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March 14 , 1879

Albert Einstein is Born

Time magazine named him the "Person of the Century". He was a physicist, but his name is known by every common laborer, housewife, and school child. His last name is synonomous with genius. He is Albert Einstein, and he was born on this day in 1879.

He was a promising though not particularly outstanding student. He felt that classical methods of teaching were detrimental to creativity. When 16, he recorded a series of insights he had while imagining traveling alongside a beam of light. He had difficulty finding work in physics, and so took a job in the Swiss patent office.

Einstein's impact on theoretical physics is well known and can hardly be over-stated. His impact on popular culture, however, is equally interesting. His interests ranged from religion and philosophy to politics, and the public's reverence for him often demanded that he speak out on subjects well beyond the sciences. He died at age 76 in 1955.

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