Posts Tagged With: communication
There are 5 articles tagged with “communication” published on this site.
In the ever-evolving world of travel and tourism, it’s crucial that we never become too complacent or overconfident in the relationships we’ve built with our cherished customers. As the old saying goes, “It’s a jungle out there,” and the rules of the game are constantly changing.
Just as the well-established D’Arcy Advertising Agency learned the hard way when they lost the prestigious Mars account after 70 years of service, we must always remain vigilant and proactive in nurturing and strengthening our client relationships.
The message is clear: there are no guarantees Read the rest of this entry »
A recent article in INC Magazine promised to introduce the two words that the author considered the secret to future sales success. This immediately caught my attention, as I found myself searching for the “magic pill.”
When I began my selling career back in the late 70’s, a popular sales dictum relied heavily on making “cold calls.” This occurred when a salesperson popped into an enterprise unannounced hoping to gain a minute or two of meaningful face time. Believe it or not, this maneuver proved effective on more than a few occasions. This stunt, as a general rule, does not work today Read the rest of this entry »
Every book ever written on sales has a detailed chapter outlining the steps and apparent benefits of “closing the sale.” Ever sales manager promoted to the corner office reminds his team that they need to “close” more sales before the quarter’s figures are tallied.
Next to overcoming objections and up selling, closing is a very popular topic in the world of sales these days. But, could there be a better way? I believe there is. The answer? Opening Sales Read the rest of this entry »
Note: Today’s article is adapted from an article published in Forbes Magazine.
I added my two bits when I thought it appropriate and cut the length to fit my space.
Communication, customer service, and driving have something very much in common. Everybody thinks they are good at these skills when, in fact, very few are even adequate with any consistency.
This overestimation of our communication abilities is magnified when interacting with people we are familiar with.
Read the rest of this entry »We all need and want new clients, right? And unfortunately, clients are one of the only things that are not for sale on Amazon, so we need to find them the old-fashioned way, with traditional marketing. Of course, we use the most up-to-date tools and technology, but in the end, it is words that will draw a client to do business with you—spoken or written. Make sure you get them right! Read the rest of this entry »