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April 18, 1948

The Republic of Ireland Act

Ireland, oppressed by Great Britain for most of its political existence, was historically gripped by poverty and successive waves of emigration from its shores, largely to the United States. However, by the 1990's Ireland had become one of the strongest and fastest growing economies in the world.

The nation, then known as the Irish Free State, came into existence when twenty-six of the counties of the island of Ireland seceded from the United Kingdom in 1922. The remaining six counties, having a larger Protestant, pro-British or Loyalist population, remained within the United Kingdom as Northern Ireland. For 27 years after that time, however, the King of the United Kingdom continued to exercise formal diplomatic relations on behalf of Ireland. On April 18th, 1949, The Republic of Ireland Act came into full force and in effect declared Ireland a republic, delegating the functions previously exercised by the King of Great Britain to the President of Ireland instead.

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