Haygood. This is a common retort from more than a few people when asked why they have not followed through on some previously identified goal or objective. “I am/was/will be too busy.”
The truth is that we all have used that excuse from time to time, but the facts are Read the rest of this entry »
It is important that you learn the importance of not playing to the wrong audience. I’ve reminded you of this simple fact more than once. There are people out there who do not want your help. But this does not suggest you stop promoting your services to your marketplace. “But I don’t want to bother people.” That is the common response I hear when I ask clients why they are not attempting to remain more visible in their marketplace.
My dad was a salesman. He regularly left home on two-week missions to sell more of his “electronic gizmos” in order to pay the mortgage for a home large enough to house my mother and their seven children. I was #2 and I remember those days like it was yesterday. “Mike,” you say, “who cares?” Stay tuned… I am talking to you. My dad loved to fly and he loved his work. Based on our comfortable living conditions while growing up in a big house that was open 24/7 to all shape and size kids, and their friends, he was a successful salesman Read the rest of this entry »