You Say Guerrilla, I Say Gorilla—It’s All Marketing! | Travel Research Online


You Say Guerrilla, I Say Gorilla—It’s All Marketing!

First things first!  Following up from last week—does everyone still have the same number of fingers today that they had before the Fourth of July?

Standing out can be a challenge. Traditional marketing methods often blend into the background, making it difficult to capture the attention of potential clients. This is where guerrilla (yes, that is the proper term) marketing comes in—innovative, unconventional, and highly creative tactics that can generate buzz and excitement. Here are four outrageous yet effective guerrilla marketing campaigns that might just be the game-changer your agency—if you are brave enough!

  1. Pop-Up Travel Experiences

Imagine setting up a pop-up travel experience in a city park or downtown area. Create a miniature version of a popular destination with themed decor, music, and even food samples. For instance, a “Paris in the Park” event could feature an Eiffel Tower replica, French pastries, and a mime artist. Invite passersby to immerse themselves in a mini-vacation and take photos, which they can share on social media using a specific hashtag. This creates a memorable experience and spreads word-of-mouth marketing through social shares.

  1. Mystery Destination Contests

Harness the power of curiosity by organizing a mystery destination contest. Advertise that you’ll be sending one lucky winner on an all-expenses-paid trip, but keep the destination a secret until the day of departure. Create a buzz by dropping cryptic hints and clues on social media and through email campaigns. This builds excitement and engagement as people guess the destination and share the contest with friends and family. The big reveal can be a live event, further amplifying the excitement and reach. Apple used to do this with Jamaica (sort of), and it was always a hit—you never knew your resort until you arrived there! Of course, this involves giving away a trip, but I bet some hungry suppliers out there are willing to partner with you!

  1. Flash Mob Travel Promos

Coordinate a flash mob in a high-traffic area like a mall or public square. Instead of the traditional dance or song routines, the flash mob participants could “perform” as if they were on vacation—setting up beach chairs, sipping mocktails, and engaging in vacation activities like reading travel guides or taking selfies with inflatable palm trees. As the crowd gathers, distribute your information.

  1. Surprise Upgrades and Perks

Partner with airlines, hotels, tour operators, cruise lines, or restaurants to surprise random customers with free upgrades or special perks. Imagine someone checking in for a flight and being told they’ve been upgraded to first class courtesy of your travel agency. Or a family dining out receives a complimentary dessert with a note about your family travel packages. Document these surprise moments and share them on social media with the recipients’ permission. This goodwill gesture can create a positive association with your brand and encourage sharing and engagement. It does not take much to make a difference!

Guerrilla marketing is all about thinking outside the box and creating experiences that people talk about long after they happen. The stunts above aren’t plans; but something to get your brain ticking.  What do you think?

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