Campaign Marketing | Travel Research Online


Campaign Marketing

Before your client becomes a repeat client, before they ever book with you at all, they have to know you exist. Before your client becomes a repeat client, before they ever book with you at all, they have to know you exist. In fact, the most difficult and expensive part of any marketing strategy is building brand awareness: alerting prospective clients who you are and what you do. Too often, travel professionals market not according to a plan, but impulsively, with a heroic “give it a try” mentality. That certainly is one way to market, but tends to be error-prone and expensive.

artificial intelligence iconIs there a better solution? The most difficult and expensive part of any marketing strategy is building brand awareness: alerting prospective clients who you are and what you do. Too often, travel professionals market not according to a plan, but impulsively, with a heroic “give it a try” mentality. That certainly is one way to market, but tends to be error-prone and expensive.

Is there a better solution?



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