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February 21, 1965

Malcolm X is assassinated

"I live like a man who is already dead", he said two weeks before his death. "I'm a marked man." On February 21, 1965, assassins from the Black Muslims shot and killed Malcolm X as he was about to address a gathering in New York City. He was 39 years old.

Eighteen months earlier, Malcolm X had been the minister of the Black Muslim's Harlem mosque. Although he had entered fellowship with the Black Muslims after his radicalization brought about by the state of race relations in the United States, his viewpoint had shifted with the growth and deepening of his religious faith. He made the pilgrimage, the Hajj, to Mecca and returned changed. There he saw Muslims of all skin colors and races. He determined to put aside the bigotry and hatred espoused by Elijah Muhammad, the leader of the American Black Muslim movement, known as the Nation of Islam.

His inflammatory rhetoric in his quest for justice for African Americans and his courage in the face of persecution won Malcolm X many admirers and detractors. His collaboration with Alex Haley on The Autobiography of Malcolm X was cut short by his death, but was published a year later. The film Malcolm X was released in 1992.

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