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November 23, 1859

The Birth of Henry McCarty

On this day in 1859, Henry McCarty was born. He would die a short 21 years later, but by that time most know him as William H. Bonney or, perhaps, Billy the Kid. Although born in New York City, Bonney moved to New Mexico and became a hired gun for cattle interests. During that time, he was involved in the infamous "Lincoln County War" that pitted established businessmen against newcomers. Bonnie killed at least one man and fled under indictment. When the government failed to grant him amnesty as promised, he turned to a life of cattle and horse theft. His youthful appearance soon led to his infamous nickname. When Pat Garrett was elected sherrif of Lincoln County, he vowed to arrest Billy the Kid, who now carried a $500 bounty on this head. Garrett captured Bonnie, but the outlaw escaped, killing several people in the process. Garrett ambushed Bonnie in a friend's home and killed him on July 14th, 1881.

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