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How to Win Over a Client With Your Initial Email

First impressions count. No debate. We are constantly being judged, especially in business. When someone first meets you for a business need, they ask questions. Will there be another meeting? Do I like this person? Do they seem trustworthy? For better or worse, today, most of the first “meetings” happen over email. And a good portion (if not the majority) will be from your mailing list. Are you making the right impression with that first contact? Or are you making mistakes right out of the gate that will sink your chances?

The open rate for the average welcome email is between 50% and 60%.

According to MailChimp, the average open rate for regular travel (and transportation) emails is just over 20%.

So, how to stay ahead of the game?

Make sure you let your clients know they made the right decision. 

Set the expectations

Deliver the goods

Most businesses (including your competitors) aren’t giving much thought to their initial email to a prospect. In fact, most are using a cookie-cutter website that looks no different than the next guy. Is that the impression you want? Some time spent considering the message in your opening email will pay dividends to you for a long time and set you apart from the others. Consistent emails with the proper branding and messaging will turn your prospects into raving fans!

After all, how excited are you to buy a car from a salesperson with a weak handshake?

Got any tips yourself? Leave a comment!

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