There are a couple of numbers I would like you to get comfortable with. More than just “comfortable,” I want you to embed these numbers in your brain and consistently endorse their implications.
Once you internalize the significance of these three numbers, you will launch yourself to the head of the selling profession. The good news is that your competition does not have a clue as to the significance or meaning of these three numbers. This, in and of itself, will differentiate you favorably from the pack.
50% of sales people quit after the first contact.
They try to sell something once, and then they accept “rejection” and pack their bags and go home. 50% of your competition eliminate themselves from the game following the first attempt.
25% of sales people quit after the second attempt.
This is more good news for you. Some folks suck it up and give the sale a second shot. After failing a second time, they tuck their tail between their legs and limp back to the safety of their cubicle.
A full 75% quit after two shots.
80% of all sales transactions occur after the fifth contact.
WOW! Is this true? Well, to be honest with you, the number 5 (fifth) could very well be nine, 10, or 15.
Translation: This clearly implies that to be successful in sales today, a number of things must happen:
- You mustn’t quit too soon.
- You must become “wearable” with your prospects if you are going to last through five, nine, twelve or fifteen visits.
- You mustn’t quit too soon.
- You must learn how to be patient.
- You must never quit too soon.
When is it time to quit? When do you move on?
There are three good times to “pack your tent.”
- When you die.
- When your prospect dies.
- When your prospect threatens to call the cops. (And this is just a temporary back-off. Chances are in five years he/she will forget about the threat which leaves you an opportunity to try it again.)
BONUS POINT: Just like in horse racing, football, downhill skiing and NASCAR, speed wins when it comes to growing a business and selling your wares. Return phone calls first. Write that introductory letter first. Show up for your appointment, first. Speed wins. Be first.
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Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club,
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