Getting Your Way: Tell a Story | Travel Research Online


Getting Your Way: Tell a Story

“Tell a story – make a point.”

Little Green Book of Getting Your Way by Jeffrey Gitomer, page 186

I often share my experience of walking on an Alaskan glacier after sharing a breakfast table with an 80-year old gentleman one year after he was taken off a cruise ship with a heart attack on a helicopter. During breakfast, this guy told me that he had to miss the helicopter ride to the glacier the year before after feeling intense chest pains. He was celebrating a family reunion at the time, and his plans went south in a heartbeat, or lack there of.

Click on the book to grab your own copy of "Little Green Book of Getting Your Way"
Click on the book to grab your own copy of “Little Green Book of Getting Your Way”

He went on to tell me that this year he was with his girlfriend, which did nothing but pique my curiosity even more. He was 80-something years old, fresh off a major ailment and sounding like a kid in a candy store preparing to enter glacier land.

This is a true reenactment of an experience I had on an Alaskan-bound cruise ship. Not only did he go to the glacier that day, but I decided to go along, with the “blame” being attributed to his sheer enthusiasm. Up until my shredded wheat and banana, I had no intentions of trekking across the frozen tundra looking like “Nanook from the North.” (I have pictures to prove it.)

Bottom Line: It was worth every penny and I strongly recommend that you, too, visit the glaciers when given even the remotest of opportunities.

Okay. That was recommendation #1. Here is recommendation #2:

“When you go to Alaska, make sure you visit the glacier fields.”

I rest my case. Recommendation #2 is short, concise, and sweet. Recommendation #1 has much more impact and a much better chance for success.

Message: Start practicing and exercising your story-telling abilities.




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