Ready Or Not—Here You Come | Travel Research Online


Ready Or Not—Here You Come

There is a lyric in a country song that says, “Everybody wants to go to heaven. They just don’t want to go right now.” Oddly enough, that phrase reminded me of a similar soundbite that says, “Everybody wants to be successful. They just don’t want to pay the price.”

Whether you end up in heaven or not is beyond my immediate purview, but I can shed some light on how you can become more successful. The good news is that it just could be easier than you might think. Here are five reminders to help you get started:


Find yourself and your purpose. Cut the nonsense. Align with true purpose. Personal growth. Go through difficulties and challenges. Don't get distracted by little things. Adobe Stock


You Must Commit

This may be the hardest step, but it is by far the most important. You must commit to becoming more successful. Yes, my friend. If you want to enjoy a more fulfilling life, you must decide whether or not you are willing to pay the price.

The defining word here is “commit.”


You Must Act

Once you are firmly committed, you must get the ball rolling by taking the initial step. Overcoming the urge to overthink, over plan and delay your forward motion is a major obstacle which you will soon see is easier said than done. Everybody “wants.” Very few people “do.”

Do something, do anything that gets you off the couch and excited about moving in the direction of your goal.


You Must Deal With the Facts

You are who you are, and you are where you are. You have not gotten this far by accident. You have a lot going for you and you have already achieved a great deal. Begin your new journey moving toward a more successful you by leveraging the skills, assets, relationships and experiences you already have. Start where you are.


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You Must Start Small

You have heard of the acronym KISS, which stands for “keep it simple stupid.” Although first introduced by the US Navy Design Team back in 1960, it still holds water today.

I might substitute a different third word in the acronym. Keep it small. You do not need to take a grandiose leap toward a more successful you. Small steps taken daily will result in meaningful incremental improvement.


You Must Remain Positive

Do not discount the power or necessity of the “Do-Over.” In golf we refer to this as taking a “Mulligan.” The odds of you making a few less-than-stellar decisions along the way are pretty good. Whether it be trying to break a bad habit, losing weight or learning to play the piano, there is no shame in starting over. Again, a popular children’s reminder comes to mind: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”


So there you have it. Five easy reminders designed to help you maintain the proper mindset when sculpting the new successful you.


image of mike marchev

Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club,

*** You want more to think about? Check out my weekly podcast (Miked Up Marchev). Also listed on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google, and iHeartRadio.

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