I spotted the following in a popular e-zine I like to read.
Word count for this issue: 888
Approximate time to read: Just over 3 minutes
Why bother spelling out the length of an article you ask? There is a very good reason for doing this. It is a small courtesy that supports one of my sales lessons which implies that it is smart to let people know what they are in for.
In this case, 888 words tells me how much effort I need to invest if I decide to read this information.
I can then determine if I am in the mood to read 888 words. I also can calculate what my investment in time would be should I elect to browse further. In this case, a little more than 3 minutes if the author is telling me the truth.
This small courtesy now puts me in control. The ball is now in my court. Do I elect to read on or look for an alternative option to spend the next three minutes of my life? (Time is valuable.)
Why chance boring someone to tears and turning them off to future offerings? Why set yourself up for failure in trying to force-feed you, or your service/product, down somebody’s throat?
It makes little sense. You’re not good enough to “fool people” into following your agenda…nor should you try.
I am reminded of another courtesy I like to put into play. If I have an appointment at say 11:30 am, I make it a point to call my client when I am actually on my way. I don’t think you can count five other sales professionals who do this. (I don’t think you can think of one.)
This easy and thoughtful courtesy paints a clear picture of the exact timing of my arrival. They can plan accordingly, and it takes the unknown out of the equation.
You might categorize this as overkill and unnecessary. Maybe it is. But I will do, and will continue to do, whatever it takes to differentiate myself from my competition. This is an easy way to do it, and virtually has no downsides.
Set the stage for what people have in store, and not only will your own stress level be minimized but your welcome rate will increase along with your success ratio.
Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club. mike@mikemarchev.com.
*** You want more to think about? Check out my weekly podcast (Mike’d Up Marchev). Also listed on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google, and iHeartRadio.