The Heart Of AmaPrima: Sailing With An Unforgettable Crew | Travel Research Online


The Heart Of AmaPrima: Sailing With An Unforgettable Crew

Note: For privacy reasons, photos of the crew cannot be included in this article with the exception of our cruise manager, Jasmina. Instead, I’ll try to bring their warmth and personalities to life through words.

When I stepped aboard the AmaPrima, it wasn’t just the ship’s polished floors, elegant public areas, or cozy cabins that stood out. It was the crew who set the tone from the very first moment. They greeted me with such warmth and sincerity, but that is what I have come to expect from AmaWaterways – a crew that doesn’t just do their jobs but makes you feel like part of a little family.

New friends. (From left to right) Cruise Manager Jessi, who was joining us on vacation alongside her brother Benjamin. Then our Cruise Manager, Jasmina. Followed by Emma, a childhood friend, and then me. Photo taken by Chris Stanley

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Over the course of the trip, I had the chance to get to know several of the crew members on a more personal level. These weren’t just people providing service, they became new friends. Let me introduce you to a few of them.

Wine, a bright and cheerful young woman from Myanmar, was always stationed at reception. Trust me, I probably had more questions for her than any other passengers did. Whether I needed a taxi, wanted to book a massage, or simply had a random inquiry, Wine was always ready with a smile and a solution. Her patience seemed limitless, and she made sure every request was handled smoothly, no matter how small.

Jenni was my waitress for most of the journey and quickly earned the title “GOAT” (Greatest of All Time). She wasn’t just good at her job, she brought a personal touch to every meal. She noticed how much I loved the soups, and after the second night, started bringing me larger portions without me even asking. That kind of attentiveness is what made Jenni so special.

George, one of the bar waiters, became a fast friend. I’m not exaggerating when I say we always greeted each other with a big hug and walked arm-in-arm through the halls. His loud, infectious laugh could brighten even the quietest moments. There’s something about George that just made the ship feel more alive, more fun. Whenever I needed a pick-me-up or a good chat, George was there.

Raluca seemed more serious at first. She kept her head down and focused on her work. But over time, we got to know each other better, and I saw her fun, easygoing side emerge. We swapped stories, shared some laughs, and I even learned about her boyfriend, who also worked aboard the ship. Her dedication was something everyone noticed. On her days off, she trained at the reception desk, determined to keep learning.

Ruslan, the head waiter, had this incredible ability to make you feel like you’d known him for years – and I actually had. Early on in the trip, he came up to me with a huge grin and said, “Haven’t we cruised together before?” Sure enough, we had. Back in 2021. The fact that he remembered me among hundreds of guests was astonishing. That attention to detail, coupled with his charming smile and caring nature, made every meal feel special.

Aleksander, the hotel manager, was constantly on the move, making sure everything ran like clockwork. Though we didn’t interact as much as I did with others, his influence was clear. He created an environment where both the crew and the guests thrived. On the first night, he said, “If you need anything, just ask. Maybe today it’s not possible, but tomorrow it might be possible.” That positive, can-do attitude set the tone for the entire cruise.

And then there was Jasmina, our cruise director. With her mix of humor, warmth, and professionalism, she was the glue that held everything together. Whether she was leading an excursion or cracking a joke during her port talk, Jasmina knew how to keep things fun while still keeping them in her control. She had this effortless way of reading the room, knowing when to be lighthearted and when to buckle down, which is why she was adored by all the guests.

Small Gestures, Big Impact

Cruise Manager Jasmina became what she described as our “personal stalker”, accompanying us on tours and making sure we were well taken care of.

Throughout the trip, it wasn’t just the grand gestures that made an impact, it was the small, personal touches from the crew that truly stood out.

One morning, as I walked through the lounge, deep in thought, George passed by and gently tapped me on the shoulder. It wasn’t much, just a small, thoughtful gesture, but it reminded me that I wasn’t just another face in the crowd. It’s little moments like that which made me feel like part of the family.

Raluca, too, had her way of making me feel seen. By the second evening, she had memorized my drink order, a gin and tonic with an extra lime. Without saying a word, she’d bring it to me each evening with a knowing smile. That attention to detail wasn’t limited to just me, she knew the preferences of my dinner companions as well. Her thoughtfulness made each interaction feel personal and genuine.

A Gift in Disguise: Four Extra Days Aboard

Sweet Georgie pours a beer for a guest even before asking, “Do you want another?”

Before my trip even began, Hurricane Helene threw a wrench into my original travel plans, flooding my city and leaving many residents without power or water. What could have been a logistical nightmare actually turned into a blessing in disguise. The extra four days I spent on the AmaPrima weren’t planned, but they were a gift I didn’t know I needed.

The crew welcomed me as if I was family, even though my stay had unexpectedly been extended. It was during these quieter, slower days that I got to know the people behind the uniforms even better. We were closer now, sharing more hugs, more laughs, and deeper conversations.

One night, after most guests had retired to their rooms, I found myself sitting at the bar, chatting with a few crew members about their lives back home. We traded stories, made jokes, and in those quiet hours, I realized just how lucky I was, not only to escape the storm but also to deepen the bonds I’d formed with this remarkable group.

More Than Just Staff: Saying Goodbye

As the trip came to a close, it became clear that the crew of the AmaPrima had become more than just the people ensuring my comfort, they had become a large part of the experience itself. They weren’t just doing their jobs; they were creating a space where guests felt seen and cared for, and by the end of my extended stay, it felt more like I was saying goodbye to friends than simply leaving a vacation.

When I look back on this river cruise, it’s not the picturesque views or luxurious amenities that stand out most, though they were wonderful. It’s the people like George, Jenni, Raluca, and Ruslan who made this trip feel personal.

Next time I set sail, I’ll be hoping to see some of those familiar faces again.


This article was originally published at River Cruise Advisor.

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