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Where Did The Time Go?

2008. That’s when it all started! In September, Richard Earls made his first entry to TRO. And shortly after that, my first column appeared! It’s hard to believe it has been fifteen years since I began writing for Travel Research Online! In the time that has passed, so much has changed in the travel industry – and with TRO. From agent-submitted pieces to creating the TRO Community Forum and the latest, AI with Toby!

I’m grateful to have been allowed the opportunity to be part of this journey and to write for Travel Research Online. It has been amazing to see how much TRO has grown over the years, with more resources, advice, and tools available for travel agents than ever before. Let’s be real…it makes me proud!

Richard Earls saw the potential for TRO to become something bigger and better very early in the game, and he saw it through. His passion, along with his dedicated Tallahassee team has helped TRO ride the crest of the travel wave for fifteen years! We even survived a few troughs in between.

As I look back, I can’t help but realize that we could never have predicted the future of the travel industry. Who saw COVID and Artificial Intelligence? It’s been a remarkable fifteen years, and I can’t wait to see what the next fifteen looks like.

If you’re a travel agent looking for the best in online resources, look no further than Travel Research Online! With the latest industry news, tailored advice, and up-to-date tools – TRO has everything you need to make your business more successful. If you are not familiar with it, poke around the site—it doesn’t bite. I promise!

And as I embark on my sixteenth year and 753rd column, I must thank you.  Thank you to Richard Earls for giving me the opportunity and always being an excellent sounding board. And to everyone who has read or left a comment on TRO over the years—thank you. I hope that my point of view has added something to your world!

PS: For fifteen years, do I finally get that TRO branded coffee mug?

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