Posts Tagged With: customers

There are 2 articles tagged with “customers” published on this site.

Are You Selling What Your Customers Want to Buy?

Understanding your target customer is key to success in the travel industry. Market research is a powerful tool that can be used to identify these customers, understand their needs, and tailor your offerings to meet these needs. Today, we’ll look at a few key steps to get you started! Read the rest of this entry »

Three questions about your value

At the heart of every business is what many call a “customer value proposition.”  Simply put, what value do you offer the customer?  Can you answer, without hesitation, the question, “Why should I use your services?” At countless trade shows and presentations, I’ve witnessed too many agents stumble over this important question.  Your value proposition should be a matter of muscle memory, not a pop quiz.

To assist you with developing your own answer, let’s consider three very important issues. Read the rest of this entry »