Posts Tagged With: kaizen
There are 2 articles tagged with “kaizen” published on this site.
After reading the book by the title above, I find myself noticing a number of items that, yesterday, would have gone unnoticed and perhaps untouched. I figured if I was not going to complete the task at hand in one sitting, I would wait until I could find the time to do so. This has proven over time to be a wasteful decision.
The Kaizen philosophy goes against the popular teaching that you must finish what you start… at one sitting. Kaizen implies that you will eventually complete the task, but not as quickly as you first imagined. Read the rest of this entry »
This week’s article has to do once again with the concept of Kaizen, the practice of incremental improvement.
The truth is that you don’t have to be twice as good as your competition in order to become enormously successful. I have previously labeled this mindset The 1.6% Rule, referring to a downhill Olympic skiing event where the difference between first place and seventeenth place is commonly less than 1.6% in overall time.
The following borrowed quote was responsible for my recalling this all-important reminder:
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