Fasten your seatbelts travel professionals. You are about to play a major role in a New Year consisting of successes, failures, challenges, wins, losses, good ideas, bad ideas, and a whole bunch of “head-scratching” scenarios that are sure to upset your stomach. You can also get ready to do a lot of smiling. And I will be back to help you along the way in an attempt to keep you focused, motivated, and refining your own personal “happy dance.”
Similar to past articles I have been sharing, the next twelve months will consist of thought-provoking reminders you can identify with, and use to your benefit.
In the interest of time (your time), each week’s word count will be between 350 and 700 words. This will support my iron-clad salesman’s mantra: BE BRIGHT—BE BRIEF—BE GONE.
For the first half of the year, I plan on sharing a few personal stories which were instrumental in building and refining my business skills. If these stories unfold as planned, you will be the beneficiary in spades while I re-live the lessons I learned along the way “on a road less traveled.”
Consider yourself warned. Let’s kick off the New Year with some nutritional food for thought.
A Lesson From the National Speaker’s Association
Early in my career, I counted the days until the NSA annual convention took place. Virtually every major author, coach, and conference speaker from around the country, and from every industry imaginable, gathered to share stories of how to remain motivated while building a business that exceeded every expectation. Year after year a room full of upbeat, motivated, and highly energetic individuals filled the ballroom and facilitated interesting breakout sessions. For ten years, this was an anticipated weekend and I could not wait to attend. Until…
Until I realized that I knew as much, if not more, than 90% of those in attendance.
Until I begin to see through much of the insincere glad-handing that took place during the networking sessions. Until I realized that the majority of those in attendance were not full-time speakers but were “thinking” about making a career change. That is when I decided that it was time to cut loose from the NSA apron strings and start putting my knowledge into practice.
That was over 30 years ago and I am the first to admit that the benefits I gleaned from membership in the National Speakers Association paid dividends over the years. But there came a time for me to stop “cutting bait” and begin doing some serious “fishing.” It was time for me to “put my money where my mouth was.”
And so it is with you, my friends. There is a time for attending conferences. There is a time to take advantage of Fam Trips. There is a time to read, attend supplier zoom meetings, and join proactive social media outlets. There is a time to learn and, sooner or later, there comes a time to start putting your knowledge into practice. There comes a time for you to get up, to get out, and begin making more people know, like and trust you.
This may be a bit of a stretch, but I am reminded of the lyrics from a Byrds song titled Turn, Turn Turn.
To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under heaven
It is the year 2022, and it is the perfect time for you to do what you came to do.
Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club.
*** You want more to think about? Check out my weekly podcast (Mike’d Up Marchev). Also listed on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google, and iHeartRadio.