Exploring the Upside of Free Publicity | Travel Research Online


Exploring the Upside of Free Publicity

If you are an honest, hard-working business professional who has more than a modicum of interest in helping others get through another challenging day, then I say it is your obligation to let us know you exist—and that you are here to help us. The secret is: You have to do something. Every business professional knows the value of visibility, consistency, and of eventually being positioned as the go-to resource. I would be preaching to the choir if I began waxing eloquent on any one of these important business truths.


Red dart arrow pining in the target with center of dartboard with yellow dart arrow putting around, competition go-to target and winner-loser business success concept.


But, if these truths are so self-evident, why do so many business professionals fail to get the message? Why does it take an uncanny number of whacks-on-the-head for so many smart people to finally understand that it is okay to spread the good word now and then?

The fact is that during a great portion of our adult lives, we all assume the role of AIS. That is a more polite term for referencing the ever popular and quickly spreading Adult Idiot Syndrome.

Let’s stop shooting ourselves in the foot, starting today. Self-inflicted abuse stops on this page. Allow me to cut to the chase.

PUBLICITY is free and it is a good thing for your business. Go get some. Publicity is not about you or your business. It is all about the reader, listener, viewer or recipient of your release. If you finally find the time to do your business some good at the expense of pushing a pile of papers from point a to position b, then I want you to share some valuable information your clients and prospects might want to hear.

Like how your company has recently announced the time-saving, vacation saving, marriage saving Special Report titled How To Pack For a 2 Week Vacation Without Breaking Your Back or The Bank. (There is not a married man over 30 who will not pay a week’s salary to read these nuggets of interest you clearly inserted into this little jewel.)  


Click Here!


When you introduce new and exciting information that your targeted audience can both identify with and find interest in, you are on to bigger and better things in the business world. You are now becoming the go-to resource. And the secret is to have somebody else sing your praises.

Media experts (distributors of your good work,) will be glad to include you in their programs because you are definitely helping them. And, according to me, that is exactly how the process is supposed to work.

Think of a whole bunch of stuff your audience wants (needs) to know. Remember that “wants-to-know” is more powerful than “needs-to-know.” And, while you are thinking, I suggest that you to begin building your personal media database. This is nothing more than a list of local media contacts along with their address, phone number, email and if you are really getting into this thing, their golfing handicap or favorite TV Show.

Then, begin writing from the heart. Shoot from the hip. Use little words. (But always, always, always be ready to dodge a handful of darts from some professorial guru-types who know the difference between a hanging participle and a gerund requiring a possessive.)


image of mike marchev

Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club, mike@mikemarchev.com.

*** You want more to think about? Check out my weekly podcast (Miked Up Marchev). Also listed on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google, and iHeartRadio.

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