Take More Shots! | Travel Research Online


Take More Shots!

A former National Hockey League All-Star, Wayne Gretzky has been given credit for the phrase, “You miss 100% of the shot’s you don’t take.” This reminder, in and of itself, is quite logical. But if these nine words are not obvious enough, there are more ways to drive home this valuable message.

  1. Using golf as the source: “Never up. Never In.” All putts fail if they do not reach the hole.
  2. Sales: If you don’t ask, you don’t get.
  3. Tom Peters: “In order to strike oil you have to dig a hole.”

There are more examples, but I think you are getting the gist of today’s memo.

Just last week, I heard from an agent who was asked by a prospective client, “Why should I use a travel agent?” Her answer was clear and concise, and caused her to reflect on the need to education today’s consumer.



She wrote to a handful of organizations in her near vicinity offering a travel-related presentation at an upcoming monthly meeting. Within a New York Minute, she was asked by two groups to share her wisdom as it related to booking travel.

For those of you starting to wonder how you can grow your business in the months ahead, I respectfully ask you to read today’s memo from the top. The answer is more simple than simple. DO SOMETHING. Anything. In this case, she wrote a few letters “asking” to be of assistance. It worked. More than once. And it will work again. And again.


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Why more people do not venture out of their comfort zones has much to do with their personal self-confidence. They feel they might be bothering people. They feel they are not smart enough. They feel their competitors have the upper hand. A few even are frightened that their efforts might work… and then what?

Let me remind those of you still reading of something that may sound insensitive or uncaring. So be it. Here goes: “People do not care about you.” Stop flattering yourself. You must do what is necessary to feed your family and help others in need who are receptive to your help. You must allow the others to go their merry way… without the benefit of knowing you.

Let’s bring today’s memo full circle. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” TAKE MORE SHOTS!


A headshot of the author, Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club. mike@mikemarchev.com.

*** You want more to think about? Check out my weekly podcast (Mike’d Up Marchev). Also listed on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google, and iHeartRadio.

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