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March 11 , 1942

General MacArthur Leaves the Philippines

It was March 11, 1942. General Douglas MacArthur climbed aboard a gun ship in the Philippines under cover of darkness, and ran a Japanese blockade. Speaking to the press in Adelaide, Australia, MacArthur told reporters, "I came through and I shall return."

Logistical problems had left MacArthur without reinforcements. President Roosevelt, fearing MacArthur would be captured or killed, ordered him to leave. On April 9, some 10,000 American troops surrendered to the Japanese.

MacArthur took command at Allied headquarters in Melbourne. Organizing a series of air and amphibious operations he turned the tide of the war against the Japanese. On October 20, 1944, he waded ashore on Leyte Island to tell the waiting press "I have returned."

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