Posts Tagged With: Editorial Musings

There are 7 articles tagged with “Editorial Musings” published on this site.

The travel agency industry has significantly transformed over the past few decades. Once a pastime predominantly pursued by the wives of wealthy businessmen who organized leisure trips more for social interaction than profit, it has evolved into a true professional sector. Read the rest of this entry »

As we navigate through 2024, the travel industry landscape continues to evolve rapidly. We need to adapt or die as an industry.  And for the life of me, I do not understand why some agents can’t see this.  I am not sure how, but last week I stumbled upon an agency website that offered this cringeworthy message on their front page! Read the rest of this entry »

Unlocking Success: The Power of Partnerships

There is never a dull moment in the travel industry. Successful agencies are the ones who adapt, innovate, and expand their reach. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by forming strategic partnerships with other businesses in the travel industry and outside of it. Consider this: Read the rest of this entry »

Are You Selling What Your Customers Want to Buy?

Understanding your target customer is key to success in the travel industry. Market research is a powerful tool that can be used to identify these customers, understand their needs, and tailor your offerings to meet these needs. Today, we’ll look at a few key steps to get you started! Read the rest of this entry »

Booking travel online is just plain dangerous.  The allure of using a mouse and a few clicks to secure flights, accommodations, and exciting activities appeals to most people. But proceed with caution. Last week, “a few beers” with a friend turned into some type of man-splaining about what a travel professional can do. Man-splaining is not the phrase, but travel-splaining sounded stupid! He made a critical mistake somewhere in the fourth beer and asked me to cite specific examples of online problems.  And here’s what I said… Read the rest of this entry »

Halloween Is My Trigger!

Happy Halloween! I hope there are plenty of nice ghosts and goblins gracing your doorsteps tonight. And for them, I hope you bought full-sized candy bars!  I love Halloween for the uniqueness of the holiday and that it sits out there on its own and is not bundled with a bunch of others. And as it relates to my business, Halloween is always a reminder and a warning shot!

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Is A CRM Right For You? Yes!

Are you using a CRM? Do you know what a CRM is? Most of us do, but for those that are frantically searching the acronym database, it stands for Customer Relationship Manager. And it is one of the most valuable tools in your arsenal.

Let’s look at the words. Customer—we need them to survive, No customer, no business. Relationship—this is what we are striving to create so we have loyal customers. Manager—like any relationship, we must manage it properly or we divorce.

A CRM system keeps your leads, contacts, and clients controlled and arranged for easy Read the rest of this entry »