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How Your Social Marketing Can Create New Opportunities


Are you getting to hate the word ‘pivot’? Months ago, it sure seemed like the perfect COVID word. Now, it just seems overused! The bottom line is that the word is perfect, yet it’s messaging effect is getting overlooked. What can we do now to “pivot” without calling it pivoting?

Seize Opportunities

We’re all looking for ways to stay connected to the right people and build our future business, yet what opportunities are staring us in the face? Over my time in the travel and tourism world, I’ve been thru deregulation, SARS, the bombings in Bali, the bird flu and of course, 9/11! Each time our savvy industry pivoted and turned these obstacles into opportunities.

Let’s study some opportunities that are presenting themselves in the social marketing arena to discover some tactics that you can use now to build toward the future.


#1: Advertising is A-1

While our ad budgets may be shrinking, it’s time to get serious about getting the most bang for our ad dollars. Don’t leave money on the table. Creating ad audiences that perform is job #1. When you have highly targeted ad audiences you’re paying only for the right people’s attention.

Do this now:

  1. Create custom ad audiences of people who have reacted to your social content most recently. This type of audience will likely reflect people who are ready and willing to travel. Advanced ad audience tips here.
  2. Study your ad audience analytics to determine what type of ad is resonating with your fans.
  3. Do the heavy lifting and ensure your pixel is working. Then study which content is actually driving people to your website. Which landing pages are performing best? Adjust or eliminate content that isn’t performing. More about pixel audience creation here.
  4. Create your ads in Ads Manager, NOT Boost Post! This way you’ll have the option to split test and use Dynamic ads to test which version of ads performs best. Plus, you’ll have more options for timing and placement of your ads.
  5. Get creative! Check out the NEW Facebook Creator Studio to get inspiration and create a new look for your social ads.
  6. Which of your social sites are getting you the most exposure? Take a hard look at your Google Analytics to better understand which social sites drive the most viewers to your website. Armed with this knowledge you’ll know where to focus your time and effort.

In seizing these new opportunities to understand your audiences, you’ll position yourself as the trusted advisor who’s selling dreams and wanderlust… when the time is right.


Create a New Outcome

Back when I worked for a wholesale tour company that focused on Asia, our industry was hit by the triple-whammy of SARS, the bombings in Bali and the Bird Flu. All 3 were specific to Asia, and I saw the writing on the wall. That’s when I took a hard look at what our industry needed and created a new outcome for my career. After some soul-searching I realized that I loved to speak to groups of travel pros and decided that helping them sell and market was a way to re-create my career path.

What can you do to create a new outcome for your business?


#2: Know your Niche

Have you noticed that distilleries are now producing hand sanitizers? Niche specialization and re-invention is everywhere these days.

In our changing world, those specializations have changed to reflect these new times. While I don’t want to use the word pivot here, what can you do to seize the opportunities that are inherent to your niche?

Here’s a fresh take on the possibilities.

Do this now:

  1. Switch up your niche, if needed. How can you tweak your specialty a bit to seize new travel opportunities? How can you be like the distillers who make a new product that’s hiding in plain sight?
  2. Check out the training and opportunities at The Travel Institute. It’s Promote Your Professionalism Month and there are events to help solidify your expertise.
  3. Toot your own horn! That’s right, now’s the time to promote your professionalism and help people understand that you’re an expert in your niche. Try this:
    1. create video
    2. start a podcast
    3. host live broadcasts (team up with a guest with these tips & tools)
    4. host webinars and team up with other experts
    5. create a lead magnet (check out these content ideas)
    6. build a marketing funnel
    7. embrace the e-newsletter (yep, e-mail is alive and flourishing)
      1. Tune in to the video for a way to send emails for FREE thru Facebook.



#3: Know Victory & Defeat

Back in 1910 Teddy Roosevelt was leading a country mired with challenges. Here’s an excerpt from that speech that’s as fitting in 2020 as in 1910.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” – Teddy Roosevelt

While we are challenged by these tumultuous times, we do have options. We can control our attitudes and outcomes. Right now, our goal is to simply discover and provide our fans with a fresh perspective on the possibilities.

Catherine Heeg, International speaker & trainer, focuses on social media marketing strategies for the tourism and hospitality industry. Connect with her at and socially.

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