If by chance you are not creative, or you feel you do not have a creative bone in your body, I am here to tell you that you CAN become creative—if you remove yourself from your current comfort zone.
Yes, I am giving you permission to get up, get out, and make more of the right people glad they know you. For some of you, this will prove to be a real stretch. For others, it will take a certain degree of discipline. For a few, it will be “a piece of cake.”
The first thing you must do is to rid your vocabulary of much of the negative self-talk you are currently feeding yourself. Nothing positive will ever come from you beating yourself up. There truly is no future in it.
Here are a few phrases that need to be exorcised from your current self-talk:
- I’m not a creative person.
- I was taught to follow all the rules.
- It is impolite to ask too many questions.
- I am not different.
- I always stay between the lines.
- There is only one way to get this done.
- I don’t want to appear foolish.
- I want to be practical.
- I must remain serious.
- I don’t want to tarnish my image.
- That’s simply not logical.
- That is not practical.
- It’s never been done before.
- It can’t be done.
- It didn’t work for them, so it won’t work for me.
- That sounds like too much work.
- I can’t afford to make a mistake.
- It will be too hard to administer.
- I don’t have the time.
- I don’t have the money.
- Yes, but…
- Play is frivolous.
- Failure is final.
There probably are more phrases worth eliminating, but I think you are beginning to get my message. I don’t care how you do it, and I don’t particularly care when or why. I am just strongly suggesting that you open yourself up to becoming more creative when it comes to building YOUR business.
In short, I want you to adopt my 12-Word Marketing Plan:
Get up; Get out: And make more people glad they know you.
Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club. mike@mikemarchev.com.
*** You want more to think about? Check out my weekly podcast (Mike’d Up Marchev). Also listed on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google, and iHeartRadio.